ZX News #02
30 ноября 1996 |
FIDO rumors - UNIQUE GROUP from Yekaterinburg wrote MEGAdemo; IBM vs Speccy.
(C) 1996 SOI. FIDO rumors ... I open a new section where I will acquaint you with rumors obtained through FIDONET.Po reason that we Nobody do not permit, we will not write from whom and to whom. Only if a description of something ... Please note: Spelling and style backed up! it all: how the emulator Shalaeva 05.02 thoughts run? hangs after the intro - PUSH do not press button ... AVT> The conclusion: buy the Spectrum and Wash emulyatory.Pomnite - Pentagon is the best! Has observed specific _Subj_ In games, such as for example KrakOut, Total Eclipse, Bomb Jack-1. For those who did not understand what I say this, I explain it-Loader which loads the image outside the box, in particular familiarity, I was wondering could someone versed with the tricks, and if there is prog which allows to make a load (firmachi'm not handle typing) I would be very grateful If one thread, I would have tossed it. PS: A I vaabche something in the echo can be seen or how?;) (otmylte netmeylom) You take ZX-Review in 1995 and are looking for. There are heaps of examples. ^^^^^^^^ - There in the river on the radio market. AVT> Yes, the effect is of course krasivyy.No guys for pampering with this effect is a real need CASSETTE MACHINE. All Subj: STS 4.2 + ALASM!!!! Inforkom sings that even these vyshdi veshchichki wonderful! 2Stalker !!!!! Cast subj to echo or fileecho PLS!!!! That's what I found in the same new Directory Logrosa (CD # 100): === Cut === ALASM 2.8 + help. . . . 100 GENS-PASM CONVERTER. . . 100 PASM 2.5. . . . . . . . 100 STS 4.2 + help. . . . . 100 STS 4.3 + help. . . . . 100 STS 4.4. . . . . . . . . 100 UNICON. . . . . . . . . 100 UNIVERSAL XAS CONV. 3.01 100 XAS 1.18 + help. . . . . 100 === Cut === Already have STS 4.4? But it still no:) AVT> In Lugansk have everything ... Except STS4.4. And if there are in the nature of emulators sabzh? This, of course, not an emulator Atari, but only emulator of its sound: YM2149 Soundchip Emulator v3.02 YM2149F is nothing like AY-3-8910. Gee. :-) AVT> Divorced emulators ... Hello All! So in my adres DO NOT come with a little pisem questions! And I pozvanil pebyatam kotorye write on spektrume to gather information and otvetit questions. Pervym responded to Ivan-Soft and wrote unto me tekstovy Fail! ---==== Here is the Fail ====-- Hello to all the people! Ivan Soft wrote you out of a great three stars of the award-Urals city Ekaterinburg! That's called me yesterday Korotkov Eldar, and said that he crawled a letter from Spectrum fellow with requests to tell the honest people of our grief for programmers and other fireman submarines! Well, here I am to you now and tell all! Well ... In our city very much groups, or rather like the whole 2: The first (in whose work I have) changed the name to nedavno UNIQUE GROUP. Our group is relatively very young, right before we worked for a long time in isolation. We There are 5 members: 'SINGLE'-Bartos, Andrew steepest peremuzhivatel and lomalschik. His first works were demo 'LITTLE BOY' and SUPER MONITOR for PROFI. He now works over 2 demami, one will be the coolest on the PROFI in CP / M. 'BRAIN'-Bolshunov Sergey. This is the second our associates. He is our president. You can even call him 7-343-228-58-34 (Serge). He is the chief ideolist and algoritmist. Completed works he does not have, but he did it doing a really long time, but tedious very cool. 'Ivan Soft' - That I Tomshin Ivan!! For myself I will not say much. Well, my first Work is Multi Player. Which incidentally I have never exhibited as moschny Prog.Prod. And I just had nothing to Mouzon here to listen to it and I'm blind! With 'SINGLE', we also wrote a very very long steep firmware for the ATM-turbo (1), except that I have none more net.Ona supports ROM 271000! If anyone nor should it be so I can throw in the echo! And on the PROFI we had written the coolest firmware support resident HC and super lomalku, which throws out any program in the HI MEMORY LOW MEMORY, and start it. done very cleverly, pressed RESET + CS and STS in front of you and all the memory! (nezavalenaya) We also have two musicians: 