ZX Club #08
31 мая 1998

Deatch Come - IMMORTAL`97

<b>Deatch Come</b> - IMMORTAL`97


           "BLIZZARD BEASTS"

           1.Blizzard Beasts

Wintriness lurk within enlocked realms
Strenght beheld our demonthrone
Supernal journeys from the shrine
Beyond the spiritside
Yearning in beastworld tide
Blackening the lands with blight
Benighted watchers with masterly pride
We rise the demonside

Winters spread bu blizzard beasts

Wait no more centuries we have become
Triumphant sons of an ice age`s blast
Echoes of oure shadowed age
Above the winters masters age
Conwoke nebular dimensions
As real as the realm we ride
with non above and non at side

Yearning in beastworld tide
Blackening the lands with blight
Benighted watchers with masterly pride
We rise the demonside
Wintriness lurk within enlocked realms
Strenght beheld our demonthrone
Supernal journeys from the shrine
Beyond the spiritside

Winters spread by blizzard beasts

Conwoke nebular dimensions
As real as the realm we ride
with non above and non at side

        2.Nebular Ravens Winter

Damnation calls
Final blasts close the earth
Immortal victory
Winters bane upon the masses
Snow spiraling towards auroral clouds
Clear nebulous visions sight
Soulwinds fall into the dark ice realms
Where you now reach far

Blackwinged ravens cry for tragedies to
Lurking with snowfall
By doom they drag the robe of ice
Frozen of heart you now reach far

In the nebular ravens winter
Winds are known from there they are blow
Nebular raven winters
Strenght come from us above

Ravens season has begun
Melancholic ageless and unknown
Mezmerises you fall in our domain
Freezing in the heart
(lead: Demonaz)

Sojourn for the elder ravens
Beateous winters birth
An eerie mage
Emblazoned with the biting winds
Damnation calls
With staring glowing yearning eyes
Poised wey strike again and drag
Us all below

In the nebular ravens winter
Wind are known from there they are blow
Nebular raven winters
Might bestowed from us above

Ravens season has begun
Melancholic ageless and unknown
Mezmerises you fall in our domain

Inhale the effluence of the demonworlds
Freezing in the heart

        3.Suns That Sank Below

Mountainguarded from the light of sun
In the valleys that we walk
Dark spirits against the sun
Gathered visioned in ravenstorm
Balckwinged wraiths of opaque drams
Owners of frosted spheres
Uneartly strangeness never sunrise here

Crystaline formations
Ice storms scar the sky
A shadowed face in wilderness
Knowing winter nether dies
Clearly I breathe
In the forthcoming breathe
With tempted eyes I dreamwatch dying suns

I await
Ephemeral suns to fall
Light becomes darkness
Black moon call bleakness inside me
No longer visions
I see the dying suns go under

Suns that sank below

In snowblind visions I let the darkening
Become the jewel in my kingdom


Smell the battle with wind
Before you see us
Winterhorde of fury ride
The wind will lead us
Banner high onword ride
Domestic purebred
Of the everlifted northsky

Conquer all with permafrost
Then wait at our finalgate
Lay waste this world on ice
Let it crumble underneath us

Ride th breeze of better times
Where there are enemies to die
High fame and honour
Won on the fields of battle
Warriors fight
With longsword in hand
Valleys drink from the open wounds
Of a thousand men
Hear the battle on the wind
So obvious
Winterhorde of fury rides
The wind now lead us
Banner high onword ride
Domestic purebred
Of the everlifted northsky

Conquer all with permafrost
Then wait at our finalgate
Lay waste this world on ice
Let it crumble underneath us
Valleys drink from the open wounds
Of a thousand men
Eldrich talons eat hearts out of the

Proud with battlelust we ride
Savagely towards the battlefields
And into greater strides

          5.Mountains Of Might

The storm is getting colder
In a place of frozen sun
Alone in the mountainside
Breathing the clearest winds

The winds are everblowing
Blowing off the glassiers
Snow descend on the walley
Into the high impassable drifts

So rightly I am watching
These mountains that I know
Forever standing here
These mountains northern face

Mountains of might
Mountains of might
Mountains of might

Icicled pics as far as eye can see
I will reign this place alone
Cold winds blew into the valley wall
Snow was deeper there

The storm is getting colder
In a place of frozen sun
Alone in the mountainside
Breathing the clearest winds

