ZX Format #02
30 ноября 1995

IS-DOS - a beginner No 2

<b>IS-DOS</b> - a beginner No 2
   Category "IS-DOS - for beginners" No 2

              Eliseev VA

      "IS-DOS - the first acquaintance"

          (Journal version)

 (C) PENCRAFT 1995

Continued from - to No 1.

           System Utilities.

    In the previous chapter, we examined the control keys file 
panels. Now that you've mastered it, you can safely move to the 
next rather broad topic - system utilities listed at the top of 
the screen and caused by the numeric keys. Total

these utilities, ten, we consider in detail
each of them.

                1 - HELP

    Key 1 is the utility help.com,
located in the directory SHELL \ (up to 05.95 -
UTIL \). This tool allows you to display the
display a text file as a hint to the file
by the pointer.

    To do this requires that the directory in which you are 
interested in file a subdirectory HELP \, which contains text 
files of descriptions, hints to the files in that directory. 
Description files have the extension hlp. Also, the name 
File-tips must match the name of the file, for example, if you 
there is a file in the directory copy.com A: UTIL \, a 
help-file to it should be called copy.hlp and be in the 
directory A: UTIL \ HELP \.

    The basic set of IS-DOS typically include help-files to all 
major commands and files. If you have a floppy disk is not

turned out to be an appropriate description, press the 1 key 
will cause a certificate to work with the file wrapper IS-DOS. 
This file called shelhelp.hlp and is in

subdirectory HELP \ root directory.

    Missing help-file, as well as descriptions of your own 
files, you can collect yourself in a text editor and put in a 
subdirectory HELP \ order directory where the file is described.

                2 - USER

    Key 2 run utility menu.com,
located in the directory SHELL \ (up to
05.95 - UTIL \). This tool allows you to work with so-called 
"Avatar" - User menu. Avatar can be used to call frequently 
used programs, start your team files, software packages and


    Appearance of the main menu, USER-base kit IS-DOS is shown 
in the picture: 

                USER MENU

             The disk


             WORKING WITH TR-DOS

             WORKING WITH MS-DOS

            Directory Tree

             Hide files

             See the file

              EXIT TO SHELL

    Menu.com utility displays a window with a list of commands, 
comments, text information, etc. Moving the cursor along the 
lines of the window you can select the desired program and run 
it by pressing ENTER. Exit the menu is possible by pressing the 
SS + A, or through specially provided string. 

    User menu can be nested, ie
is, each row of the main menu may contain a command to call 
another menu. It is so organized system User menu

found in the base IS-DOS.

    Menu configuration utility menu.com
reads from a text file menu.txt (in
Version of 10.06.95 - menu.mnu). At the moment
pressing 2, it searches for
this file first in the current directory and
then, in his absence, in the directory
SHELL \. Thus, in each directory
drive, you can create your own menu, but the main menu will be 
something that is in directory SHELL \.

    As mentioned above, the system
IS-DOS comes with a ready-User menu to display the most 
important system utilities, however, the main purpose utility 
menu.com - use your own menyushek. For this You need to create 
your own text file menu.txt, describing it

configuration menu. To learn how to do this, read the 
corresponding chapter of this brochure.

                3 - VIEW

    Key 3 allows you to view on
display file contents. Naturally,
for viewing text files you need a program that displays them in 
a symbolic form, for the screen - a graphic, and for code 
blocks - in the form 16-hexadecimal dump.

    For this, the system provides a special text file 
extview.txt, describing the response of the system by pressing 
a button 3. Do not you think it's something to remind you of? 
For example extent.txt. This approach allows you to easily 
upgrade the system and expand its capacity, as a file

extview.txt You can also edit in its sole discretion.

    More likely to be viewed
text files. To do this, call
tv.com utility located in the directory
SHELL \. Incidentally, this is for its services described above 
help.com command to display the file-tips. To view on-screen 
file called utility exescr.com from the same directory, and for 
code blocks preferably 16-hex Monitor demon.com the directory 

    Example of a standard file extview.txt
shown in Table. 2

Table 2. Example file extview.txt

extview.txt Reaction to the 3 key

scr: Q: SHELL \ exescr / w viewing screen


txt: Q: SHELL \ tv viewing text

mnu: Q: SHELL \ tv viewing text

bat: Q: SHELL \ tv viewing text

wetQ: SHELL \ tv viewing text

hlp: Q: SHELL \ tv viewing text

as: Q: SHELL \ tv viewing text

cod: Q: SERVICE \ demon 16-hex


obj: Q: SERVICE \ demon 16-hex


com: Q: SERVICE \ demon 16-hex


    Description File Viewers
will be published in one of the following
articles in our categories.

