RUSH #01
29 мая 1999

Stsenohroniya - tenacious Spectrum: Spectrum of roads, most of us. Why?

<b>Stsenohroniya</b> - tenacious Spectrum: Spectrum of roads, most of us.

    Spectrum of roads, most of us.
Why? Just as the only
opportunity to engage in creative work based on
their capabilities?

    Next, we will publish on this subject
Article Andrew Savicheva, who will share
with us their own opinions about
values ​​and future development of the Speccy.
I am glad that there are people who are so
ardent supporters of such a small and
immortal platform as our ZX! C
such "fighters for the cause of Spectrum, you can
no doubt the veracity of the slogan
"Speccy alive forever !"... :-)


    Actually, I think I know
which explains the phenomenon of the Spectrum:) Who
chased pisi - he lost because
that invest so much money and so
effectively given a few. In the end,
all those who gave chase after them or crush them
or they themselves will be crushed. Spectrum for nothing
Who does not Gonet. He "takes the other." Being
as if the antipode pisi, it serves as a bulwark
for everyone with a brushed this
"Mare with donors! And why not
Amiga, BC or Apple? And because, first,
Zilog that barely kept afloat precisely because
by z80:), and is thus hardly sells it!
Turned out to be a "perennial
melkoprotsessor "to the same people," specifically
have fun watching "the diversity of its teams.
For coders - is the "promised land":)
For hardmeykerov - the only thing
they can develop. That is
Spektrumlend to these "three pillars": the full
freedom for users, and hardmeykerov
softmeykerov. Nor those of any other, nor
the third is nothing "does not bother."

    This is the biggest advantage
Spectrum $ $ to $ IBM PC. $ Poetsomu $ I
popyatalhya $ $ $ htatyu start with "chelozhecheskogo
fdktora. "Lu $ and $ a" continuation "of course
will be $ rassmotsfenya $ $ $ differing approaches to
expansion architecture, beginning with attempts to
Sir Clive himself and ending with our
Russian experience. I liked very
article in Nikron # 106, which states
that most spektrumistov
rely on very gradually, without
jumps, the evolution of the Spectrum. Most
importantly, that there is no "price hikes." If
Pentagon128 selling handheld for $ 100,
then no new Spectrum should not be
"Off-scale" IMHO for $ 1000. Now
average wages in Russia in
1500-1700 rubles (ie, the situation is much
worse than in 1993, as prices
food and other goods
significantly higher and "other goods and
services ", there is very little money).

    If the Spectrum will be acquired in
1000 times more intense than it is now (well, and
where to get the same poor firms, when
will "die" of their old, now at
Lada breathable 286/386 pisishki which
these small, poor firms mostly
used: to get under Section
Property in 90-93 years. (years 3-4,
and the current situation in Russia is even more
will worsen this year and Russia from the crisis
do not get the next 10 years: (- it
will pohlesche Great American
Depression 30-ies of XX century, if the
authorities have not come far right (military
or gangsters), they did not stay).
Pisi "on Pentium remain at all
these years the platform for 5%
population and only 15-30% of small private
companies that provide
most of the jobs associated with
computers. I prophesy: ​​Spectrum waiting
new, unprecedented rise in Russia:)

    All that we ourselves for that now
should be done - it's slightly modify
architecture (slightly expanded schedule
slightly increase the performance of
system and to improve input / output
(Modems)) and write a qualitative and
diverse soft, slow, but not
bias by expanding the ranks of our users! We
sozhrem these mastodons, as a tireless,
ubiquitous ants as barbarians ate
Rome:) And we must be prepared for this
great historic mission: revive
and purification of the Great of Russia through the Spectrum.
Better developed millions of Spectrum
Russian than a handful of dopey
virtual reality of alien cultures and
corrupted by using the 0.0 ... 001%
actual capabilities of its Pentium> II,
fattened "new Russian". For
Spectrum keyboard are the most
committed in the Universe "neurocomputers"
:) The viability of the platform is determined by
creative and intellectual baggage of its
supporters! Glory to the Spectrum, not having
boundaries in space and time! :))

               Sincerely, Andrew Savichev

Other articles:

AMIGA NEWS - AMIGA OS v3.5 - questions and answers.

