Inferno #07
31 мая 2005 |
For Coderz - the discipline to create large projects.
1. Programmed "on a grand scale" ... An indispensable attribute of the creation programs. The first "r" the last "y". Eight letters. - Hemorrhoids ... - Um ... coming! .. From the conversation of two programmers. Theme in the headline of this article (title, not the motto!), at first At first glance, not very clear and understandable. "What mean on a grand scale? We detail more than once menivaemsya! Do we have any project a masterpiece! Diskette with source code will soon pickle! " Well, later in the same spirit. It's about pain large (literally) projects and masterpieces koderskoy thoughts today will talk. How not to drown in a large source, as not to lose the fruit of many months of labor the fault of some kind can not read floppy disk as to make their source code at least a little more more understandable by other people - all This will be discussed in this article. Set Gia things may seem obvious and elementary. But all else does not know lzya, and experience comes with time. Therefore, sincerely hope that everyone can gain for yourself that something new and useful. Thus, begin. How to start a process of learning ac Sembler? First, from the books after a long pant recruited some healthier LIMITED source (its size is inversely proportional tional to laziness and directly proportional to the desired learn how to program). then do (for frequent unsuccessful) attempts to understand how did it work. Dismantled just barely in the same procedure from yuschy programmer then attending one of two ways. First: "Oh it nafig. It is difficult strongly. Not for me. "And the second:" Damn PAL ki! Yes, there is nothing to do, I am better than I can write, and even better! "Mentally simpler emsya with the followers of the first path and Again, mentally Slaughterhouse representatives Lei second. And then what? And then our hypothetical programmer begins to torment this unfortunate process, it will gradually navorachivaya, improving cutting. Finally, it bothers him, and the procedure finds solace in one of many diskettes and then and now bumage.Postepenno such procedure Dur accumulated quite a lot, and finally Finally, accumulating a critical mass, after which sets a moral commitment to write real big project. Poyavivshe seanmcsean was the desire to write everything from scratch ku Yes, it evaporates quickly, and there is another desire - to take their old procedures, which some "not so bad." Remarkably, programmer takes collects procedures a pile of source code in one source, runs compilation, and ... gets a bunch of messages Type: Label METKA is already used. Well, no one there thought that all these Procedures will ever work together, so do not take care of the UNIQA lnosti metok.Nachinaem make "unique" work - to correct tags so that they differed in different procedures (as our programmer did try and bend the fingers on the keyboard, and happy users Alasm make a feint with their ears, they write something like: Procedure1: LOCAL metka: ... ... ENDL Procedure2: LOCAL metka: ... @ MyGlobalMetka: ... ENDL And calmly spit at the ceiling). Hooray! Program built into a single source, all necessary procedures are collected, there is the backbone of program, all even up and running. Here begins is most interesting: a program fairly swells, stop to get into one file source code, and once again have to "sawing" on a part (of course, this applies only to those assemblers that support that kuyu possibility). Here you can also go in two ways - split into pieces on the principle CESG "how much you want and in order to reserve and separation by function - file operations, device operations input, graphics, and operation t.d.Ochevidno, that the latter option is preferable as in terms of writing, and in terms of accom Denia code. In the process of program development time for Thus the text is amended, the part of which are quite risky (there were "good Shaw, trying to do "even better", despite the the rule of "best is the enemy of the good"). I would like to be able to return to the old version of the text, if something goes not so. This brings us to the problem of storage source and version control. For individual GOVERNMENTAL texts can provide conservation backups (usually 1-2 is quite enough) with several distinctive characters in file names that immediately determined We define a more global pervoistochnik.Na level, you can archive all project source files. For storage ar hivov take one or two discs on the project and use the date as the file names. You can also put in the text archive file with a brief description of the project, changes with respect to the previous version and t.d.Dlya emu lyatorschikov submitted additional Convenience - You can not fooling, and ap hivirovat all floppy disk images without risking forget to put in the archives of this or that nuzh LIMITED fayl.Takzhe highly recommend regularly distribute their files through the familiar and sites ( precisely these goals and created) so that if something not remain on the beans. The fact that after loss of the latest version can stay with old, which is not implemented many ve ing, should not be problemoy.Kak govo rit my teacher (and I'm with him completely CO lasen), a good program is written twice, and then thrice. If you plan to distribute the prog Rummy open-source operating system or development tanovilas, but planned to return to her later, it is necessary to ensure the comfort of reading the code, especially other people (although I personally can not bear to understand chu zhih source code and programs, its easier write). On this subject, we can propose a few comments. 