                4 - EDIT

    Pressing buttons 4 launches the built-in IS-DOS text 
editor. This is a fairly large and complex program with truly 
enormous opportunities for creating and editing text files. 
Description of a text editor, you can devote a separate 
booklet, which will be done in the near future. And while I can

give some elementary explanations
that will help you perform the most urgent tasks, such as: 
writing your own batch files, editing files extent.txt, 
extkey.txt, extview.txt, creating User menu, etc.

    So, pressing the buttons 4 is a text editor. In this edited
the file on which the cursor was at the time of the call. 
Naturally, the edit with it, you can just text files. List of 
file extensions that are considered text contained in a text 
file ed_ext.txt. The content of this file, you can add and edit 
at their discretion, however, remember that the first two bytes 
of the first row should be reserved for the system and

they better not touch it, and the next three must contain "wet" 
- the default extension for the working file editor. Others 
extensions are described in rows, starting with the second one 
in line. Recommended basic extension for text files are listed 
in Table. 3

Table 3. Extension of text files.

Assign a file extension

txt text file (total)

hlp help-file

doc document

bat batch file

as assembly code

bak backup copy of the text

mnu text USER-menu

    If when you press the keys 4 the cursor is on the file name 
extension as described in the file ed_ext.txt, then the You 
will see the input menu of the editor (see figure). 


           EDIT treecat txt

            CREATE NEW FILE

            bak N


    The first line means a transition to edit the file on which 
stood the cursor (the file name appears in the string after the 
word EDIT). Second row - not to touch the current file and 
create a new (By selecting this option, you will be offered

enter the name of the newly created file and its
extension). The third row - pointer
mode the backup file being edited.

    This option allows you to keep intact the original file 
before editing, so you can at need to go back to him. If the

This line set the "Y", then the original
file will be saved in a file so the same
name but with extension bak. Now, if the results seem editing
Disappointing to you, you can erase the edited file, and
replacing a backup extension bak
that was before, to restore
status quo. The fourth menu bar
in general everything is simple - it's refusal to edit and 
output in the shell, ie, the same that SS + A.

    If pressing 4 Advanced file under the cursor will not be 
identified editor, the menu will be only two

row: CREATE NEW FILE and CANCEL. However,
it's not all. Input Menu Editor
has its own tuner options, hotkey SS + SP, but
description of it until we put it off until better

    Thus, selecting the input menu EDIT, you
to start editing the file. Editor-in system, IS-DOS has a 
really great opportunities, description of which can take quite 
a lot of space. Therefore, in this brochure only the most 
basic, a complete description editor, as mentioned above you

can be found in one of our next

    To start you need to know only
some control keys:

CS +1 - Profiles Rus / Lat

CS +2 - Profiles Uppercase / Lowercase

CS +3 - Profiles Insert / Replacement

CS +4 - cursor to beginning of line

CS +5 - character to the left

CS +6 - on the line down

CS +7 - to line up

CS +8 - a symbol to the right

CS +9 - to end of line

CS +0 - delete character left of cursor

SS + W - delete the character to the right of the cursor

SS + E - insert a space at the current position

SS + Q - up one screen

SS + A - down screen

Also available:

CS + ENTER - tabs

SS + ENTER - exit the menu block operations

SS + SPACE - out of a menu of commands

CS + SS - way out in macro

    Finally, talk about the editor -
some much-needed instruction from
command mode, which is activated by SS + SPACE:

9 - Text mode / pseudographics

D - delete line

U - to restore the deleted row

E - Exit the editor

    From the menu, exit the editor may
three options: DRY EXIT - complete end editing and saving all 
changes to a file, WET EXIT - exit from the establishment of a 
working file with a wet, that stores all the basic parameters, 
such as: position the cursor modes Fields marked with blocks, 
etc., and LEAVE - Out with the rejection of the latest changes.

Option LEAVE abuse is not recommended, as result of its work 
depends on many external factors (the degree of occupancy of 
the cache memory, for example) and often difficult to predict. 


                5 - COPY

    5 key in the shell IS-DOS is
program up - usually a program from a directory filecopy.com 
SHELL \ (up to 05.95 - UTIL \). The appearance of this program 
is shown in the picture: 


  flush com extprint txt


   A: UTIL

    In very general terms, it copies
all tagged files in the current panel
directory, open to the alternative panel. In this case, if both 
panels open one device (eg "A" at work with one drive and two 
floppy disks), the program itself asks what of the disks must 
be inserted in the drive. In the absence of selected files are 
copied the file on which the cursor is positioned. 

    If you suddenly discover that you forgot
before calling filecopy.com open to
Alternative panel destination directory,
- No problem, the program allows to adjust the path to copy 
files to special window.

    When copying in the left window displays readable in the 
current file and the right - the last recorded file.

