Flash Time #01
10 июля 1997

But seriously - Cell phones - what is it?

<b>But seriously</b> - Cell phones - what is it?

  Cell Phones - What is it?
----------------------------------------- Agafonov, AL
Professor of the Novosibirsk Center for the Study of radiation 
exposure. ----------------------------------------- It's time 
to talk about what represent themselves are true "friends"

called "cell phones".

   Probably for most people
the idea of ​​acquiring such
Miracle - sweet dream, because
have such a phone can be almost one thousand, because
the financial side of this miracle
tends to be measured in astronomical units "There is nothing
surprised - very apparatus
sophisticated and modern, but still
Imported! But this is not a member of
The purpose of our article to discuss
it quantitatively. Look at all this good.

   Of course, ease of use all this equipment is undeniable, but
look at it from medetsiny. By
estimated Gosstata in Russia from the tumor
of the brain die every year 300 thousand people.
Moreover, they all had the good fortune to communicate with
cellular and other mobile
used for communication frequencies above 800 MGts.K note - 
Microwave works about the same frequency range. Now you 
probably understand what this analogy? Cell phone-small,

but very effective microwave and
"Fry dish - is the owner of this
apparatus, unaware of the treachery that he carries in his 

   Have long noted the harmful effects of microwave
fluctuations in living tissue. Under the influence of the add 
cells die from overheating of the cytoplasm and leave a 
necrotic (dead) tissue. The body is trying to destroy this 
fabric - hence skoplniya pus and usually infected.

But the process of "prozharivaniya" goes constantly, until the 
cell is turned on, and the worst thing that exposures are 
primarily entire brain. Hence we are

consequences: poor sleep, constant fatigue, symptoms of 
paralysis of fingers, blurred vision, premature otuplenie 
sclerosis and cerebral blood vessels. 

   Of course, the purpose of advertising, firms engaged in the 
manufacture and sale of cellular equipment, never being 
informed that their products can bring any harm.

In addition, awareness of our population is poor, and which can 
be " get it in your pocket personal executioner

and, for solid money. But this was not
ends - the monthly fee for using the network, plus the traffic. 
People themselves to pay money to kill them slowly and 
painfully (disease progresses to severe pain and suffering in 
the grave). 

   But the method by which you can
protect against the harmful effects of high frequency 

   First of all - it is an electromagnetic screen that protects 
the magnetic component radivolny. The display is a iron helmet, 
completely covering his head. To review, in a helmet cut two 
narrow openings. With increasing radius of the hole wave 
striking factor of the microwave enhanced. The ideal case would 
be no Review of holes, but then you will

purchase guide with relevant experience. But there's more! 
Electrical component of microwave radiation immediately charges 
the helmet and interferes with activities brain. Charged helmet 
produces discharges in different parts of the head, breaking 
the normal electrical cycle of the brain. 

   Get rid of this in two ways:

      1. When the communication session should be based on
bare ground, heavily soaked with water. When
This accumulated charges will seamlessly flow into the ground.

      2. If the first method is inconvenient - apply a second: 
on the back surface of the helmet is attached diffusion bonding 
chain. It is desirable that it be made of metal with the lowest 
resistivity - for example, of gold. Chain free his

end must always touch the ground, which again should be 
abundantly watered. 

   All of these chains and disadvantages associated with
using a helmet, just
necessary measure of protection, if you
expensive your precious health! Using the services of mobile 
campaigns, you must not forget the harm done by your invaluable 
health and they will have to pay for damage caused.

        Be Healthy!

Other articles:

But seriously - How to "sell" floppy disk for 500.000

But seriously - Birds.

But seriously - The development (as appeared Spectrum).

But seriously - Cell phones - what is it?

But seriously - Ditty

Assembler - Beginners.

The annex to the number.

Entry - The authors.

Entry - From the authors.

Zhelezyachki - Sound Drive 1.51

Zhelezyachki - Give Spectrum 3.5 "floppy drive!

Zhelezyachki - Up Work Scropion Turbo (AY in digitization, the velocity uvilichenie companies).

perverts - Sex Telephone.

perverts - Little Red Riding Hood (folklore).

perverts - the Battle of Kulikov (eyewitness).

On asshole - Overfile Must Die!!!

Mail - Messages: Messages for the famous people in the world of the Spectrum.

Mail - Letters from readers.

Reflections - AMIGA or PC?

Reflections - the musical map for the Speccy.

Reflections - Problems AY: all the music on the AY-editors kidding!

Reflections - Project Superspektrum.

Advertising - EX Russia

Advertising - The inhabitants of Novosibirsk

Soft - butted: Chaos - the Battle of Wizards.

Soft - butted: Enterprise.

Soft - butted: Little Computer People.

Soft - butted: Starcontrol.

Soft - What to expect in the near future.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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