ZX Format #04
14 июня 1996

Premiere - Assembler, which we choose (a description of XAS).

<b>Premiere</b> - Assembler, which we choose (a description of XAS).
    Assembler that we choose.


         A couple of lines from the publisher.

  Since then, both in our dear and beloved homeland appeared 
Spectrum, have already passed still quite a long time. And, 
quite Naturally, for many it turned out

Toys in the instrument of production of something
stimulating intellectual development
both producers and users.
Path of becoming an individual personality and programmer / 
coder is very thorny and highly amenable to environmental 
influences, namely consumer demand for this platform. And if you

not the first day using the Spectrum as a home computer, you 
may notice that this is the demand varies from day. If a couple 
of years ago, all were Need a new Tetris and bats, but today is 
uniquely called prioretenoe direction is very difficult. As 
shown life, our vendors, in contrast,

say, from our government, sensitive
respond to consumer demand (may
even be too sensitive). But, thank God,
the era of "Color Lines" and 
grafted-yes-and-not-Dizzy-do "kind of ended, and adventyury and 
strategies, so viewed on all computer platforms, begin to 
acquire human face, and more and more people are not willing

only play, but also to create. Here is when
replaced Dizzy-like distorted and it is
time system programs and programmers.

  "A systematic program is needed kakya Creator most?" - FPIC 
you me. I Traditionally, you do not answer. However, little

thought, again according to tradition You
guess what STE est assembler.

  "But how many can?" - Zaropschete you.

  "As much as you want!" - I will answer
You quote. Most assemblers, good
and different! There is a kind of axiom that says "how many 
users, so many opinions" but I beg to differ with this

approval, at least in the area
assemblers for the Speccy. After studying
unbiased opinion on the
the subject of what should be the ideal
assembler, I can state with confidence
that the ideal assemblers should be
only about 5-10 pieces. And globally, they are divided into 
42-ear and a 64-character ex. And therefore the verdict: Go for 
it, and maybe you write an assembler that meets at least 1 / 10 
part of the population using prog this type, looking, and maybe 
you find your "dream idiot" named


  In this issue we publish two (2)
assembler: XAS and ZXAssm. Description of the first of these is 
the principal of the article that the same with regards to the 
second competitor for the title you know what, the statement

for its use lies in the application, the file "Read.Me.C", the 
going just outside the by "ZXASM3.0". For reasons of

disk space we have not included in any
of the submitted package sts3.xx, and if you're going to use 
them, then do not count them for work to finish on your hard 
disk the correct version of the monitor.

  Comments, suggestions, guidance, morality and simple thanks 
can send both the author and the editors



      Xas editor-assembler 128k

                (V 5.05)
(C) Max Petrov

  I offer you a description of the latest version
programs in the magazine You will also see the previous one, 
the difference is defined and marked with "*". 

         1. Background.

   1.1 What is, why it is necessary and why.

  Now, as is well known for our long-suffering, but dear 
friend, there are several similar programs with the undisputed 
leader Tasmom (there is some Zxasm, but I have not seen him). 
However Tasm since its inception pushed some users (me) of its 
64-character, and today even with the outdated its overnostyu 
and a bouquet of glitches. Actually that's the whole reason for 
the appearance of my program, thanks Rst 7.

  Based on experience in Tasme on
and where to write the first version of the program, as well as 
on their own dreams and wishes of the VL, IK, and AB, was such


 - Assembling of 4.4 times faster

   Tasm 3.x.
 - Disc surgery is 2-3 times faster

   with a large number of files on the dis
   Kothe - up to 10-20 (!) times.
 - Search text - almost instantly (with
   Responsible 20-30 times (!)).
 - The buffer to 1820 labels (* 1500) (tasm -

 - Editing the two texts simultaneously
   simultaneously with the ability to transfer blocks

   from one text to another.
 - The text of the program in 1.79 times less

   than the equivalent in tasm.
 - The number of buttons that need to be

   press to set the same

   text 1.333 ... 1.5 times less.
 - The amount of text that can be Otas
   semblirovan without a single reference to

   drive - a 2.23 times greater than

   in tasm (!).
 - The maximum amount of text in one

   1.12 times more than in tasm.
 - The time taken to search for the line with
   holding a mistake that revealed

   for assembly - 50 .. 1000


 - Work with the half-ix and iy;
 - The possibility of assembling a dedicated
   On the site the n-th number of times (* - no);
 - Macros that at any moment can be

