Buzz #12
30 декабря 1997

Murphy's Laws - Universal laws, based on the law of Murphy (Murphy law).

<b>Murphy's Laws</b> - Universal laws, based on the law of Murphy (Murphy law).
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                --··· · M · E · P · F • And · ···--

  Begins a new year and I decided to write as a gift
something special. This time, I suggest you a few axioms, 
elaborated on the basis of "Murphy's Law," or speak Russian Law 
"meanness". Yes, using the case, congratulations ETERNITY 
INDUSTRY New Year and all the users machine ZX-SPECTRUM. So:

   Universal laws, based on "Murphy's Law"

1. Any error that may vkratsya in any report required 
vkradetsya it. 2. If the error in the calculation corresponds 
to more than one person - not found guilty.

3. Any device that requires at least an easy adjustment and 
control, usually not amenable to neither drugomy. 4. The lost 
thing, there is not before you buy to replace her friend, 
exactly the same. 5. The fact that you keep for too long, you 
can throw it away. As soon as you throw, it is urgently needed. 
6. Regardless of where you go, it's always uphill and against 
the wind. 7. Reliability is inversely proportional to the 
number and employment status of persons being watched. 8. All 
great discoveries are made by mistake. 9. A man with a watch 
knows for sure - the hour, the person having a few hours, 
nothing is sure. 10. You can not say anything about the depth 
of puddles, until you get into her.

11. It is impossible to correctly identify in advance which 
side of the sandwich smeared with oil. 12. If nothing else 
helps, read the finally statement. 13. If the facts do not 
podverzhdayut theory, they are needed immediately refuse.

14. Never argue with a fool - people might not notice any 
difference between you. 15. The total amount of intelligence on 
the planet - is constant, while the human population is growing 

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Murphy's Laws - Universal laws, based on the law of Murphy (Murphy law).

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Our news - Turbo copyist VooDoo Copyer from Paracels'a. Happy New Year!

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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