Mountains of might
Mountains of might
Mountains of might


Shadowed you fall
Iced soul in the shivering sphere
Bestial sounds of wintercall
Bitter cold comes whispering
Noctambulance spread its wings
Snowtombed darkness circling
Demons claws in wind
Everlasting souls on ice
Cast for the nebular worlds

Demons of the endless times
In the uplifting aurora borealis of cold
A trinity of might is born
Uphead us masters of demons roar

By glacial utterness we wiew your spirits
Windswept forever in the norterly


Frozened in the wintergate
Shadowed you fall
Iced soul in the shivering sphere
Bestial sounds of wintercall
Bitter cold comes whispering
Noctambulance spread its wings
Rule for everlasting souls on ice
Cast for nebular worlds

Demons of the endless times
In the uplifting aurora borealis of cold
A trinity of might is born
Uphead us masters of demons roar

By glacial utterness we wiew your spirits
Windswept forever in the norterly

         7.Winter Of The Ages

I stride puposefully through the snow
To the icy vasts at dusk
Crystals swirl by northern dim
Majestic be this winter

Winterdemons winterbeasts
Further my visionary means
Blast into dominance
Millenium filled with pride

Winters of hate,winters of pain
Winters of sorrow
These winters awaits
Nebular fog aurora fog
Await us all at seasonal cold

I stride puposefully through the snow
To the icy vasts at dusk
Drawn by our will
From the coldest regions
An ice age comes

Minds into the elder dryas
Magestic panorama
Across the lands
Our mark shall flow

Winters of hate,winters of pain
Winters of sorrow
These winters awaits
Nebular fog aurora fog
Await us all at seasonal cold


Arctic wintery worlds at mind
Posessed forever
By the chains of time
Beastly crafts comes with the snow
We bring the coming
Of our demonstorm
On highest mountain we stand
Valleys in the deep valleys we dwell

Hailstones flay the skin of earth
Until entropys victory is ensured

Stealers of dawn
Pale wraiths of the arctic swarm
Cover the sun
Storms are what we breathe

Arctic wintery worlds at mind
Posessed forever
By the chains of time
Beastly crafts comes with the snow
We bring the coming
Of our demonstorm
On highest mountain we stand
Valleys in the deep valleys we dwell

Hailstones flay the skin of earth
Until entropys victory is ensured


Другие статьи номера:

От редакции - Существовал в Барнауле еженедельник "Компот", и решил я забежать к ним в редакцию...

От редакции - у журнала новая оболочка.

От редакции - растространение журнала.

Enjoy - Юмор.

Enjoy - солнечный город.

Enjoy - сказка.

Soft Group - chunky to planar conversion конвертор.

Soft Group - Печать 42 символа в строке, турболоадер из демы "RAGE", процедура рисования окна.

Soft Group - Aнoнс гpaфичeскoгo peдaктopa Art Works by Byteх Сreative Group.

Soft Group - прохождение игры MASTЕR ОF MAGIС.

Soft Group - прохождение игры XOR.


User Group - Текстовые редакторы.

User Group - редактирование текстов.

User Group - об авторском диске.

Hard Group - характеристики компьютера KAY-1024.

Hard Group - PRISE-LIST фирма NEMO, г. Санкт-Петербург


Набат - русская философия.

Набат - Ричи Блекмор (ч1).

Набат - Ричи Блекмор (ч2).

Toys - новая игра - Операция Р.Р.

Deatch Come - Black Metall.

Deatch Come - Black Metall.

Deatch Come - Black Metall.

Deatch Come - IMMORTAL`97

Обьявления - группа FAST рада будет видеть вас в своих рядах.

Реклама - Шиpoкий выбop ПО для кoмпьютepoв ZX Speсtrum.

Pot-Pourri - "Открытое обращение" к Cпектрумистам, прошедшее в конференции ZX.

Pot-Pourri - Cокращенная версия прайса по тематике Spectrum-Scorpion.

Party - Funtop 98: правила.

X-FILES - часть 1.

X-FILES - часть 2.

X-FILES - часть 3.

X-FILES - часть 4.

X-FILES - часть 5.

X-FILES - часть 6.

X-FILES - часть 7.

News - анонс CONSYL`98. PARTY in SOCHI.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Necronomicon - Вопрос: Что такое "Некрономикон"? "Книга Мертвых Имен"
Мнение - комментарии девушки прочитаввшей 7-й номер маразма.

В этот день...   22 октября