 - The big Russian, and large and small

 - Modes ins and ovr;
 - 42 characters per line;
 - Save the current position in the text

   for all operations;
 - Avtotabulyatsiya;
 - Load on the cursor, loading time and

   record does not depend on the number of files

   floppy disk (which can not be said about Tasme, to
   tory for the disc with a 40-fi
   lami just fall asleep);
 - Called Xas [ksas];
 - Lots of friendly, unexpected, new

   things ...

- Do not merge; (but more than compensated by the WHO
   sibility of transfer of labeled blocks

   text from one window to another);
 - There is no substitute for find;
 - Labels up to 7 characters (other characters

   for assembly are ignored)

   (Tasm - up to 14);
 - Defb does not like strings;
 - Silly equ (in the expression should not

   be uncertain labels);

         1.2 Download and Run.

  On the drive there are two files: and he xas
(Must be written immediately after it) sts
3.21. If you came from xasa in basic, then
back can perform run, if alive program in BASIC (the first
row can be removed), usr 23465, if you
do not touch the printer buffer addresses
23465-23471 or 49152 usr include Bank 1
(Out 32765,81).

       1.3 A location in memory.

  Ramtop set at address 24575,
but it can be rearranged in any address
to 32768. Xas is page 1 in
page 3 - the first text in the fourth - the second text in the 
6-th macro, table tags and buffer to block transactions in the 
7-Ow page is sts. At the entrance / exit xasa just a memory in 
addresses 23440-23471. You can use the page 6 (even killing a 
macro), as well as page 4, if you do not download it second 
text, and if assembliruemoy program, no options loadtext.

  By the way, we should say that loadcode and
save code used by the on-screen memory
stsa (ie bank 7).

  In general, you can make a muck of, and the third bank -
to hang it will not.

  And naturally, at your disposal all the
48-I memory (page 0, 2 and 5), except
Some system variables BASIC.

  If you 256/512k port # fd bits
6 and 7, then use the 2nd bank 128k (ie
# 10 pot instead of 0, # 17 - 7th ...), that
usually leads to preservation of the text in memory even after 
pressing the reset ... 

             2. Entering text.

              2.1 Download.

  When handling the disc border color change indicates an error 
reading / writing. After four attempts, it asks:

Error t / s. Retry, Ignore, Abort.
where t/s- a track / sector with an error.

  If you answer Retry will be done 14 more
attempts ... Interruption of operation with a -
- Space.

  When you run the editor-assembler (hereinafter
p-a), if the memory is no text, then
disk for a file XMACROS.XaS (macro) and
loaded in the presence (and absence of memory). Then, if the 
disk There are files with XAS, xAS and

XaS, You will get them and spisochek
the amount of free disk space sectors.
You can select a file with
cursor keys and entera, or refuse to download by clicking edit 
(removal of load) or ext mode (remove the text from the 
memory). Space - perezachtenie directory. If the files on the 
drive there, then the p-and immediately come to the editor.

               2.2 Display.

  Going into the editor, you will see several
bukovok and tsifirok bottom of the screen.
INS - mean that enabled insertion

      (CS / 3), OVR - replacement;
LAT - selected Latin alphabet (edit),

      RUS - Russian;
0 / 1 - the first number indicates the number of current
      ing line (from scratch), second - if
      honors the lines in the text (ie the maximum
      maximum value for the first number
      la). The text may not be less

      two rows;
thing - shows the current number one hundred tekpravoe: 1 - The 
text of the bank 3, 2 - the number of bank 4 and 3 - the macro 
in the bank 6. 