'ERASER' - Artem, recent Mouzon really feel the professionalism! He has the coolest SOUNDTRACK in our city, as the encoder writes OT YOURSELF demos. AND 'X-MAN-SOUND'-Aleksandr.Nu he loves RAVE, ACID, TRANCE, and therefore indulges in PROTRACKER'e. Recently, he for fun boiled cool cart (Mouzon) in 100 positions and 36 patterns! Our entire team is engaged in writing steepest in the history of SPECCY megadema 'FANTASY'. What we've written (about 7 parts) looks very cool! And on effects and estimated bypasses INSULT! All what we write we write in REALTIME! True, there are difficulties! Perhaps we losing the BYE in the schedule and partly in music but hope this is temporary! AND yet, we use their imagination, and not like some loud grichaschie its power groups which are engaged perediraniem Amiga fantasy and foreign super nice ideas! All I have said about us might sound like a baseless and we do not try something to prove to someone! Work on 'FANTASY' will continue Apparently until the next ENLIGHT'a, although unlikely that demo will take part in him on such an idiotic one hand rules! Now about the second group. Call they themselves "ALMAZ GROUP". In this group also assembled a very strong Encoders: Vecheslav Kutin and Sergey Covino. They have written to suit the steepest copyist at SPECCY "SOFT COPY", Soon released the second version. They write another huge thing as a UFO 2.5. Compared with Mednonogovskoy on bolee like a UFO (Amiga / IBM)! ! ! Pile tricky REALTIME procedures, and voobsche Vse them cool, and DO NOT Hura panky! Zakonchennost 687%. But They are more complicated with graphics and music. Since all this has limited funds that they spend a lot of time promotion of commercial projects! We also have just coders who something to write. Such as 'Image Megademo'. There are still people who write all Bullshit and about the seriousness and of themselves, I not tell budu.Naprimer comrade "DE EM SI from a psychiatric bolnotsy N 1913 I started developing a monopoly on BASICe! And many others in the past legedarnye programmers somewhere piled and died! Mainly Bonchilloy software at the moment is we have SAM! With the software we have tight but with its spread as it may much better! In our city there is little magazinchik "SPECTRUM". It we all hang out. The new software comes tugo.Na surprise us all, we have recently subscribe to ZX-FORMAT 4.5! And how decent hackers at this time we bydem normally distributed. Well, here's all I wanted To tell you. I will say a few words about the legendary man of our Urals Korotkoff Eldar, thanks to whom, and at poyavila our ability to communicate with you. Say thank him for that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are interested in what things Our development we are always able to You agree. We really need New system software such as XAS 5.NN, STS 4.NN, MASM 2-3, ProTtracker above 2.01, and more ... We can offer: ELF 128 (by SAM 'idea by Korotkov Eldar) - obessmertivatel games! PROMUSIC - iskalka PT myzonov. (DE EM SI ") SPRITER (By Michael). TASM 4.14 (14 characters and tags Turbo loader by ALMAZ G) PrefClub (by SAM) - Preference! Soft Copy (by Almaz Group). and something else may be something I forgot ! P.S. Forgive me for my literacy or rather ignorance, for 3 years in the church parochial school is unlikely to You can learn how to properly piiisaaooooooaat! P.P.S. If mnya STS 4.4 it was All USERy could become owners of Super hacker firmware for PENTAGONA ! UNIQUE GROUP, Ekaterinburg Sewage sinker N 2 Ivan Soft. konets letters! Well here at segodnya and Vse pishite letters! AVT> Very nice to oznakomleniya.Pochemu as these files a little? Th you do not want something people would know about you? In short, hi all Ekatirinburg hackers, users! Again, because of my daunstva, I totally missed all the information on event of the year, referred to as subj: (A as the theme for me demomeykinga One of the most interesting, it is kindly requested to poke his nose where to get (Fidonet freq or internet site), and if that can be repeated, then please be kind, Brost to echo again. AVT> Sherudilo need every day! By the way individual thought. Got Emulator problem. And here Say it