RUSH #01
29 мая 1999 |
Virtual Speccy - The emulator of CodeBusters on the Amiga.
Opinions on the emulator ZX-Spectrum of CodeBusters. RUSH> Not so long ago on the stage started rapidly spread rumors about the appearance of Amiga emulator for the new ZX-Spectrum of CodeBusters. Its main advantage, no doubt - full emulation Pentagon'a, including the tracking scan etc. unimportant nuances. In addition - Support TR-dos. It is difficult to overestimate the occurrence of such programs for both amizhnikov, and for spektrunistov. And albeit it is only the first version, in which not all smoothly, it is a great step forward. We look forward to hearing from RST # 7 and MaxI The following version, and so far, eyes, Grunge, hunt in fido, can contemplate erupted there is debate on this about ... Vladimir Bogdanovitch (2:5090 / 31.7) In large cities, the Amiga can be found look if you want the quality of emulation. It should however note a version number of the emulator - just 0.18b. With this issue of quality is very decent. John Stuner and Denis Sotchenko: DS> Who else can not kursah - nA aminete lies CBSpeccy 0.18b. JS>> buggy he kakoy something to sravneniyu with the previous one. Zagruzkoy hobeta polzovatsya general nevozmozhno.A of bag when leaving the emulation, which is HOW they say boosters, fixed a - in my opinion, it appeared naoborot Vraki and pAklep:)) Chasing this emulsion chasa 3 and reconcile glitches. Zamechu that chases together and with others software. Constantly hang Opus4.12, Magellan, Spot. Were zagruzheny ADpro2.5, PPaint7.0. Sometime zagruzhayutsya GoldEd and TrapDoor. Of fines do not upominayu. In samom emulsion revised kucha igruh: HOW . Trd, tak, and # $, NO PROBLEM! :)) More fact: This emulsion has mega ruleznaya shtuka. Podderzhka mouse, a lot of standartov, nA fly You can view dzhoystika change. A seychas Proper general:) Zagruzil hit N1 seychas nA ZX - "Kolobok ZOOMII" - super. You're it pisyavyh emulsion not nablyudal? And do not nado - MEGA SUXX. Rvanye to scroll, glitches and other pisyavye pribambasy. In CBSpeccy 0.18b - MEGA RULEZZ! Straight rial Speck - 50 fps, and Other dela. In a word CBSpeccy 0.18b - THE BEST! The only thing that udalos - normalno in Quadrax + poigratsya. When you press 2 klavish "Leming" has up zalezat, a not wanted, a must: (( Alex Baskakov (2:5025 / 38.49) and Denis Sotchenko (2:5020 / 1301.70) DS> CBSpeccy for almost full emulation Pentagon missing 030/50. Until fairly complete need semulit curb and do a bit better AY. In my estimation, this will increase requirements for the CPU times in half. Multicolor already working perfectly, but for non-Pentagonovyh dem can manually adjust the time of arrival relative to the beam INTa on the screen. Krome CBSpeccy (it was written Rst7), to 68030/50 exactly the same DS> works perfectly emulator NES (written Titus). Well, NES semulit more complicated to put it mildly. Well, do not need people here to breed. Semulit border - is nearly twice the increase of screen memory. A simulation AY there rumored to be the most otvratitelnaya.Da and Titus did not make the emulator speka.Emulyator like Yudinovskogo possible only on PPC. And you zsnes0.8-Emulator SNES - Super Nintendo saw the PC? That's zhe.60 frames of sixty + 100% sound on the P166. Misha Pertsovsky (2:5030 / 727.47) and Anton Noginov (2:5020 / 1605.667) AN> Allow me a little poernichat: Gentlemen, you think: to realize Spectrum at _maksimum_ 7 MHz, let's say, version of the Profi even at 4 Mb, need a minimum of (!) 