RUSH #01
29 мая 1999 |
Virtual Speccy - Emulators ZX-SPECTRUM on the PC: Where to get the latest FAQ on emulating ZX-Spectrum, What Emulators are most useful - an emulator Luntera, UKV v1.2, Shalaev. What kind of files with the extension *. $ b, *. $ c, *. $ s, *. $ z, *. $ w? How to read format "hobeta". How and in what emulator You can work in the iS-DOS. Convert files. Z80 to. $ and vice versa. Files with the extension. Fdi. Problems with the emulator UKV. How to get a clean disk image file (. Trd) Emulator Shalaev. Is there a Russian ZX-oriented FTP or WWW server? Hobeta refuses to read / write drives 3.5 "- what to do?
ZX-Spectrum emulation on the PC. Questions and answers. RUSH> Even got hold in their hands powerful and Dear Amiga and PC, many do not want to part with her beloved Speccy, even virtual - to emulate in one way or another emulator. Several articles in this issue "RUsH" is dedicated to this issue - material from Slider'a tells reverse conversion emulator files Real Spectrum, but in this article collected Grunge'm may help to understand the various aspects using an emulator on a platform of PC. Grunge> We can say that access to the PC now there is almost every second. Quite likely that you can be ranked such. So, let's work on you spent hours at the PC and sometimes you there is free time in sygranut Quake, but, nevertheless, would you prefer native Kolobok Zoom 2 ;-) Or you I want to do a little gift to a friend - spektrumistu old, falling to pisyuk Several years ago, but still remembers the Elite at Speccy. In short, situations where have juzat virtual Speck may be set. In this case, you may some problems to solve which, I hope you can help with nizheprivodyaschegosya FAQ'a of fidoshnoy Conference ZX.SPECTRUM. Revision of May 26, 1998. Where to get the latest FAQ on emulating ZX-Spectrum? A: This FAQ is always available at ZX_Server Sending a letter to the address netmeylom 2:465 / 98.17 @ fidonet, in the name of 'ZX_Server' (Without quotation marks), writing in the field% subj% % HELP or% LIST - you get help information on a server or a list of available topics, respectively. On all matters about ZX_Server'a contact Tim Kelly (2:465 / 157.15). A: Arseniy Astapenko ( Yes, on an Internet because there are facts! index.html IG: I checked just now. Indeed there is. :) Only the speed ... z-z-z ... Yes, and the authorship is specified, yes a trifle. :) What Sinclair emulators are the most convenient and to which you can get the toys? A: Easy-dostatochnoskolzky question ... And the most popular among the people emulators support the TR-DOS: - Emulator Luntera adapted for with TR-DOS; (Imho, one of the first emulators working with this OS) - Emulator UKV v1.2 (also works with real mp-dosnymi Floppy); (Dignity which is the presence built-in debugger, plus a fairly broad support for non-standard formats mp-dosa) - Emulator Shalaev (open floppy image). (Well, this - still the leader among emulators, it does not require powerful computer to run) In the last have appeared quite escheneskolko original emulators (like our sponsors and foreign), a pleasant surprise became their support Scorpion256, Pentagon128 However, they are popular enough yet steel, because they require no less than pentium to complete the work. However someone like. ;) Incidentally, the author Nikolay Shalaev has fidoshny address, and even /;) / read echo ZX.SPECTRUM. Its address is - 2:5020 / 378.40 A: (Michael Markowsky, 2:5020 / 378): Nicholas now ekhi not read. Contact it is possible to e-mail: Or continue to write / 378.40-I Ytrac forwards on e-mail through the gate 5020/128. What kind of files with the extension *. $ b, *. $ c? A: Hobetny fail.To is Fail, the copied program hobeta of tr-dosnoy diskettes. The letter usually indicates membership to any type. (. $ W-text format sinklerovskogo ZX-Word,. $ s - Image for skrinprintera ...) The expansion can in principle be lyubym.Eto depends on the authors' program, which uses these files. A: (Michael Kondratyev2: 5030/362.1) His (hobetnogo file) structure: The first 13 bytes - replica trdosnogo zagolovka.Dalee two bytes in length - in the sectors; as it is a multiple 256, then the first is always zero, and the second number sectors. And the last two bytes - this is checksum. She said simply - summarizes all the previous 15 bytes, the number of multiplied by 257 and added to the sum chisel_ot_0_do_14 ie 105. Here protsedurka on Z80 Asm: , The input de = address header ld hl, 0 ld b, 15 m1: ld a, (de) add a, l ld l, a jr nc, m2 inc h m2: inc de djnz m1 add a, h ld h, a ld c, 105 add hl, bc; hl = Hobeta sum Extension. $ Z A: Hobetny Fail, packed on the Spectrum program zxzip (by Michael Kondratyev), became a de facto official runtime packer programs for the ZX. To unpack the necessary zxunzip. The author still wrote zxunzip for IBM. Analogue zxzip at IBM are, but in slo form. How to read format <hobeta>? A: Dmitry Grigoryev (2:5020 / 689.31): So. There are one or more files with the extension. $? As they run, depends from an existing emulator anyway supporting TRDOS format (Format, similar. z80 or. tap will not help - now, most programs have podzagruzki, tap into their machines than perevedesh) Suppose the file name - online80. $ B ;-) Option 1.Nuzhen emulator Z80TRDOSn Utilities hobeta and hofrmt. 