Inferno #08
30 ноября 2005 |
Softinka - Technical Reference disk system DISCiPLE / + D.
RAMSOFT presents: TECHNICAL GUIDANCE ON DISCiPLE / + D Version 8 (September 9, 1999) Translated from English - Alone Coder CONTENTS: =========== 1 .... The main features of DISCiPLE / + D 2 .... Memory Allocation 3 .... I / O ports (I / O) 3.1 .. Port 7Bh (123 dec) in DISCiPLE 4 .... UFIA Structure 5 .... System calls (hook codes) 5.1 .. Internal system calls .. 5.2 Programming Example: Load file 6 Disc format .... 7 Structure of the file handle .... Table 8 .... file types 9 .... Advanced. BASIC commands GDOS / G + DOS 9.1 Network .. 9.2 snapshot button .. 9.3 .. Error Messages G (+) DOS and UNIDOS 10 ... Sis. variables GDOS / G + DOS and UNIDOS 11 ... Additional commands BASIC UNIDOS 12 ... Pin Connectors 12.1.Podklyuchenie drive PC 5.25 " 13 ... Programming VL1772 FDC 14 ... The authors and contact addresses WARNING ============== Although we have tried to be careful to kument may contain errors. The authors do not responsible for any loss and / or damages directly or indirectly, Nane hay your system from the use of information contained herein. List of cars ditch, see end of document. PREFACE =========== We (Ramsoft) long use interface DISCiPLE and appreciate the power of this disk system temy.My spent many hours in trying to nyat the smallest details to get a dos tup to all opportunities, but more to be seen. Now we have decided to pub rejoice all the information you have collected in mostly for yourself, and hope that it will help each, and that through it there will be more programs under this remarkable system. GENERAL TERMS ============= DRAM - Sector buffer. RPT - system variable pointing to byte DRAM. UFIA - 24-byte file handle (User File Information Area, a 24 byte structure which describes a file for system calls). DFCA - Scope channel file (Disk File Channel Area). 1. Features DISCiPLE / + D ============================ 8 KB EPROM (for the disk BIOS) 8 KB RAM Magic button NMI (snapshot) Parallel port (unidirectional) Floppy disk port (controller VL1772 FDC) High-speed disk operations: Loading 128K less than 7 seconds. Features DISCiPLE: Two Port Joystick ATARI (Sinclair 1, Sinclair 2 / Kempston) Two network connectors (3.5mm mono jack, network is compatible with the Interface 1) Mute button (block interface) System connector rear (For connecting other devices) 2. Memory Allocation ======================= When the memory interface is open (paged in), ie included in the address space Z80 (see below), the first 16K of address spaces are distributed as follows: Address DISCiPLE GDOS DISCiPLE UNIDOS + D 0000h 8K RAM, 8K ROM, 8K ROM 2000h 8K ROM, 8K RAM, 8K RAM Thus, the memory allocation in UNI-DOS the same as the + D, and on DISCiPLE. See [3.1] for the exchange of Adre joint ROM / RAM DISCiPLE. 3. I / O ports and DISCiPLE PlusD ====================================== NOTE: Joystick 1 - simultaneously Kempston (port 1Fh) and Sinclair 2 (buttons 6,7,8,9,0). Joystick 2 - Sinclair 1 (Button 1,2,3,4,5). Network is compatible with the Interface 1. Ports DISCiPLE: Port In Out Note. 1Bh status of the FDC team FDC [13] 5Bh reg.dorozhki track 9Bh reg.sektora reg.sektora DBh reg.dannyh reg.dannyh 1Fh Joystick 1: Governance: b0 right choice of drive b1 left the choice of b2 down the SD / DD density b3 up bank select ROM b4 fire upr.blokirovkoy b5 ext. select (?) b6 BUSY printer printer STROBE b7 Network Network 3Bh wait until the network = 0 (*) 7Bh vkl.perezagr vykl.perezagr. see [3.1] BBh unlocked. memory to hide memory (**) FBh printer data FEh Joystick 2 Sinclair (*) Port 3Bh used for network syn chronicity (the same as that bit 5 ports EFh Interface 1). Any OUT to port 3Bh retarding tains Spectrum, while logic level network will not rise to 0. It is used to expectations of the start-bit frame peredachi.Setevaya bus has TTL level (0 = 0 volts, 1 = 5 volts). Frequency of bits of 87.5 Kbps, data is transmitted in packages up to 256 bytes including a simple pro tocol level data-link. Ports PlusD: Port In Out Note. E3h status FDC FDC team, see [13] EBh reg.dorozhki track F3h reg.sektora reg.sektora FBh reg.dannyh reg.dannyh EFh Management: b0 / a choice of drive b2 SD / DD density b3 bank select ROM b4 b5 ext. select (?) b6 STROBE printer b7 choice of E7h unlocked. memory to hide memory (**) F7h b7 = BUSY printer data (**) In addition, memory and DISCiPLE + D include is obtained when the Z80 goes to the following addresses: 0x0000, 0x0008, 0x0066, 0x028E. 3.1. PORT 7Bh and memory addresses DISCiPLE ====================================== Port 7Bh (123 decimal) is available then lko at DISCiPLE and has a trigger. Changes places of RAM and ROM: Access ROM RAM Result IN 0x0000 0x2000 reset flip-flop OUT 0x2000 0x0000 setting trigger This feature uses GDOS for op definitions, whether you need to load a file system drive (when you turn on or reset twice without executing DOS commands between discharges); UNIDOS this opportunity to ignore, so that attempt to fill up the switching system. In GDOS is a variable that lies in memory of shift 0x1DE4 - it is set to 0x44 ('D') after checking the syntax of BASIC (Ie, after the RST 08h code less 1Bh) and after boot: this variable shows that the DOS is invoked as a means of minimum odnazhdy.Kogda user sbrasy Vaeth PC, trigger port 7Bh discharged is, resulting in falls in the ROM of region of 0x0000. When is the first pre on closing, the survey procedure is called key 0x028E - and memory DISCiPLE automatically becomes apparent. At offset 0x028E in ROM DISCiPLE available procedure, checking yuschaya that same variable, which is 0x44: - If there is, then this procedure puts back 00h, which means "means DOS does not invoked since reset; - Otherwise (t.e.esli