Miracle #03
16 июля 1999

From the Editor - in this issue: Content.

<b>From the Editor</b> - in this issue: Content.
          OUR MENU:


   1.1 Introduction

   (Information about the authors of the journal, the 
coordinates    coordinates and short introduction);

   1.2 Management of the shell

   (Course for Young Amateurs);

   1.3 Letters from readers

   (Publication of letters have come, as well as

   answers to them);

   1.4 In this issue

   (Guess from three times);


  2.1 Robo-komix game

  (Some background to the levels);

  2.2 Townships

  (Information on this long-acclaimed


  2.3 1912 Mystery Books

  (Small infoshka and a bunch of screenshots);

  2.4 Chip'n'Dale

  (A few words about the upcoming vyho
  between the game);

  2.5 Navigator

  (Amazing story);

  2.6 World of Darkness

  (Description of a new real-time strategy);

3. Rattles:

   3.1 Igrofiliya

   (Fresh and not very good, but savory beetles);

 3.2. Crematorium:

   3.21 Stalker

   (Description of all subjects);

   3.22 Country myths

   (Tips & spices);


   (Information for beginners as well as

   some artful misrepresent, which

   You can crank the mail);

5. Who's there KODIT?

   5.1 Fast Graphics

   (Several recipes from Zetter'a);

   5.2 Packer'y and Depacker'y

   (The whole truth about the packer or razgla
   golstvovaniya Sir Kot'a);


   5.31 All the mod files

   (Full description of the structure of mod-file

   as well as a description of all effects);

   5.32 Ms-Dos Floppy

   (Description of the structure of Ms-Dos disk);

   5.4 Chanky flame

   (Description of the algorithm chankovogo fire);

   5.5 Attribute bump mapping

   (Bump mapping for those who have not entered);

   5.6 Guru meditation

   (Tips and Tricks in coding);

   5.7 Approximate retrieval of data

   (Pretty smart data mining);

   5.8 Fast 42 print

   (Fast how to print 42 characters

   in a row);


   6.1 KidSoft'98

   (Report from Voronezh Festival);

   6.2 EarthQuake'99

   (Report from the Chelyabinsk Festival);

7. Myself:

   1.7 128 colors at Spectrum'e

   (Revised scheme of up to 128 colors from

   the Donetsk group Spark);

   7.2 Kettle

   (Connection to General Sound Profi

   through the system connector);

   7.3 Uninterruptible power supplies

   (Information about UPS-technologies);

   7.4 General Sound Filter

   (A story about the new gadgets to GS);

 7.5. Mopeds:

   7.51 Scheme, the scheme!

   (Schemes G. Shepeleva and M. Kondratiev);

   7.52 Command

   (Description of the command terminal);

   7.53 Total modemizatsiya

   (Call for connecting momedov);

8. System Software:

   8.1 FastCopy 3.0

   (Full description tricked out turbo

   8.2 Pro Tracker bugs!

   (More glyuchkov in ProTracker'ah);

   8.3 Pro Tracker 3.4 final

   (Presentation of a new remix of itself

9. NEWS:

   9.1 Chelyabinsk


   9.2 Omsk


   9.3 Kaliningrad



   10.1 Electronic music (2 parts);

   (Dj.Ironman talks about the techno);

   10.2 Internet music-sites

   (Heap address where you can learn new

   about electronic music);

   3.10 Addiction XX

   (The bike from Dj.Ironman 'a);

11. A quarter to four

   (The story of everyday life from



   1.12 Odor in and around

   (Funny story from the magazine PTUCH);

   2.12 Perdmen

   (Damning story of all of the same


   3.12 Wick

   (Nekolko scripts from the newsreel


   12.4 Halo

   (End of the story published

   In the second room);

13. Proclamation (in two parts)

   (Advertising - motor trade ...).



        . Protection of disk tool, based on an analysis bolshins
        Twas the existing policy of protection and antizaschit;

        . Description of the coding techniques based on the dem 
and games; 

        . Cunnings writing shell Miracle # 03;

        . Various news from around the globe;

        . Finding the shortest path to the object, the method 
of the beam; 

        . Reviews of the game and system software;

        . Interviews with famous people Chelyabinsk;

        . News from our friends;

        . Dj.Ironman continues to acquaint you with the 
technical          What the music;

        . As always heaps jokes!


        . Chip'n'Dale demo version

        . World of Darkness demo version

     Well, a lot of everything else!

