3Bit #01
03 января 2005

Outlook - Dune for the Spectrum of Sosyura Igor.

<b>Outlook</b> - Dune for the Spectrum of Sosyura Igor.
            Zhdems ...
(C) Sosyura Igor

 From the Editors: We present our
small description buduyuschego hit from the world
Strategic toys. So ...

     System requirements:

Minimum: Processor Z-80 (71680 cycles, ie
Pentagon-oriented), 256K memory,
Keyboard, AY and drive.

Recommended: CPU Z-80 (Turbo mode
143,360 cycles or more), 256K memory,
Keyboard, Kempston mouse, AY, GS (128k
minimum), modem (14400 b / s minimum) and a floppy drive.


Music: AY, General Sound
Effects: AY, General Sound
Voice: General Ssound
Modem: Hayes modem only!


  The game will be exactly (and a little more)
As for SEGA. The game will be:

128 plants, 13 species: Design
yard, windmill, Refinery, Radar,
Storage, Machine Factory, Barracks, Cannon Tower, Rocket Tower 
Repair factories Height. technologies, spaceport,


128 units, 17 types: SUV, Dzhiparez, Harvester, Stroymashina 
Tank, Katyusha, Siege Tank, Sound Tank, Destroyer, deviator, 
soldier, infantry, paratroopers, Marines, Saboter, Homeless, 

12 Worms, 4 types: child, adolescent,
youth and adult. Each type reacts to objects in different ways, 
as they are able to multiply.

48 units of aviation, 2 types: Flight and dragonflies.

Multicard with 32 colors 64x64 cells. When
The boundaries of different cards in the mission can
be different. Animated cursor with the possibility of turning 
the other (the choice and etc.). 16 species of Shadow War.

  The game can be a color (in this case
adjusted color of the shadow of war), and Mono.

  There are also 4 types of mountains and a rock.

  Will vote (only in GS). Graphics in
accuracy (and more), as well as on SEGA. The computer learns to 
think and get upset tobish grow! Can be selected

level of complexity at which computer
thinks differently! Chance will have a choice
objects and their message to multicards.

            Generally, wait!

Official website address: www.zx-dune.da.ru
Author can write to: peacecoder@ukr.net

Other articles:

From the Editor - the new Ukrainian electronic journal called "3BiT".

From the Editor - eve: correspondence with the authors of the magazine correspondents.

From the Editor - Credits: The authors of the magazine.

Speccy news - news: Scl published newspaper Cossackos, the results of the Voronezh Festival KidSoft'2004, Sergey Bulba archive AY music, Alone Coder released Info Guide # 6 ...

Programming - a new fast and short PT3.x Player of the RSM.

Programming - Design source: the basic requirements for listing of the program focused on the general public.

Programming - the procedure to print the text fonts, 8x8, 6x8, 5x8, 4x8 pixels.

Programming - an overview of features and company models ottechestvennogo Spectrum of Rob F.

Programming - a collection of codes: Draw a window frame in the color processing of disk errors TR-DOS, a universal procedure Scroll'a screen.

Programming - Game Making: Mad Killer shares his experience creating games for the ZX Spectrum.

Programming - Non-standard use of the General Sound: Sound emulation coprocessor AY-3-8910.

Hacker Zone - "phreaking": Freestuff calls to payphones. Free calls to anywhere world.

Outlook - Dune for the Spectrum of Sosyura Igor.

Have an opinion - Mad Killer accuses of corruption Inforkom PC.

Desktop - JPEG / GIF laboratory 1.1: a program for viewing images in a format JPEG / GIF.

Desktop - General Sound AY Emulator v1.0

Desktop - an overview of tools to search for music files, Pro Tracker 3.X Mod Finder v1.2

Gambling - The archivist: a review of not very fresh but I wonder adventyury "Last adventure. "

Gambling - Wolf 2004: The world saw something that worked Alone Coder entire 8-NIL years!

Zhelezyachki - Something about the CMOS-clock: a modified scheme of Alone Coder'a.

Zhelezyachki - an overview of some modern controllers for use with external storage media for the ZX-Spectrum.

Veselukha - Life is simple sysadmin and sad and dreary if there no beer: sysadmin is dedicated.

Veselukha - a humorous story: I am a machine.

Veselukha - Computer jokes.

Another World - Radeon X700: an inexpensive base for gaming cards.

Miscellaneous - report of Rob F. with the Ukrainian hangouts SpeXtream'2004.

Miscellaneous - age: what do you want the software, especially games and how to make them well.

Miscellaneous - Competition from GROUPS P7S for Patriots Spectrum!

Miscellaneous - An Interview with DESALEX'om / XPJ.

Miscellaneous - an interview with the author of one of the most anticipated game projects, games, Dune: The Battle for Arakkis.

Miscellaneous - an interview with the author of acclaimed demos under the VIC-20 - Viznut / PWP.

Miscellaneous - an interview with the renowned British spektrumistom Gasman / Raww arse.

Miscellaneous - An Interview with Random'om taken on Construction Chaos 2004.

Miscellaneous - Advertisement - motor trade and not only.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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