ZX Time #08
30 апреля 2002

PC and Spectrum - Unreal vs ZX Mak: comparison of two popular emulators ZX Spectrum.

<b>PC and Spectrum</b> - Unreal vs ZX Mak: comparison of two popular emulators ZX Spectrum.
PC and Spectrum. Unreal vs ZX Mak

                              Golden Max


                \ In the red corner of the ring

                 \ ZXMAK v0.280 beta 2

                  \ By Alex Makeev

                   \ 04.04.2002

In the blue corner of the ring \
Unreal Spectrum \
Emulator v0.20 fix # 2 \
 by SMT 01.04.2002 \


As the ring is used P200MMX /
32Mb Ram/2Mb Video / Ess 1698/Windows 95.

                ZX Mak:

         System requirements:

            Pentium 233 MMX

               32 Mb RAM

               Sound Card

               Windows 95?


         System requirements:

        Celeron 266 win 2000/NT

           Celeron 400 win 98

               32 Mb RAM

               Sound Card

       2 Mb video RAM win 2000/NT

         4 Mb video RAM win 98

Well as they say, from the docks that can be
want to cancel, but let's see
how things are going on now!

                Round 1

                ZX Mak:
Start the ZX Mak. And as you think
Next? That's right - we are waiting. But do not expect much - 
not a few couple of minutes. Well, all the same it started. And 
the first time, unlike earlier versions. Fps indicator shows 
disappointing figure 30-40. Start the Elite. Speed

More falls to the level of 30 fps. Yeah, well
it does not matter. Trying to turn the sound off, so
faster work - turned out. Speed
rose to 40-43 fps. We conclude -

Georgia Unreal. It is the case for many
faster, on the strength of 30 seconds. Indicator
remained stable 50 fps. Download the same
most Elite. And what I see: it was 50,
and left. Conclusion - a full (as they say sceners) driving.

After the first round of Unreal old man comes forward. And 
through on points 1:0. After Hook missed the left ZX Mak 
vsetaki stay on his feet! 

                Round 2


Now let's see how these friends are friends with the 

                ZX Mak:
Start the ZX Time # 4 and look intro. On
first glance, all the way: but it is, but
where the indicator on the top left - it there
no. And what is with the squares next to the letter <T>, 
something not so they move. Hrenovato case, not everything is 
as promised in the dock. 

All the same ZX Time # 4. Yes, now feel the difference. 
Everything is as it should be. AND squares on the ground, and 
the indicator on the spot. And, even if they include full curb, 
then a full general mortality. True, with full curb speed 
sometimes drops to 48 fps, rare, but it happens. 

In the second round of fugues Unreal `a punch
Block ZX Mak `a and falls right on target.
But at this moment the gong sounded, and he had already
Saves ZX Mak. And the expense is 2:0.

                Round 3

Well, who will provide you with the most extensive fleet of 
clones and all the bells and whistles ZX? 

                ZX Mak:
The arsenal available: ZX Spectrum 48/128;
Pentagon 48/128/512/1024; Scorpion ZS
256/1024; Profi 1024; ATM 512. Yes, impressive list. In 
addition, there is still: CMOS, AY / Kempston Mouse, Beta disk 
128. Supports: TRD, SCL, FDI, TD0, Hobeta, TAP, Z80, SNA, SIT, 
SP, ZX. It is noteworthy that most of these formats are very 
infrequently as I do not SIT when not seen not to mention the 

On board: ZX Spectrum 48/128; Pentagon
128/512/1024; Scorpion ZS 256/1024;
Profi 1024; ATM 512. As we see, almost
complete identity. From the attachment: CMOS, AY / Kempston 
Mouse, Sound Drive, Covox, General Sound FX 'MOD

player, Cash 16k (2 types), Beta disk 128.
Understands: TRD, SCL, FDI, TD0, Hobeta,
TAP, Z80, SNA. Over all zvukashkam, plus a cache of Unreal is a 
cut above, but with the number of supported formats, it's not a 
big strained. 

