ZX Format #4.5
29 августа 1996

Miscellaneous - Amiga VS PC?

<b>Miscellaneous</b> - Amiga VS PC?
One of the interview, courtesy of predostavlennyh Us Mihailom 
Akimovym (Logros). Interviewed people zabyl predstavitsya, 
however, HOW many others.

music by Deny

?> I pine Bora. Just do something
I systems analyst. Rabotal nA all
platformah except pozhaluy,
Amiga Seychas priehal narod see what works. Perhaps new ideas 
will emerge. I raborayu in oblasti communication. Nedavno 
napisal programmku for spektruma to

in relcom enter. I am sam users
  MM> A was worth it? RELKOM it
zhalkoe similarity THE INTERNET, and
I kazhetsya realnoy benefit from
Speccy not get ....

vatel relcom'a and others recommend. In St. Petersburg, HOW I of
  MM> All the best taki THE INTERNET ...

It is known from the mail zagnulas last stations of "Eldorado", 
tak that vicomm otdal ends. Not znayu,

  MM> Not VICCOM otdal ends, a
Uncle Usov. Viccom used
mainly for peredachi faylov
each other (blago you can do
without ELDORADO).

whether C-Dos in Moscow svyazyvatsya with relcom'om.

  MM> Physically, C-DOS is not compatible with HAYES, tak that 
full connection will not work if no one

zahochet sdelat server with a C-DOS

  I would like to invite to razvernut
Pine Forest prodazhu ibm. Ie, ibm cover, a razvernut

  MM> Not IBM (IBM is korporatsiya
tak is HOW and XEROX), a PC.

Logros> Why vas zainteresovala is Amiga?
?> Well, skazhem tak, I would like to see more detail. For the 
informatsii that I have from Laptop Amiga # 1, I zainteresovala 
sama sistema. And, chastnosti, mnogozadachnost. I

impressed by the value
kachestva Amigi. Ha IBM, in principle,
  MM> Really, how much will it cost to REALNO BRAND NAME
World PC?

In principle, we can obtain seychas tezhe
possible, but it is too big navorot required
poluchaetsya expensive.

  MM> Well, yes, dazhe expensive. I do not
mean that consumer goods that
valyaetsya everywhere ... In either a case of if there vas 
zhelanie zanyatsya nA PC than professionalno (VIDEO, AUDIO), 
then TA kitaychatina, which all zapolnenno for this slegka 
maloprigodna, a za more or less specific oborudovanie you 
zaplatite nemalye money (nA PC is will be more expensive than 

L> A vas not pugayut problems with the
?> On this occasion I also wanted to
pointeresovatsya. Naskolko I
znayu, so I generally go, stavlyu PC'shnye programmy, 
communications lazhu. And look - there are two kategorii

polzovateley nashem in the city.
Some - kommersanty - domashnie
offices. They are in my opinion, nA Amigu not
destroyed. Second - City of nas

  MM> And do not nado, PC-ofisnaya mashina indeed.

dostatochno money and many of their children pokupayut 
machinery, mainly - IBM'ki, as a possible game mashiny. 

 MM> If so then the very bogaty
better PSX, AMIGA ona not igrushka
AMIGA is klass machinery, nA are just toys poluchayutsya

L> Ie - Take a pentium, so
igrat to TETRIS?
?> Pentium take to igrat in
DooM. And maybe it will be for

  MM> Which dazhe nA PENTIUM
dergaetsya (well, not to explain
PCshnikam that znachit plavno! )

This kategorii alternativny
variant - Amiga. HOW as a possible
Gaming pristavki, tak, and as a possible Machinery for more or 
less serious raboty. Personally, I u

  MM> Ha AMIGA can delat all
anything. Besides AMIGA
slavna the fact that it is nA
a large number of emulators
Other mashin. Blagodyarya what
You can have a MAC, PC, ZX, MSX, C64 and
AMIGA actually one flakone! Tak that, if at all pripret,
that she does not kakoy something programki nA
AMIGA (you probably do it just
not nashli and naydete later)
You can take the desired emulator under
which dannaya programka is, and

rushki not igrayu and would like to see here for a soft raboty. 
I podpisan nA fido "RU.AMIGA" tam

proskakivayut interesting things
naschet connection, but no live razu
see was not necessary.

