Deja Vu #04
31 марта 1998 |
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CODING - Print numbers in different number systems: print decimal and hexadecimal, binary, and Roman numbers, seal numbers in the radix set by the user.
![<b>CODING</b> - Print numbers in different number systems: print decimal and hexadecimal, binary, and Roman numbers, seal numbers in the radix set by the user.
<b>CODING</b> - Print numbers in different number systems: print decimal and hexadecimal, binary, and Roman numbers, seal numbers in the radix set by the user.](
SoundTrack: "FuCK iSn'T A FacT Yet" (A. FER) __________________________________________ (C) Kolotov Sergei g.Shadrinsk, SerzhSoft __________________________________________ PRINTING numbers in different number systems __________________________________________ * One of the major computer problems is the derivation of numbers on screen (in print). And the numbers may be in different number systems, of which there are not so little. The most familiar to us all, of course but the same is the decimal S system, ie system schisc S representation with base 10. De S dozen here appears not ) S accident: a man with a deep S Coy antiquity believed in the power of singing S fingers, and they both R S is known - ten. But com S puter "usual" assume a thief is not in the decimal system, but in binary, because All information in It seems the electric charges is the current (1) and no current (0). Since the same move with the "computer" language in the normal man? The following procedure prints number specified in the register A (accumulator) in decimal form. Print runs standard command RST # 10 in the current output stream. The length of the procedure, 23 bytes. In its work, it uses a 3-byte table tens of degrees, and when performing in cycle counts and prints the number of hundreds (first figure), tens of (Second) and units (third digit) numbers. See Listing 1. Yet it is unlikely that did not will need to print, say, hexadecimal or binary systems notation. Yes, even in the same decimal, but, for example, numbers in the range of not 0 to 255 and from 0 to 65535. Therefore advisable to always enough "to have on hand" library of procedures designed Print numbers in various number systems, in various ranges. What me and realized ... See Listing 2. The structure of this library includes procedures for the printing of numbers in various number systems. Namely: decimal, hex, binary, installed user (eg, octal), and as a particularly exotic, the system Roman numbers. Procedures that make up the library, have much in common and fully understand the one, you can more quickly grasp in the principle of rest. All headlines printing procedures start with P (Print). Further there are three letters that define a system in which printed number. Then, separated by an underscore, followed by one of the symbols of B or W, Determining the range of numbers printed: bytes (Byte) or Word (Word). In the first case (B), before calling the procedure, the number should in register A (accumulator), and In the second case (W) - in the register pair HL. Printing is done in the current thread O (Team RST # 10). Library description PDES LIB. 1. Print decimal. 1.) Procedure PDEC_W - print numbers located in the register pair HL. Print Range: 00000 .. 65535. Length of procedure 26 bytes. Uses a table of degrees of tens DECTB_W. 2.) Procedure PDEC_B - print the number of A (000 .. 255), 11 bytes. The work is PDEC_W. 3.) Procedure PDEC_3B - print numbers given by three registers: A, H, L (for seniority). Print range: 00000000 ... 16777215 (2 ^ 24-1). The length of the procedure, 40 bytes. Causes PDEC_B and PDEC_W. This procedure was put into this makes it possible for a library with sometimes encountered problems in printing numbers greater than 65535. For example, without this there manage to derive the number of cycles in an interrupt. 4.) Table DECTB_W - contains dozens of 5 degrees, defined as a word (2 bytes) - Length of 10 bytes. Total length of section: 10 +40 +11 +26 = 87 bytes 2. Print hexadecimal numbers. 1.) Pr-pa PHEX_LB - printing ml. nibble in A (0 .. F), 14 bytes. 