1) Get a floppy disk, insert it in the drive A and format it: hofrmt a: / 80d 2) Run hobeta - copy online80. $ B on this disk pressing F5. 3) Run z80trdos. 4) In the menu that appears, select the item TR-DOS and type RUN "ONLINE80" Note: to work with 3 "wheels are needed Special versions of the utilities. Option 2.Nuzhen emulator Shalaev and utility zcop. 1) Create a disk image and copy it prog: zcop trdos.trd online80. $ b 2) Run the emulator with "stuck" way: spectrum trdos.trd [Or in an emulator on the F5 after launch make choices disk image: IG] 3) Click "Start Emulator" 4) Similarly, p.4 option 1 Option 3. Need a emulator UKV and utility zcop version higher than 1.0 1) Create a disk image and copy it prog: zcop-f trdos.fdi online80. $ b 2) Run the emulator with "stuck" to read: sp_emu-vatrdos.fdi 3) Similarly, Track 1 p.4 If multiple files, copy them all and in a logical order: ( [But not always, it is necessary parameter: IG:)] As in any emulator can run in iS-DOS? A: (Roman Alexandrov, 2:5030 / 446.11): 1) The method is the easiest and brake: You take UKV and work with a real disc. Advantages: easy. Disadvantages: brake, a new (startup) disc is not formatted, with (at) sput-Dos (MS-Dos) not rewrite. 2) Method of advanced (published by Igor Gruzdev): You take UKV, Natural Ex-Dosny drive (as drive A, for example) and empty FDI (as a disk in, for example) Gruzishsya by create FDI nezagruzochny 640-Kbyte ROM Ex-Dos, rewrite it what you want with a real disk. After that, configure the system as you need (drivers, tables, electric drives, rezedenty etc. fold in the Z80 (by the way, image files of the system is-dos.sys and file an electronic image Disk image.sys or image.img on FDI is not necessary to copy disk-it is still not bootable and place of escape). Next, write batch file for this whole affair, so that when start UKV shipped Z80 and connected FDI. Advantages: Fast working Disadvantages: requires advance preparation, you can not work with MS-DOS and real Tr-Dos Disk 3) Method rulezny: You take an emulator Scorpio (From MOA). With this program, ANADISK dump Ex-Dosnogo drive, shove it in the emulator (it is in his perekonvertit own format FDD). If necessary, turn on emulation of the hard drive and create a on him the right amount of Ex-Dosnyh partition size you want. Ability to work from Ex-Dos with images of sput-Dos disks were not tested, but IMHO it should work. Advantages: there Disadvantages: no possibility to work with natural drives 4) to the sequence described in Section 2, envelopes FDI in TRD and run the entire structure of the Z80, TRD an emulator Shalaev (using Z80.add) Advantages: The obvious for those who love Shalaevskii emulsion more UKV. Disadvantages: they are assumed to be the same as in p.2, plus the lack of debugger and work with the real disks. A: (Vladimir Frunze, 2:469 / 32.7) I have all the easier - run makefdi.exe -C-d isdos.fdi and telemarket! With a key-d (detailed analyses) drive successfully created without-d - no. / IG: I could not get it to pass. : (Continuing swears to the disk error / Conversion of files. Z80 in. $ * And back A: Recently, it has now a programm: unZ80 v0.1b (c) 1998 by HalfElf Envelopes Z80 into a set of files format Hobeta. She came to echo zx.spectrum. With its help and a few gestures can be skonvertit. z80 in hobetu. Or use nizhenapisannym and work by hand. ;) A: (Vyacheslav Mednonogov, 2:5030 / 461.12): Fast conversion. Z80 format magikfayla done as follows: -Download UKV 1.x -Press ESC -Select the type of snapshot = z80 (in the first menu) -Download snapshot name.z80 (in the same menu) -Press F9 to continue work emulator -Press F10 (analog buttons magic) -All (Also add: if you want skonvertit at. z80 in particular, after loading UKV 1.x and run it (with a floppy or image disc) of the desired program, made a similar sequence, only after you select such as snapshot and enter the name you want save ego.Takzhe save snapshot and allows the emulator Luntera. But for converting hobeta-.z80 need version Lunterovskogo emulator with support for TR-DOS.) Fail with the extension. Fdi A: The image of tr-dosnogo disk format emulation UKV. Working with him can be just as and. trd with zcop v1.2. Also there is a utility from Mikhail Kondratyev fdi2trd, designed to convert