Demo or Die #01
28 февраля 1999

Slang - Slenogovy dictionary demoscene.

<b>Slang</b> - Slenogovy dictionary demoscene.

   This text was taken from, and we think he'll
help in the orientation of the demo scene.

   (The definitions given below, of course,
relate primarily to the demo scene.
In parentheses are the words that occurred
term, or another variant of the term).

   Musician (music artist) - musician -
person who writes music for demos,
intros, music disks, etc.

   Coder (code) - er .. programmer. In
rather narrow sense of the word -
uses mostly assembler.

   Graphician (gfx artist) - painter -
paints a picture, logo, fonts, etc.

   Swapper (swap) - deals with
spread the word software (your group or
No - not important) through _obychnuyu_ (not
e-) mail (parcels, letters and

   Fixer (fix) - deals with correction
software to work correctly.
For example corrects other people's bugs, governs
NTSC'shny software for work in PAL'ovskoy
computer (Commodore 64)

   Organizer (organize) - organizer
inspirer what-if;) command.

   Cracker (crack) - engaged in burglary
software to remove protection / no

   Crew, Group - Team - A group of people
unified idea (or organizer)
for the implementation of any project (s)
(Eg writing, demos, hacking /
proliferation of software or anything else).

   Demo (in general) - a program written
to show the possibilities of team
programming, graphics, music,
design. Does not imply its goal

   More precisely:

   demo (demonstration) - the size of a
~ 100k

   intro (introduction) - the size of not more than
100k. Can be divided into:

   Trackmo (TRACKING deMO) - on the PC / Amiga -
demo or intro, in which all the action
(Ie image) is rigidly tied to
music in a way that looks at
one breath. Music - Techno usually
(The best place to sync). On
Commodore 64 so called demo, not
requiring intervention during the show
Rights (pressing the space bar to continue

   Dentro (DEmo-INTRO) - demo preview.
Vypyskaetsya to probydit interest
demo, which is not yet ready, but
expected. Is a sometimes
set of images (slideshow) with myzykoy and
these effects, which can be bydet
yvidet in a demo.

   SlideShow - Pictures (painted or
pre-rendered), shows (with music)

   Music Disk - a set of several
ringtones musician / s group, beautifully
designed images / effects / text.

   Diskmag (Disk Magazine) - Electronic
magazine. Differs from simple text
the presence of music files / graphics / no
That is, visual effects appearance of the journal
almost as important as its

   Logo - small picture (less than
screen), representing a
symbol / emblem of something. As a rule,
stylized team name, or

   Compo (competition) - contest /
Contest / Competition (see also 'Party')

   Party - organized with any
purpose of gathering people. For example, demo
parties - to view the demos, which
often written specifically for such events.
Usually organizes a
team with the assistance of sponsors.
Most often parties are held in
Scandinavian countries.

   HQ / WHQ / RHQ / ... (HeadQuarters, World
HeadQuarters, Russian HeadQuarters) -
"Headquarters" (World / Russia / etc) -
usually the main BBS commands. On it lie
recent releases of the group, through it can be
contact with the group.

   Distribution Site (dSite, DistSite) -
BBS (ftp), which can be downloaded
all / latest releases command (s) dSite'om,
which (s) this is the BBS.

   Gradient Filling (gradient fill) -
Shading circuit c smooth change
brightness / color.

   Fractal (fractal, fractal) -

   1. self-similar sets, which for
any increase in forms similar
images, the most famous - the curve
Koch, broken Sierpinski set

   2. Mandelbrot set, as the most
well-known special case of set theory

   Described by the theory of functions
complex variable, is generated
the aid of an iterative process z (i) =
z (i-1) * z (i-1) + c, where z - a complex
number with - pre-selected constant.
For an arbitrary plane
coordinates (x, y) takes a comprehensive
number z, where x - is real, and y -
imaginary part, we consider the behavior
this sequence through a sufficiently
a large number (n ~ 100-1000) iterations.
On the plane, drawn point (x, y) color
usually depends on | z (n) |.

   3. Any images / landscapes / images
for the formation of which is used
random number generator, for example:
plasma voxel landscapes ... Although, in
and large, all are one and the same-;))

   Voxel (VOlume piXEL) - element
space, volumetric pixel. Voxel
technology refers to the partition
space into separate elements (usually
tow parallel planes OXY, OXZ, OYZ) and
viewing these elements as a

   Texture Mapping - superposition method
image / transparency / irregularities / etc
on the surface, to give

   Environment Mapping - overlay maps
(Map) environment leads to
that shiny (specular) objects
begin to reflect everything around them. When
Change position of an object, reflection
also changes, reinforcing this effect.

   bump map - map of the irregularities.

   glow map - map samosvetimosti,

   Motion Blur, Delayed Vectors -
related concepts. In fact the effect
blurred images with (fast)
movement. Term Delayed Vectors often
applies to WireFrame objects.

   Fading - a smooth change in brightness
(Parts of) images. On the PC, usually
achieved by changing the R, G, B for a given
color in the palette. On C64 (and sometimes on the PC) -
change attributes for this part

   Shading (shadowing, shading) - Methods
allow to reproduce the object
differently depending on the location
light sources.

   Facet (flat) shading - The Edge
polyhedron are colored, each one
color of the light orientation in space
with respect to the light source and
observer. Object looks like

   Gouraud shading (.. Guro) - method
halftone division with smooth color
transitions: for each angle
polyhedron assigned different colors
and then held them in the interpolation
under the surface.