there 0x44) procedure puts in the variable number of 0x53 ('S') and copies the first 2335 (0x091F) bytes of ROM RAM: in this case, the file system must be rebooted. When everything is completed, the memory again rearranged (t.e.trigger establishes Lebanon) through the port OUT 7Bh, then PA rumple DISCiPLE hidden by OUT at the port BBh and - finally - called procedure Poll keys. Reading from a port 7Bh for DOS means that the same as resetting the computer, so after two Readings from the port 7Bh (without entering DOS commands between readings) file system requires reboot. NOTE: Because all of this based on a survey of key procedure in ROM Spectrum, then nothing will happen when reading Research from the port 7Bh, if this vysheuka ciated procedure is invoked (ie if interrupt is prohibited, or if we are in a mode IM 2 and scan the keyboard to other PIC bong), but the last (before calling DOS) operation with port 7Bh should be OUT, EC Do we want to leave the DOS in the inviolability surface. 4. File handle (UFIA) ===================== This Dosov structure, often using May core procedures and usually sits on at IX. An Offset Value 0 1 Number of drives (1,2, or '*' (2Ah) for current) January 1 Number of programs (directory) February 1 Number Flow March 1 Areal density ('d' = DD, 'D' = SD) April 1 Number type file from a directory (See below) May 10 File Name (supplemented by spaces) / Extensions net.Mozhno use point to conditionally show the distribution shirenie.8.3 impossible - for this would require 12 bytes. - A.C. / January 15 ROM-ID - a cassette type (See below) February 16 length of the file February 18th starting address February 20 Length for Basic February 22 number-line startup 5. System calls (Same for DISCiPLE and + D) =================== For access to the system used do so, use a protocol interface (IF1): RST 8 DB # service All functions return an error code as a result Giustra A. Important note: You can not call RST 8 of the procedures underlying the memory interface ca. You can not call a procedure 0x028E (Survey of keys) from an interrupt handler - this will fail if DISCiPLE / + D connected chen, some programs because it does not work (eg, SoundTracker v1.1) - you can remedy this situation, replacing CALL # 028E by RST # 38. Some programs (Type diskofitsirovannyh games) do not use RST mechanism 8 and do absolutely CALL'y procedures for DOS or BIOS - this is a bad method! Here is a list of hook code'ov GDOS3 (G + DOS2) with the input parameters: Supported hook code'y Interface 1: CONSIN (1Bh) - Input from the console CONSOUT (1Ch) - Output to console PRTOUT (1Fh) - KBDTST (20h) - SELDRV (21h) - Select the drive OPTMPM (22h) - CLOSEM (23h) - ERASE (24h) - RDSEQ (25h) - WRREC (26h) - OPTMPM (2Bh) - DELBUF (2Ch) - UNPAGE (31h) - Hide the shadow ROM CALL (32h) - Call the procedure ten. ROM Specific GDOS3 (G + DOS2) hook code'y: HXFER (33h) - Copy. file handle in DFCA. IX = address handle (UFIA) OFSM (34h) - View the map of sectors file (file sector map) from information from DFCA. Pointer RPT laying down is at the top of the DRAM. HOFLE (35h) - Open File. IX = UFIA The combination of the two previous functions. Sets the last 9 bytes UFIA in resp. with the file header. SBYT (36h) - Save the bytes of DRAM at RPT. / This function and functions 37h, 3Ch, 3Dh not lacking in TR-DOS. - A.C. / A = B If the sector buffer variables comprehensive, it automatically saved to disk. HSVBK (37h) - Save the data block. DE = start of data BC = length in bytes CFSM (38h) - Close file sector map. Unloads (flush) DRAM, closes the file and updates directory. PNTP (39h) - Output byte parall.port. A = B COPS (3Ah) - Display screen on the printer. HGFLE (3Bh) - Open the data block file. IX = UFIA 1 st boot sector file in DRAM. RPT sets Camping at the beginning. / To read hardly uses the same sector buffer that to write (in Chap. 9 leads den sample copy of one open file in the other) .- A.C. / LBYT (3Ch) - Read byte adr.RPT. Returns A = byte. If necessary, the disk read the next sector. RPT is incremented. HLDBK (3Dh) - Download the data block. DE = start address (where put data) BC = length in bytes WSAD (3Eh) - Record DRAM to disk. D = path E = Sector RPT put to beg. DRAM. RSAD (3Fh) - Read sector in the DRAM. D = path E = Sector Similarly 3Eh. REST (40h) - Reset the drive and look for Track 0. Number of drives specified in UFIA. HERAZ (41h) - Remove a disk file specified in UFIA. IX = UFIA. (42h) - Large screen print. PCAT (43h) - directory of the drive / no functions return a list of files in User Program (Unless it is creating its own satellite signal and redirecting directory in it). And even cursed Mr. TR-DOS can be read directory "honestly": Challenges function # 08! - A.C. / Uses information from UFIA. Drive, and stream must be installed. At offset +0 Fh in UFIA gb one of the following: 02h for CAT! 04h for CAT 12h for CAT! with mask filename 14h for CAT with a mask filename The file name should be based on offset 05 in UFIA and may contain characters masks (wildcards). HRSAD (44h) - Read Sector A = number of drive D = number of lanes E = number of sectors IX = address to read HWSAD (45h) - Write sector A = number of drive D = number of lanes E = number of sectors IX = from record (46h) - open / close streams (How?) PATCH (47h) - Call? (To page) shadow memory. Resume. HL = 0 for DISCiPLE HL = 1 for PlusD HL = 2 for DiSCDOS Specific UNIDOS hook code'y: (48h) - Load file (49h) - Verify file (4Ah) - Merge (4Bh) - Save file (4Ch) - Open File (4Dh) - POINT (see UNIDOS) (4Eh) - Empty (flush) buffers disk (4Fh) - Close file (50h) - Clear Channels (51h) - Rename file (52h) - Move stream (53h) - Move file (54h) - Select the drive and directory 5.1. INTERNAL SYSTEM CHALLENGES (Same for DISCiPLE