ZX Format #04
14 июня 1996 |
Miscellaneous - Amiga Club: Questions and Answers # 2.
AMIGA CLUB FAQ # 2. (C) Antony of TMG ________________________________ Zdravstvuyte! So you dobralis to samogo neobychnogo (a mozhet and net) razdela in our boarding zhurnale. A zdes prodolzhayutsya (and zavershayutsya) otvety nA naibolee chasto zadavaemye questions on Amiga-platforme. What takoe "Autoconfig"? Ha sistemah other computer you have konfigurirovat karty manually through tak nazyvaemye "jumpers" or DIP-pereklyuchateli, in order to determine adresa and (or) vektora preryvany. This dostatochno long and HOW pokazyvaet praktika requires dostatochno deep znany system to izbezhat conflict between simultaneously used razlichnymi kartami. Mehanizm "Autoconfig" used nA kompyuterah Amiga, allows fully avtomatizirovat this procedure tak that polzovatelyu there is no need vnikat these detali. Tak that rasshirenie Amiga not really predstavlyaet reconcile complexity. Can Amiga rabotat with computer networks? Naturally, you can ispolzovat computers semeystva Amiga tak same for raboty networks. Mnogozadachnost AmigaOS dazhe znachitelno uproschaet this zadachu. You may freely rabotat with Novell, DECNet, AppleTalk, TCP / IP and other networks "Port-to-port". Tak that you will rabotat with PC-compatible or Apple with no problems. Nailuchshy rezultat dostigaetsya at ispolzovanii kart Ethernet or Arcnet. Ha Amiga takzhe there and some of his standartov. Amiga prekrasno sebya chuvstvuet and UNIX-like setyah. What znachit - "Amiga videosovmestima? Kazhdaya model Amiga imeet standartnuyu opportunity rabotat with graficheskimi rezhimami and chastotami, identichnymi televizionnym. Most other kompyuterov dostizheniya for this tseli nuzhdayutsya in spetsialnom "zheleze. Lyubaya normalnaya programma nA Amiga mozhet rabotat these rezhimah, while TIME HOW nA other mashinah unto you neobhodimy spetsialnye versii programm, prednaznachennye for it. Pochemu Amiga chasto primenyaetsya in videostudiyah? When rabote with videooborudovaniem ochen vazhno to Vse Charger were chetko sinhronizirovany mezhdu themselves. Amiga imeet standartnuyu opportunity sinhronizirovat conclusion izobrazheniya on vneshney chastote. Vneshny interfeys, nazyvaemy "genlock" generiruet this chastotu for Amiga, a takzhe pozvolyaet produce nalozhenie signala from kompyutera nA other videosignal. Chasche vsego eta opportunity ispolzuet for sozdaniya titles, nalozheniya teksta (naprimer reklamnogo) nA kakoy any videorolik etc. Amiga imeet broad bazu programmnogo obespecheniya to the objective of the these, a combined with fast videovyvoda dinamicheskoy grafiki, pozvolyaet quickly and kachestvenno sozdavat videoroliki for the objective of the razlichnyh. Naprimer on kabelnogo TV studios can ispolzovat Amiga to scroll krasochno oformlennyh, dinamichnyh reklamnyh zastavok or programm peredach aired in realnom vremeni, so e. bez neobhodimosti zapisyvat these videos nA videomagnitofon. A title that blagodarya kachestvam (Lo mashina iznachalno sozdavalas with these uchetom zadach) Amiga and ispolzuet ochen chasto in videostudiyah many stran, a in chastnosti in our boarding gorode. Which of the sebya predstavlyaet grafichesky rezhim "HAM"? This rezhim yavlyaetsya one of the standartnyh graficheskih rezhimov nA Amiga. With this rezhima Amiga mozhet otobrazhat mnogotsvetnoe izobrazhenie using while sravnitelno nemnogo operativnoy memory is. Ha kakom printsipe rabotaet this rezhim? Roughly speaking, it rabotaet nA printsipe is evident from the plug nazvaniya: HAM = Hold-And-Modify (Uderzhivat-I-Update). HOW and Other graficheskih rezhimah, imeetsya bazovaya palitra, Where are for kazhdoy point izobrazheniya hranitsya nomer ee tsveta. In starom rezhime (HAM6) is 16 tsvetov (4 bita), a new (HAM8) - 64 (6 