Spectrum Progress #02
19 января 1997 |
Entries programmer - the musical programming of the processor AY-8912/10.
(C) Dennis Parinov, 1997. Music processor includes 16 registers. 14 were used to generate sound. In order to put in the register of musical coprocessor are any data, you must: 1) Select a register to record data LD BC, # FFFD LD A, the register number 0 - 13 OUT (C), A 2) write data LD BC, # BFFD LD A, kakoe any number 0 - 255 OUT (C), A To read the data from the register must: 1) Select a register to record data LD BC, # FFFD LD A, the register number 0 - 13 OUT (C), A 2) read data IN A, (C) The first six registers are used to set the pitch of each channel of range 0 - 4095. Registers R0, R1 - frequency sound channel A. Registers R2, R3 - frequency sound channel B. Registers R4, R5 - frequency sound channel C. Register R6 - determines the frequency output noise for the three channels from a range of 0 - 31. Register R7 - controls audio channels d7d6d5d4d3d2d1d0 xx prohibits the sounding channel A. prohibits the sounding of the channel B. prohibits the sounding of the channel C. prohibits noise channel A. prohibits noise channel B. prohibits noise channel C. The following three registers are used to set the volume in the range 0 - 15. 4-th bit indicates that the volume will be changing the way specified in R13 and with speed indications in R11/R12. Register R8 - determines the volume of channel A. Register R9 - determines the volume of channel B. Register R10 - determines the volume of the channel C. Registers R11, R12 - determine the rate of change the volume from 0 to 65535. (On Practice change reg. R11 malooschutimo, so it suffices to specify only reg. R12) Register R13 - uprovlyaet formation envelope of output signal: # 0, # 1, # 2, # 3, # 9 - fading, then quietly; # 4, # 5, # 6, # 7, # F - growth, then quietly; # B - decay, then loudly; # D - the increase, then zromko; # 8 - recurring decay; # C - repeated growth; # E - repeated growth and damping; # A - recurring decay and growth; And now a few examples demonstrating the legend. Before applying to the program in the register A need to record the effect of number from 1 to 4. , BT: A - number of effect from 1 - 4. AY_EFF LD HL, EFFECT1; Calculate LD BC, # 000E; starting address NEFF ADD HL, BC; effect next DEC A; for selected. JP NZ, NEFF; DEC HL; HL at the end of the chosen ; Nnogo effect. LD A, # 0D; Start with reg-ra R13 LD C, # FD; NREG LD B, # FF; Select Registry AY OUT (C), A; for recording data. LD B, # BF; entry in the register AY OUTD; bytes of (HL) and , A reduction in HL 1. DEC A; Reduced rates ; Register AY, if JP P, NREG; he Є 0, continue. RET; Otherwise exit. ; Effect is used in various boot'ah at ; Startup programs. EFFECT1 DEFW # 0080, # 0001, # 0000; tone frequency ; For channels A, B, C DEFB # 00; frequency noise DEFB # 38; 00111000 Off. noise. DEFB # 10, # 10, # 10; loudly. channel. A, B, C DEFW # 1500; volume change DEFB # 01; damping , The effect of the program Honey Commander. EFFECT2 DEFW # 203C, # 2064, # 208C DEFB # 00 DEFB # 38 DEFB # 10, # 10, # 10 DEFW # 0810 DEFB # 01 ; Effect 2 of Honey Commander. EFFECT3 DEFW # 2050, # 2060, # 2070 DEFB # 01 DEFB # 00 DEFB # 10, # 10, # 10 DEFW # 0400 DEFB # 01 ; Effect reminiscent of rotation of the blades ; Helicopter. EFFECT4 DEFW # 0000, # 0000, # 0000 DEFB # 00 DEFB # 07 DEFB # 10, # 10, # 10 DEFW # 0100 DEFB # 0E In conclusion, about one bad moment. Sometimes when reading from the disk from the speakers is heard buzz - this is due to the fact that the programmer does not choke muz.protsessor. Usually, do this again to initialize the player tunes. In any case, we present a program stifles muz.protsessor. RES_AY LD HL, # 0D00 LD DE, # FFBF LD C, # FD RES_AY1 LD B, D OUT (C), H LD B, E OUT (C), L DEC H JP P, RES_AY1 RET *
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