The third round was for Unreal `om.
His apirkot hit in the jaw Mak `a. On
During this round, too, just once Mak
hooked on Unreal `a, but judges are not paid
attention to it. Some would say probably they're just 
podsuzhivayut, but trust me - it's not. Just different strokes 
force. Despite everything, the numbers show 3:0. 

                 Round 4

                Let's go!

Easy to operate - no small
factor. Here we consider.

                ZX Mak:
As in any vindoznoy shell, all
very convenient. A huge number of possible settings. In 
separate windows You can control whether the work of Hardy: AY, 
CPU, SH. And now there load indicator, which is very easy life. 
All at a high level. 

Well here is also not to take, not take away. Same
vindoznaya shell with a huge number of settings. Not deprived 
of Unreal and all sorts of indicators. 

The only thing I would like to ask
the author ZX Mak, so it's that hot
Keys did not differ from Unreal `a. Because, again to memorize 
all the buttons difficult. And it's not just my opinion.

And in general - the mountain is more visible.

This round was held in warm and friendly atmosphere. None of 
the strikes is not reached the face, both with one and with

On the other hand, while Mak was closer. Account
still - 3:0.

                Round 5

  Let `s Mortal Kombat Begin. Fight!!!

Sound - one of the main factors influencing the class of the 

                ZX Mak:
The sound had to be assessed on another wheelbarrow,
as I've got it slows down. So. AY sounds
quite not bad, though I heard somewhere and the best quality, 
that's only where, I do not remember. All other sound Soup

No, it is very disappointing.

Pusher run and pick favorite tracks.
Yes, this is it. Here is where I heard the coolest sound on AY. 
It was only then real music processor can compete with Unreal 
`y. Everything other matters Covox, SD, and of course General


In this area, Unreal apart from the competition.
Stealth just can not compete with him. ZX
Mak is broken, the sound is not his strong point. May
be yet? Let's see what happens.

This round was the last for Mak `a.
After such Jeb on the right, I think nobody would have 
survived. VICTORY NAKAUTOM. Account just devastating - 4:0. In 
my opinion, contestants were equal. And skill

ZX Mak `y does not hold, except that it needs to hone. To this 
diamond (ZX Mak) - was brilliant (SUPER

ZX MAK). And Unreal `y would like to wish: to improve further. 
And we Meanwhile, we write in his battle list:

Fights 2, won 1 and lost 0
Draws 1, NAKAUTOM 1.

    Till we meet in our ring!

Now there will be held and other
fights. Well, who would be the next you hear
           ete in the ZX TIME # 9.


Other articles:

From the Editor - DWT chastises Pavel Pavlov for the tip about the newspaper.

Review-mail - readers' letters: Vitaliy Petrenko (SLY), Vadim Chumachenko , Nuts, Xmus.

Review novya - Press: Adventurer # 13, Lamergy # 5 - # 9, Body # 33 - # 36, Heresy # 8, Target # 1910, DonNews # 16. Download: ACEdit 0.60, Pro Tracker 3.53. Game: Magic Music Toy 1.02, opener, 3D-Roost, Citadel demo.

News and age - continued Contest , Nuts stopped work on Commander TRouble, Dizzy Game Editor is almost ready, the demo version is ready, etc.

Opinion - Thoughts on the System Software on the Spectrum.

Opinion - lzb/j77: "I'm here and I will not be silent!"

Opinion - Passage: The new print newspaper for Sprektruma.

Coder - private moments in the work of TR-DOS (TR-DOS port level).

zhelezyaki - shemka: Video Spectrum Binding to the black level.

PC and Spectrum - Unreal vs ZX Mak: comparison of two popular emulators ZX Spectrum.

PC and Spectrum - an overview of PC software for ripping and converting Spectrum files.

about everything about everything - "The path before dawn."

and laughter, and a sin - Letter to the Military History forum.

Advertising - rekalama and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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