ZX Format #4.5
29 августа 1996 |
Miscellaneous - Outlook: a terminal program "Macro-Modem" v2.1.
Premiere. music by DNK _________________________________________ Hello, All! Omega group is pleased to present to you my the first and hopefully not the last, development - a terminal program "Macro-Modem" v2.1. A little bit about that in the Omega and where we these come from ... Once, and it was a month before Enlight'a, we met all together ... - We are * MAS * and * KSV *, Arno and Igma. And started to play, a quartet that is group to do so. And they did. Name invented - Omega. Then still had no idea even what has already at least two Omeg'i in the world, there ... Oh well - horses in midstream is not change. Left Omega ... And was born to us an interesting idea - to buy a modem, as we all live in different ends of Peter. Bought the first thing arm came across - namely, Vikommy. Look at their existing soft, and immediately decided to write his terminalku ... A month later, leisurely work, written by the same "Macro-Modem". And went to the Enlight ... And on Enlight'e born at least a great idea: have a modem for terminalka him, and even bbs'ka. Lacks only bbs-newspaper, ours, the St. Petersburg ... Three days of work - and released their first 02/09/1996 Room "ZxNews"! Free of charge and can be found on some bbs St. Petersburg, but we not going against the commercial distribution of our (and your) newspaper ... That's all, than we can boast of ... Recently, we were joined by three others: two artists and one coder. So that we hope will significantly increase the productivity of the group. Currently, we are attaching slowly Hayes'y and preparing to begin terminalki writing for him. First version will work under the Is-Dos, and then released a universal terminalka and under Is-Dos, and under the Tr-Dos. In parallel, the artists draw the graphics for future, more games, which we proceed closer to winter. Conceived so as text editor to write, but until now not exactly decide - to-right? In principle, the plans - a lot of, but few of us yet to implement them all. Now, if still there are people ready something to do, so come to our ranks ... Anyway, back to terminalke ... Description of the main functions "Macro-Modem" 'and v2.1. Modem - like many in this word for heart "user" merged. How many tangled in it ... (Alexander Pushkin. Unpublished.) Features: - Requires 128K (or better - Scorpion) - Always on terminal mode and can be seen directories drive - and your correspondent. - Text size 6x8 pixels, which allows have on the screen 42 characters per line - You can take / pass: - Any number of files - Disc with any on any track There is also a unique opportunity to catalog the reporter noted in It needed files and download them yourself! - The presence of the operator at the other end telephone lines are not required, because The program will include an appointment takes and writes to disk ... NOW MORE ABOUT WORKING WITH "MMD": After loading the screen will look like this: Window 1 Window 2 Window 3 working infor-enacted mation directory catalog WINDOW 4 Tips Window 5 Terminal Window In the 1-meter window displays a directory on your disk. Window 2 - information about the directory. The 3-meter window displays ACCEPTED directory. 4-e window-hint function keys. 5-e window - the window of the terminal. Over the output directory names drive and drive (A: Diskname), and in the catalog ADOPTED files before the name of the drive is the letter "X". (Why is "X" - I do not I know ...) The information window CONCLUSION: State of the keyboard (LAT / RUS, CAPS) Which directory is active (Operating / Acceptance) The number of files in a directory (Files) Number of deleted files (Del.F.) Number of free sectors (Free) The number of selected files (MARK) The size of selected files in sekah (SIZE) Set the number of current Up'a CONTENT WINDOW TIPS: CS + EntDISK SS + EntLINE ExtendMACROS SS + IUnsel Tr.V.PANELS Inv.V.Cat / mark SS + QSIZE SS + WCLS SS + ELOG SS + SPCVIEW These are strange shaped as letters mean: Key "True Video" you can choose: BUSINESS / ADOPTED directory. "Inv. Video" - switching directory mode all / only the marked files. By the way, movement in the catalog: The arrow keys / Mouse, mark / unmark files: GRAPH. Pressing the Symbol Shift and "I" do such a thing: if there are tagged files, they will disappear. And if neither one file is not checked - then select all. KEYBOARD SHORTCUT Symbol Shift and "Q" Resize the windows. There are three sizes: 1) directories in 16 files and the terminal window - line 3. 2) directories - 8 files, a terminal window - 11 lines. 