and + D) ================================ Here is the result of commands RST, when Memory DISCiPLE or + D open (paged in). RST 00h - Reset RST 08h - Call the function systems; room function must be in the next byte (1) (2) RST 10h - Call the procedure ROM Spectrum; address should be in the next 2 bytes (3) RST 18h - GDOS, G + DOS: reserved (For testing syntax) Uni-DOS: low-level systems correlation functions, the function number must be in the next byte RST 20h - Print Dosov message error: error code should be next byte RST 28h - call the RST 20h ROM Spectrum RST 30h - Read the state of the interpreter: Z = 0 if the syntax check, Z = 1, if the execution RST 38h - Enable interrupt (1) = B Spectrum 128K should be included ROM 1 (2) = In a call interface automatically cally opens (page in) your memory (3) = Make sure that the rule was included correctly ROM Spectrum 5.2. Example: File Download =========================== Here is a simple downloader, often ISPO lzuemy in our programs. He will ship to dovy file "blk0.DF" in memory of its beginnings flax address. The procedure is efficient for DISCiPLE, + D and UNIDOS (all versions). Attention attention: there is no error handling. LOAD LD IX, UFIA; IX points to handle RST 08: DB # 3B; HGFLE: open file LD DE, UFIA +0 F; zagol.fayla will be here LD B, 09; (first 9 bytes of the file) L_HDR RST 08: DB # 3C; LBYT: bytes of DRAM LD (DE), A; put bytes INC DE DJNZ L_HDR; get all 9 bytes LD DE, (UFIA +10); nachaln.adres file LD BC, (UFIA +12); length of the file RST 08: DB # 3D; HLDBK: boot. data RET; end! UFIA.Tolko below shows the first 15 bytes must be specified by the user before you call of HGFLE. The last 9 bytes are filled 9-th bytes of the file header. UFIA 01; room ('*'= drive current) 00 00 'D' 04; type 04 = CODE "Blk0.DF"; filename , (Supplemented by spaces) UFIA +0 F 00; will contain ROM-ID UFIA +10 00,00; will contain the address of the file UFIA +12 00,00; will contain the file length 00 00 00 00 Note that the load address and length is read from the 9 bytes of the header file. To get the file to boot from another address, simply replace the manual LD DE, (UFIA +10) (eg, direct LD DE, nn). DISCiPLE / + D - Format 6. Disc format =============== The disc has 80 tracks with 10 sectors (512-byte for double-density, 256baytnyh for single), the total capacity of 800KB (DS / DD). The first 4 tracks on a disc (track 0-3 of 0) are reserved for system and contain the directory, leaving 780KB free the free space. The Directory consists of 80 sequential file descriptors, each of which takes 256 bytes, for example., desk riptor file # 48 is in the first 256 bytes Sector 4 track 2. Directory has fixed capacity and can contain only 80 files. UNIDOS overcomes this restriction by introducing the subdirectories and enabling specify the maximum number of files each of them. Drives formatted on DISCiPLE or + D, can be read / written to the usual GOVERNMENTAL PC-shnyh drives - and vice versa. 7. STRUCTURE file descriptor ============================== NOTE: All numbers are decimal. The basic structure ----------------- Offset Value 0 Type of file (see table types fi fishing), 0 = deleted (free entry) 1.10 File Name (Revised spaces) 12.11 The number of sectors occupied by the file (Byte ahead) 1913 Track number 1 sector file 14 Number of Sector 1 of the first sector of file 15-209 Map Sectors (Sector allocation bitmap = s.a.b.) Each bit corresponds to the sector disc. Bit is set if the resp. Sector refers to faylu.Primery: byte 15, bit 0 = lane 4, Section 1; byte 16, bit 3 = lane 5, Section 2. IMPORTANT NOTICE: S. a. b. used only during the save operation: sab All 80 files are grouped by OR, and so the system know which sectors are free. / Y who came up with this format, it is obvious there were problems with the head:) - AC / At BitTorrent uses a high-speed metal method: each sector contains only 510 bytes data in the last 2 bytes store the number track and sector number for the next cross Ktorov fayla.Posledny sector chain soda rzhit (0,0) in the last 2 bytes. 210-255 depends on the type of file. BASIC (Type 1) ------------ 211 is always 0 (this is ROM-ID - identifier, taken from Cassette title) 212-213 Length 214-215 starting address in memory (PROG Startup - usually 23,755) 216-217 length without variables 218-219 Line Startup NOTE: These 9 bytes are also the first 9-th bytes of the file. NUMBER ARRAY (type 2) ------------------- 211 is always 1 (this identifier taken from the cassette title) 212-213 Length 214-315 starting address in memory 216-217 name of the array - is ignored? 218-219 not used NOTE: These 9 bytes are also the first 9-th bytes of the file. STRING ARRAY (type 3) ------------------- Always 211 2 (an identifier taken from the cassette title) 212-219 As in type 2 NOTE: These 9 bytes are also the first 9-th bytes of the file. CODE FILE (type 4) Always 3 ---------------- 211 (an identifier taken from the cassette title) 212-213 Length 214-315 Starting Address 216-217 not used 218-219 Address autorun (0 if not) 48K SNAPSHOT (type 5) ------------------- 211-219 Not used 220-255 registers Z80 (as a 2-byte words) in the following order: IY IX DE'BC'HL'AF 'DE BC HL I SP (See below about R & AF) Register I - high byte, respectively the corresponding word (offset 239), it is loaded as follows: POP AF LD I, A Trap mode is determined by value of the register I: if I soda rzhit 00h or 3Fh, then IM 1, otherwise IM 2. The flag resolution Interrupt IFF2 (IFF1 = IFF2) sex obtained from the flag P / V. Instead, SP actually stored SP-6, since the original stack "Spoiled" by the following 6-byte: R AF PC | | SP SP +6 (original SP) (R - byte resp. Words) so zapuskalka ends something like this (in fact somewhat more complicated): POP AF LD R, A POP AF RET MDRV (type 6) ----------- This image of the cartridge mikrodrayva. Details omit. NOTE: The files in mdrv UNIDOS differ are of similar files in GDOS. SCREEN $ (type 7) -------------- Same as Type 4, with initial e = 16384, length = 6912 SPECIAL (type 8) 211-255 -------------- At the discretion of the programmer. 