2.) Pr-pa PHEX_HB - print art. nibble in A (0 .. F), 4 bytes. Swaps the nibbles in the A and causes PHEX_LB. 3.) Pr-pa PHEX_B - print the number of A (00 .. FF), 3 bytes. Two times is PHEX_HB. 4.) Pr-pa PHEX_W - print the number of HL (0000 .. FFFF), 5 bytes. Two times is PHEX_B. Total length of section: 5 +3 +4 +14 = 26 bytes. 3. Print binary numbers. 1.) Pr-pa PBIN_B - print the number of A (8 discharge), 12 bytes. 2.) Pr-pa PBIN_W - print the number of HL (16 bits), 5 bytes. Two times is PBIN_B. Total length of section: 5 +12 = 17 bytes. 4. Print numbers in radix set by the user. Served as a prototype for the procedure, published in an excellent reference book - the book of H. Rodionov and A. Larchenko "ZX-Spectrum for users and programmers. " 1.) Pr-pa MKUSETB - filling the table USE_TBL degrees with the base defined in battery. The length of the pr-algebra 28 bytes. 2.) Pr-pa PUSE_W - print number to HL. Uses the previously created table MKUSETB degrees USE_TBL. 33 bytes. 3.) Table USE_TBL - Table of powers, 32 bytes. Total length of section: 32 +33 +28 = 93 bytes. 5. Printing Roman numerals. 1.) Pr-pa PRIM_W - print the number of HL (I.. MMMCMXCIX), 77 bytes. Uses a table RIM_TBL. 2.) Pr-pa PRIM_B - print the number of A (I.. CCLV). Length of 3 bytes. Calls the procedure PRIM_W. 3.) Table RIM_TBL - table of the significance of the letters in the writing of Roman numerals. Length: 7 * 3 = 21 bytes. Total length of section: 21 +3 +77 = 101 bytes. Full size libraries: 324 bytes. Listing 1. The printing bytes ten quadratic system. PDEC_B; print decimal numbers in Accu mulyatore (000 .. 255) LD HL, DECTB_B; address table Litsa degree It scores LD B, # 03; max. WHO possible to lichestvo figures LP_PDB1 LD C, "0" -1; initialization tion counter LP_PDB2 INC C; increase counter SUB (HL); subtract current the degree of de tens JR NC, LP_PDB2; repeat while A> = 0 ADD A, (HL); A = A mod (HL) ; C = STR $ (A div (HL)) PUSH AF; keep A on the stack LD A, C, current figure RST # 10; digital printing algebra POP AF; recovery tion Accu mulyatora INC HL; transition to seq. degree tens of degree ki DJNZ LP_PDB1; spun Loop figures RET; exit Procedure ; DECTB_B DB 100,10,1; Table degrees 10-ki for byte --------------; PHEX_HB; print high-order nibble in A (0 .. F) RRCA; change RRCA; places RRCA; Senior RRCA; and younger nibbles ;----------------------------------------; PHEX_LB; Print younger nibbles of A (0 .. F) PUSH AF; saved A on the stack AND # 0F; discarded extra senior bi you CP # 0A; if A <10, JR C, GO_PHL; then rewrite belched ADD A, "A" - "9" -1; correction mounting plate: village le "9" is "A" GO_PHL ADD A, "0", translated into ASCII-code RST # 10; print HEX figures ("0" .. "F") POP AF; reductive Does A with Stack RET; exit Procedure ;----------------------------------------; ; Print in BIN system:; ;----------------------------------------; PBIN_W; print binary number to HL (16-bit 0 / 1) LD A, H; print Senior Byte number CALL PBIN_B; challenge of procedure BIN buy print that LD A, L; print Jr. Byte number ;----------------------------------------; PBIN_B; print binary number in A (8 bits 0 / 1) LD B, # 08; in a byte - 8 bits LP_PBB RLCA; alternately 'Put forward' bits in the CF PUSH AF; keep A on the stack LD A, # 18, depending on depending on the Flag C: RLA; A = "0" or A = "1" RST # 10; print obviously anterior bi that POP AF; restore vit A with Stack DJNZ LP_PBB; bitwise cycle RET; exit Procedure ;----------------------------------------; ; Print in USER system:;; ;----------------------------------------; PUSE_W; Print numbers in the set MKUSETB system MF-I in HL PUSH HL; cast printable number on stack HL_PUW LD HL, _NULL; address of the end Table degrees LP_PUW1 DEC HL; load in DE next LD D, (HL); degree number DEC HL; from the table, LD E, (HL); moving top-down EX (SP), HL; address table Litsa <-> print-e number XOR A; zeroing A and reset flag C LP_PUW2 INC A; compute regular SBC HL, DE; digit number la and results result JR NC, LP_PUW2; put in A (A = 1 + (HL div DE)) ADD HL, DE; restored Lebanon (+) value ADD A, "0" -1; translate A in ASCII-code CP "9" +1, if code less than "9" JR C, GO_PUW1; the transition Print ADD A, "A" - "9" -1; correction (After the "9" is "A") GO_PUW1 RST # 10; print obviously anterior digital algebra of EX (SP), HL; HL = address table number -> stack DEC DE; if the degree stump LD