  MM> Ostavim communications and other
black rabotu for the PC. Although raznye dialer, postal service 
nA AMIGA not troubled, but HOW and software

The same person talking to Felix'om.
?> HOW do you feel about Amige?
Felix> Well, the moment I danny
kazhetsya that I need IBM
more. Tak HOW Amiga, in the

  MM> A miserable at his soderzhaniyu:) Well, not ponimayut
PCshniki that they nA table does not
IBM a PC!!! IBM is a firma! A
PC is then slovosochetanie (PersonalComputer) which 
assotsiiruetsya (in normalnyh stranah) with platformami nA 
baze! NTEL compatible processors and system MS-?.

F> konfiguratsii that there seychas -
A1200 agashnaya - I do not ustraivaet. Tam has many interesting
things, it is very horoshaya mashina,
but to me, naprimer need zanimatsya kachestvennoy pechatyu.

  MM> PAGESTREAM ... ^^^^^^^

F> Something sreytresit quickly, a

  MM> LIGHTWAVE + kucha Wash
where nA PC for a long time will not be
if not dazhe skazat that their never will ... A naschet 
RAYTRACING, nA PC is no simple, fast and convenient for paketov

3D. (Felix had at one time
A600 with 1MB and 2FDD, HOW much he
nA it could see a good programm and how many of these programm
He rabotali? Toys rabotali all, nothing more than Felix did not
treboval Tak ... that judge sami,
about rassuzhdeniyah dannogo subekta
about AMIGA.)

F> nA Amige to quickly reytresit aksel needed, it is more 

  MM> Minimalnaya konfiguratsiya
for LIGHTWAVE-4: PC! 486, 16MB
The memory.
AMIGA: Lyubaya mashina with 16MB of memory is.

F> poluchaetsya. And soft'a to danny
moment does not tak much for Amigi.

  MM> Softa dostatochno, I
I can confidently skazat, tak HOW
sam favor raznye programmy for
raznyh needs, and they all pokryvayut
my needs, and dazhe some of them are not fully utilized ...

?> Want skazat that for soft
She seychas not write?
F> No, I write of course, it's just
HOW is not razvito at nas. His

  MM> What is razvito? Pisanie
softa or piratstvo?

F> nayti possible, but very difficult,

  MM> Do not harder than the heap
PCshnogo derma nayti what you

F> nado have acquaintances kakih something.

  MM> Batenka, yes nA PC without
acquaintances you have nothing at all
besplatno not poimeesh!

?> A HOW same from Moscow?
F> Before nas reach crumbs. A
PC'shny soft, he just razve
nA road not valyaetsya. And za lifetime - to 92-Year period, 
the nas - to 93rd, Amiga prakticheski not

  MM> Whose life? And do not
nado stavit an example nashu impoverished
otstaluyu stranu.

F> razvivalas, HOW dolzhna byla
razvivatsya. Za PC this time
very razvilsya. Ie,

  MM> Duc, because PC is still very
long will razvivatsya daby
achieve the blag already
in 1985 were available polzovatelyam AMIGA.

seychas nA PC can sdelat is
that ranshe never dreamed of, a possible
was only nA Amige. PC seychas
prakticheski reached capacity Amigi.

  MM> To what he got? That
as it has changed since then
except the price and the new processors?

?> Yea, I zametil that navorochennaya PC Amigu overtake.

  MM> A much money you have hvatit?
Naschet overtake, hardly, AMIGA
yes, PC is not. (Goes about razgovor
Fat models)

F> pass, and yes padaet Daily price. A
Amiga, for some reason, not getting cheaper.

  MM> Felix nado not be unfounded, have not seen - do not say.
Indeed, the majority PCshnikov AMIGA
really have not seen and it is not rabotali, a fact paltsy 
bend! Yes still arguing with Amizhnikami that

znayut that takoe PC (because he nA
Each time a corner valyaetsya).

?> HOW pokazala my praktika,
penitum padal dollarov nA 70 za

  MM> brain - then, he has that of
This speed pribavilos or
He prevratit wretched iron in PC
full comp?
F> Seychaas navorochenny PC can
take baksov za $ 600.
?> $ 700.

  MM> laughing at? What did he navorochenny? ! Ntel Pentium 
70Mhz 8MB 640HD 15dyuymov sVGA, SB.

It's minimalnaya konfiguratsiya!
F> Amigu, navorochennuyu, za takie
money is not taken, a mean

  MM> Poka not take it. although prices
opuskayutsya. Yes and minimalnaya
konfiguratsiya will A1200 Magic
($ 520) and HDD ...

