ZX News #02
30 ноября 1996 |
Screen Editor - Screen Editor software package for creating screens for games.
new life for SPECCY!! Software Package Screen Editor V1.0 ---------------------------------- 1. Overview. Screen Editor Software Package designed to create screens to game programs. The screens are constructed from individual elements. All the elements are the same dimensions. Element size can be from 1 to 6 as the familiarity of horizontally and vertically. The maximum screen size - 32 to 24 familiarity, ie, Full screen Spectrum, minimum - 1 of 1 familiarity. The maximum number of elements may vary the size of the latter, but not always more 255. 2. Supplied. + S. Editor - Actually the editor; Scissors - A utility for file processing elements; S. E. Comp - The compiler screens; + VIEW ZXW - Listalka for HELP'a; + S.e.help <W> - Text File assistance format ZX Word; + Dz000.sc- + Dz001.sc - + Dz002.sc - Five screens DIZZY 7; + Dz003.sc - + Dz004.sc - + Dz. El - Sample file elements; EXAMPLE - Case Studies compiled screens. plus designated files, which include in the demo package 3. Downloading and running. All programs run any package way. Mode 128 and 48K at startup does not has no value (no program does not use additional opportunity 128K). Cursor control only (!) keys 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0 in other words SINCLAIR RIGHT. Other, less frequently used keys, will be itemized below. 4. Screen Editor. After downloading the program must press to enter the editor. A menu appears like this: SCREEN EDITOR INITIALIZATION The Design EDITOR SCREEN Item editor WORKING WITH DRIVE VERSION NUMBER EXIT Activation of any submenu is by moving the cursor to the desired row and pressing '0 '. 4.1. Initialization. Submenu 'INITIALIZING' gives opportunity to: - Specify the size of the element of horizontally and vertically; - Specify the size of the screen horizontally and vertically; - To clear all items. and installation of new dimensions elements are automatically change the screen size (screen size becomes equal to the size of the element). Therefore, the installation size should be start with elementov.Razmer screen always a multiple of the element. When activation of the item 'CLEANING ELEMENTS' program will ask for confirmation. In If the answer is NeuStar zeros in black and white part and the number # 47 in element attributes. Select 'OK' - output the main menu. 4.2. Work with the layout. This menu is for 'Pulling out' of elements from full-screen picture of the layout (Drawn, for example, ART STUDIO) To do this you must first download the screensaver. Submenu has three windows. The biggest maps of the layout, two smaller ones show the element under the cursor layout and current element, respectively; size of the latter are identical and equal dimensions shown in the submenu 'INITIALIZING'. After selecting 'MODEL' can be move the cursor around the screen saver. In the left top right corner indicates the current cursor position. Output - a key '0 '. Item 'THE BANK' makes removal of the Small left to the right window is going forward element of the layout elements in the bank. Paras 'next' and 'Previous' increases and decreases number of the current, and after maximum rates are minimal and vice versa. Select 'OK' - exit to the main menu. WARNING! If the screen is used 'Empty' element, then the number should be '1 '. In order not to inflate the file elements Use all numbers without spaces. For the convenience of compression screens element with the number '0 'does not exist in general. 4.3. Editor screen. Once you are there you can make the screen from ready-made items. Movement cursor - all tezhe button. Key '0 ' places the cursor under the current element.Nazhatie leads to rise beyond the current element. Key '6 'and '7' and reduce increase the number of the current on 1, press '8 'and '9' are doing the same but change the number is already at 10. '0 '-Return to edit, 'CS' + 'in SS'vyhod main menu. 4.4. Item editor. With the help of the editor of elements can be draw their items or edit already drawn. Screen in the item editor is divided into two parts. The left is for direct editing increased (4 * 4) of the element. At the bottom right-hand side is editable element. At the top right-hand side can be set color settings (PAPER, INK, BRIGHT, FLASH), mode edit item (SET, RESET, TOGGLE). Item 'Color' includes / off the coloring element in the left part (in the case of 'Color X' element represented by white on black). For In order to change any color parameters of an element necessary to establish new, move the cursor to the desired location element (located bottom right) and press '0 '. Item 'inversion' inverts element. 