3) a terminal window to full screen. PUSH Symbol Shift and "W" will lead to cleaning the screen. Pressing other keys from the menu prompts to open the appropriate box: Symbol Shift and "E" opens a window to work with LOG'om. In this window, you can: - Reset the log to disk - Clear the log - Move the log to a file - Enter the name log'a - Enter the name of the file that will be recorded the downloaded file format IBM Bottom of the window will be displayed the current length log'a and size of free memory for him. When writing a file / log 'and the program automatically determines - whether there is already on disk file with this name. If yes, then it changes the name of the recording file by appending two digits - 00 to 99.- "Set Up". window appears: 1 SetUp 1 2 flags 3 colors 4 survived. setup You can have two simultaneous minded SetUp'a. One of them, for example, work with bbs, and another - for the record "M-Modem", supports high-speed 2400. The first menu item is used to quickly switch between SetUp'ami, and the last - to write them to disk. The second menu item - change the basic settings. There will be two windows: the "modem" and "Flag". WINDOW "modem" 1) VICOMM on / off - to work in Vicomm mode or enhanced mode. Also, there is an automatic inclusion of all other flags under the regime. Vicomm "On" guarantees full compatibility with all existing now terminalkami. 2) LENGTH 128/256 - transfer files in blocks of 128 or 256 bytes (128 = Vicomm). When working with a length of 256 bytes of exchange is a little faster. Receiving computer will determine the length of the block. 3) control on / off - all this feature was introduced for debugging, and we'll remove it in version 2.11. 4) TEAM on / off - pass / no pass code executes the command line (To the second computer it tracked). For Vicomm'a value of the flag: send / receive files one by one (off) or "Wholesale" (on). 5) OTZVUCHKA on / off - if the program should a little "make some noise at the end of the exchange. Depending on how the exchange of information was to be heard: - Music is a happy end exchange - Plaintive song about the untimely caller who left you - Russian folk song "In line noise were all standing ..." 6) ECHO on / off - remove or not to screen you type characters. When you work with bbs duplicates taken station symbols. 7) SPEED on / off - change / not change the rate of admission, if transfer would be at a different speed than the cost of SetUp'e. 8) TEXT 16K/64K - when receiving text files, the program will divide them into blocks of 16 or 64 kilobytes. Blocks 16K can be processed with any text editor. Also at the end of a 16-kilobyte file, insert the code "translation line ", because without it, some editors do not find the end of the file. WINDOW SYSTEM 1) SOUND on / off - a strange feature ... 2) KONT.DISKA on / off - whether you want to control the presence of disk in the drive? 3) Comte. DIR. on / off - whether you need to admission to reread files directory. This box needed to those who turned off the flag 1, replaced the drive and the directory is not read. In this case while receiving files directory of the drive will be destroyed ... 4) CR + LF - off - for the texts under Is-Dos Editor and compatible with him, and on - for view texts in ZxWord'e. 5) RESIDENT on / off - works only on SCORPION ZS 256. Terminalka startup any (well, almost any ...) of the program (and is possible) keeps himself in Scorpion'ovskih pages. Clicking in the program Magic or Reset, you will return to "MacroModem". 6) AVTOSOHR.LOG on / off - whether to store log overflow, or simply clean it. 7) Repeat - when the replay for transmission in the terminal mode, you must first let go of the button to enter the next character. 8) K. DELAY - the value of the delay between autorepeat keys. Set back in Up'e have options change colors. How to change colors - will understand, not small ... MODE "VIEW" (Symbol Shift + Space) 1) Download and view the file as text. Loaded or the current file, or the first marked, then mark it with removed 2) Image of a team loaded text from the menu DOS. 3) ... Pictures ... 4) Image log'a Below displays the name of the downloaded file. Viewing the display FILE The first 6912 bytes of the file will be displayed on screen. Working keys for viewing: SPACE / BREAK - exit 2 - all tsveta/mono1/mono2 3 - change the color border View Text Control keys: Color black - "1" Color of the paper - "2" Border color - "3" OUT THE WINDOW VIEW - Space / Edit EXIT AT ALL - Break ON SCREEN: Forward - Enter, True Video, "6" BACK - Inv. Video, "7" On the line: Forward - Arrow Down, "Q" Back - Up Arrow, "A" MODE "DISK" (Caps Shift + Enter) Disc operations 1) CHANGE CD - ... 