128K SNAPSHOT (type 9) -------------------- Similarly 48K Snapshot. The first byte file - the page number (port 0x7FFD), Oba chno lies in the system variable BANKM (23,388). 8 pages of memory are stored in air increasing order - from 0 to 7. OPENTYPE (type 10) ---------------- 64kilobaytnyh 210 Number of blocks in the file 211 Always 9? (No confidence) 212-213 Length of last block 214-255 not used NOTE: Files can be opentype more than 64K and are typically created and managed Xia stream operators BASIC, such as OPEN #, CLOSE #, PRINT #, INPUT #, etc. See chapter [9] - a short description of these operators operators. EXECUTE (type 11) --------------- 210-255 as in file CODE (type 4); length = 510, start address = 0x1BD6 (0x3DB6 for + D). Sector in Georgia the RAM interface and run (he must contain a floating program!). Subdirectory (Type 12) - UNIDOS --------------------------- 210-212 As in Opentype (type 10). This file always stored in consecutive located sectors. Latest two bytes of the sector do not store the address the next sector. Structure similar to the root directory, but first record contains a number Zago agile file (file header number) parent directory. Latest two bytes of the last sector soda neigh 0xFFFF. / It is not clear how the system, working with the root catalog, may impose an OR sabvseh files, including lying in subdirectories. Ve bly in sabpodkataloga installed bi you through all the files that are in this for directory. But in this case, as the deep subdirectory have to spend a lot of effort: update sab'y under this directory, its parent, grandparents and etc. - A.C. / 213 Capacity (maximum number of entries in this subdirectory). CREATE (type 13) - UNIDOS ----------------------- 210-255 Similarly, the file CODE, but starting address is ignored. 8. TABLE TYPES OF FILES ======================= This table lists the various file types with their corresponding identification fikatorami (ID). Where possible, specify ISPO lzuemy in the tape header (standard LIMITED-ROM shny) filetype - abbreviated as ROM-ID. ROM-ID - Part 9-B Nogo file header (bytes 211-219 ale NTA directory). ATTENTION: the code is added UNIDOS 128 for hidden files and 64 for the protected files. Code Type inscription ROM-ID in CAT 0 removed (an empty entry) No No 1 BASIC BAS 0 2 NUMBER ARRAY D. ARRAY 1 3 STRING ARRAY $. ARRAY 2 4 CODE CDE 3 5 48K SNAPSHOT SNP 48k no 6 MICRODRIVE MD.FILE no 7 SCREEN $ SCREEN $ is not 8 SPECIAL SPECIAL No 9 128K SNAPSHOT SNP 128k no 10 OPENTYPE OPENTYPE no 11 EXECUTE EXECUTE no 12 (UNIDOS) subdirectory DIR No 13 (UNIDOS) CREATE CREATE No 9. ADDITIONAL COMMANDS BASIC GDOS ====================================== GDOS extends BASIC to organized vat disc surgery. When you turn Spectrum, you must initialize the system theme, for this, insert the disk containing operating system file ("SYS *" on DISCiPLE and "+ SYS *" for + D), the first discrete kovod and enter the "RUN". DOS, in addition, seeking first file is called "auto *", and triggering follows it, if it finds. File "auto *" is not sought, if you type the command "RUN boot". NOTE: Filenames are sensitive sensitive and can contain wildcards ('*' And'?'). To see the contents of the disk, enter: CAT 1 (for drive 1) or CAT * (current drive) You can also enter commands such as such: CAT 1; "a *" CAT # 3, 1; "sys *" CAT 1! CAT # 3 1! Hence it is clear that you can redirect catalog copy to any channel and can indicated show the file name, which may contain wildcards, if you want to show only matching mask files. If a team ends with '!', it shows reduce scheny directory that contains only a list of (Suitable) for file names. To download / save the file: LOAD d; "filename" [CODE | SCREEN $ | DATA | etc] LOAD p <fn> SAVE d ; "program" [CODE | LINE | SCREEN $ |, etc.] where - drive number (1-2) <fn> - file number (1-80) You must specify the type 'S' to download 48K snapshot and 'K' for a 128K snapshot. Register the letters 'S' and 'K' is important. Examples: LOAD d1; "screen" SCREEN $ LOAD d *; "pippo" ships with a tech. drive LOAD d1; "snap128" K ship 128K snapshot SAVE d2; "rom" CODE 0,16384 saves memory DISCiPLE! NOTE: "d1" with a lowercase 'd' with respect pertains to the DS DD discs (80 tracks, 2 side ies), the ROM version 3, the only difference it seems that if you use the 'D', after the operation, a command CAT. Early versions of the OS used "D1" (Zaghlah vnoe 'D') for one-sided discs. This applies to all cases where you have specify the field 'd '. Use only DS / DD disks. When you save files can be indicated CODE address auto show in the 3 rd option: SAVE d *; "runme" CODE 32768, 8192, 33000 if you load it back through the LOAD CODE, he will run as if on RANDOMIZE USR 33000. Each file can be addressed both by name and by number in the directory, and if file "screen" is in the 7-th element of Directors Torii, you can write: LOAD p7 Please note that if you use shorthand notation, each file will be zag Disarmament Affairs, in accordance with its type (ie, You can download the file to its beginning CODE flax address). Naturally, MERGE and VERIFY are analogous logical syntax. To delete a file from the disk, enter: ERASE d1; "file2del" ERASE d1; "*" is dangerous! ERASE command can be used to rename a file: ERASE d1; "oldname" TO "newname" To format the disk, enter: FORMAT d1 dvoyn.plotnost (250 Kbit / sec) or FORMAT sd1 single-density GDOS also extends the flow system, so you can redirect to