'OK' - exit to the main menu. Pressing 1, 2, 3 and 4 leads to scrolling element left, right, up and down, respectively. Combination Key 'C' + 'L' + 'S' - cleaning element. When you click a menu appears with items: 'In BANK'-transfer element of the Editor in bank elements' of BANKA'obratnaya operation; 'next' and 'PREDYDUSCHIY', well everything is clear,' OK'vozvrat to the editor. 4.5. Working with the drive. This submenu contains the following items: 'Reading Layout' READING SCREEN ',' read items ',' ENTRY SCREEN ',' ENTRY ELEMENTS 'and' OK '. Appointment of all these items, I think understandably so, but at some points should stay in more. For all Readings will be prompted to insert a disc and press '0 'and then be read directory. Each of the three readings of 'looking' at drive only specific file types. So in reading layout in the list will be made only code files length 6912 bytes when reading the screen - the type of file *****. Sc and reading elements - Files of type *****. el . In the case of lack thereof will be issued appropriate message and the program return to the main menu. If the file (s) there is, then any of them can be downloaded by moving the cursor and pressing '0 '. In the end of the file list will contain the string , Calling that can go the main menu. When recording a program ask you to enter the name (five characters). If file with that name already exists, then there is a possibility perezapistat his or refuse entry altogether. WARNING! If you plan to compress screens using SEComp, the names of All files should be: **+++. Sc , where ** - any two symbol + + + - three digits. Where '**' must have all the files the same way! '+++' - Further there should be more the previous unit, for example, 149 150, 151. For examples, see paragraph 'Delivery'. 4.6. VERSION NUMBER. Version number - the next item Program Screen Editor. As follows from titles in this section can be found the version number of the main program package. At the time of help-file is DEMO VERSION and V1.0. 4.7. EXIT. When you activate this menu frame appears to items: 'SOS'vyhod in Wasicka, 'DOS'vyhod in TR-DOS and run boot'a, 'NO!' return to the main menu. It should be noted that when you exit Program mode (48 or 128) does not changes. 4.8. Application. The package includes an application consisting of the five files and displays the file elements. All this can be posmotret.Dlya This need to download Screen Editor, set (item 'INITIALIZING') size of 2 * 2, the screen size 32 * 18 download (select 'OPERATION DISK ') file elements, any of the screens and enter the 'EDITOR SCREEN'. 5. Scissors. The second program of the package designed to handle file elements. The fact that the program Screen Editor always upload files *****. El of the same size - 14400 bytes (12800 bytes b / w images and 1600 bytes of color information), but not 14,400 bytes are always those used by 100%. Therefore, the program Scissors reduces the file element to the minimum sizes. Downloading and management does not differ from previous program. The program only two items: 'Optimization' and 'Exit'. 5.1. Optimization. After activating this menu item the program will ask to insert the disk and press '0 'and then will be displayed a list of all available files with extension. el. Refuse to load You can select a row . When download is complete the menu appears, in which must specify the size of the element type of optimization (1 or 2), number the last element we use and click on 'OK'. The next wish program will be a file name for the shipping optimized elements. In the case of Repeat the name issue is solved as in Screen Editor'e. Now about the type of optimization. Type 01: B / W 1, b / w 2 ,..., b / n, tsv1, tsv2 col ,..., n. Type 02: B / W 1, tsv1, b / 2, tsv2 ,..., b / w n, col n. 5.2. Exit. See paragraph 4.7. 6. Screen Editor Compiler. The ultimate goal of the work on the screens is their compilation, which saves computer memory when using screens in the game programs. Compiler creates two files. One contains all the you mentioned the compressed screens, and the second offset table needed to find the right ekrana.Takzhe as in the previous program, here are two items: 'KOMPILYaTsIYa'i 'Exit'. 