    Finally I would like to wish you
read _vse! _ articles in the room, because
all of them, regardless of the fact, rather
interesting. Vobschem sit in more comfortable in front of video 
monitors (TV) Open a bottle of good old beer

(Milk, yogurt, gin - underline) and enjoy the magazine, savoring
down to the smallest detail.

Other articles:

From the Editor - Preface: For what purpose we are releasing the magazine?

From the Editor - shell: a description of a new obolchka to the magazine.

From the Editor - a letter to the journal: Dr.Sioux / Phantom Family, Fistsoft, Mr.Z / HardWave, Kurov N., Eagle / Computer Ratz Group, Rom Corp / Virtual Vision Group.

From the Editor - in this issue: Content.

Project of the Year - presentation version of the game of Robo KT-soft/ETC.

Project of the Year - a presentation of the game from a group of Spark: Townships.

Project of the Year - a presentation of the game "12 secret book."

Project of the Year - a few words about the upcoming game, Chip & Dale.

Project of the Year - an amazing story to the game "Navigator".

Project of the Year - World of Darkness: a description of a new real-time strategy.

Rattles - Fresh or not, but savory cheats.

Rattles - Crematorium: STALKER game - a description of all items.

Rattles - Crematorium: Country Myths - Tips specials.

SWAP'A Basics - information for beginners as well as a few sly misrepresent, which You can crank the mail.

kodit Who's there? - Quick graphics: a few recipes from Zetter'a (print sprites, update the screen).

kodit Who's there? - Packer'y and Depacker'y: the truth about the packer or the ranting of Sir Kot'a.

kodit Who's there? - Working with MS-DOS: All about the mod files - a full description of the structure of mod-file, as well as a description of all effects.

kodit Who's there? - Working with MS-DOS: Ms-Dos floppy disk - a description of the structure of Ms-Dos disk.

kodit Who's there? - Chanky flame: a description of the algorithm chankovogo fire.

kodit Who's there? - Attribute bump mapping: bump mapping for those who have not entered.

kodit Who's there? - Guru meditates: optimization programs for execution time and size.

kodit Who's there? - An approximate search for a given sequence of bytes!

kodit Who's there? - Fast 42 print: fast how to print 42 characters in a row.

Party zone - KidSoft'98: a report from the Voronezh Festival of Computer Art.

Party zone - EarthQuake'99: a report from the Chelyabinsk festival of computer art.

Myself - 128 colors on the Spectrum: Revised scheme of up to 128 colors from the Donetsk group Spark.

Myself - Kettle: Connection General Sound to Profi through the system connector.

Myself - Uninterruptible Power Supplies: UPS-information technology.

Myself - General Sound Filter: story of the new gadgets to the GS.

Myself - Modems: Diagrams, charts! Scheme G. Shepeleva Kondratiev and M. Hayes modem connection.

Myself - Modems: Command - Command terminal.

Myself - Modems: Total modemizatsiya - a call to connect momedov.

System Software - FastCopy 3.0: a complete description of tricked out turbo-copyist.

System Software - Pro Tracker bugs! Several glyuchkov in ProTracker'ah.

System Software - Pro Tracker 3.4 final presentation remix Pro Tracker from Samara.

News - Chelyabinsk: X-Raizor returned to the Spectrum, Wocen wrote boot, Blade otdahyet, Steelzer joined Triumph, Crite completed the alpha version of the "World of Darkness", Bytic bought GS, Edison makes the site, Ironman wants to buy Spectrum.

News - Omsk: full staff and are expected products from a group of U98.

News - Kaliningrad: The loud death or Spectrum quiet life in Kaliningrad.

Techno-nature - Electronic music: Dj.Ironman talks about technology (Part 1).

Techno-nature - Electronic music: Dj.Ironman talks about technology (part 2).

Techno-nature - Internet music-sites: a lot of addresses where you can learn new about electronic music.

Techno-nature - Addiction XX: bike from Dj.Ironman 'as well.

a quarter to four - the story of everyday life from the X-Raizor'a.

Room with laughter - smells in and around: funny story from the magazine PTUCH.

Room with laughter - Perdmen: damning story of all of the same PTYuCh'a.

Room with laughter - Wick: nekolko scenarios from the film chronicles the wick.

Room with laughter - Halo: The end of the story published in the second room.

Proclamation - advertisements and announcements about finding friends on the Spectrum.

Proclamation - advertisements and announcements about finding friends on the Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Tips - What if the disk has fallen into the toilet, or been exposed to the equivalent test?.

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