2) run the file - if the cursor is on the left panel indicates the BASIC-file, it starts up. It was then and is useful for the resident Scorpion ... 3) Download - Download the file to the cursor 4) Rename the file - (with extensions) 5) Delete Files - Delete selected files 6) Save the file - save the file in memory. May be required case of disk failure at admission, ie, when file is accepted, but not saved ... MODE "MACROS" (Extend mode) Macros - these are small tekstiki, that can be sent by pressing two keys. When you click on <Extend mode> window Tips change: AЎZVYVOD CS + AЎZREDAKTOR SPACEDISK 0BELL 1CLS 2ZANYAT 3OSVOBODILSYA 4Ctrl-X In general, as follows: When you press the keys of "A" through "Z" will be sent the appropriate macro. Clicking on the Caps Shift and A. .. Z you get into the macro editor. Key allows you to save / load / delete macros. EXT +0 would lead to "ding" from a correspondent. Use the "1" You can clean Screen subscriber. Why such a need - he did not I know ... Keys "2" / 3 "You can send a message: The number is engaged / release (this just in case ...) When you press "4" line will be repeatedly sent to Code 24 (CONTROL + X). This code should be sent to the BBS if you want interrupt reception / transmission. Macro editor There will be two windows: - In the bottom will display the text of a macro - At the top: EDITOR:? - Enter the text of a macro with the name? " (A. .. Z); - end of input. NEXT - Go to next. macro PREVIOUS - ... LENGTH 31/63 - in general, the maximum length macro is 31 bytes, but if you is not enough, then adding "LENGTH 63" can be typed macro more, but only through the next one! Ie if you type 63-byte macro "A", the macro "B" use is impossible, since it will contain the ending "Long" macro "A". There are also two command macro: up arrow and down arrow. The first of They give the command "MMD" automatically move a file transfer, and second - reception. This case has been introduced for convenience with BBS. Ie if you need to take, say, e-mail, then write a macro: bcf =, Enter, q, y, x (if the default protocol is not installed) . "MMD" he will accept your mail! Press 2 keys and mail in your drive! Not bad, not so right? MODE "LINE" (Symbol Shift + Enter) Information exchange A window will appear: 1) Speed 600/1800/2400 2) QUERY:?? - Number of attempts to send / receive 3) Reception / Transmission 4) TYPE: PROGRAM / TEXT - file transfer as Hobetta or as text (for Vicomm) 5) file - to take / pass marked File (s) 6) CATALOG - send your catalog / catalog to the subscriber (XA. .. XD) 7) CD - to take / pass the disc from any on any track 8) Autoexchange - pass list of selected Your files on an incoming directory, and switch to "Receiving files" If you are lazy to click on the button, then Use KEMPSTON MOUSE! The mouse works like this: To select an item from the window hints point to it with the mouse and press any button. If the mouse is in a window with the directory the buttons work as follows: RIGHT - note file LEFT - the cursor on the file AVERAGE - switching directory mode all / only the marked files. When you press any button on the mouse itself the top of the window with the directory - PAGE UP, at the very bottom line of the window - PAGE DOWN. If the mouse is at the bottom line screen, the buttons are needed for: RIGHT - change size of windows LEFT - clear terminal window AVERAGE - to exit the Set Up In all other cases, clicking on mouse leads to: RIGHT - disc options LEFT - data exchange AVERAGE - Image While viewing the text, right click - forward, LEFT - Back, middle - a way out. Selecting from the right and middle buttons - to select, LH - cancellation. If your mouse is no middle button, then Press both left and right. For a text terminal allocated 16384 (to Scorpion'e - 24,488) bytes. For the 64K file is given, ie any file entirely fit in memory. When you start MODEM test computer. The test results you can see when call option VIEW log'a "or when the program starts (if you hold SPACE) ... This program was tested on the following computers: - SCORPION ZS 256 - PENTIUM-133 ... br-rr! Pentagon-128 - KAY-256 And as no surprise, it worked ... By the way, is open to accept applications for the purchase of "Macro-Modem" 'as well as from wholesale and from retail customers. Money while no need to pay - pay when you come for the drive. However, submitting a request in advance are guaranteed a BIG discount! Well that's all. On all matters related with codes, please contact Alexander Mayorov: (812) 583-54-48 (* MAS *). On the implementation and music - to Alexey Mikhailov: (818) 183-13-58 (Arno). For all other issues - to Sergei Kuzmin: (812) 263-12-89 (* KSV *). _________________________________________
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