16 Mb RAM and P166MMX (!!!) IMHO, everything is fine, because it is not about conversion program ZX in the program on a PC (N / n refer to AY -> n / n refer to SB, n / n multiplication -> acc. team), and _programmnom Emulation of zheleza_ (Ports, processor, screen, etc.), which more precisely, the brake, by definition, : ( AN> Or Intel - so miserable processor, or I do not know that .... Sorry, but rather the second .. Denis Sotchenko and the Wolf / eTc SP>> 2CBSpeccy/AMIGA user's: HOW unto you Kempston maus? It was very convenient chitat this gazetu, razvalivshis in a chair with myshoy in his hand:) W: There is nothing even skazat.Vse see the same people, on the Amiga Kempston mouse handy! Not that We, on the PC. DS: The Mouse CBSpeccy, by the way, honest 50 fps gives ;-) Plavnenko-plavnenko so rides, as a native (which is "passive":) It seems that ECS is not so smoothly: Crazy DMC and John Stunner: CD>> p.S. Kstati, nA demo Refresh bit pritormazhival ... But, I dumayu, it is only nA ECS chipset ... HOW nA AGA?! Muzyka without igraet brakes? JS>> Idealno. HOW it should be nA neturbirovannom pentagone;) No, well I'm in-principle, satisfied, and such work ... At ECS only interlaced effects of fall, and everything beam ... Even multicolor. Well, here's an example, when a person has clearly bent, praising the emulsion to extent that it almost better than real Speccy 8-) Sergey Pisarev and DmItRy MaRsUdInOv: I have pisAl that nA AGA all RULEZZ. More Moreover, I sravnival with raznymi pisyukami \ pEntyuyami. 030 and AGA delaet MMX and 4 mb video karty and pisyavye emulsion ZX. Dazhe zagruzki faster. Testiroval many games that proletayut to echo ZXSpectrum. Only nedostatok, kotoryy meshaet me - kachestvo zvuka \ music. As a possible primera about ruleznosti CBSpeccy I skazat: 1) Podderzhka heap formatov. 2) Udobnaya rabota and interface. 3) Fast and nadezhno. 4) Podderzhka ANY video modes in the including PAL. Pisyavye emulsion PAL podderzhivayut? A is the native mode for Cpekka. It is in pale he looks better, a no nA svga monitorah. Although I yuzayu in MULTISCAN in 640 * 480: tak dazhe better than nA realnom Specchia. Ha 15-inch SyncMaster15GLi kartinka just superb. But in all Kolobka ravno nA TV-monitor igrayu. For ZX = PAL. Ponimaesh, I easily AMIGA from svga monitora to TV perepodklyuchayu. 5 sec. Pizi nick see wretched kvadratichnuyu kartinku with m $-dos, or wndz staring out the window. One pizi-emulyatorschik of ZX.SPECTRUM napisal: Ha tualetnoy bumage kachestvo better than ekrana ZX ". IDIOT! Ha its pisyavom ekrane. Kogda I podklyuchayu AMIGA to TV-monitor and zagruzhaya Kolobka2, I see klassnuyu tsvetastuyu not clearly kvadratichnuyu kartinku ZX ekrana. Yes, and 50fps in pridachu. 5) Mega ruleznaya mouse. 6) Mega ruleznaya rabota dzhoystika. Switching nA fly. 7) Mega ruleznaya klava. Better than nA realnom Specchia. Besides, I can zamenit, raspolozhenie klavish - HOW you want. 8) Realny multikollor 9) Realny ekran Pentagona. 10) Pabota with emulsion through AMIGA DOS. That's naiglavneyshy plus. Pabotat sredstvami m $-dos \ wndz - this is for me kAshmar. Only in a case of kraynih. Hvatit? It tak, nA vskidku. Hazovi though a "+" pisyavyh emulsion all together against one CBSpessy. AY - not nazyvay, it tak all znayut. Although not zabyvay, emulsion improved. I bet in 060 version of AY realnogo not tell. RUSH> Let there be no less vurtualny Spectrum real than real! :-)
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