ZX Format #4.5
29 августа 1996

Enlight'96 - an overview or As all this was.

<b>Enlight'96</b> - an overview or
 As all this was.


            As all this was.

music by DNK
(C) Rzhavelschik.

   A brief report for those who were not.
(But who were too can pin.)

   So, how long ago it was stated in the
capital city of St. Petersburg hosted some event called 
ENLIGHT-party 96. Well, it was, understandably, Congress 
(gatherings, and for some - Slide) DEMO - MAKER'ov, MUSIC - 
MAKER'ov, GFX-MAKER'ov, as well as programmers, coders, hackers 
wild night and semi- day hackers;) was even more

simply USER'ov.

   With the advent of the first (second, third ...)
news about the possibility of such events
Many demostroiteli urgently
sat down to their new demos, some
just decided to time out of their regular food to this event, 
well other computer folk said his

go to socialize and revel. (No, I
certainly not forgotten about those who gathered to
Petersburg's surprise air information
that they intelinside and large megahertz with megabytes of the 
same, but for such Journal of personality is a "HACKER").

At the party were the following

1.home computer Commodore-64

2. Russian Folk computer, vaguely resembling a ZX Spectrum 128. 
(Actually actually is a mutant with signs of entropy

paradox that breed in all ways
- By photolithography to samostrukturirova, of from sticks and 

3. So far, no Russian national, but
,% Many favorite PC - AMIGA.

4. Large color calculator, smoothly
mutant in a microwave oven, for some reason called the ibm pc. 
(Actually - also an object of questionable origin) 

Yes, for some reason was not SGI is not visible, and even
favorite demo-maker'ami PowerMacintosh not
was awarded the high honor of being introduced to the party; 
hope that the next ENLIGHT'e this oversight will be corrected.

              the first day.

  Saturday 24 th avusta started as usual - in the morning. (It 
should be noted that Piterskaya weather, as always, 
unexpectedly, showed his mysterious character - the morning was 
pretty cool ...) The 10-o'clock and the sun deigned to climb 
high enough to illuminate the path of visitors and Local 
delegates who, relying on How the latest announcements, come

of transport to a stop sooner than was necessary. Survived 
correctly kuchkovalis on the platforms, groups, or simply

so - for a suitable habitat for scraps
lighted by the rays of daylight shining surface. Group stands 
out amizhnikov T-shirts with logo "INTEL OUTSIDE" on their 
backs. Against the background hum the crowd now and then heard 
the phrase such as "Tuk Elah-burns, where is ... (name 

   When the indicator most vremyaotschetnyh devices handled
10.00 waiting for the beginning of the crowd began slowly 
compacted and focus on vector of the door. (This happens

more crowded time - popularity rating
Shipbuilding Institute, kindly
provide its extensive lobby
for the party, certainly would increase) Soon the door opened, 
and human flow smoothly and gracefully, vtek into the room.

Delegates wandered off to inspect the room;
someone went zatsenivat COMPO-machine and
Other hardware, someone started frantically
look out for a buffet, a long experienced strategists began to 
build a global plan to seize control of the seats. After a dose 
of grinding, whistling and the thunder of the speakers came the 
suggestion to go to the seating position of funds display 
graphical information, wherewith were three large and somehow 
even color TV. (multiple monitors for the audience, too, there 
was, but since around 14 and dyuymovika not accommodate even 
14-and the people seating around the add, and no true 
connoisseurs graphics admired her standing.) Yes, it should be 
noted that People gathered in large numbers - the

purely visual evaluation of more than 300 chelovek.K this point 
has few nalepili currently nakleechki labeled name

platform and the city, so who is who -
hard to say, however, noticed a significant number of 
individuals from the St. Petersburg Spectrum'ovskoy hangouts.

, Well soon fairytale effect, and even
faster than the crowd and for coders relotsiruetsya
much less time than you have read,
willing to look occupied all the standing,
sit, sit on the floor and on the steps, and
as recumbent and hanging space, prepared to witness the miracle 
in the face of best demos at C-64, which should be noted, 
generally few have seen. (I remind that the report

carried from one vantage point,
so that he may suffer and some localization of) So, then sat
in front of screens coders, artists and musicians (mostly 
spectrum'ovskie) and went between them, a typical General 
Discussion: oh-oh-oh! what a cool effect! now you do this? - So 
easily! - And on the curb will be sync? - Or else. only a 
static image will be - no, wrench just simple, you just have to 
do to in the interruption did not fit, oh! new

effect! - Yes it just throws ROM to the screen - and on the 
curb mogesh? - No, probably not repeat the curb at four point 
resolution gives ... Well, etc. One word is discussing the 
issue "software emulation of radio interference, because and it 
is their show. After a small portion of time for people 
performing the role of the technical staff (Eternal

fame) was the same zakonnektit off with
displays, and notwithstanding that run the demo.
For completeness, it should be noted that
reaction in much of the audience (yes
do not be offended fans of C-64) was in a famous anecdote - 
"but what subring, eh?". And really, what? In color, 
konverchennyh with ibm pictures? so on the Speccy same pictures 
in black and white look just as good. In a strip on the curb, 
or what?! Okay, let's not on sad. Meanwhile ...