AMIGA NEWS - Description of image file viewer - Fast JPEG.

AMIGA NEWS - Programming on the Amiga: Amiga On the inside, Graphics coprocessors Features assembler.

AMIGA NEWS - Events of 1998 (summary of events).

AMIGA NEWS - Cheat'y For Amiga-games: After The War, Magicland Dizzy, Fantasy World Dizzy, Alien Breed, Exolon, Jagar Zj2200, Goblins, Mega Ball, Prince Of Persia, Projects-x, UGH!, Rick Dangerous-2.

AMIGA NEWS - Amiga GFX-chip Permedia2.

AMIGA NEWS - Amiga today.

Spectrum programming - Fast 3D-calculations: an advanced algorithm.

Spectrum programming - Sound effects for a music processor and combine with the main melody.

Spectrum programming - Mirroring bytes and restoration of the background buffer.

Spectrum programming - A brief guide to the system encoder. Tips to author "boot'a", packer, music editor.

Spectrum programming - Modern methods of coding and modern ways of working with graphics.

The End - an epilogue.

ZX-SOFT - "Black Raven II ": Get ready for another hit from Copper Feet!

ZX-SOFT - Description of programs: Real Commander v1.6

ZX-SOFT - arguments about the demo: Forever vs Refresh.

Ator - The authors of the magazine.

Virtual Speccy - Conversion of graphics on the Spectrum to the PC and Amiga.

Virtual Speccy - The emulator of CodeBusters on the Amiga.

Virtual Speccy - Emulators ZX-SPECTRUM on the PC: Where to get the latest FAQ on emulating ZX-Spectrum, What Emulators are most useful - an emulator Luntera, UKV v1.2, Shalaev. What kind of files with the extension *. $ b, *. $ c, *. $ s, *. $ z, *. $ w? How to read format "hobeta". How and in what emulator You can work in the iS-DOS. Convert files. Z80 to. $ and vice versa. Files with the extension. Fdi. Problems with the emulator UKV. How to get a clean disk image file (. Trd) Emulator Shalaev. Is there a Russian ZX-oriented FTP or WWW server? Hobeta refuses to read / write drives 3.5 "- what to do?

Entry - the story of creating a magazine.

Entry - On order stsenovogo magazine - RUSH.

Interview - A great interview with ANTARES.

Interview - An Interview with Kvazar'om of RUSH.

Interview - An interview with a group of Vitebsk Power group.

Informatsrium - CD with the emulator and the ZX-software.

Informatsrium - Interesting INTERNET addresses.

Informatsrium - Overview of magazines and books about the Amiga.

Journal - Platformobesie - cross-platform wrapper for the magazine.

Parallel Worlds - The history of central processors and Windows.

Parallel Worlds - an overview of the computer models Macintosh.

Development Spectrum - 128 colors on the Spectrum (graphic description of the expansion of the palette).

Development Spectrum - Lock the keyboard port when connecting SPECCY C-DOS modem.

Development Spectrum - New Speccy - AZXMONSTRUM 512K.

Development SPECTRUM - New Spectrum from Sinclair.

Development Spectrum - The descendants of the processor Z80.

Advertising - a detailed price list of firm Scorpio.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Advertising - Advertising Company X-Trade.

meaning without a sense - Short Stories: The happiest man, third eye, the Savior of the Universe, Tsvetik-semitsvetik, Life has just begun, the Last Judgement.

Scene vs professional - has assembled a team of the best people from the scene, we can create programs of the highest quality ...

Stsenohroniya - tenacious Spectrum: Spectrum of roads, most of us. Why?

Stsenohroniya - A brief overview of news from the band RUSH.

Stsenohroniya - Overview of the stage-event: Alliance, Alchemist Research, Asphyxia, Brokimsoft, CodeBusters, Concern Chaos, Copper Feet, Crystal Dream, Digital Reality, E0Mage, Energy Minds, Entire, Excess, Fatality etc.

Stsenohroniya - Echoes Fun Top'98.

Stsenohroniya - Draft Long Live Amiga, designed to assist the establishment and development amigovskoy scene.

Office shell - on the ZX version of the shell.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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