         Color figures indicates the following:

        White - You have not yet edited

         text after boot

        yellow - the text still does not edit
         valsya after recording,

        red - the text is edited
         camping, and when the next record it

         on the disc will increase the number until
         shows number of editions;
number, which - the number of editions of the text,
in front if it is zero
right number of new text (or only
                  to that encoded
                  LIMITED), it will not show
                  is called.

At the bottom is a row of 29 characters in length.
This comment, which is stored in the text.

  The third bottom line is often printed
Model Search (* - no).

             2.3 Editor.

  Quite a tricky thing: when you try to go beyond the line, he 
will pack it, check the elementary syntax, and if all the 
procedure will avtotabulyatsiyu (ie string type

  LabEL lD Hl # 4000; MDAAA ..
turn to
"Label LD HL, # 4000; MDAAA ..

  If syntax errors such as: two
tags in a row at the start line, use the names of the registers 
and conditions as labels, more than 3 marks in a row (y z80

No team with four parameters) (for def-s restriction does not 
apply), editor something propischit nowhere to go and not allow 

  Be careful with nested
each other quotes in defm: if you
two standing next to the quotes, then after they
recommend to continue the search with the next
lines: for example, need a text: "a" "b" it
should score at defm "" a "" b "", and
defm "" "
defm "a" ""
defm "b" "

           Operations in line:

ext mode - exit from the editor;
ss / q - rus / lat; location of Russian

           letters 'yaverty' in is_dos;
ss / a - tab (very rarely used
           acterized button);
cs / 2 - ovr / ins;
edit -home/end (start / end of line);
cursor - the cursor;
graph - the prefix macro (see below);
delete - guess, if you press in on
           beginning of an empty string, the string

break - removal of the cursor;
ss / w - delete rows;
ss / enter - the restoration of the line, return
           schaet line form, which she

           had to edit;
ss / e - tag line for the block

           operations are not necessarily metal
           tit lines in a row, to make

           uncheck this box, then repeat
           but otmette other kind of
           tags (see cs / ent), or click

           enter; (see also ss / s);
cs / ent - tag line for the memory

           The same mark is aiming line

           assembler, if it detected
           wife of error, uncheck -

           - See ss / e;

           Operations in the text:

cs/3/4 - page up / down;
ss / g - start / end of text;
ss / y / u - find predyd. / trace. marked

           line, and if there are none, nothing

           does not occur;
ss / s - cancellation marks;
ss / f - search for the next model, if

           it does not, then changes the color

           curb; (see below find);
graph ent - search _nachala teksta_ words
           Islands on which the cursor is positioned;

           very handy thing to find

           labels, not necessarily put

           cursor to the beginning of the word - it

           will be done automatically;

           to find the next such

           word, press ss / f;

           Block operations:

ss / d-deletion labeled ss / e lines;
ss / i - copy marked ss / e

           lines, and if the marked lines

           No, it is inset

           text from the clipboard;
graph ss / i - Copy the marked lines

           into a buffer, for example, pereno
           self them to another text;

(* - Some other location Clavey: edit - rus / lat; cs / 2 - 
tab; cs / 3 - ovr / ins; cs / 4 - home / end; ss / q / a - pgup 
/ / Pgdw).

 To copy lines from one text to another, we must first put them 
in buffer. Labeled lines are placed in the buffer when you ss / 
i or graph ss / i. Followed by a move to another text (download 
it or just switch to another window), remove it yellow mark

(Ss / e) and push ss / i.

  When assembling a large number of tags they can collide with 
the buffer.  (* In assembly buffer is cleared)

            2.4 Teams Xas.

   When you click in the editor, ext you get to the command 
line. Back in the editor, you can press ext. Teams are selected 
pressing the appropriate keys: 

aUto (respectively, - 'u') undo /

         / On the need for
         confirm selecting ente
         ROM (this team is, in fact,

         rudiment, and the next. versions of its

         will not, so enjoy

Edit a return to the editor;
Save text the text to write to disk; proposed
         reaches to change the name in the time we introduce
         Yes it is a command can be undone

         pressing ext, with the change

         name is preserved, if the disk

         such a file is, it is removed;

         if the disk has no space community
         tions is not issued, changing the color

         border to red.