current file and vice versa. When you open channel to write to a file, a file Tee na OPENTYPE. Opentype files can be more lshe 64K.Kanaly available through the normal to Manda PRINT, INPUT, INKEY $, etc. Examples: OPEN # 4; d1; "archive" OPEN # 5; d1; "temp" OUT open for entries OPEN # 5; d1; "temp" IN open reading MOVE # 3 TO # 4 MOVE # 4 TO d1; "temp1" MOVE d1; "temp2" TO # 4 CLOSE # 4 Please note that access channels buffered disk and data read / written to disk only when a 512-byte buffer is empty / full. When accessing files BASIC, CODE, DATA and SCREEN $ flows through Remember, these files start with a 9-byte Nogo header, but the real data come from 10-th byte. To copy one file to another, write: SAVE d1; "file1" TO d2; "file2" Since the SAVE TO command uses all free memory, then its completion occurs leads to reset the system. You can load / save individual sectors of the following commands: LOAD @ d, t, s, address SAVE @ d, t, s, address where 'd' - drive number (1 or 2) 'T' - sector number (0 .. 79 plus 128, if the side 1) 'S' - sector number (1 .. 10) 'Address' - the address 512-byte buffer by sector For example, you can read the first cross Ktorov disk (which contains the descriptors number 0 and 1) through LOAD @ 1,0,1,40000. DISCiPLE GDOS understand the syntax of the micro drive, so you can enter commands like this: LOAD * "m"; 1; "pippo" it will load BASIC PROGRAM IS pippo to drive 1. All of your programs for micro rodrayva will work under GDOS without change tions. Remember that PlusD does not support Syntax Interface 1 (IF1). 9.1 NETWORK ======== GDOS (DISCiPLE) supports a network, owls patibility with the Interface 1, with some improvement sheniyami. Together may be connected to 63 Spectrum'ov, and they can share their resources (files or printers) via cable 3.5mm mono jack. Each station receives unique number from 1 to 63. Station Number assigned to the command: FORMAT Ns where 's' - station number (1-63). This command can be entered even when the file system is not loaded (ie when system is not booted). Station number 0 is reserved for broadcasting (broadcasting). If you enter FORMAT N0, the network turned off, type FORMAT Ns, to enable it. Station numbers are divided into 4 classes: Number Assignment 0 Broadcasting (Broadcasting) 1 Main Station (Master station) 9.2 Assistants (load the file system) 10-63 students (pupils) or assistants (Students do not load the file system) The following network configuration: 1. Network with shared access (Shared Access Network) ----------------------------- In this model, station # 1 has their resources (disk drives and printers) and work melts as a master. Other stations called are students, have access to files on the Master drive and can print to the principle Tere the Master. Only the master has loaded reap the file system. Because students are not must load the file system, they get rates of 10 and above. If you try enter FORMAT N8, without loading the system, you get the message 'Invalid station number '. Master can send a file "pippo" allowance nick number 16 as follows: LOAD d1; "pippo" first ship file in this case, BASIC program SAVE N16 send it to station 16 Sure, you can send files CODE, SCREEN $, etc. too! You can send a file to all stations, using the broadcast: SAVE N0 send all Station 6 can receive the program from the Master, if you enter: LOAD N1 taken from station 1 (the Master) Each station can receive broadcast message as follows: LOAD N0 Pupils can also send a broadcast to communication via the SAVE N0 and can communicate with other students in the same way. The most interesting is that the student can for climb to the drive and type commands as if disk drives and printers are connected to his room puter. So, the station number 6 can other a thief in the Master Catalog CD usual commands Doi: CAT d1 and download the file "pippo" command: LOAD d1; "pippo" Naturally, students can also conserved nyat files on the disk and the Master can ISPO lzovat his usual printer commands LLIST, LPRINT or COPY SCREEN $ Master can force the transfer of data GOVERNMENTAL station student and vice versa. If you enter on master'e: LOAD F4 SCREEN $ Spectrum is number 4 will stop and give master'u your current screen, which can so see what is going on Station 4. Likewise, you can type: SAVE F8 to make the station number 8 download BASIC program loaded on master'e. Again, all the options command LOAD / SAVE workable (CODE, SCREEN $...). Of course, master can use the system topic as usual. 2. Network of independent stations (Independent Station Network) -------------------------- Similar to the previous model, but each station has its own disk drives and nter.Estestvenno, all stations in this case need to download the file system, command FORMAT should be done after that. For example, station 4 may send a kodo vy block station 3 via: SAVE N3 CODE 32768,16384 and station 3 will receive it via: LOAD N4 CODE You can use the station number 0 for broadcasting. Please note that the station master in the previous model - an independent station. Important note: only the station number 1 - 10 can be independent. Station 2 - 10 are called assistants (working as master, but can not enter the SAVE command F and LOAD F-). 3. Mixed Network (Mixed Network) ---------------- You can have a network that includes a teaching Cove, as well as independent stations - in this case station, students do not have their disk drives and printers. So you can have more than one the Master. 