ZX Format #02
30 ноября 1995

Programmers - Basic to all.

<b>Programmers</b> - Basic to all.
B E J P & K

       for programmers.

              (# 2)

(C) Dm. Rudovsky 1995


   As promised in the past
room, today's article will focus on functions and programs that 
extend the standard Basic 48. 

   In this article we will focus on:
- Renumber 128 th BASIC
- Trace 'Speed
- Blast Toolkit
- ZXeditor

   Let's start with the closest
expansion - Basic 128. The sole function deserves
attention - it Renumber. When calling this function renumber 
program lines from first with step 10. However the number 
"first" line, as well as step can be changed zanesya

necessary parameters in the system variables and RNFIRST RNSTEP
(23444/45 and 23446/47 respectively) BASIC 128.

   If you are not satisfied
this method (it is understandable that
introduce four POKE Editor
128 th BASIC - no glee)
I recommend to use
or extensions of the standard
BASIC like Mega, Beta or
Laser Basic, or extensions
type ZXED or utility TOOLKIT,
or subroutines of the package
Supercode and Newsupercode.

   If you encounter an unknown
products claiming the ability to
renumber the program,
You can test it with
by the following example:

   1 LET A = 10

   3 PRINT A

   4 GO SUB 1919

   6 PRINT A

   8 GO TO 10


  10 RESTORE 110


  13 STOP

  19 LET A = 2 * A: RETURN
 100 DATA 35
 110 DATA 50

   Run this test, write down or remember the results, then 
renumber its product being tested and re-run. If the results of 
both runs match - the tested program is suitable for use, 
otherwise - delete it from disk.

   A few comments. As
You understand, this example checks for all types of addressing 
the Basic and if the program-renumber something

forget the results of the test will change dramatically.

   Well, now move on to another type of program - debugger
(Tracer'am). All extensions
Standard BASIC has a command TRACE, and from individual
programs that perform similar functions, known to me only
TRACE'SPEED Eliseev, which
allows not only to trace
the program operators, but almost arbitrarily change the speed 
of its execution. On this program I Tell me more.

   The program itself takes you
two lines - 1 and 9999 (on and off the debugger, respectively), 
as well as the upper of RAM starting from 61000. K

Incidentally, it is for these reasons
their program must be downloaded from
using MERGE, a not LOAD, so
the latter will erase part of the debugger and it inoperable, 

   You downloaded the debugger, its
program, and continue as usual -
RUN, <ENTER>. You will get the query: Input speed
(1-Max ,255-Min): (Enter the rate (1-Max., 255 min.)

   Actually you do not enter the velocity and drag coefficient.
If you do not have the speed of the interpreter, then compile
program (compiled modules debugger unfortunately does not take).

   Now on the negative side of the program:

   1. Categorically not recommended


- Use the program operator STOP and other emergency
 methods yield (they must be replaced
 on GOTO 9999)
- Stop the program with the help of BREAK or INPUT
- Use lines 1 and 9999.

   2. Inconvenience of the program:

- The inability to stop the pro gram at low speed leads to a 
complication of debugging programs, and in case of fatal  
mistakes (like 10 GO TO 10) to  this tantalizing

- In moderation program begins to work on the jerks that
 makes it difficult (to test
 quality output for example).

   If you still had to press BREAK, then do not hit ENTER
GO TO dial 9999 for the return of the computer in normal

   When finished with the debugger, return to the tools and 
consider Two of them - ZXEDITOR and BLAST


   Utility BLAST TOOLKIT includes
in package Compiler BLAST (I
lime and other TOOLKIT, no relation to the described not
having) and, in principle, has several functions, preparing the 
text your program to compile.

   True, I have not seen the normal version of this disc
package, and so these functions
become meaningless and will not be described here.

   So you've downloaded and TOOLKIT
saw that the external changes
did not happen, - TOOLKIT protects its code using CLEAR and
erases boot from memory. But
it is recommended to reinstall it as follows:
NEW, then RANDOMIZE USR 60497.

   All utility functions begin with "*" and consist of one 
letter and parameters. The following is a description of these 

   * EN1 - edits line

        number N1.

