Deja Vu #04
31 марта 1998

attempt at writing - A poem about good and evil.

<b>attempt at writing</b> - A poem about good and evil.
SoundTrack: MR.Z OF LASER SOFT '98 (C) BD


           Poem about good and evil!


      WARNING! All names are fictitious!

        Any coincidence by accident!

        Scarce NIKE KOT'u to come

        And asked pipsqueak:

        "Cod'it - it's good

        Or cod'it - bad? "

        COTE NIKE'a looked at askance,

        Know he did not understand the question.

        NIKE question still repeated

        What KOT'a not surprised.

        (COT habits NIKE'a knew -

        NIKE twice repeated.

        He was wounded in part -

        NIKE with the socket was nedruzhen.)

        COTE thought: "Well, give!

        Let him go to ACID'u,

        Let me, he helps out,

        Let him NIKE'a loads. "

        Entrenched in this idea

        CTO said, a little reflection:

        "ACID steeper than it knows

        Yes quickly explained to.

        You go to him quickly,

        He does not eat people. "

        NIKE heeding the words then

        Drove off in a moment of KOT'a.

        ACID scary nut,

        At this time morphing cod'il.

        Attribute dice smoothly

        Turned ... Oh well.

        We do not care what he cod'it,

        Matter where we roam pipsqueak.

        SAV'a met along the way

        NIKE did not let him go:

        "Are you lamer?" - Was the question.

        SAV replied: "Yes, of cozzz!"

        So they greeted

        Met on the road.

        "Speccy rulez!" shouted,

        "IBM must die!" said

        SAV and then went home,

        NIKE ACID'u same to come.

        In the crypt that was quiet,

        Do not gallop even a mouse.

        Although she KEMPSTON mouse,

        But not like this house.

        Suddenly he saw a note:

        "Polijen a" mouse "Piscu.

        Razdecrunch'iv instantly encryption,

        He scratched his head,

        He turned round

        And went to S.L. 'th house.

        ACID he sat

        And about different with "TU" tryndel.

        NIKE on them tumbled into the hut,

        In the zone immediately bowed

        And said: "ACID, dear!

        You will not be a lamer frail.

        COTE sent me to thee,

        What would pro coding said.. "

        ACID morph'om was busy,

        Speech he NIKE'a missed.

        NIKE truncating direct refusal,

        The second he repeated again.

        ACID again heard

        Morph at the border again went out.

        NIKE immediately ran to the clave,

        Ctrl + Alt + Delete are pressed.

        ACID scary grin,

        By NIKE'u face'om turned

        And he said such a speech:

        "What I was questioning oven

        Better collection INFORKOMA

        You take yourself for a house.. "

        After, NIKE went to KOT'u,

        Took a knizhenku that,

        And he went home to read,

        Fractional count study.

        Attribute the snow has passed,

        So I went to NIKE'u.

        What I see: the poor crumb

        Kodit was not bad at all.

        And that's our story

        Ends here for you.

Other articles:

Aperativchik - On the control of obolochke DEJA VU and the content of 4 issues of the journal

Topic - Immortal SPECCY - "Future Project Speccy".

drop of solder - The emulator ZX-SPECTRUM v3.04 - User's Guide.

drop of solder - The emulator ZX-SPECTRUM v0.20b by LION.

drop of solder - ZX-SPECTRUM NAVIGATOR v1.00beta.

SOFTWARE - The presentation of the game "The Lord of Orion."

SOFTWARE - A Treatise on the Great polzitelnosti some architectural developments.

SOFTWARE - An overview of new games: FISHER pre-reliz, EMPIRE demo, LITTLE GHOST demo, STALKER, ELOPEMENT, WORDLIFE.


CODING - The remix of some procedures in 1993: SCREEN APARAT, umbral path, LOOK BASIC PROGRAMM-2.

CODING - Print numbers in different number systems: print decimal and hexadecimal, binary, and Roman numbers, seal numbers in the radix set by the user.

CODING - the procedure "plasma balls".

CODING - fade out the music at any time.

CODING - THE optimization.

CODING - The rotation of sprites.

ANOTHER WORLD - On a computer Be Box.

ANOTHER WORLD - The arguments and facts (AMIGA vs PC).

Hall of Fame - Official information about the festival FunTop-98.

Hall of Fame - Competition for the best minidemku (1024 bytes).

Seven and 1 / 2 - Lesson Lamer or a hundred and one procedure for cleaning the battery.

Seven and 1 / 2 - April Fools' Day (jokes and humor).

attempt at writing - last tour or VIRTUL-but AMIG-LIMITED syndrome.

attempt at writing - A poem about good and evil.

attempt at writing - The return of Claire.

attempt at writing - Poems: Sleep student Fable of Mattanah, medical board.

attempt at writing - Short Story "The War Continues" (continued, Chapter 6).

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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