9.2. BUTTON SNAPSHOT ==================== When you press the magic button NMI is generated and control is transferred the address 0x0066 (102 decimal) of memory DISCiPLE / + D. The subsequent behavior of the system depends on the downloaded version. Under the standard systems (eg systems themes 3a/3b/3d) you should keep CAPS SHIFT key while you click the button, then on the curb will color bars and will be 5 keys are available: 1 = Display screen on the printer 2 = Large print (A4) 3 = Save the current screen to disk 4 = Record 48K snapshot 5 = Record 128K snapshot. Snapshots are saved to disk with the names of type "Snap A" and follow the indices, which depend that depend on the position in kataloge.Pri Conservation 128K snapshot system stops Village le a file and waits for the user did not say whether the screen is changed after the opera tion, the user must respond by pressing 'Y' or 'n'. This is due to the fact that DISCiPLE and + D, in contrast to the Multiface, not have a trigger to save the state Bit 3 Port 0x7FFD, which indicates ka Koi screen is displayed. Prior expectation user intervention, the system including em the first screen (0x4000), so that if every map has changed, it means that was once enabled second screen. Thereafter, control is returned the interrupted program. NOTE: The procedure snapshot spoils a stack of six bytes (PC, AF, and R + F). This can Jette disrupt some programs which use a stack of non-standard Thus (for example, Batman the Movie). subgenera bnee see snapshot (type 5) in Chapter [7]. NOTE: The snapshot can not be used during the network operation. 9.3. ERROR GDOS and UNIDOS ======================================= Here is a list of error codes that are available through the RST 20h, for both systems. Code GDOS G + DOS 2000 Nonsense in GDOS Nonsense in G + DOS 2001 Nonsense in GNOS 02 Statement END error 03 BREAK requested 2004 SECTOR error 05 FORMAT data lost 06 NO DISC in drive CHECK DISC in drive 07 No "SYSTEM" file NO "+ SYS" file 08 Invalid FILE NAME 09 Invalid STATION 10 Invalid DEVICE 11 VARIABLE not found 1912 VERIFY failed 13 Wrong FILE type 14 MERGE error 15 CODE error 16 PUPIL set 17 Invalid CODE 18 Reading a WRITE file 19 Writing a READ file 20 O.K. GDOS 3 O.K. G + DOS 21 Network OFF 22 Wrong DRIVE 23 Disc write PROTECTED 24 Not enough SPACE on disc 1925 Directory FULL 26 File NOT FOUND 27 END of file 28 File NAME used 29 Not a MASTER station NO G + DOS loaded 30 STREAM used 31 CHANNEL used Code UNIDOS 128 Nonsense in Uni-Dos 129 O.K Uni-Dos 130 Break requested 131 Corrupt sector 132 Sector missing 133 Check disc in drive 134 DOS file not found 135 Invalid filename 136 Invalid sector number 137 Invalid device / channel 138 Wrong stream type 139 Verification failed 140 Wrong file type 141 CODE parameter error 142 Directory not found 143 File has zero length 144 Reading a write file 145 Writing a read file 146 POINT outside file 147 Channel out of order 148 Illegal drive number 149 Disc write protected 150 Not enough disc space 151 Directory full 152 File not found 153 End of file 154 Filename already used 155 File still open 156 File in use 157 Channel already open 158 Protected file 159 Unavailable RST 8 10. System variables and GDOS UNIDOS ====================================== System permennye GDOS and storage UNIDOS nyatsya the RAM interface and can be measured are satisfied POKE command to the following: POKE @ var, value where var - a variable number value - the new value. In fact, the operator '@' is understood as offset in the RAM interface. Base addresses following: 0x2000 UNIDOS and G + DOS (+ D) 0x0298 GDOS (DISCiPLE) A list of system variables: Number Description 0 Flash border during disk operations. Set to 0 to curb did not change. This byte is superimposed on And the number of sectors, the result throws to port 0xFE. 1-capacity disk 1 = number of lanes, plus 128 if the two sides. 2 Capacity Disc 2, is similar. 3 Speed moving the head drive. 1 = minimal (1 ms). NOTE: Record here the origin may lock the drive. It can be unlocked when reinstalling the OS with tape. 4 GDOS: disable printer port Centronics (0 = enabled) UNIDOS: if set, allows button BREAK. 5 Length of the line printer in characters (for default is 80) 6 Flag of the printer. If installed, the codes are sent to the printer, are not filtered (binary output = binary output). Need for sending control codes to printer. 7 Distance between lines on printer, measured in 1 / 72 shares inches. Sent to the printer before each carriage return (CR) (for default: GDOS = 12, UNIDOS = 8). 8 Number of transfer lines after the CR (at default: GDOS = 1, UNIDOS = 0). 9 The left border when printing. This number spaces to insert before the first character string (default = 0). 10 Flag of the printer. GDOS: is established, the driver printer generates a graphical representation of characters and the pound copyright / not sure what it is these, as characters in the text have been damaged,. - A.C. / (default is 1). UNIDOS: flag of the printer (default 0x80). 11 GDOS: number of the station network ( default 1). UNIDOS: allows Centronics, similarly variable # 4 GDOS'a (by default 1). 12 UNIDOS: number of columns the printer (for default 1). 13 UNIDOS: color screen CLS #. 14 Address Advanced Syntax (2 bytes). This address is called when error, which is not refers to the hook codes and syntax DOS. Can be used to adding new commands. Ignored if 0. 16 UNIDOS: e hook (Interrupt address) (2 bytes). 18 UNIDOS: printer initialization codes (8 bytes). Sent to the printer after NEW or before pressing the 'P' in snapshot'a time. 26 UNIDOS: setting the height of the symbol (8 bytes). 34 UNIDOS: Installation Interline distance n/72 inch (8 bytes). 42 UNIDOS: plant density graphics characters UDG (8 bytes). 50 UNIDOS: more codes initialize (Second initialise codes) (8 bytes). 58 UNIDOS: Codes for the pound sign (8 bytes) 66 UNIDOS: Codes for the sign '#' (8 bytes) 74 UNIDOS: Codes for the sign (c) (8 bytes) 82 UNIDOS: stores 2 parameters SCREEN $ (Save SCREEN $ 2 parameters) (7 bytes). 