F> user'u, in principle, all ravno,
what's inside. They are, in most
its not zanyut it takoe.

  MM> So igrayut nA DENDY. AND
pokupayut PC, just because
it pokupaet other takoy same
user, who saw HOW pokupaet kakoy another user, etc.
(Generally the userami nado stat.
Ha DENDY this can not occur, respectively pokupayut not
usery a lamery ...)....
?> Yea, malo informatsii. But, perhaps in connection with the 
breakthrough Amigi with Moscow rynka nA St. Petersburg, 
situatsiya change? F> Quite possibly. But I nedavno

spoke with a person sells
soft'om nA market, he said,
that nas Amiga more razvedena
than in Moscow. In Moscow
most people simply do not
predstavlyayut it za mashina.

  MM> Most people do not strane znayut that in addition to PC
there are still some kakie computers! A pro Moscow skazhu one 
thing: I zaviduyu green zavistyu fact

HOW tam postavleno deal with the AMIGA.
Vesma gramotnye Group programmistov, artists and muzykantov
(Hello to all of LOOKER HOUSE),
a huge number of BBS (AMIGA),
and a large number of companies selling AMIGA and related 
tovarami. Although the large takom number of firms, not tovar 
zalezhivaetsya, razletaetsya with a whistle! 

F> U nas - more or less znayut. Y
nas byla vypuschena knizhka Amiga # 1.

  MM> Knizhka not pokazatel,
kogda here in the city will be though, would odna prilichnaya 
gruppa kotoraya zanimatsya will only support AMIGA, (I do not 
mean speculation) and kogda eta gruppa will delat something

not ustupayuschee best zapadnym
produktam: here you can only togda skazat that Peter is better 
to Amiga than in Moscow. Poka all naoborot ....

F> But poka and nas is a PC. If
eta mashina crawl - more precisely, its
extended, it will be prekrasnaya

  MM> PC has been pulled out.

F> mashina for Houses.

  MM> Only LOW_END konfiguratsii (A1200 030) can schitat
domashney mashinoy. Although the Houses will look great and 
A4000T with 060.

? + Y PC kucha ogranicheny.
F> Y PC ogranicheny nemeryannom.
It is generally very glyuchnaya mashina.

  MM> something worthwhile poslyshalos
in samom end of the conversation ... :)

?> You razrabotchik?
F> I zanimayus software for pravda
Spektruma. Ha PC just delat
nothing. Tam firm soft write. Yes
and nA AMIGA too.

  MM> What can delat nayti
vsegda, byla to golova nA place
and his hands grew from pravilnogo CAREERS ...

Other articles:

From the authors - for an emergency room ZX-Format'a.

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.4.5

About sad - Farewell to the dictator!

Enlight'96 - Official results and comments.

Enlight'96 - an overview or As all this was.

Toys - Selections from nevoshedshego: Paradise lost demo and WarCraft.

Interview - The Moscow musician and programmer KSA.

Interview - Ryazan musician Slash.

Interview - A well-known musician from St. Petersburg, LAV.

Intevryu - the author of the monitor debugger STS - Stalker.

Interview - the famous musician and programmer IMP.

Interview - Novgorod Group Digital Reality.

Interview - Kano.

Interview - Max Iwamoto.

Interview - Yuri Matveyev (STEP).

Interview - Sauron, Ksa, Logros, Lav, Gods Father.

Iron - Interview with Captain Nemo Company Logros during ENLiGHTa.

Iron - scandal: Showdown flight about ZX-revue.

Iron - Nemo talks about the intricacies of trading in the mail.

Iron - Interview with director of the firm of Peters planned clone Spectrum Sprinter'e.

Mailbox - Private Message.

Mailbox - Discussion: how to choose a home computer.

Mailbox - Discussion: Overview of software for the ZX obespechaniya from a user perspective, not creating a program to sell.

Mailbox - letters from readers.

Miscellaneous - Outlook: a terminal program "Macro-Modem" v2.1.

Miscellaneous - about future products "Digital reality".

Miscellaneous - Amiga Rulez # 2: A small survey of the population, produced on ENLiGHT'e.

Miscellaneous - PC Rulez? Another piece of the survey reviews ENLiGHTa ...

Miscellaneous - Amiga VS PC?

Miscellaneous - Amiga Info: ESCOM predstavlyaet Workbench 4.

Miscellaneous - the history of creation of ZXNet.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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