bits). Teper dobavlyaem 2 bita and controlling of poluchaetsya 6 bits for HAM6 and 8 bits for HAM8. These Bits ukazyvayut, kakoy of treh tsvetovyh komponentov (R, G or B) neobhodimo modifitsirovat (Update), while TIME HOW large screen Other ostayutsya neizmenennymi (Uderzhivayutsya). Takim obrazom, deftly manipuliruya with this possibility, we can poluchat izobrazheniya high kachestva at malyh zatratah memory is. In rezhime HAM6, with 6 bits udaetsya a 12-bitnoe izobrazhenie (up to Tsvetov 4096), a in HAM8 - 18 bitnoe (up to 262144 tsvetov). Konechno y rezhima HAM Apartment belongs and nedostatok - zavisimost tsveta point of tsveta predyduschey ey. That Vse questions here and Vse otvety. I dumayu you dogadalis, that these were issues kotorye zadayut za hill. But in vashih silah izmenit this situatsiyu and chitat otvety nA questions. Hochetsya kakuyu get something "obratnuyu Communications with chitatelyami order to understand whether nuzhna-voobsche eta rubrika in our boarding zhurnale, a If the nuzhna, then on to the chem ney sleduet rasskazyvat. Lo nado sdelat tak to you, chitaya material, videli in nem is about chem unto you could interesno uznat. But issues prakticheski net and nachinaesh dumat it to anyone DO NOT need. If the a tak, the Apartment belongs Does it make sense prodolzhat razvitie temy about Amiga? Vobschem ask vas pisat (in redaktsiyu) or call (In redaktsiyu or unto me). Budet nice to get LYUBYE questions, feedback, pozhelaniya, etc. (including chisle and kriticheskie). Although in principle, is not so all and bad, because as I said, one question still Received. Several people have asked about the price on the Amiga. Well, the question is absolutely logical, but unfortunately rather complicated. In Basically, this question generally impossible to give a clear answer. Due to the weak Amiga prevalence in our country, virtually no secondary established prices. Therefore, I can provide only rough limits prices for the "bare" (without the bloat) machine. So: $ Amiga500, Amiga500 + ... 150-350 $ Amiga600 .............. 250-400 $ Amiga1200 ............. 500-650 $ With regard to a variety of additional hardware and prices "Heaped up" cars, then there very difficult to say anything defined. After all, the price in a market environment - the concept is complex and depends on the heap of factors. For example due to ignorance of the real value of the car, one person will sell it for a ridiculous price, and the other for the same reason, may "Hall". So that the issues on prices for anything specific do not hesitate to call me, I'll try to help. And now an important message for those of you who are interested in the fate of a computer Amiga, but still have not heard the news: "Amiga Technologies GmbH "was sold U.S. firm "VIScorp". As is you could read in the third issue of "ZF" in the "Amiga-news" - about a year ago German firm "ESCOM" bought out the firm collapsed "Commodore-Amiga" all rights to the Amiga, organizovala subsidiary company "Amiga Technologies GmbH" and restore production. And now its owner, having paid $ 40 million, was "VIScorp". The representative of the "VIScorp" said: "We are all" amigovtsy "from the beginning, and do not intend to kill her." According to preliminary information "Amiga Technologies GmbH" remains in Germany, with the old leadership, and "VIScorp" has big plans for the development of Amiga. Unfortunately the official information from the "VIScorp" yet, but in the next issue we hope to details of its plans, and may be already on the results its work. So we'll one of the last interviews Jay Miner, the "father" Amiga, who died in 1994. See you in autumn! This text written in CED3.5 on Amiga 500 + by Antony of TMG Call: (812) 513-11-98 (Anton)
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