    Filecopy.com program has a number of useful features, which 
you can learn from her description, and Now let me just note 
that This program is quite "smart" - if

For example, you try to copy
file on disk that already have a file with
that name, the program asked you
whether we should do it.

               6 - RENAME

    Key 6 is a program to rename files (usually rename.com), 
which allows you to change the name of the file or directory, 
which currently stands cursor.

    Program rename.com addition, you can edit, and other 
information contained in the descriptor file or directory, for 
example - the date of creation, the availability of write 
protection, etc. 

    Include revision of the information keys SS + SPACE. When 
you press this key in place an alternative panel displays a 
large window in which lists all available options.

    Appearance of the editing window of the
parameters, otherwise known as attributes
file is shown below:


            Dec Ovr

            Name: UTIL

            Cat Contiguous



            Address: 3

            Lenght: 1536

            Fil_pos: 34

            Cat_pos: 34

            Byte_21: 45

            Word_22: 44

            Word_24: 0

            Checksum: 0

            Word_28: 0

            Date: 1-Sep-95


    For more information on the work of
rename.com program and the appointment of the file attributes 
can be obtained by consulting the description of the program, 
and give us your on the waiting list following a system utility

where you'll also use quite often:

                7 - crDIR

    As you may have guessed, crDIR
- It is nothing like creating a catalog.
Indeed, in order to create
directory you just press the button
7 and enter the name in the popup window created directory (see 
the figure). Catalogue, that you create will be a subdirectory 
of the directory where you were when you press the keys 7. 




    Once the procedure is to create the directory
included in the core IS-DOS, but now for
these goals is the resident program
mkdir.res, and which is called key
7. Naturally, if you are in the process
work removed the program from memory (for
save space in RAM, for instance), cause there will be nothing, 
and the system will generate an error: Error 37 - the lack of 
resident program. In this case, return

mkdir.res to the place team Q: RES \ set
Q: RES \ mkdir.res or use a similar program from a directory 
mkdir.com SHELL \.

               8 - DELETE

    Key 8 - delete the files. Files
removed by the utility delete.com.
As filecopy.com, it works with the selected file, in the 
absence of a mark - removes the current file. 

    The first line of the menu - the most important.
If you accidentally pressed the 8 - courage to choose it and 
your files will remain intact. A similar effect can be achieved 
by pressing SS + A. In the last line of the window after the 
word is derived Select the number of files to be deleted, and 
in the lower window - the name of the former. If you finally 
decided to destroy all the selected files - use the option

Delete, as if still in doubt - use the Ask Delete, and the 
program before deleting each file will display additional query 
"Delete Y / N" and delete it Only in the case of your positive 
answer to this question. 

    Files protected from writing a program does not remove 
delete.com (then, they are protected), and displays a message 
"Protected file ". Catalogs can also be destroyed,

but under the condition that they contain no
file. Otherwise, you risk getting a message "Catalog not empty".

    And in conclusion to remind you that the program 
delete.com, as it should, does not erase the disk file, but 
simply marks it as deleted. Therefore, most files can be 
restored after the removal, such as utility qu.com, but only if

provided that the disk after deleting files has never been 

    Appearance of delete.com


               Ask delete


               Select: 7

                9 - MENU

    Key 9, as well as key 7 causes
resident program (in this case -
gmen.res), which should be installed in the system. If you have 
received instead "Error 37" - Set the TSR team Q: RES \ set Q: 
RES \ gmen.res, or use the com'ovskim analog.

Gmen program is designed for operational use devices in the 
system IS-DOS.

    In total, the system IS-DOS, you can use up to 6 logical 
devices of may be disk drives, virtual

RAM-disk, hard disk, etc. In this case all
they are, regardless of the hardware implementation,
perceived by the system equally, and the neutralization of the 
physical differences between them remain on the conscience of 
the drivers. Some of the device you are using but you can give 
special powers. A total of IS-DOS, there are three special 
devices: SYSTEM - system, QUICK - fast and CURRENT - current. 
When specifying paths to files on the command line, they are 
denoted by the letters S, Q, and T. Thus, we achieve a certain 
flexibility in specifying file paths.

    Let me explain with an example. Assume that you have
two drives, and your buddy - three
(Believe me, it happens). If he would write a batch file like 

A: UTIL \ copy B: SHELL \ *. com C: SHELL

then you do not fit in any case -
because you do not drive C. If your
A friend will appoint a drive as fast,
B - as a system, and C - as the current one, then
can write the above command as follows:

Q: UTIL \ copy S: SHELL \ *. com T: SHELL

that will allow you to use and this batch file, you just have 
to be designate one drive as fast and

system simultaneously, and the second drive - like the current 

    In addition, these three devices have
special mission: When you run any file unless you specify a 
path system looking for his first on a quick drive, and if it 
is not, then on the system. This allows, for example, to copy 
the most frequently requested files on a RAM-disk, wherein, as 
is well known, high-speed access, declaring it a "fast" and all

seldom-used tool to keep on
diskette drive, declaring "the system".
This is especially true for the Spectrum 128
Electronic drive only 80K. Many
program in IS-DOS, themselves loaded with fast or system disk
working files created by the current that
allows in particular to keep working
files separately from programs on other disks.

