Inferno #08
30 ноября 2005 |
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Pleased to announce that the summer of 2005 was started production of Pentagon computers 1024SL. Main technical characteristics: + The design of the scheme is put Pentagon 128 1993 year; + CPU: Z80 or equivalent; + RAM: 1024k SIMM module (port expansion of # 7ffd and # 1ffd); + ROM: 64k (with access to free 16k, also have the opportunity to replace Ny ROM on the 0-th page RAM); + Kempston joystick; + Kempston mouse; + ZX Lprint III (implemented only apparatus versa); + System Bus ZX-BUS (2 slots). Tse Kidney IORQ implemented on KR1533LL1; + Floppy disk controller with digital PLL (No 556RT4) and double the speed positions tsionirovaniya; + Dress size 30x18 cm By providing but the mounting box for installation supplement lnyh corps circuits (for those who do not can live without a soldering iron). Those wishing to order a Pentagon-1024SL I offer the following options: 1. Blank printed circuit board (ver 1.4), floor kit optional technical documentation (CDROM, containing the principal and the mounting circuit, short circuit description and instructions assembly and tuning, as well as an archive of time Noah useful information, literature and prog Rummy in the TRD format, etc.). - 600 rubles. Notes: Boards were made on the 3 rd class of accuracy at a plant in Zelenograde.K this complex that can be added: programmed Naya chip ROM 27512 (order price increases increases to 75 rubles.) programmed Microcontroller PIC16C620/622 for Kempston mouse (order price is increased by 100 rub.) 2. Assembled and customized printing plate the one (ver 1.4), a complete set of technical Documentation (CD-ROM, containing the principles sexual and wiring diagrams, a brief description schemes, etc., as well as an archive of various useful Noah media, literature, programs TRD format, etc.), 2 for the outer loop peripherals (monitor, keyboard, joystick, and etc.) - on the one hand socket IDC-34. Set of connectors for external peripherals. - 2500 rub. Notes: Build time - a maximum of 2 weeks (usually but is faster). The kit does not enter dyat SIMM module and musical co-processor AY-3-8910/YM2149F. There are other options, they must be discussed separately. How to place an order, described in detail in Support Web site ( For any questions relating to Pentagon 1024SL, please contact me. My coordinates coordinates: Phone: (495) 308-43-88 (Weekdays from 18.00 to 23.00 msk) (49651) 5-69-23 (Weekends and public holidays) E-mail: Ordinary mail: 105568, Moscow, 24k2 Chelyabinsk apartment. 257 Zhabina Aleksey
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