Yes, exactly, in the meantime people not looking for an 
exciting action, walked, talked with people like, waiting for 
the opening of the buffet, figured out where I got the beer - 
in a word on the full ottyagivalsya.Pobrodiv

perimeter could be seen from all three major manufacturers of 
St. Petersburg's iron - Nemo (Kay-256), Zonova (Scorpion) and 
Peters'ov. There were also found two television crews,

filmed the event for some of their
mysterious purposes (as it turned out -
ENLIGHT'96 flashed on television)
Editor in Chief ZF sadly wandered, searching for himself an 
easy target, and writing on Dictaphone background noise. 
Chapter Logros'a has worked extensively in all television, 
radio and other media,

vypytyvaya interview all more or less well-known people who 
have had the imprudence be nearby. Yuri Matveev

(SPECTROFON) spoke to the group sinkleristov ... Several 
companies have settled circles on the grass and something 
chatted. Word with a flying helicopters (on this area 
frequently fly, devil knows why) seemed idyllic

picture of a picnic on the roadside (in the literal
sense). The weather this time was
absolutely terrible, one would have thought that
some evil forces have decided to swap the Earth and Mercury ... 
But however miss some details, and return to room.

   The room has already started trying to start
show the best-speccy demos (alas, evident in one of the main 
problemma Speccy - difficulty connecting to a TV) and soon 
attempts were unsuccessful. However, it should be noted that, 
as best featured such things as LYRA2, SHOCK, BRANCH OF MIND - 
one word classic, foreign production. Towards the end the truth 
flashed a few more new home demos, clearly demonstrate the 
advancement of domestic technologies, but the impression was 
not the best. Think about it Time has begun to accept the 
contest works (Or maybe not, but the annals was not conducted, 
and schedule is not respected). After

Speccy went running Best ibeme demos. Well
we have, by tradition, this theme proskipaem,
saying only "somewhere we have seen."
Upon completion of this part of the show, of course,
the next - DEMO'S on Amiga. That
can you say? Amiga demo - it's Amiga
demos. Talk about them does not make sense, their
just need to see!

However, it is interesting to watch
audience. The hall was attended by a considerable
The number of people never had not seen the Amiga.
The response was very eloquent, especially for coders - there 
is no jaw on the floor, eyes go over his forehead. (No offense 
to the figurative comparison) One of the sounded

about this question: how she was doing at 14Mhz is the same as 
for pentium 130Mhz? But, sadly, all the good tends to be 
limited to time axis, in this connection ended and

time allotted for Amiga demos. With
it was over and all the time demos, after
What is the time Music compo.

And it became Music compo ...

Talking here about. The realm of pop,
it, damn it, and in Africa, the realm of pop music. In
supplements the sound quality, no offense to the organizers 
will be discussed, was abysmal, and rather it simply nebylo. 
(All of it was noted that on the second day, the ZX music 
compo, AY'shnaya music sounded better than yesterday's sound 
bl.ster 'the real and even Amiga) That's it. 

After that, apparently, was GFX compo and pc
realtime code compo, but because ZF whole team at this time was 
engaged in conversation with Yuri Matveyev, how was it, we can 
not tell. But on pc intro compo, we managed. The spectacle was 
m. .. how shall I say it? Very amusing. Sinkleristy have every 
right to make fun of pc'yukom. Very cool effect here was 
probably floating moire from small reticula (And slightly more 
than 2 / 3 screen !!!). Well, at the end of this part of the 
show was conducted Amiga 64k intro compo, where

XL design, in the face of MAD MAX'a 'DICTATOR'a,
won a landslide victory. Although in fairness it should be 
noted that this Work in this category was the only one.

At this evening program was completed,
but the audience was waiting for a surprise -
show vnekonkursnogo Amiga video
(Video clip or a demo - it is difficult to describe it 
accurately). Again - no words. That was cool. It looks like a 
piece of sci-fi movie.

After the movie was declared over
the first day and the people began to disperse.

   second day.