from one disk image to another. Problems with the emulator UKV Q: The emulator UKV (runs fail is name sp_emu) to a floppy disk in the drive swear, saying, no disk, although hobeta sees fine ... A: (Ilya Vasilyev 2:5030 / 461.22) Just fast wheelbarrows to be UKV do delay for promotion drive, ie ought to let him with a key-d (and here one must plunge a number from 1 to 255 - the time delays); For example on the P133 UKV-ha runs only c small key-d255: sp_emu.exe-d255 Another problem might be wIN95, this mazday monitors all direct appeals to the drives (even if it is not loaded, then these functions it performs for dos7.0, which puts in place the above mazday other) Sometimes it helps this version: loaded from the disk on which you installed system from dos 6.22, or m, completely bypassing the All config-u and startuesh subj with key -D (cm.vyshe). How to get a clean image of a disk fail (. Trd) Emulator Shalaeva? A: to use zcop (Rick Murrey). Launched with the name of a nonexistent file (*) image Disk creates ego.Dalee can simply copy and paste this fail. Also there is little files of Mikhail Kondratyev ( which is designed to format disk image. We have the emulator Shalaev, clean image Disk (. trd), how do I write hobetny Fail? A: to use it zcop.A-zcop name.trd 1. $ C 2. $ C ... Where name.trd - (*) filename disk image. 1. $ C hobetnyh names of files. Is there a utility that makes opposite effect: highlights from the *. trd Files *. $ b *. $ c, etc. ? A: Use zcop. zcop name.trd pulls out all the files from the disk image (*) in the current directory. Although you can go the other by: dump the disk image emulator (to 4.2 it was possible ...) to otformachennuyu under tr-dos 5'25 drive on the right hobetoy copy the files to ms-dos A: Regarding the last three questions: recently passed by echo ZX.Spectrum enough variety zx-ibm-shells, list them all unnecessary, especially because basically it beta version, but nevertheless treat hobetnye files. trd can be very large number of ways. In August 1996, in St. Petersburg was Enlight'96 - tusovka demomeykerov. For the first time it was presented spekrumovskaya platform. The results shocked the world. But where you can take all the work, participated in the zx-compo? It is desirable to internet server ... A: (Peter Sobolev 2:5030 / 84) All releases are on Results and other information we find on Is there a rossiyisky ZX Oriented FTP or WWW server? A: (Sergei Novikov 2:5020 / 689.1; Dmitry Grigoryev 2:5020 / 689.31) / ~ fantom / museum / zx / urlchik ftpeshnika Belarusian ZXNet, I was asked: URL: A: (Alexey Ivanov 2:5020 / 689.100): ~ recalder / spectrum / ~ fatality ~ liroy / IG: separately ehokonferentsii often runs a full plate, in which collected FTP, dedicated Spectrum / Are there any failehi, devoted to the ZX-Spectrum? A: Yes. This faileha SPECTRUM. Moderator it is Nicolas Rodionov (2:5030 / 25.0) Common in St. Petersburg, Moscow and more in several regions. A: ( there's a lot of questions about Fahey for Spectrum, well, so here I am ready to bestow you! After long and persistent search, I found the FTP, which stores a lot of PEC, including SPECTRUM, here it is: *.* I can not read hobetoy none Spectrum ROM. : (HELP ME! A: Well, what can I say ... Multicard at IBM is not perfect. Recommendations following, to use FUT (this on Speccy), not formatted in a fast, in turbo.Ili mozhno DCU 2.32.Est opportunity also drives a tr-dos format on IBM hoformat'om. If this does not help, try seal at 5'25 diskette half of the index openings. In some cases, helps. Kto anything to the PC hem Spectrum flopak at 5.25? And he (infection) 800 kills, hence the difficulties with podklyucheniem.Esli Who knows how, please describe the process in detail. A: (Evgeny Milun 2:5057 / 18.73) To 720-th flopovod normally earned at IBM, the first thing to unhook the 2 nd leg Second - to return the jumper to normal state, such as they were on the ZX. Third - in some bios, put: "5'25 drive 1.2Mb". HoBeta refuses to read / write CDs 3.5 ". What to do? A: (Danil Ermakoff 2:5080 / 43.30) Indeed, at the whim of the author, HoBeta can not work with disks 3.5.K Fortunately, This problem is solvable: just replace one byte, so: HoBeta v2.15 nepakovannaya length - 48014. On bias # 0000B7C2 replace # 01 to # 04, and all! For normal operation HoBet'y drives on Speccy must be formatted programs DCU 2.32, FUT, or similar, but not dosovskoy team format "xxxxxxxx"! / P.S. real Speccy rulez 4e \ / er! RUSH> Dear readers, if you have own observations on this issue, we will be glad to publish them on the pages "RUsH". This theme will undoubtedly remain relevant in the future, so as Virtual Spectrum every day becoming more and look into All new emulators and formats - all complicated.
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