Inferno #08
30 ноября 2005 |
Inferno - Errors in the previous numbers.
Some errors ZX-Guide # 2 In describing the interface Beta Disk non correctly specified level, opting density record. It should be D6 (as shown in Larchenko and Rodionov), but the MFM = 0, FM = 1 (a not as stated in Larchenko and Rodionov). Procedures for TR-DOS installed D5, but not understand why. IG # 6 In sketch No. 5 used construction function INC H, L. Because of this, we obtain If SHKOM short period of sequence random numbers - just 256. To write INC H, HL. Just INC HL is not recommended, as in ROM is a great sequence identical or similar bytes. IG # 7 If you get a version of IG # 7, which is not Georgia's "errata", then rename disk file errata!!. W in Errata!!. W. He prevented because the engine of the journal is looking for a hundred Chi on the first 4 characters name, and not only in the archive, but also outside. A file was added in a hurry after the assembly of the magazine. From: Lord Vader IG # 7 - "Turbo Sound" Capacitors C1, C2 can not be 0.1mkF - You should at least 10mkF. From: Vitamin IG # 7 - "Optimization" In the case of PUSH HL: SBC HL, DE: POP HL has elk in mind CY = 0. From: ZET-9 IG # 7 - "DNAmake" Indicated that the element FINDER, if not was an element that he is looking for returns error 0.0 (which is the message "all OK"!). On Actually, it returns an error 0,1 (PIC motrel in source: 0 - number of the element, 1 - The number of errors). From: ZET-9 IG # 7 - "The location of partitions on the HDD" It turns out that for all sectors in the FAT32 cylinder 0, except for the very first - free Ny, and references therein Sector 2 (counting from units) and sector 6 (counting from one) - this sector from the beginning of the section, and they are there exist within each section. At sector 6 holds a copy of boot-sector pa (ie the very first sector of the times case). And the article pointed out that in sector 6 - A copy of the partition table. I finally found out where the older stores two-byte numbers cluster in FAT32 (ibid. 4 bytes): it turns out, the spare area out of ten bytes at offset 20, 21 by at We first directory entry. From: Vitamin 'Shiru Otaku IG # 7 - "Video" Was omitted instruction: what to do when AVIStreamOpenFromFile (...)!= 0. Prog Ramm should look like this: bool vzx_avi_open (LPCSTR szFile) { vzx_hdd = DrawDibOpen (); AVIFileInit (); if (AVIStreamOpenFromFile ('vzx_avi, szFile, streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, NULL)! = 0) { MessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, "Failed To Open The AVI Stream", "Error", MB_OK); return vzx_ok = false; } ... }
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