Load text file download the catalog; ec
         whether the disc has no files with the types of

         XAS, XaS, xAS or xaS, then kata
         the log does not appear and xas vozrva
         schaetsya the command line, with

         select the file running the following

         keys: space - perezachtenie

         directory, edit - cancel App
         ki, ext - delete text from the PA
         myati the files that start with the symbol
         ox '' - remote, but they can be
         but free to download, file type

         'T' means the text, 'M' - macro

         (It is automatically loaded into

         Box 3, regardless of the current);
sTs output in sts (* - No);

         pressing cs / t in the pc will be for
         scribed address start otassembliro
         bath program, and in memadr -

         recently printed in the tracing
         oscillator number (for sts 4.x);

         flow of N 2 and complete their

         work operation ret;

         cs / r - after the return of prog
         Ramm and to clean the screen will

         expected to press any key;
remarK editing comments;
Assemble assemble;
fullCat complete directory of the drive; cs / c -

         All data are displayed in decimal
         dimensionless form;
neW delete text from memory should be

         confirm the 'Y';
laBels displaying table tags

         sorted according to the first symbol
         ox; to interrupt the press

         space; if after assemblirova
         of you used the block operator
         walkie-talkie 'copy', and labels would be
         Lo a lot, then you will see not

         all tags;

         cs / b - print in decimal form;

         (* - Does not support the push to

         cs, and asks the question 'hex?', in
         be answered 'n', if

         need a stamp in the decimal system
, Save cOde - write the object code, with

         code length over # c000 record does not

         is because such lengths in

         48k of memory does not happen;
Mac edit - edit the file macros

         which is located in the 3 rd box;
aNother - switch to editing

         another window: 1, 2, 2> 1 3> 1;
comPute - calculator. You can recruit

         expression as in the text of the prog
         Rummy (tag names, binary and

         symbolic constants ..), the results
         This result will be printed in decimal
         my, and hexadecimal systems
         max, we can use a calculator
         vatsya to transfer numbers from one
         tem to another view

         label values, attitudes Adre
         ca sts on value of the label (see

         sTs) (* - No);

          3. Disassemble.

   Assemble in two passes, but not
Traditional. On the first pass is a table of labels. At the end 
of his message on the length and the end of the object code. 

   Almost all errors are declared on the second
passage. Assembling can be interrupted
on the second pass, pushing cs. Second pass ends with a beep. 
Now the program can be run (see run) or write to disk (save 

   Want to note that the assembly time depends mainly on the 
number of tags, but from, say, the length of the text - much 
smaller. From this very simple conclusion: do fewer labels, and 
the formula for approximate calculation of the time assembly: t 
= 0.000163 * n ^ 1.72, where t - time seconds, n - number of 

              3.1 Errors.

   When an error occurs displays the string with the error 
below - its number, the name of the error and, if the text is 
loaded loadtextom or simply found in the second

page name. In this line is marked in red (see cs / ent), to
it can be easy to find and edit ((c) I).

   List of errors:

No Label - there is no such label;
Syntax In Number - syntax error

Label Exists - issued on the first passing through
             de; label with the same name

             exist (see Introduction);
Syntax - Syntax error in parameters
             The parameters of the operation (eg

             (Ix +));
Target Too Far - jr operation or not djnz

             can jump so far;
Number Too Big-in operations not involving

             with (ix / iy + d) - just envisaged
             Preventing that parameter

             a number greater than

             valid for this operator
             tion (for example, bit 3 +15, a),

             in this case will be taken junior

             level numbers, the parameter

             same for (ix / iy + d) may mean
             chat error;
Fatal Error - usually an error in the parameter

             operations, which excludes

             the possibility of its assemblirova
             of (ld sp, bc);
LTB Over - no more room in the table

             labels; appears on the first

             pass and stop al
No File - file does not exist in teams loadco
             de and loadtext;
Skipping - warning ignored
             Vania team loadtext, if

             she met in the text of

             second window (see below)

             or team loadcode, if

             file is missing (in the second


             attachment warning

             ! Assm;

 Attention! On error Fatal Error object code is so flawed,
that can not be used (this
due to the inability to determine the length of operation is to 
occur, leading to incorrect preparation of the table tags. 
Other district and if such errors do stop assembling.

