Spectrum Progress #02
19 января 1997

piece of iron - "SPRINTER-97: Specifications.

<b>piece of iron</b> -
  Six months have passed since the first publication in
our journal of materials about the new Spectrum-compatible 
computer company "Peters." Since then, Sprinter (as you recall, 
so called conditionally new machine), several changed. It 
concerns the appearance and performance. 

  In May this year in our office, "Peters" on
street uprisings sostyalis two working meetings
employees of the firm with spektrumistami city.
Here, first seen in the Sprinter is more or less complete form 
(Ward minitauer " IBM AT-keyboard) and if not for use in

TV as a monitor, then the present
unlikely to immediately recognize this Spectrum-compatible 
computer among pisishek. Especially because were displayed on a 
TV screen does Spectrum is not the picture.

  But all this is, so to speak, the external side, and
what are the technical specifications established by the new 
machine? The information we received at the firm "Peters" and 
now bring to your attention. For comparison, the right will 
show the characteristics of the most popular today 
Spectrum-compatible computer Scorpion ZS-256. 

                       Sprinter Scorpion

Processor Z84C15 Z84C00

Work frequency
CPU, MHz 3.5 / 14.0 3.5 / 7.0

Fundamental frequency
RAM, MHz 7.0 3.5

Delay in treatment
to the display RAM. No Yes

Video RAM is a high-speed part of the main

               Shadow 192K RAM - 16K

Screen mode ZX-Spectrum ZX-Spectrum




Color Picker Flexible Rigid

                 16777216 colors 16 colors

Accelerator Operations
with RAM IS NO

Ability to download
system in RAM and work
her as a ROM IS NO

Monitor in ROM No Yes

RAM, 1024K bytes (4096K) 256K

Kolichestvovo windows
projection, April 1

Expandable memory:
a Pentagon-128 Full Partial
with Scorpion-ZS256 Full He


Std. set
ZX-Spectrum All All

             except Kempston joystick

IBM-Keyboard Built-in External

                  kontroleer controller

Mouse Built-in External

                  Controller Controller

Built-in external hard drive

                  Controller Controller

Addressing port Programmable Hard

                4 (8) options

System bus IBM-compatible Own


  We asked to comment on this table
one of the developers Sprinter'a Ivan Makarchenko.

  SP: Is there a fundamental difference between
processors and Z84C15 Z84C00?

  MI: Processor Z84C15, used in Sprinter'e, has additional 
capabilities to compared with Z84C00. It has a built-in 
parallel and serial ports, which can be used by programmers to 
communicate with external devices such as printers or

mouse. The processor has a higher clock
frequency and mode TURBO works at a frequency of 14
MHz. Built-in timers give additional
possible when the machine in real time.

  SP: Due to what is achieved by high speed (7MHz) of RAM?

  MI: The increase in speed is due to
increase the CPU clock, as well
also due to the absence of delays due to appeals
to video RAM. Increased frequency osnovngo RAM
increases the overall performance of the machine
mode TURBO. Use of video shadow RAM
also provides increased performance cars, and also makes better 
use of main RAM. Performance mode TURBO

depends on the frequency of visits to the main RAM. In
Scorpion'e part of the main RAM is used as
video RAM, which leads to additional delays in the work, as in 
normal mode and in the mode TURBO. TURBO mode in Scorpion'e 
gives real acceleration of programs in RAM in

average of 1.5. In Sprinter'e this increase
is about 3.5 times.

  SP: Why does the video RAM in Sprinter'e shadow?

  MI: The use of the shadow of high-speed video RAM eliminates 
the delay associated with appeals to the video RAM. When 
reading, the processor does not apply to video RAM. At the time 
of the recording CPU accesses to main memory. Record in

Video RAM is carried out only at the opening
corresponding window. High-speed video RAM allows you to 
perform a write operation in parallel record in the main RAM 
and makes no own delays.

  SP: In the specifications has been declared
accelerator-screen operations, but recently introduced a car it 
is not. Why? 

  MI: It took some modifications
in the scheme of the computer and disrupted the consistency
the accelerator. But we are not going away
refuse, he will be installed on production machines.

  SP: What are the benefits it will give the user?

  MI: The accelerator operations with RAM - accelerator -
you closer to the speed limit
operation with RAM when the block data transfers, as
between the pages of main memory and between main RAM and video 
RAM. Maximum speed Data in RAM is 7 megabytes

second. When forwarding a byte should be removed from RAM
and write it to another location, so the speed
is 3.5 megabytes per second. Accelerator
allows you to get close to this limit
and reach a speed of about 3 megabytes per second.
Part of the cycles used to fetch
processor and, as stated above the head is not

  In addition, the Accelerator significantly speeds up 
operations on the screen. Quick printing characters of the 
seven character generator, fast scrolling screen, fast filling 
the background, including including a color pattern.