89 UNIDOS: setting a graphics mode (Set dump graphics) (8 bytes). 97 UNIDOS: address additional community tions of error (default 0x1C68). 99 UNIDOS: error code. 100 UNIDOS: address of a procedure LPRINT (for default 0x34AA). 102 UNIDOS: the return address by mistake DOS (Default is 0x0000). 104 UNIDOS: Workspace snapshot'a (20 bytes). 124 UNIDOS: call to reset (by Default 0x0000). 126 UNIDOS: invoked at boot time (for default 0x21A4). 7667 UNIDOS: write here 0 for relief DOS. 11. ADDITIONAL COMMANDS BASIC UNIDOS ========================================= UNIDOS - an advanced operating system theme that runs on DISCiPLE and PlusD. Distributed in the form of EPROM, various for these two interfaces. Replace these EPROM'om chip ROM GDOS. You will need is the system disk that contains the memory-resident Part Dos - File "Uni-Dos", launched RUN command after restarting the computer. The system file is the same for DISCiPLE and + D (hence, we believe the name UNI-DOS). He has a length of 6654 bytes, "Missing" 2 bytes contain a checksum, which is often DOS checked to detect damage assertion sistemy.Etot mechanism works Euclidean flax is good, and sometimes you can see, that the system file is reloaded without NEs Nogo out advice: do not worry! :) Pom filamentary that DISCiPLE address RAM and ROM variables ponent UNIDOS'om. See chapter [2], [3.1]. The main features UNIDOS - a powerful system system subdirectories excellent tools ne chati and has many professional touches to find during use. UNIDOS supports a set of standard GDOS functions and G + DOS (some, however, have been changed) - see them on the proper chapter. Something is missing, in particular, ce tevye procedures - for them is not enough memory TUE. FORMAT operator is now not in the set teams, this operation is a special anti-virus application, which lies on the system disk. Files have two attributes: hidden (Hidden) and secure (protected). Hidden files do not appear in the directory is protected nye files available for zapisi.Disk floor denotes the name (a string containing up to 10 symbols fishing) during the formatting. In UNIDOS appeared subdirectories. They pa been operating exactly as you would expect, can specify a file name with full path: "/ Dir1/dir2/file" Note that the slash (slash) '/' IS uses to separate the directory names, as in Unix. Paths can be relative (From the current directory) or absolute (Ie, relative to the root, start with '/'). There is no limit to the depth of the tree directories. The root directory has a fixed uncompensated capacity to 80 file entries and subdirectories can be of any capacity / No more than 256 files - see the handle .- AC /. If a line ends with a slash, then is the name direktorii.Spetsialnye names Dir Ktorov. " and ".." indicate the current and parent directory. Equivalent to the command 'cd' (change dir): IN d1; "pathname /" with a slash at the end of the path (as it is long zhno be a directory name), this team is chosen raet current directory and current drive vod.Vy can also use the IN only to select the current drive if you do not introduce Dete path and the semicolon. There is no standard commands to create and succeeded leniya direktoriy.Sm.nizhe of files CREATE. Operators LOAD and SAVE has not changed; appeared more condensed form for LOAD (for MERGE and VERIFY too): LOAD p "filename" which loads the "filename" with the tech. disc. Executable files (EXECUTE files) can be run through: LOAD d1; "exe" X, In the SAVE statement you can specify the key chevoe word OVER, which disables the verify CGS to overwrite: SAVE OVER d1; "program" This command will overwrite the file without asking for confirmation. ERASE command has not changed. If, after ERASE statement added NOT, it does not deduce converge error messages. You can not delete the file if it is currently open or if it is protected. Operator CAT has a new format: CAT d1 CAT d1; "pathname" You must now specify 'd1' instead '1 'As in GDOS. All options are taken into GDOS, razresheny.Esli you add NOT after CAT, and the list will be hidden files. If you specify a directory name, CAT will display with derzhimoe directory. It is now possible merger (MERGE) and code files, but the only effect of is in that removed Autorun. MOVE operator works as usual (times resolved OVER) and can now be used to copy one file to another, for changing the old SAVE TO manner: MOVE [OVER] d1; "file1" TO d2; "file2" MOVE [OVER] d1; "file1" TO "file2" MOVE can copy files snapshot, MDRV and opentype, even longer than 64K. It can copy directories if the path is (Ending in'/'). MOVE, in contrast from SAVE TO, uses only the memory between BASIC and machine stack, and therefore does not require buet reset the system after completion. Team CLS can be used to reset the screen colors to the state, which lies in the system variable 13: CLS # In UNIDOS appears a powerful tool - File access (RANDOM ACCESS FILES), ie, the files can OPENTYPE processed in any way, and not just row. To open a file with an arbitrary access operator is used in OPEN # as follows: OPEN # 4; d1; "file" RND If you specify IN instead of RND, then the file will only be available for reading, but also with random access. On a single file simultaneously can be connected to 16 ka channels. This statement: OPEN # 4; d1; "file" RND <length> [, ] creates a file specified length and fill it specified a byte (if available!). Not Remember to close all or clear all channels before you eject the disc from the drive, otherwise, after changing the disc when trying satisfied Thread DOS commands will result in errors. You can work with the channels through normal commands PRINT, INPUT and INKEY $ in all variations. Available and new commands: POINT # 4, <offset> set file pointer to the specified offset into the file with random access, connected to channel # 4. When crossing Borders file error. CLEAR operator now has two forms: CLEAR # CLEAR # * [ ] First clears all the channels without creating openout file, the last closing of one or All disk channels, creating openout file (? - A.C.) and emptying the buffers. You can separate empty (flush) buffers, without a covering the file: OUT # As we said above, in particular UNIDOS attention is paid to PRINT. LPRINT command and LLIST work as usual, but now re directed to the parallel port interface sa.Mozhete make a print screen via: SAVE SCREEN $ 1 or SAVE SCREEN $ 2 These 2 options have separate sets parameters. 