          3.2 Source code

  Text can be typed small and large letters, with or without 
tabs instead of commas, you can type spaces (except def-s). 
Small letters are typed with cs. Macros are typed by pressing 
the graph and then any key. When I try to go beyond

outside line, it will be recoded,
gaps where necessary, replaced with a comma
tags to improve readability (perhaps
First you will be impacted, but then
I hope you will appreciate my efforts) will be
printed in small letters. If the
line there are errors, you can not go
beyond it, do not fix it.
 Russian letters can not be used in labels.
 Instead, (ix / iy +0), you can dial (ix / iy);
halves ix / iy denoted hx / y and lx / y.
 In the ex af, af 'apostrophe can be left out.
 At a set of hexadecimal numbers instead of icons '#' you can 
press '..'  In operations

ld (adr), rp ld (adr), a out (n), a in a, (n)
bracket set is not necessary (ie you can
ld l01 +50 / 3, de).
 In out (c), r and in r, (c) '(c)' can be omitted (out l). (* - 

  Push or pop a few in a row can be replaced by one, listing 
the register pair separated by commas: pop af: pop iy: pop bc =

pop af, iy, bc.


  Instead of numbers you can dial _lyubyh_ expression, where - 
the letters in quotes - a number that consists of the codes of 
letters (the quotes (Except defm) may be one or two letters), 
with the first letter - the most significant byte, second - 
Jnr. If the letter a, then the first byte is zero - the 
brackets and preoritet operations are not supported - allowed 
the operation: +,-,*,/ and! - Xor (example: "B"! # 80, 1520! 
Label1! # F001). Supports binary numbers, they must begin with 
a '%' and be in the range 0 .. 65535.  Another two logical 
operations: '& Ampl - take only the low byte

'& Amph - take only the most significant byte, placing

     him in the minors, ie, # 5cf4 '& amph = # 5c;
'L - the result of a cyclic shift to the left
'R - the same right, ie # A703'r = # d381.

  If you need to move several times, then
operation is simply a duplicate.

    Features (def, work, ent, org,

             loadcode, loadtext,! assm)

 defs - supports up to two parameters;
If the second parameter is no, then it is assumed to be zero. 
The second option - - _dvuhbaytovoe_ Number, which will fill 
the memory defs. Examples: 1) should be 15 zeros - defs 15

2) have 31 push af - defs 31, # f5f5
3) should be 10,0,10 - defs 3,10
4) have 32 ldi (ed a0) - defs 64, # a0ed

 work - allows you to create the program,
working not with those addresses, which
they will assemble. Parameter indicates the address from which 
to work this program. Applies to

_vsyu_ program and _all_ orgi and stores
its influence to work without the option parameter.
Recommend to put it in the beginning of the program
_posle_ orga. Example: you otassemblirovat program to work with 
address 0: 

     org # 9000

     work 0
lab1 .....

     org # a005
lab2 work
lab3 .....

   lab1 label will have the value # 0000
lab2 - # 1005, and lab3 - # a005.

 ent - allows you to specify the address from which this 
program will run the command run. Used without an argument.

 org - indicates the current address for the location of the 
program. Orga If not, then address is equal to # 8000. 
Attention! If the the beginning of your text orga not, orgi

is on, and if they are more # 8000
the length of the object code will be calculated
wrong! (Will not be counted org # 8000).
So if you want to use
save code, then in this case should be put in the beginning of 
the org # 8000. 

 loadcode "name" - the name must be in quotes; loaded file type 

 loadtext "name" - if the second page already have a file with 
that name, the disk access is not happening!, and if it does 
not, then it is loaded there, removing text that was there 
before. From the second page for obvious reasons, does not 
work. If someone does not know what loadtext - this option 
allows you to have a program in assembly, consisting of a set 
texts that are loaded and assembled in a queue while they enjoy 
one table tag, so from one files can be freely refer to

labels from other files.

