Deja Vu #04
31 марта 1998 |
CODING - THE optimization.
SoundTrack: BY 5EC70R/SERIOUS S.G.4 DEJAVU __________________________________________ (C) M.M.A / SPEED CO. aka UnBELIEVER / XTM __________________________________________ THE OPTIMIZATION In the first lines of this short article I would like to mention the fact that I do not consider a steep coder'om. Yes, S once were and I have Akad S zyvy to master program S formation and the achievement of ) S SATISFACTION heights and INM S SULT - hit those far and S times. However, total Lack perseverance and RS S free time soon led to recognition of the fact inability to become a real, real coder. Since then, securing its status as a man who knows asm Z80, I began to study more things for the benefit of the approximate favorite SPECCY. Of course, periodically have to be shipped ALASM for writing loader'ov, simple protsedurok for the conversion / processing graphics and sound with pC, but it not at all what I mean by coder. That is why, in our ENLIGHT'ovskoy work - NOUMENON - none of my bits in the code. Nevertheless, the above reasons does not prevent me to follow closely the current state of affairs in coding'e and programming. That is why, having found in the annex to the seventh issue of the new ZX-FORMAT assembler STORM, I could not resist tried this product at work. STORM can be said about a lot of good words. This is absolutely evil and savage environment. In my subjective opinion, _nastoyaschie_ effects can not be written in squalid GENS / ZEUS / MASM, and others. Good effect requires a comfortable writing with a STORM frame-scrolling of the text is comfortable environment. However, to each his own ... So, I sit in this STORM'e and I think Why would such a nakodit. Watching the rapid scrolling screen, I decided to try to write something like that. Given given in the first paragraph of the facts, nor that more than scrolling the entire screen up with the cleaning of the bottom line, I did not enough. Write the first option, which Finally, normal work, I felt a mad desire prooptimizirovat and accelerate its program. That is what devoted to the following written bytes of text. So, our task is to how to write a procedure that shifts Full screen up one pixel row. Further, this procedure should be expedited. There you have it! Because you, my dear readers, certainly not RST # 7, EXPLODER or FUX, will not very cool to put a question on the shift of screen, for example, during one frame. We are quite satisfied with two or three frames on the shift that is about 140-210 thousand cycles. It on this, I suggest that for the process Copy one line does not use stackable design POP all: LD SP, nn: PUSH all, difficult to understand for beginners. Let us confine ourselves to simple and clear commands to copy blocks - LDIR, LDDR, LDI, LDD. To start the optimization, it is necessary jot down the first version of the procedure, which presented only two claims - The procedure should work correctly and be understandable. In order not to reinvent the wheel, below I present a similar procedure, which is taken from the previous issue DEJA VU. My credit is only in the calling program. ;----------------------------------------; SIMPLE LDIR SCROLL CODED BY MMA ; USING SUBROUTEN BY Serzh Soft ;---------------------------------------- ORG # 8000 LD HL, # C000, DE, # 4000, BC, 6144 LDIR; The transfer to the screen ; Loaded at address # C000 ; Pictures ;----------------------------------------; 192 times call the procedure shifts ; The screen up one line ;---------------------------------------- LD B, 192 LOO PUSH BC DI CALL PSRL_UP EI: HALT; can be removed in order to obtain ; Of the uniform, "damn it ; Givaniya "lines. POP BC DJNZ LOO EI RET ;----------------------------------------; Shift upward by one pixel (38 < = 91) ;---------------------------------------- PSRL_UP LD DE, # 4000; 10 ;-LP_PSU1 LD H, D; 4 LD L, E; 4 LD BC, # 0020, 10 INC H; 4 LD A, H; 4 AND # 07; 7 JR NZ, GO_PSUP; 10 LD A, L; 4 ADD A, C; 4 LD L, A; 4 JR C, GO_PSUP; 7 LD A, H; 4 SUB # 08; 7 LD H, A; 4 GO_PSUP PUSH HL; 11 LDIR; 21/16 total = 667 POP DE; 10 LD A, H; 4 CP # 58; 7 JR C, LP_PSU1; 7 cycles = 149,553 - XOR A; 4 LP_PSU2 LD (DE), A; 7 INC E; 4 JR NZ, LP_PSU2; 10 cycles = 672 RET; only about 151 tys.taktov All comments on the work of this unit code can be found in DEJA VU # 3 / 40 BEST PROCEDURES (Listing 2). In the above Listing instead of comments are the values of run-time teams in tact. Typing and otassemblirovav procedure, you should be downloaded from the address # C000 (49152) any schedule to it that move. I recommend the picture aso scr., Which can be found on the disk with DEJA VU # 2. The point that this picture is black and white, and occupies the entire screen. This will allow detailed observe when scrolling the screen to places where the beam sweep ahead of our procedure to update the screen. A ray will overtake us certainly, since the whole procedure takes about 151 tys.taktov (more accurately say difficult, because you have to take a long time). When counting beats, I took only during the procedure without PSRL_UP accounting team RET and the caller. So it's time to start optimizing. "How?", You ask me. Naive people, you thought that I will explain everything thoroughly and to the last byte. No! All this dirty work to optimize do you and only you. Who among us two to learn assembler, you or I? Some clues have yet to give. Of course, should be replaced LDIR more quick LDI, stack fucking transfer graphics We have agreed not to use it! However, stack can be used for other purposes, where the aptly delivered PUSH or POP replace the whole abyss of commands. Certainly need to accelerate the process of transition from one screen bar to another and, of course, should be .... No! You yourself have to guess ... Although, using even half of my tips, you can easily reach the mark in 116 tys.taktov, to further improve good bit poraskinut brains. Well, to give at least some incentive, I presents data on the procedure to which able to write to me, holding ldir restrictions on the transfer of the line: The size of the procedure - 188 bytes (After the first run-increasing to 572) Approximate run time - 111 tys.taktov (almost the exact time of execution - 110.682) For eager to look at this monster in the annex to the magazine placed source (File called LDISCROL. ). I asked specifically to leave it in the format STORM'a, as this assembly is not at all, and according to this, you will most likely not be able to immediately look back. We'll have some time to consider the place that some called the head. Of course, I suspect, and realize that my procedure can be speeded up. If, however, did not move the image on the screen and take it from memory, and output in the right place (even by LDIR'ov), the ...... However, this another story! Powered by LACRIMOSA'95 "INFERNO" MOTHER RUSSIA/SAMARA/13.02.97 P.S. "Friday 13-oe ....."
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