 Still, the operation of conversion with the help of the 
accelerator will increase the processing speed data in 
different programs. 

  SP: Many users Scorpion'ov, we're sure will be interested in 
the possibility of using the usual software, in particular, the 
shadow of the monitor. That can offer them a Sprinter? 

  MI: The ability to boot into RAM, you can always change a 
system that ensures compatibility with existing Sprinter'a 
Spectrum-compatible machines, as well as makes it possible to 
upgrade the system at any time by its podgruzki with flexible or

hard drive. Thus it is possible to load
in RAM, the system having a built-in monitor or
debugger programs, which is not in the standard ROM

  I must say that in Sprinter'e improved compatibility with 
programs written earlier, for example, Pentagon-128 and 
Spectrum-48. Using a flexible addressing port allows disable 
the control ports with new opportunities Sprinter'a and 
software configuration changes ports by the user. This will 
allow be compatible with their own non-standard devices without 
losing compatibility with the all other software.

  SP: I would like clarification on the specifics
extended memory, if they exist.

  MI: Memory expansion up to 1 or 4-megabyte provides ample 
opportunities for programmers. Built-in version of the TR-DOS 
version 5.04Ei has a program to support a virtual disk on

using an extended RAM. The presence of such a disk
makes it easy to adapt existing programs, games that use the 
floppy drive to load data. In programs that use the expansion

RAM is rarely required transfer data from one
page extension to another. In the Scorpion
ZS-256 for this we have to make the shipment twice due to the 
presence of only one window processor, where you can connect 
any page of RAM. In the Sprinter this disadvantage is 
eliminated. Any page of memory can be connected to any of the 4 
x 16-tikilobaytovyh windows processor. 

  SP: Why not use Sprinter'e

  MI: This is due to the internal architecture
CPU Z84C15, whose busy port 1Fh.
Programs that work with will see KEMPSTON
its not working and should not react to his
absence. The user will be an opportunity
use joystick as standard INTERFACE
II. If necessary, use
KEMPSTON programmer can get its data
from another port. New KEMPSTON with flexible addressing system 
ports can be connected to any address. 

  SP: Why did you give up skorpionovskogo
standard system connector?

  Infarction: a new computer system bus as close to the 
standard IBM ISA-8. Such approach allows the use of standard

IBM cards for different devices (eg
MODEM). The resulting incompatibility with existing maps for 
the Spectrum had virtually no impact on the car, since most of 
the cards designed to connect devices already

available Sprinter'e.

Other articles:

From the Editor - Cheat Sheet - information on the management of the magazine.

From the Editor - The authors worked on the second issue of Spectrum Progress.

Toolkit - An article about the new operating system OS DOMAIN.

Toolkit - The article on the instrumental system for Spectrum "THE GRAPHIC ADVENTURE CREATOR".

Toolkit - An article about how to work the system to develop games Adventyurnyh "THE GRAPHIC ADVENTURE CREATOR".

Toolkit - Manual program "XPLAYER 78".

Toolkit - Instructions for use software package "ZX-WINWORD", intended for the preparation of illustrated texts.

Game room - Novella to the new national game "RETURN TO HOME 4.

Game room - a brief description of the new national game "RETURN TO HOME 4.

Game room - Novella and the description of the game "DEMON'S REVENGE".

Entries programmer - the musical programming of the processor AY-8912/10.

Entries programmer - Basic programming API for Domain OS.

piece of iron - "SPRINTER-97: Specifications.

piece of iron - "SPRINTER-97: Video System.

piece of iron - "SPRINTER-97": graphic accelerator.

Contest - The contest for the best name for your new computer r. "PETERS".

News - Information about the game "RETURN TO HOME 5" (Deadly worlds invasion Torostoidov) game is a continuation of "RETURN TO HOME 4.

News - information about a new text editor "TEXTWRITER" demo.

News - impressions of the failure ENLIGHT'97.

Aquarius - Programmers ... in terms of approach to work.

Forum - Information about the computer network SPbZXNet in St. Petersburg.

Forum - questionnaires, Alexei Lebedev (CONDOR SOFT) among users of ZX Spectrum in 1997

Forum - Interview with the famous Yaroslavl programmer Romanov R. (NICODIM).

Forum - An interview with Nikolay Noskov and Ivan Makarchenko, creators of "PETERS".

Advertising - free advertising and ad ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   29 April