Flash Time #01
10 июля 1997

Reflections - Problems AY: all the music on the AY-editors kidding!

<b>Reflections</b> - Problems AY: all the music on the AY-editors kidding!

     Hello to all lovers of Speccy! At the heart
pent a grievous thought:

  - All music on AY-editors kidding! All
The fact is that people who rewrote
or write their editors, not
hesitation, ready to take constant notes
previously known editors (ASM, Sound
tracker ...). But the question is - whether they are true 
constants? Obviously, they were selected by ear! In fact, oddly 
enough, in the world there is a single table of notes and she 
can not vary depending on geography.

Therefore they need to calculate correctly
and in accordance with world standard!
I even hesitated at first: Maybe their foreign car does not 
work at 3.5MHz? .. Having considered the frequency of notes 
taken from ST and ASM, I knew it was time to tell the world 
about this terrible mess, as inconsistency notes. Agree that 
the frequency for the music people are also invented for a 
reason, and not some genius once dawned, just true musical 
frequencies perceived by the brain much more strongly than any 
other (say, such as in foreign editors). Our young programmers 
race began to write music editors: A steeper another, another 
powerful first. But all of them have one drawback, which 
reduces everything to nothing - I say constants of the 
illiterate is nice! 

  Below I give a table of frequencies of notes within the 8m 
and octaves and a method for finding the constants for the 
AY-891h (F (tact) = 1,75 MHz). 


      C-C # D-D #

1 32.70 34.65 36.71 38.89
2 65.41 69.29 73.42 77.78
3 130.82 138.58 146.84 155.56
4 261.64 277.16 293.68 311.12
5 523.28 554.32 587.36 622.24
6 1046.5 1108.6 1174.7 1244.5
7 2093.1 2217.2 2349.4 2488.9
8 4186.2 4434.6 4698.9 4977.9

      E-F-F # G
1 41.20 43.65 46.25 49.00
2 82.41 87.30 92.50 98.00
3 164.82 174.60 185.00 196.00
4 329.64 349.20 370.00 392.00
5 659.28 698.40 740.00 784.00
6 1318.6 1396.8 1480.0 1568.0
7 2637.1 2793.6 2960.0 3136.0
8 5274.2 5587.2 5920.0 6272.0

      G # A-A # B
1 51.91 55.00 58.27 61.73
2 103.82 110.00 116.54 123.46
3 207.64 220.00 233.08 246.92
4 415.28 440.00 466.16 493.84
5 830.56 880.00 932.32 987.68
6 1661.1 1760.0 1864.6 1975.4
7 3322.2 3520.0 3729.3 3950.7
8 6644.5 7040.0 7458.6 7901.4


    The required frequency of sound in the co-processor is 
obtained as follows: 

        F (note) = F (tact) / 12/Const;

        (F (tact) = 1750000Gts.)
Hence: Const = F (tact) / 1912 / F (note).

    It now remains only to substitute in
formula and obtain the required values
constant at the desired frequency.

    Attention! To achieve greater accuracy in the calculations, 
the resulting constant ROUND need, not only to take her whole



    Perhaps after reading this epistle, the world
Many musicians will reflect on this issue, and napisateli 
editors wound on your mustache, and will no longer take the 
constant of the editors, written by somewhere behind the hill. 

         Good luck!

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The annex to the number.

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perverts - Little Red Riding Hood (folklore).

perverts - the Battle of Kulikov (eyewitness).

On asshole - Overfile Must Die!!!

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Mail - Letters from readers.

Reflections - AMIGA or PC?

Reflections - the musical map for the Speccy.

Reflections - Problems AY: all the music on the AY-editors kidding!

Reflections - Project Superspektrum.

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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