1) Each source files prepend "hat" with a brief description of the file may list of features and history of changes (especially particularly important when the collective razrabot ke), other data (date, author). 2) Use a possible single style of the source - from a dividing the operands by spaces or tabs s (for example, my source code, typed on Reale, separated by tabs, while later by an emulator, separated by a space, because until Break'a difficult to reach%)). 3) Use visual feedback-just dividers, for example: ;------- Similar in function block ;======= Less close ;******* Headline, description, etc. , \ \ And so on%) 4) You can make the description of the functions - what he does, what input parameters, which weekend, which registers and memory spoils, Other observations. On the question of registration marks. So word life was that Spectrum caught on Unix-ovs cue style tags - one register and the words are separated by an underscore (Людипомогитенеработаетпробелчтоделать? - настоящие_кодеры_пробелом_не_пользуются!). For those assemblers, which by default use lower case letters, you can ISPO lzovat write labels using large letters. Here too there are two styles - Pascal (every word in the phrase pi be written together with a capital letter, a so-called "Two humps of a camel ": OpenFile) and Java (all word except the first, written together, and with a capital "dromedary": openFile). Also very convenient way sometimes serves as a use of the "Hungarian record. "It only applies to the transition variables, in the beginning of the name which is added small prefix that identifies the type of transition variable: b - byte, w - word, sz - string, p - pointer etc. Glancing once called on tion variable, we can easily to determine (predict?) its type. If the file consists of some restrictions chennogo set of procedures, internal tags in these procedures can be formed as abbreviated procedure + ordinal vy number, for example: PRINTLINE ... PL0 ... ... PL1 ... RET Thus, the less likely come up with its lush fantasy label which is already engaged. Here, perhaps, and everything that I wanted tell you today, what would hearth showering. If anyone has their own methods "on legcheniya "difficult process of programming tion, please report to any of the available photon rme. Vitamin 2. Discipline of Programming. It would be desirable, and with his hand to Nesco lko time-tested advice. Convince yourself that any creativity potrebleniya.Eto important will be the key to on standing of the logic above and nizheskazannogo.Vse, that you create, you, whoever you are not solid Dil opposite. Responsibility for the statement secondary, but it exists. It should be her only feel - and with respect to the outright careless, and to the program, which threatens long tit men. Any program can be uluchshit.Boytes temptation to "latest". Do not stop project is just out of principle, and even more so - do not wash the sources. Will better your correction in a month than the correction carelessly made a year later by a hacker. Protect the source code and always duplicate them. Just think of the accompanying fi Lamas. Do not trust the "hard drive". Box Floppies lasts longer and does not wont spoil a whole and without a chance to recover. Even better copy source friends. Do not be afraid that someone release your program under a different name:) Keep the old version of the source - is helps to correct bugs in the program. Optimization should be independent In fact, do not blindly follow any method. Most of these methods are not universally and folds in half of cases to other methods. (I will describe several methods in another article.) Program of large size is optimal mize size. Sometimes reduction of the size of the program can greatly persuaded tit its structure by releasing some memory area. Program, speed or time to Torah can be measured in seconds or ger samples, it makes sense to accelerate. Typically, this gradual process and the end he could not see that Whatever claimed about ten percent of leads rzhentsy high-level languages (HLL). (Contrary to the above:) Program that would be good to release in a certain period of time is time to release this period. This often can be sacrificed optimization and certainly - a pair of propane generalized telefilms. It is advisable to leave behind right after completion. If you can not do, except separated lnyh procedures, and the bad, and you are can not bring to build a single ass manna major program, do not despair - just write, write, write to the victorious end! Programs not grow on trees, and programmers from the sky did not fall - if not lazy, then all will turn out, and, of course, each time easier! You can program more effective, what you're programming. You think it is impossible? A. Coder
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