  ! Assm! On /! Off

  Esche has a genuine option! Assm,
which can have a parameter! on or
! Off. It allows you to select pieces
text, which must be otassemblirovat
only once, or do not have to assemble. Parameter! On means that
option! assm ignored, but after assembly it will be translated 
into! off. ! Off also causes the text to pass options

! Cont. Example: You write drayverok press, which enjoys a 
downloadable fonts. So why load it at every assembly? You can 
download it only once, and then he will sit

in memory:
font org # 7000

      ! Assm! On

      loadcode "font51"

      ! Cont

      org # 7300

  or you do not need to assemble
some of the code, and to avoid flooding
all lines in a comment, just ogranichte their options! assm! 
off and! cont. 

 ! Assm n (* - No)

 The parameter n - number of repetitions. Allows
otassemblirovat piece of text to the option
! Cont n times. Recalls defs Tasma, but
an order of magnitude steeper than it:

 ! Assm 128
 ld hl, 0
 push hl
 ! Cont

 ! Assm # 50/2-% 0101
"I zachem eto?"
 ld hl, 0
 call 1
 ! Cont

Instead of n may be a label if it is defined above.
Put between tags! Assm n and! Cont not
recommended. Use $.

Nesting! Assm with any parameters not

defm - instead defm "string" can be typed simply "string", in 
which case the number of characters per line will increase to 

defb - if defb you only hexadecimal numbers, you can instead
defb # n1, # n2, # n3, # n4 ... typing just
# N1n2n3n4 ... Here, the first '#' character is required and 
each number must be entered using two digits (0 = 00, # a = 0a 
...); number For clarity, you can share icon

'#' (# N1 # n2n3 # n4 ... - as you like) and of course, instead 
of '#' can reap '. " 

               4 Macro.

  Macros are typed by pressing the graph (cs /
/ 9) and then one of the keys with the Shift or
no. In this case, the screen will be printed string
is assigned to this macro file
letter. Macro file is constructed as follows
way: it consists of strings, where the first
character must be a sign ";", the second -
symbol, when clicked on the screen will display a line that 
lies behind this second (ie, up to 40 characters). If at the 
end of the lines needed gaps then the last gap to be replaced by

underscore (ss / 0), otherwise they will be cut editor. If you 
need to post O macros are automatically pushed

enter, finish the macro point.

  The length of the macro file should not exceed
# B20, then, actually, quite enough to have a macro at all 
possible characters (about 90). Length limit

associated with the table of marks: under the block
Copying a macro will be cut
to the specified length. If your program a huge number of 
labels (> 1500), then macro file in the memory can be partially 
or completely destroyed, which, however, to hang will not, just 
if you using macros, you will have to restart.

            5 formats of text.

  Section for those who want to write their
perekoderovschiki and others or to understand the
the work of district and ...

 The first 29 bytes of a file stored comment;
then 2 bytes - the address of the current position in
Text (addressed _nachala_ current line);
on 2 bytes - the current cursor coordinates (x, then y); 1 byte 
sign ovr / ins; 1 byte - number of revisions file (0 .. 127);

B # 01 - sign of the beginning of the text.
Format of text strings explained by example:

label LD HL, # 4d00-"a"; EXAMPLE
'LABEL', # ac, # d2, '# 4D00-"a"; Example', # 0d

tags are stored in large letters;
tabs are not available;
Commas may be only for comments,
quotes or as a separator in
gaps may only be in quotes or
the last byte in the line can be # 0d -
Line normal color, # 09 - yellow or
# 0c - red;
an example:

                                 text must
stand # 00.

      6 Tips on programming


 May, of course, is arrogance on my part to give any advice, 
but still I have written two major programs, so that something 
could be useful to you. 1) Try to plan a program

before writing it. Similarly, decide what
it will do and how.
2) Try to do less labels - and assembling will be quicker and 
will not be problems with the overflow table - use the icon 
'$', which means the current address, if there are multiple 
labels, you can turn to one another using the name of + / - 
offset. 3) to save memory, use the following things: if you 
need a cell, then Do not do this:

label defb 0
ld a, (label)
ld (label), a
and replaced by:
label ld a, 0

ld (label +1), a

  As the cells for storage of anything
variables can be used BASIC.
For example, printing via its driver
You can override the channel and use the rst 16.
4) about the speed: remember that jp faster jr, ldi faster 
ldir, that the quickest way to stuff into memory

Byte or get him out of it and push
5) the '$': Remember that $ specifies the address
beginning of the current operation, ie
label djnz label

      djnz $
a is not, say, $ -2.