2-th mode can be redefined Delen user through a change in the system facil variables. These procedures also vyzy vayutsya snapshotnymi keys '1 'and '2' (See below). The general form of SAVE SCREEN $: SAVE SCREEN $ # flag [, pass [, margin [, y [, X [, h [, w ]]]]]] where flag = horizontal increase (0-7) + 8 * vertical increase (0-7) + + 64 to convert the colors + + 128 for the print side. Increase of 0 means 8. pass = the number of passes for printing one line margin = left border of the symbols y and x = lev.verh.ugol printed box w and h = width, height, printed box For details, see the system variables. Following useful operator implements mechanism of ON ERROR GOTO: LINE 9000 includes error trapping, and all errors, except OK, STOP and BREAK, intercepted, and the control is transferred to the specified line, where program can determine the type of error reading a system variable 99 via (PEEK @ 99). UNIDOS also implements a new FUNCTION BASIC; they are enclosed in parentheses, ie, pi shutsya in the form of (<function>). We have already seen: (PEEK @ offset) which reads the system environment variable (in about general case, the RAM address offset +8192). Length of the channel random access (Random channel) can be found via: (LEN # ) where: (POINT # ) returns the current offset pointer file, or 0 if we are at end of file (EOF). Specified number of bytes can be pro read from any channel via: (IN # , <length>) Alternatively you can check for a file or directory via: AT d1; "pathname" that returns 0 if the file does not exist or the number of its directors, if it is found. A new type of files - CREATE. This program, native (Usually new teams or expand sin taxis) that are loaded between the domains Tew, channels and area of BASIC, so they lost after the NEW or reset. You can load and save files create by: LOAD d1; "pathname" USR SAVE d1; "pathname" USR , <length> You can upload as many files, create, as will fit in memory. System ROM that accompanies UNIDOS, contains two create a file with the following add. functions: "Ext_code" includes: FORMAT d1; "diskname" to format the disk preserving diskov.Imya varies in the last byte of the first element root directory. (LINE) returns the number of the current drive + 128, if the disk is write-protected, value has opposite sign, if there is no disk in the drive. (STR $ # ) returns an empty string if the channel is not on Indoor, or 'd', if it openout flow or 'D', if a stream with an arbitrary sufficiently assistant, or letter that uses the channel. "Dir_code" includes: SAVE [OVER] d1; "dirname" CAT creates a directory capacity in the specified file number. ERASE d1; "dirname" CAT removes the specified directory. (STEP [d finish without interruption (Terminate with no interrupt) / "At the same chip do not produce confirmation signal the completion of the command "(ibid.). - A.C. / Command Name Code Notes FORCE_INTERPT 0xD0 End team specified condition (Force interrupt) The status register (R) Some bits have different meanings for depending on the last serving team. Following commands like 1: Bit Value Notes 0 BUSY busy, wait for BUSY = 0 before applying the new Team 1 INDEX PULSE Index pulse 2 TRACK00 head on the 0-th path 3 CRC ERROR Sector is damaged 4 SEEK ERROR Error Search 5 HEAD LOADED head lowered to the disk 6 WRITE PROTECT disk is write protected 7 MOTOR ON motor is turned on or drive not ready After the command types 2 / 3: Bit Value Notes 0 BUSY busy, wait for BUSY = 0 before applying the new Team A DRQ is required to read / write to data register 2 LOST DATA Error (for example, complied with the order exchange) 3 CRC ERROR Sector is damaged 4 RECORD NOT FOUND nonexistent address (Track / sector) or ran out of data read (no more data to read) 5 REC.TYP / WR.FAULT Reading: record type (A type of dam); Record: write error 6 WRITE PROTECT Protection of records 7 MOTOR ON motor is turned on or drive not ready REGISTER TRACKS (RW) Contains the current track number / s point of the program. - A.C. /. REGISTER OF SECTOR (RW) Number of sects. for read / write operations. Data Register (RW) Through it, read and write data in controller. To check the status register before reading or writing bytes of data. 14. AUTHORS AND CONTACT INFORMATION ============================== This document was from Luca Bisti Ramsoft. Stefano Donati wrote the chapter 3.1, 5.1, 9.3 and helped with bug fixes. Thank Dominic'u Morris'u, which gave John information on the hook codes 43h, 44h, 45h and 47h. Petri Andras document sent to the head 12.1. You can contact these people to the following addresses: * THE RAMSOFT STAFF: Ramsoft WHQ (WWR) ... Luca Bisti ............................... .......... Luca.bisti @ Stefano Donati ....... the.king @ * Dominic Morris .......... * Petri Andras ............ You can always get the latest version of this text on the home page RAMSOFT: (World Wide Ramsoft) If this address is working, try: Bay/5673 There will be a reference to the current URL to World Wide Ramsoft. See you there!
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