   * CN1-N2, N3 - Up

        lines in the interval N1-N2

        in the region, starting

        from line N3.

           In the absence of N2 to
        piruetsya one line.

   * DN1-N2 - delete rows from

        interval N1-N2. When on
        absence of N2 is removed

        one line.

   * MN1-N2, N3 - wrapping.

        Similarly, copying,

        but the original line succeeded

   * RN1-N2, N3, N4 - renumber
        tion lines in the range

        N1-N2, the first assigned a status
        number is called N3, carried over
        numbering goes from step N4.

        By default, N4 = 10.

   * FN1-N2, N $ - N $ text search

        in the range N1-N2. When

        the absence of N $ sought

        text given the previous
        schimi functions * F and * S.

   * SN1-N2, N1 $, N2 $ - similarly

        * F, but found the text

        N1 $ replaced by N2 $.

   * TN - tracing program
        we are at row N. Retardation
        of a trace - of
        protein, and stop - ENTER.

   * K - removal of all text

        REM lines except those to
        torye begin with!,%

        and '. This is due to the fact

        that BLAST'e REM and data
        Misformed characters have singularities
        battle value.

   * Q - the end of the work.

   In the event of TOOLKIT
to return there, use RANDOMIZE USR 60497.

   We now turn to other utilities - ZXEDITOR.

   This program, unlike
described above, is in BASIC line, starting with 9900, and
adds to the standard editor of Spectrum, 12 new features
which are defined in the cursor mode of T. It is possible to 
contemplate using the command GO TO 9900. 

   Here is a list of functions ZXEDITOR:

     A - Search and replace text

     program. Utility finds

     text, replaces it with you
     gives Listings replaced

     parts and in the end wrote to
     lichestvo made substitutions.

     V - The free memory

     for BASIC.

     C - Copy rows prog
     rummy similar TOOLKIT.

     D - Delete a group of rows.

     F - Find text in a program
     Me and listing since it
     of the text.

     H - This function will then

     same as what is written here

     only shorter and en
     gliyskom language.

     L - On input number

     line will give her address in


     M - Move a row, analogous to
     logical * M in TOOLKIT.

     P - Add text


     R - Renumbering rows.

     S - Automatic entry but
     measure of the line. Conclusions on the screen
     reduces program listing and

     in the editor window is given

     number of input strings.

     V - List of changes.

   Now an additional explanation:
From line - with strings
To line - on line
base - to start with
increment - a step
insert after - where to insert?
to be - at that place?

   Quotes of the cursor usually means a request to enter

   In the end it should be noted that
after downloading the program you
can delete lines 9990 and
9991 (use them).

   But his program download
only with MERGE, otherwise
work ZXEDITOR You will not force any forces.

   P.S. If you know kakieto steeper utility, please email it to 
us. ________________________________

Other articles:

IS-DOS - Information: The news in the world IS-DOS

IS-DOS - How is it done No 2

IS-DOS - a beginner No 2

IS-DOS - No 2 users

IS-DOS - programmers No 2

Assembler - Assembler for Dummies

Iron - Revised: Pepeklyuchatel turbo / normal for the Scorpion ZS-256-Turbo

Iron - The provinces of: presenting a sound card General Sound.

Iron - Manufacturer: Create Soft - Returning to the printed

Iron - Manufacturer: KAY - turbirovanie Spectrum - Machines

Toys - Novella: 48 irons.

Toys - on the shelves: Carrier Command.

Interview - Interview with Sergei and Andrei Zonov Larchenko

Information - The authors of the journal

Information - From the authors

Information - Help

Information - Black Box


a rest - Something: Nervous Work

Mailbox - Classified Ad

Mailbox - Letters from readers

Premiere - Digital Studio v1.12

Programmers - Basic to all.

Miscellaneous - From the history of the Amiga.

Miscellaneous - Prospects for P / O.

Systems - music editor Instrument 3.01

What's New - Overview of new products: Night Hunter, Extreme, Grell & Falla, Duck Out, Internationl Ninja Rabbits, Italian Super Car, Sly Spy Secret Agent, The Turn, Sextris.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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