    So, by pressing 9 you can
declare the system, quick, or the current
any of your existing devices with one device could easily 
combine two or all three, that's as You will.

    Exterior utility gmen shown on

                System B

                Quick A

                Current A


Finally, the last one:

                0 - MASK

    Key 0 causes the utility mask.com,
with a mandate to monitor the
The output format in the file panels (see illustration).

              Panel state:




    With this tool, you can specify
mask for any of the file panels that
lets you display only files that match a certain pattern, except
addition, it allows you to select the information
displayed in the file panel
the right of the filename extension. By
default length of the file is always displayed in the blocks, I 
remind that the block size in IS-DOS is 256 bytes. If you press

ENTER on the line, LENGTH, the situation will change and in the 
right pane will display the so-called. file attributes - the 
symbol "p" If the file is write-protected and the symbol "c"

If the file is continuous. In the menu at the same time on
place the inscription appears LENGTH
STATUS. Pressing ENTER will restore output mode file length in 

    In the top menu bar, you can set
sample-mask, according to which the shell will display the 
contents of directories. The mask is specified as the file name 
and extension, and can be used Sc. implicit names. For this 
purpose there are special notations: 

* - Any number of characters in the name and / or expansion

? - Any single character in a name and / or expansion

    In this case, any possible combination,
For example:

*.* - Show all files (default)

*. Com - to show all the com-files

a *. txt - all text files with names which
         ryh begin with "A"

?? Ed *. a? M - show the files names to
            toryh second and third symbols
            ly "ed", but rather to increase per
            vy - "a", and the third - "m"

copy.com - show only a file named

           copy and extension com

copy *.* - show all files whose names
          ryh begin with a copy

    Experiment yourself with
this option and you will understand everything.

    The bottom line of the menu lets you select
operation with the mask with respect to the directories. There 
are two options: skip all subdirectories, regardless of masks 
and mask assigned only to files (mode Patern + CAT), or show 
only subdirectories that match the mask with all the files that 
are suitable for the same mask (Pattern), which allows you to 
organize Search and display the mask subdirectories.

    However, it should be recalled that the names of
subdirectories are composed of capital letters, and
names of files - usually lowercase, so in Pattern mode with a 
mask for the subdirectory you would probably see some Only 
directories with no files. So, or search the directory or file 
search - one of two things.

    So now we are with you briefly familiarized with the basic 
system utilities, whose names are handed down in the upper row 
of the main screen of the file shell IS-DOS. However, this does 
not mean that service capabilities of the system is limited to 
those ten teams. Number of system utilities and external teams 
IS-DOS is extremely large, and many of They are very important 
for the user. 

    Unfortunately, the scope of this article do not
allow us to consider them all, however,
subsequent articles in our magazine, we
will definitely return to this issue and
detailed look at the major command,
which give the IS-DOS environment, that comfort and 
convenience, for which you have it love so much.

To be continued ...

    In the next issue of our magazine
will be discussed on the main control keys shell IS-DOS.


Other articles:

IS-DOS - Information: The news in the world IS-DOS

IS-DOS - How is it done No 2

IS-DOS - a beginner No 2

IS-DOS - No 2 users

IS-DOS - programmers No 2

Assembler - Assembler for Dummies

Iron - Revised: Pepeklyuchatel turbo / normal for the Scorpion ZS-256-Turbo

Iron - The provinces of: presenting a sound card General Sound.

Iron - Manufacturer: Create Soft - Returning to the printed

Iron - Manufacturer: KAY - turbirovanie Spectrum - Machines

Toys - Novella: 48 irons.

Toys - on the shelves: Carrier Command.

Interview - Interview with Sergei and Andrei Zonov Larchenko

Information - The authors of the journal

Information - From the authors

Information - Help

Information - Black Box


a rest - Something: Nervous Work

Mailbox - Classified Ad

Mailbox - Letters from readers

Premiere - Digital Studio v1.12

Programmers - Basic to all.

Miscellaneous - From the history of the Amiga.

Miscellaneous - Prospects for P / O.

Systems - music editor Instrument 3.01

What's New - Overview of new products: Night Hunter, Extreme, Grell & Falla, Duck Out, Internationl Ninja Rabbits, Italian Super Car, Sly Spy Secret Agent, The Turn, Sextris.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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