   Oddly enough, even in the presence of a terrible mental 
abnormalities way was a gathering of delegates ENLIGHT'a, time 
has not changed its usual course and the second day, too, began 
in the morning. On reaching the 10-hour parties and valiantly 
tried to keep my eyes open state without the help of technical 
means and cheerful in the morning ezhilis moroztse.Voobsche 
number of people (?) at the entrance evokes some deep thoughts 
of Philosophy, but thought there were many, and they, for lack 
of living space, soon vanished into

dark abyss of altered consciousness.
And while it lasted an entertaining process gates
ENLIGHT'a opened and human unity teleported into the room. The 
room was (not like yesterday) very spacious, and that it should 
be noted pure. (Say that after the first day

raked out a few boxes of empty
bottles, which looks very plausible
- 300 people, after all) By the way, the sun
this time had risen and finally the beginning of its beneficial 
effect on the frozen night on the tour (or any other events), 
in connection with which they were thawed and came to the scene.

   As you might imagine, the events of the second
items were particularly interesting for sinkleristov. The 
second day was devoted almost Speccy. It started with the ZX 
GFX compo, ie Artists from the competition. Especially

Here again there is nothing to tell, and the best
pictures you can see in our application. Although, of course, 
will not prevent noted that the class work was performed, 
taking into account some poor graphics capabilities (In terms 
of just pictures) Spectrum'a, simply amazing. Pleased (the evil

Of course, I do not know about others) kartinochki based on the 
covers of many familiar cassette - for example MetallicA and 
Judas Priest. The audience, about half of all guests, hard look 
at the screens that raises interesting conclusions about the 
relationship number of representatives sinkleristov

other platforms.
After this part was followed by ZX music
compo. Unfortunately (I think), so to speak
ideological content of the compo was similar to yesterday, ie, 
pop only. And, As noted earlier, the sound quality

on the second day was much better yesterday, AY'shka sounded 
better sound bl.stera. (Although it may well actually should 
sound, eh?) It's compo was perhaps too severe a test for my 
pampered BURZUM'om and Morgoth'om hearing, so the observation 
point is moved over predely room, where, incidentally, is more 
interesting event. Here's what happens: Representative

Pentagon patriotic forces trying to
vehemently argue with Sergei Zonov - developer and manufacturer 
of scorpion'a. Picture, sorry if offended, like

conversation with a deaf nemym.Posle several
phrases scor'povom hard drive found
that controlling the TR-DOS from the area will be
service menu on the monitor and will rabortat
as TR-DOS by # 3D13. Dale, mainly
should be roughly: pentagon rulez! -
and who produces it commercially? - Y
pentagona contacts between intami - we are on the new board 
have already done - at 24 pentagona cycles in a row - is 
important to you is what ? - Pentagon do students at CCP ...

etc. At the urging of at least a 6-th bit in the OUT (# FD), A, 
not to buggy on St. Petersburg's ports wheelbarrows (by the way 
- not only scorp'ov) was the answer that, say, the bourgeoisie 
in the last games and is probably to a 3 + not buggy. On the 
other attempts to dialogue reaction was in the best tradition 
of the patriotic forces - pentagon rulez and end the 
conversation. As it turned out later, patriot pentagonovets 
wanted Zonov, throwing his hat on the ground, said - "I do 
Spectrum for the money." 

   However, while there is this rally
ZX music compo was over, and came the
ZX DEMO compo. In accordance with tradition
I'm not going to tell you what was on
competition, but will show you how it was.
And it was good enough. Apparatus
worked flawlessly, the sound was decent,
thawed, or just people who had been asleep for a long time
pulled, increasing the number of audience. Looking at the 
audience can say that those who succumbed to written campaign

demos for the user was not right. People sitting open-mouthed, 
breathless and rolling his eyes at the forehead almost nebylo.

But many people were frowning
tightly clenched teeth and mentally optimizing their 
protsedurki time. Only One of the demos, just for a moment, 
caused laughter in the audience an unexpected joke. (First 
place, after the final counting). At this Speccy-part

ended, followed by pc
demo compo. While it is passed, we, with the assistance of 
Mikhail Akimov (Logros), have a couple of interviews - the 
organizer SPECTROFON'a Yuri Matveyev and encoder STEP'a, making 
SpecialForces - Fanatic'a Stas'a. Incidentally, all interviews 
taken by us and not only to us, you can read separately.