A, D; numbers are not equal to unity boundary OR E; (most lane first element table) JR NZ, LP_PUW1; then continue isplay work POP HL; remove from no stack right 0 RET; exit Procedure ;----------------------------------------; MKUSETB; Create a table of powers with base vaniem in A LD HL, USE_TBL; address cos given by Table LD DE, # 0001; initialization tion counters ka degree LP_MUT1 LD (HL), E; record those kuschego INC HL; values degree LD (HL), D; in the table and the transition INC HL; for its next yuschey cell PUSH HL; store address on stack LD B, A; founded th degree penalties - "in counter cycle LD HL, # 0000 reset result LP_MUT2 ADD HL, DE; counting it results JR C, GO_MUT; if HL> 65535, then interrupt Account DJNZ LP_MUT2; repeattimes EX DE, HL; result - in DE (New degree) GO_MUT POP HL; restored Lebanon Address Table Litsa JR NC, LP_MUT1; if not interrupted, then repeat LD (HL_PUW +1), HL; address of the end Table -> in PUSE_W RET; exit Procedure ;----------------------------------------; USE_TBL DS 32; table degrees are Booths of schis leniya ;----------------------------------------; ; Print in RIM system:; ;----------------------------------------; PRIM_B; Print numbers in Roman records in A (I.. CCLV) LD L, A; copy LD H, # 00; A in HL ;----------------------------------------; PRIM_W; Print numbers in Roman entries HL (I.. MMMCMXCIX) PUSH HL; cast printable number on stack LD HL, RIM_TBL; address table Litsa characters DB # DD; work with half Register IX LD L, # 07; LD XL, the number of characters in p. radix LP_PRW1 LD E, (HL); read the from the table value INC HL; next sign Reams Coy system LD D, (HL); reckoning and put in DE INC HL; then re Giustra C read the LD C, (HL); ASCII-code mark INC HL; transition to next sign LD (HL_PRW +1), HL; preserved address the following blowing mark EX (SP), HL; address -> to stack, HL = pechat.chislo XOR A; zeroing counter and Reset CF LP_PRW2 INC A; in the loop produce SBC HL, DE; division HL on DE (you read JR NC, LP_PRW2; unavailable overflow line) ADD HL, DE; restored Lebanon (+) value DEC A; because A 1 more HL div DE, JR Z, GO_PRW1; then if A = 1 - Nothing print LD B, A; number print Character LP_PRW3 LD A, C; character code RST # 10; print his DJNZ LP_PRW3; how to before - so to and Pec Tai GO_PRW1 DB # DD; work with half Register IX LD A, L; LD A, XL - number of current schego sign DEC A; if Last sign (I), then JR Z, GO_PRW4; dvuhbukven Nogo soche Tania no EX (SP), HL; HL = address sled.znaka, number-> stack RRA; if the number current mark parity LIMITED, JR C, GO_PRW2; a combination state with the following blowing values com INC HL; otherwise - ne reprygnut in one INC HL; sign. In result get the hell res INC HL; sign for get double GO_PRW2 LD A, C; znakosoche Tania (IV, CM, XL ...) LD C, (HL); taken from Table value for INC HL; this sign and received LD B, (HL); difference between values cheniem INC HL; ground and these values cheniem. EX DE, HL; For example, for foundations Nogo mark X AND A; additional tive bu children I, and their SBC HL, BC; difference corresponding respectively: EX DE, HL; 10-1 = 9, ie IX LD C, A; code bases Nogo sign LD A, (HL); additional code Executive mark EX (SP), HL; HL = print my number SBC HL, DE; if it is < additional Nogo JR C, GO_PRW3; value is not printing Tai RST # 10; printing up filler Nogo sign LD A, C; main sign RST # 10; print JR GO_PRW4; result - dvuhbukv. combination GO_PRW3 ADD HL, DE; reductive Whether (+) y number GO_PRW4 EX (SP), HL; number -> to stack HL_PRW LD HL, _NULL; address the following blowing sign in Table DB # DD; work with half Register IX DEC L; DEC XL - reduce counter signs JR NZ, LP_PRW1; twist cycle while there is More characters POP HL; not removed must start zero with Stack RET; exit Procedure ;----------------------------------------; RIM_TBL; Table significance of the letters in napisa SRI Roman numerals DW 1000 DB "M"; M = 1000; CM = 900 DW 500 DB "D"; D = 500; CD = 400 DW 100 DB "C"; C = 100; XC = 90 DW 1950 DB "L"; L = 50; XL = 40 DW 1910 DB "X"; X = 10; IX = 9 DW 5 DB "V"; V = 5; IV = 4 DW 1 DB "I"; I = 1;-nop ;-------------------------------------- -; ; End of PDES LIB 2.0;; ;----------------------------------------;
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