Inferno #08
30 ноября 2005 |
Softinka - ZX Spectrum emulator for ZX Spectrum.
ZXZXEmul Continuing the theme of jokes published in ACNews # 29 (in fact, the idea is even older) I decided to write an emulator for ZX Spectrum ZX Spectrum. Nothing is impossible here not to method is also not unusual. Su Tee, the emulator replaces the slow trass defocusing, which happens in the debugger, and he may become the core of the debugger (finite but not in its present form, which is too focused on speed). This is the importance of convenience - the ROM can be substituted its firmware, and memory allocation can be take all of the other model computer. And you can, say, to emulate a mouse when it is absence. Another useful feature of the emu oscillator, achievable in conventional debuggers that lko at pereshivanii ROM (not a trace believe t.k.gonyat complicated program, has yuschuyu user interface, under the Trues defocusing is impossible) - breakpoint can but lay in a single byte. In this case, the stack program does not deteriorate (this is not achievable model in conventional debuggers). The emulator is written as follows. First debug command system for 16k RAM and ROM available. (This mode is useful the fact that the emulation is not necessary to switch page.) Teams are selected on the table (For each command code - address podprog FRAMEWORK), with a pointer to the current coma NDU is stored in the DE. Basic set of registration moat conveniently stored in an alternative set, and the main A, BC, HL leave for various vychisleniy.Mozhno would again revenge in the registers and emulated SP, but payoff is likely to be very small. But highly simplifies the use of IX as the current index register. (Not current index register must lie somewhere in the variable in memory, as well as alternative set of registers.) Teams with prefixes are painted in a separable lnyh tables. When changing the current index Nogo prefix index registers are exchanged are (IX <-> memory). This ubilos two hares: IY can take under something useful, needed just one set vypolnyalok index to commands. Emulator, of course, is not the first time work, although it was written in only two day, using a macro (to a chance to quickly replace the entire program buggy piece, if it is found). You have to debug it. Simulate a reset. We see that it does not work melts. Come on firmware ROM step by step stopping Unreal Speccy conditional point kami stop (pc == nnnn)''(de == mmmm), where nnnn - start address vybiralki team, and mmmm - the address in ROM, on which we want ostanovitsya.Ostanoviv, debit registers. Start the second instance, and Unreal Speccy See what at this point in the real ROM sequence should be registry.Parallelno study the route by which our emulator performs ROM (write down all the addresses branching leniya). If we see that our emulator went not where it should (and where necessary, we still shows the second copy of Unreal Speccy), then this is the case when it is necessary to check registers. At the same time check the simulated system variables. To reach the message "Sinclair Re search Ltd ", in our emulator is not even well zhno emulate emulates preryvaniya.Odnako vat break one way or another need. For a start has been made "honest" emu triangulation IM1 (so far without IM2) this ful lneniem each team obrabotchika.Do WMOs yes to the handler (ie, to emulate the RST # 38) to do two things: check emulated trigger interrupt enable (At the same time dropping it) and finish the emulation current emulated komandy.Dlya to complete emulation of the current emulated to Mande, we simply put the interception at the beginning vybiralki team. Later, the interrupt handler was compli Nene: appeared IM2, as was done for IM1 opportunity rather than "fair" under emulation conclude the call now # 38. That there tively quickly. Of course, before such challenge is checked to see if I IY, and if not there, then you need to "honestly" to emulate bugs emulated by the program:) Memory Limit (16k instead of 48k) to locally made easy: forbidden entry cells above # 7fff. In the end (on the fifth day) emulation 16k earned, and emulated BASIC it became possible to execute the statements. The next step - 48k. They required macros were working with memory. Emulator Need memory operations: 1. taking command code or parameter team; 2. entry into the virtual memory; 3. reading from the virtual memory; and others listed - osnovnye.Virtualnoe RAM is placed in the top pages of memory TUE. Wrote these macros, I got perturbed zhnost arrange to intercept the output on screen wounds: if emulated pg5 lies not in the real Noah pg5 (it switches to the source - try), then the write command on the screen can zhno forward and back and back, and on the real screen, you can write is not always but on some condition (for example, I Rea calized clipping the right side of the screen - it can accommodate, say, any integral indicator of). After debugging 48k (at the same time was otrabo tana opportunity to change the firmware ROM), I ne reshel to 128k. The difference here is not so principle, as between 16k and 48k. Just need to add processing OUT (# fd) and implements formalize the emulator relevant variables mennuyu. More precisely, we need two variables: what page of RAM is included in terms of the emu liruemoy program and what is actually should be included when working with addresses > = # C000. For debugging 128 BASIC should be realized vat and switching pages Rom. I'm at the same time implemented and the possibility of switching pages in windows # 4000 and # 8000, for the future ATM emulation. This necessitated a change LD A, constant in LD A, (variable) and right kticheski not slow emulation. 48 BASIC worked, despite the fact that Some commands emulate irregular but. Drove 128 BASIC, as well as Mr Gluk Reset Service, I have tested other komandy.Ne tested were nedokume ntirovannye team with an indexed register addressed, but I do not realize. Note that when the 128 BASIC should not work out in the TR-DOS by # 3dxx! Otherwise not consider calcium kulyator 128 BASIC! I found it not once, as on my real pentagon # 3dxx pa boat, and when the 128 BASIC. Point She, # 3dxx me in this case includes 0-th page ROM, where Gluk Service. But ca ICDO 128 BASIC in ROM, I do not have, instead of he Quick Commander. The emulator has turned a cumbersome size because I wanted to find a ceiling speed. To trace the real problem All macros work with the memory should have been drive into the routines, and many vypolnyalki Commands should be combined. However, ceiling, I do not dostig.Pri this method (for a successive execution of commands without the din nomic recompilation and without prediction the following commands) brake in selecting a page (Commands, data, stack) could be strongly reduce, if not make DE point the virtual memory address of the program, and to the real address (# c000-# ffff), guaranteed rovav while that in the beginning to vybiralki Manda is included page commands. For then I realized the box margins (0 = one hundred ry mode, 1 = new), wrote a new kernel emulation, and made different macros return vypolnyalok from different teams (the easy way out, output with the inclusion of pages of commands output recalculation of the virtual to the real and DE etc.). In the form, as I realized, has not bypassed when the program crosses the boundary of the windows memory. But to circumvent it can be. Unfortunately, the treatment margins = 1 Even in this simplified form, I have not able to debug - maybe you have the floor chitsya? There is another option to accelerate the choice of commands - copy from a page of commands just a lot of bytes and then execute commands at the bottom of memory. Of course, you need a lot checks. As usual, I had lost in his broken GOVERNMENTAL pieces of paper recording measurements of time to the first method (margins = 0, which work em) for the second (margins = 1, which is not works). Gain in speed in the new method (when performing the reset procedure) If I remember correctly, somewhere in 25%. Of course, the fastest mode - this is 16k. Emulation # 3d13 was not enough to earn the disc program. Widi model, it is necessary to support some other point. Mr Gluk Reset Service sees the directory, but not can run beysiki.Vprochem, diskdoktor work. I have not done a single control button emulator, simply noted in a handler interrupt the place where should be checked knopki.Rekomenduyu use a combination of SS / Enter, give it to the menu, including options which (dumps, loading / unloading snapshots, debugger, etc.) should be is as follows: "to pass the program on an emulated zhatie SS / Enter for 10 interrupts. Sources are in the appendix. They consider read the compilation to Pentagon 512/1M (Itself an emulator also designed to work on Pentagon 512/1M). You will be easy to use rule under a different model of memory. Alone C
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