 Well, perhaps after this part of the show is nothing nebylo 
... No, certainly not quite in apocalyptic sense, ie after

how to collect ballots and asked to
participants to leave the premises without the sun was 
darkened, do not stop time and does not even appear wINDOWS-95 
- for PowerZX. However, this ended the official program party 
(at the end of the show yesterday Amiga video), then began the 
most interesting - the counting of votes on one side of the 
door and waiting for results on the other. This process, 
naturally, could not go quietly, but and did not pass. Build 
upon past meters of film cameras for the last footage shot 
group photos ... Certain comrades, having retired earlier in

distant bushes already reached the singing of
anthems. VirtGrup began a long and painful process otdiraniya 
ENLIGHT'ovoy handbills with the autographs, so then it

otkserit and distribute.
Counting of votes was for a long time and, apparently, 
painfully, that soon led to a lively interest in its 
technology. Originally put forward suggestions about counting 
in your mind and fingers (in binary) rather

quickly replaced by the idea of ​​the accounts. However
And this thought, the apparent discrepancy in the average delay 
performance of this device, soon gave way to place a grim 
suspicion - matcad for windows95. Apparently these debates,

coupled with the tense situation that has caused quite a rare 
phenomenon - pc'shniki grappled with spektrumistami on

about their platforms. It was the most deep and raging 
controversy about anything from anyone took place to be on the 
party. Fortunately People on both sides have got competent,

so that before the platform wars, it is not
reached and the dispute quickly abated. People have returned
to his interrupted studies - lying on the
grass, discussing plans and collect autographs. However, as 
usual in far from yards chaos worlds, all the processes develop 
from beginning to end, in this connection ended with the vote 
count and ended the process of separating from ENLIGHT'ovoy 
handbills wall. The results of both processes can be

be seen on the wall ...
At this ENLIGHT'96 actually finished ...

Well, gentlemen, a rough idea of ​​the course of the event you
received. Now highlight a few common
moments. Well, let us, for the vigor with
bucket of cold water to relax from
rainbow pattern.
It's no secret that the newcomers
participants, most of them were placed on flats of local 
volunteers. All participants appreciated the "quality" 
equipment. The winners were compo very please complete absence 
if so no prizes, but at least diplomas. As

said one of the winners of the DEMO compo -
could at least print on lazernike
instrument, and the home will have on the fingers
to prove that you're some place was.
Perhaps the worst blunder came to voting -! Posted evening of 
the second the day the results were not accurate.

Okay, enough about sad, talk and
about good storonah.Po compared with
1913 ... although it is perhaps too much. Well
Then compare with the 1995m. The difference is quite
essential. The room was fairly
good. The equipment was, and on the second day
Even the sound was almost normalnym. At the party
reigned quite peaceful atmosphere - no one
ran around with tomahawks and war paint
INTELINSIDE FOREVER!!!, And the most obscene words were thought 
to address in hiding in the bowels of the Institute barmaid. 
And, it should be noted that, despite the huge number of people 
all going on surprisingly quiet. That is, of course, not

sepulchral silence, but if you compare with a rally of equal 
magnitude, the difference will be obvious. (But, as at the 
meetings, have been outbreaks of popular jubilation -

For example, with a wild enthusiasm was met
familiar to the inscription Disk error track 0
sec 9.)
In general, perhaps it was the most cultural of mascovyh 
informal events, held in our city.

Let's hope that all ENLIGHT'97
will be slightly better, although this time it was
not bad at all.

Other articles:

From the authors - for an emergency room ZX-Format'a.

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.4.5

About sad - Farewell to the dictator!

Enlight'96 - Official results and comments.

Enlight'96 - an overview or As all this was.

Toys - Selections from nevoshedshego: Paradise lost demo and WarCraft.

Interview - The Moscow musician and programmer KSA.

Interview - Ryazan musician Slash.

Interview - A well-known musician from St. Petersburg, LAV.

Intevryu - the author of the monitor debugger STS - Stalker.

Interview - the famous musician and programmer IMP.

Interview - Novgorod Group Digital Reality.

Interview - Kano.

Interview - Max Iwamoto.

Interview - Yuri Matveyev (STEP).

Interview - Sauron, Ksa, Logros, Lav, Gods Father.

Iron - Interview with Captain Nemo Company Logros during ENLiGHTa.

Iron - scandal: Showdown flight about ZX-revue.

Iron - Nemo talks about the intricacies of trading in the mail.

Iron - Interview with director of the firm of Peters planned clone Spectrum Sprinter'e.

Mailbox - Private Message.

Mailbox - Discussion: how to choose a home computer.

Mailbox - Discussion: Overview of software for the ZX obespechaniya from a user perspective, not creating a program to sell.

Mailbox - letters from readers.

Miscellaneous - Outlook: a terminal program "Macro-Modem" v2.1.

Miscellaneous - about future products "Digital reality".

Miscellaneous - Amiga Rulez # 2: A small survey of the population, produced on ENLiGHT'e.

Miscellaneous - PC Rulez? Another piece of the survey reviews ENLiGHTa ...

Miscellaneous - Amiga VS PC?

Miscellaneous - Amiga Info: ESCOM predstavlyaet Workbench 4.

Miscellaneous - the history of creation of ZXNet.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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