            7 Perekoderovschik.

   Perekoderovschik written hacker Cris, and
thing I can tell you quite steep: recode it from gens, isdos 
assembler or tasm 3.0 xas in and out of xasa in txt, where

text format (gens / isdos / tasm / xas) defines itself, so I 
think in general not necessary. 

   When perekoderovke in xas he wrote the number of errors - 
overflow line (as in tasme and isdose line 255 (?), while

I was up to 42 characters, and long lines are cut in half. In 
this line will be marked in red and can be easily found in xase 
(at ss / y / u) and corrected. After perekoderovki may 
glyuchok: when assembly is an error, while the line looks fine. 
Here you just get on that line and push anything other than the 
cursor up and down. For example, you can simply press

ss / u or y.

               8 The End.

  Well, all over this destructive work
tamping helra, you can now relax and admit that all the help 
and all Xas Max Petrov wrote from St. Petersburg to

January 1996 phone 598 0159 (for
which can be reported Gluck).

  And also to say that perekoderovschik written hacker Cris, it 
seems not without help his virtual brother Johna Stunnera.

Thank them for that, because during the Scriptures
they caught some glyuchkov in Xase. Johnnu
Another thanks for the acceleration of Pts. small, but very 
good. important protsedurki, which resulted in increasing the 
speed of assembly by 15% compared with baseline, but most of 
all I thank him because it led me to the acceleration

the thought of an even greater acceleration, and I've got 
another 32-percent reduction in assembly time, ... As a result, 
the expense of our benefit increased by half.

  And finally to convey greetings and wishes
happy new year all users, players, hackers and sympathetic.

        Max Petrov (hpm) 01.96-05.96 SPb.

 Questions? As the saying goes, try again.

  On braking after loading xasa:
He zapachen trushem, which is a little brake ... (Only *)

              Max Petrov (hpm) 05.96 SPb.

Other articles:

Toys - 48 irons (3 levels).

Toys - the passage of La abadia del crimen.

Toys - short story of the game "Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" (Level 1)

Programmers - learn BASIC (Part 4).

Programmers - Adapting programs for TR-DOS # 2.

Programmers - IMMORTAL # 2 (immortality in the games).

Programmers - music editors, which we choose.

Programmers - Guide to shadow service monitor Scorpion ZS 256.


IS-DOS - Category "IS-DOS - for beginners" No 4.

IS-DOS - users "No4:" Working with electronic drive among the IS-DOS ".

IS-DOS - information about the company ISKRASOFT.

Iron - Nemo responds to users' questions.

Iron - Message from the firm Nemo (about microprocessors Z84C0010PEC).

Premiere - Assembler, which we choose (a description of XAS).

Premiere - Program Description 'CONVER-Commander V 4.50 pro'.

Premiere - UFO-2. Devils pit.

Presentation - Novgorod Group Digital Reality about yourself.

Interview - Interview with Captain Nemo with comments Iskrasoft firm.

Interview - Nikolay Rodionov and ZX-Sectrum.

Interview - an interview with the developer of computer HOBBIT Dmitry Mikhailov.

a rest - HAL 9000

a rest - Nemo tells the story of VirtualETnoy reality in Russia.

Mailbox - letters from readers.

Mailbox - Translator.

Mailbox - "Empire Spectrum".

Miscellaneous - The introductory story to the game Paradise Lost (Lost Paradise).

Miscellaneous - Perspectives P / O: WARCRAFT

Miscellaneous - Amiga Club: Questions and Answers # 2.

Miscellaneous - Amiga Rulez or propoganda healthy lifestyle.

From Writers - a new issue and plans for the future.

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.4

Lottery - the first results of the first lottery.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   18 February