   Phong shading (.. Phong) - Method
halftone shading, which
interpolation is carried out normal to the
polyhedral surface, and then
fill, which creates the effect of the game
color (highlights) and gives a more natural
images than Gouraud. (But
works are usually slower than his)

   Nix Shading (.. Nix'a) - this method -
variety Phong shading'a (method N1,
paragraph 5.1), and texture that is the table
256x256. The only difference is that the normal
not interpolated in the polar
coordinates, but in general such that no
name. This interpolation gives the same
error, as in polar
coordinates. But Nix solved the problem
rotation of objects in all directions:
rotated normal to the Cartesian system, and
convert directly to the polar
in shading.

   Splines (splines) - Types of Mathematical
models used to represent
smooth curves (passing through given

   Scaling (zoom) - Increase
or decrease (part of) an image or

   Shade Bobs - effect obtained at
movement across the screen from an arbitrary
trajectory pattern (eg circle or
square), and at every point of the motion,
summing up the color with the colors already present
in the pattern of ignoring the overflow.
It is noteworthy that, if we move in
the opposite direction, but deduct
color, then we return to the black screen.

   Wireframe - performance models
images as a "wire frame"
of connecting segments.

   Zoom (in / out) - Increase (zoom, zoom
in) / decrease (zoom out) object.

   Transparency - transparency.

   Transparent Vectors - The method of images
transparent object.

   Morphing - smooth "transformation" of one
Object (image) to another, by
establishing a one-one
matching each element of the original
Object (s) of a finite and smooth
changes in each other.

   Morphing is a mixture of
three separate algorithms: warping'a,
tweening'a and dissolving'a.

   Warping - a mathematical trick, with
through which the image is stretched
and compressed, as if it were drawn
of rubber. Warping is defined by points or

   Tweening, short for in-betweening,
- Interpolation of two images for
of smooth animation. Tweening
usually performed over the points, lines
or polygons. Tweening is convenient
used if a specific implementation
warping is focused on the line. Tweening'om
of control lines can be smoothly
distort the picture.

   Even with just warping'a and
tweening'a, you can create
photo-realistic animation of an individual

   Dissolving, or cross-dissolving, - so
talked about in Hollywood when a scene
darkened, while the other
"Clarified". In the middle to do a double

   Obtained as follows: if the whole image
cover the net, then warping changes the shape of
each quadrilateral, tweening moves
grid, and dissolving a piece of change
Pictures inside the quadrangle.

   When all these three effects are applied
together, it turns morphing.

   Raytracing - a method for constructing
realistic images of an object by its
geometric (mathematical) model.
For each picture element from the point
observations pave the imaginary beam to
defined as part of the model should be
played to this point in the
display. Because of the need for more
computation is suitable mainly for
obtaining static images (on
machines such as Amiga, PC). Sample programs
implement this method: Imagine
(Amiga, PC), Caligari TrueSpace (Amiga, PC),
RayDream, PovRay, Vivid. In 3D Studio
this method is _not_ used.

   Rendering - Creating an image
a particular representation of the object
using one of the methods of synthesis
realistic images (eg,
Raytracing, Gouraud Shading) (information
on the surface, the volume settings, etc.)

   Anti-aliasing - removal
roughness / contour gradation

   Bump Mapping - a method of displaying
bumpy surface

   Frame Buffer - Dedicated
memory area in which the image
(Frame) is stored in the form of ready-to-output
to screen

   S-Buffer - the same as the Z-Buffer,
only one image
made not a single pixel, and the segment
horizontal (or vertical, if so
convenient) scan-line. Stands for
Span-Buffer (sometimes called

   Clipping - amputation
images that go beyond the boundaries of the region

   Modeling - the process of describing the shape,
object motion and structure of its

   Sprite (sprite) - small (much
smaller than the screen) a graphic object
_apparatno_ formed which can be
withdraw / move _v_lyubom_
graphic / text mode. Can
draw an analogy - as if the screen
imposed a transparent film on which
draw a picture. Usually there are also
means for determining the collision
Sprite (sprite to sprite collision),
clashes with the image sprite
(Sprite to background collision), sprite
can also be placed before or after
image or another sprite (sprite
priority). In most systems, there
restriction on the number of sprites that are visible on
screen simultaneously. This restriction, as
usually be overcome.

   Fields of application:

   moving objects.

   imposition of one image to another.

   increase in resolution / number of colors


   What is called a sprite on the PC - have
in common with them is that it is also
little graphic:) But the real
it - just a picture. All of the above
features are implemented in software and because of this

   Animation (Animation) - Serial
screen output is stored in memory / on
ROM packed / not packed
images. (Standard format is
eg. FLI,. FLC,. AVI,. MPEG) If
the image is formed before
appears on the screen (by
any calculations, or simply from
other images), as a rule, it is
No animation.

Other articles:

Demo-Building - an algorithm to PROCESSING visibility of surfaces 3D-figup.

Demo-Building - Fill the triangle Gupo shading, texture mapping.

Demo-Building - Proetsirvoanie 3D> 2D.

Demo-Building - filtration pastpovyh izobpazheny. An algorithm to postpoeniya bugpyvistyh of surfaces. Flame effect. blurring in fast movement. Sharpening

Digital Design - A new music editor for digital music.

Greetz - Greetings to all who have not yet dropped the most Kulnev complex in the world - Spectrum!!!

Partys - Sonstructions Chaos 1999 about budschem demopati.

Slang - Slenogovy dictionary demoscene.

Turbo / Slow - The scheme uskoryalki and Lagsters com.

Video - Converting animation on the example attribute the video.

Interview - Random / Chaos Constructions.

Interview - An interview with Lithuanian musicians zHenYa / zERo.

From pedaktsii - From the authors.

Application - Pinkword, Digital Desing.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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