ZX News #03
28 февраля 1997 |
Letters from readers - The first responses from readers of the Journal: A Novel Rublachenko, Vyacheslav Sadonenko, Impetus Led.
Letters from readers. Despite the fact that our the second issue came out after a huge break, and The third issue is still singing curled rather quickly, we have enough letters to open this Rubria ky. Nasch reader wrote to us: Vyacheslav Sadonenko of Gorlovka: Dear editors of the journal "ZX-NEWS"! Wrote you a fan of Spectrum since 1994. I first stood Cassette "Leningrad-128, but then I sold it and bought "The Pentagon-128" with drive. Recently I bought your representative of a licensed version of the magazine. In general, the magazine I really liked, but there are a few observations: for example, why the license disk is not no brand labels, and why you not carry out any competition for buyers of official versions? Moreover, in Your journal there is no indication licensed sellers, except yours. I believe that official distributors and customers must be maintained, because you yourself is beneficial. In addition, I noticed that you do not log in "NEWS". How so? After all, none e-magazine is complete without news about the programs. Each buyer magazine hopes to see the information about the new games and systems. But in general, as I said, the magazine is good, we would like, what would you have continued its publication. Now we can answer these questions. About the licensed copies of: YOU WHAT! THERE ARE NO licensed copies of the second issue of "ZX-NEWS"! He specifically is free and WE It does not a penny earned. All of his Dealers only pay for postage and, therefore, get a low price. Obviously, you are simply deceived. On the "NEWS". We understand that in the magazine, which goes Nonperiodically and spreads relatively slowly write news does not make sense. For such purposes, there are newspapers that are in and out more often and poregulyarnee and contain information newer. Our same profile: a more profound study of games. Now another letter, this time from ours, Lugansk region, from the city of Severodonetsk from Roman Rublachenko: Hello! Wrote you a big fan of the ZX-SPECTRUM. I "Krasnodar" extended up to 128K and drive of course same. I have it since 1991. I mostly like to play, but also know how to program a bit. And I write to you here on what reason: I copied from your friend Journal ZX-NEWS 2. He left me with a good impression. But that's only in some texts instead of letters, some rubbish. And so very pleased that our Luhansk region got its own electronic magazine. And another thing: in the annex to magazine recorded a game DOOM (analog IBM), Although the magazine did not say about her. My question is: did you write it down and and how you can purchase the full version this game. Sincerely, Roman Rublachenko. Certainly pleased that our magazine is like the people. About trash - it obviously badly copied graphics articles, we do not blame yourself magazine has nothing against the "Krasnodar" of these machines. What about DOOM - I confess, in all my fault, Serge Segal, editor in chief. At the time of issue of the journal in his by mistake I personally forgot to include an article "What awaits you in the annex." By the way, note in this issue of such article should be mandatory! Otherwise designer to strangle me ... Help! ... But I got carried away. A game DOOM, demo version of which was published in the journal can be purchased either from its authors, or in their official distributors. By our data, the game is not released. Coordinates of authors can be found in the intro to the program DOOM playable demo. In addition, we still wrote the famous in hacker circles IMPETUS LED. He supported our idea with the form, fill and send it to us. We, as promised, we will send him and all those who wrote to us, our database as soon as the first version. Now, an excerpt from his letter: Your magazine pinned me to the simplicity design, and nothing! A few words, so say, in the light: Now the mass of computer magazines, but very few good, quality. Do not want to blame anyone, but Spectrofon and ZX-Format I personally do not like. And my journal I do with a soul and if I had a little more time, then he would have been even steeper. Waiting for the first edition of this encyclopedia, hope to send, and if you do not have FAULTLESS 5, write, and I will send, and if there is some hidden keys: the application, click the "I". I would like to note that the font in the RUFF ' REDDY demo mine, and not Serge Segal'a as written there. For the first time the font used in the LASER SQUAD (covox), so that do not FONTED BY ... Sincerely IMPL / RFG '97 Comments. First, our journal designed not so easy (especially This third issue :-)). Second, will Encyclopedia of you will ... chachlik of you will (just kidding, do not get wrong) Thirdly, thanks for hidden keys. Fourth, the font in the RUFF and REDDY All the same, my painted I had a very long time, and this intro shoved just because its similarity to the type of LASER SQUAD. What would, so to speak, and the effect is similar and shriftets, and toy like, too ... (;-)) On this review of our mail ends. The remaining letters, we also all have read, but we will not publish - we are there too much praise, yet decides to somebody that we have written them yourself :-). Mail deciphered: Serge Segal of "Crystal Dream" ____________________________________
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