6.1. Compilation. After activating this item you must enter two names. File name the first screen and file name of the latter. The program checks the first two characters names and checks that the 4, 5 and 6 characters names were figures. After the successful entry of names program reads the directory of the drive in memory, and starts compiling. When compilation issued the following Information: Order number, name kompressiruemogo file, the file length before and after compression, the compression ratio (in percent), the length of all uncompressed and the length of all compressed screens. Abort the compilation, you can click . If any file is absent from the disc, then you will receive Message: 'FILE NOT FOUND *****. sc. COMPILATION CONTINUE (Y / N)? ". When receiving a positive response will be re-read directory of the drive and continue compilation. This helps in the case if the files are scattered in different screens disks. After the end of the compilation, enter name for the shipment. WARNING! At compile time, not controlled by the length of the screen in bytes therefore, the length should be the same. The amount of memory when compiling the limited and therefore need to make sure that the length of all the compressed screens do not exceed 30K. 7. Program EXAMPLE . An application package including the procedures written in assembler (TASM format 3.0), which demonstrates zakompressirovannye earlier screens. For This requires: 1. Edit the file dz. El program Scissors (the size of the 2 * 2, the type of optimization - 02, last used by element - 108) and unload under the name example3 ; 2. Compiled from five screens Applications (dz000.el - dz004. el) and unload named example (in fact actually written two files example1 and example2 ); 3. Run TASM 3.0 (or MASM), download EXAMPLE , otassemblirovat and <RUN>. The text of the procedure, there is little comments. I wanted to write this procedure as clear and legible, therefore, its speed leaves much to be desired. 8. Any useful information. File screen consists of sequence numbers of elements, located on the left - to right and top - down. Thus the length of the screen bytes is the product of elements horizontally by the number of elements of the vertical and is always greater than zero and less than or equal to 768 bytes. File elements, as stated above, always has a length of 14,400 bytes each element is filled with information on the left - right, top - down the line (as b / w and color components). Compression of screens is to replace repetitive numbers (Є3) on sequence of the form: 0, which is much times. All other information transferred one by one. All disk accesses are made through standard procedures ROM and in the case any error (DISK ERROR, NO DISK, READ ONLY, ETC) will not know that. The second file is created SECompiler'om (File offsets) contains information about the location of all zakompressirovannyh screens. Example of use: LD A, 2; number needed screen LD L, A LD H, 0 ADD HL, HL LD DE, # 8000; to 'DE' top of file displacements ADD HL, DE LD E, (HL) INC HL LD D, (HL) LD HL, # 9000; in 'HL' Home the compressed Screens ADD HL, DE; now in the 'HL' address the desired screen 9. Glitches. While in the program package found one minor bug: If the difference between the length of the file before and after compression is large (more than 600 ¢ B), then it may be incorrectly counted compression ratio. WARNING! If you find any bugs or want something to say or wish the author, write to and call. Proper versions will not work kryaknuty guaranteed. 10. Version. As stated above, there are two versions Package: Demonstration version V1.0. V1 .* version will appear in the event of a any significant changes. Perhaps soon a new package programs (V2. *). It will differ the possibility of using elements unfixed size. About half of the toys using screens made of elements unfixed size. In Screen Editor'e V2 .* probably will not be item editor (and it byloby similar to ART STUDIO). 11. Use the programs. In the manufacture of the package were used the following programs: GENS 4, TASM 3.0, MASM 1.1, ART STUDIO 128K, ZX WORD 2.5 +, Screen Crasher 2.6, TOOLS 2.0 many thanks to their authors! 12. Authors. All software packages have been developed and written Klubov Vladimir. Testing, advice and moral Support - Ivanenko, Stanislav. 13. Distributors. For the time being the official distributor is the only author, but I'm waiting proposals from all interested (This point will naturally changed). License price you'll be pleasantly surprise! If you have any questions Write to: 348 033 Ukraine city Shevchenko Lugansk quarter, house, 123 square meters. 40. Klubov Vladimir or call (0642) 54-42-19. Copyright № ¤ 1995,96. Screen Editor V1.0. By Klubov, Crystal Dream group. All Rights Reserved
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