all. I emulator made it possible establish itself in the thought that we should not throw Speccy ... I have yet to drive it, and accordingly ... booting from tape, bend 1984-88 years. A emulator has helped me to see / touch new items, to see how to work with disk ... I concluded that we should drive screwed ... With limited finances was the dilemma: have a Speccy or throw it, and more not return to it ... Prohibiting topic of emulators, you alienate beginners ... Maybe it should be? I think that no ... Then certainly Speccy dies IBM and will ... Everything can be ... Just talk, they say I have a so-what-so is not the order of tire. ; (Faku might really need ...) AVT> Yes, this problemma we'll come back. It turned out that's become a point, well, I signed up for this echo, well, everything's cool and clear all ...:-( All! Tell Dummies, to begin the development of open spaces now! (Read that people like something from somewhere it shakes and GAMESy and OC, and all other nice things to ZX, and formats as a mean?) (a ZX-128, well, at 4DX workplace) AVT> And we are the same it would be interesting to know this. Hail to FIDOSHNIK 386DX40 $ 5 SIMM 1Mb 30-pin $ 5 * 4 Building B / U $ 20 Dikovod 3.5 "B / U $ 15 Screw IDE 40MB $ 20 Keyboard $ 10 Multicard $ 8 Video SVGA 512K $ 1915 -+--+--+--+--+--+--+- Subtotal $ 73 = 400.000 rubles. It probably will soon become an anachronism :-| Now, Explain to me - what else remained at enthusiast Spectrum, besides its own enthusiasm? About that there is no 0.5-1.0 million - do not wish this money you can earn. And for nostalgia - the emulator. Sorry, Speccy will long live. :) Would get it as something a friend from the cabinet and draw it out as a few watch,:)) but if he has something IsDos More and messagu someone would write:) AVT> Guys, IBM-good, but because SPECCY BETTER! Sir Clive Sinclair. Birthday - July 30 (sort of) - still waiting. And then who are these costs incurred? It should be a lemon, 2 to All this is to buy a copy and sent to England. Unrealistic. Quite real. Hy so forged several. More than almost anyone money to take no become. I've already written how this can be done in previous message. And if nobody will take, then do not. AVT> Comrades, announce a general collection. AND Ukraine, Russia and Belarus ... We told him such a patched gift! Guys, this is idea! And now to voprosy about the krytom with point zyrkanya every perverted Computer and so the steepest COMP IS - +-RADIO 86RK - this RULEZzzz 4EVA nemy can connect to all that ygodno and how ygodno! A ny-ka shall understand ... About RC-86 has finally arrived a few years do not say anything, potomy that IT has finally arrived nikomy not nyzhno. Quality programs at this sux-86 - just shitty. Even the graphics No! About connecting Hardy ... can not argue, and it is possible, but no programmatic support it will not survive long, and not I remember especially that for nemy something nibyd connect, drive, and he was considered perverted ... And it's not pystye words, I saw it in! Teer's look at Sinclair ... Invented in 1982 (!) Gody in 1986 he (more at bygrom) states have rasshirennyyu klaviatypy drive, 128k memory (Instead of 48) 3-channel myzykalny generator ... (Which, though on the set as FM synthesis, but allows you to digitize and 4 bits to reproduce). The only thing about What can regret that our compatriots as the disk system SPECCY chosen for TR-DOS, though finally arrived at the time syschestvovali more prodvinytye system DOS. Tyt can recognize minys ... Already in our country SPECCY much has changed, to become connected nemy Winchester, scanners, mouse, polnotsennyyu klaviatypy, 256 or more (up to 1MB) of memory, and all this with a good programmatic support! The same was adjusted and the inverse communication, ie program were maintained apparatyroy, for example: the operating system iS-DOS (which, incidentally, has faylovyyu stryktypy podobnyyu MS-DOS) developed billeting option HDD controller, iS-DOS klaviatyra. There is also, and CP / M Operating System, which really do not find such popylyarnosti as iS-DOS (perhaps by tomy that kotoryk programmers wrote ety sistemy did not care about yniversalnosti and CP / M Speccy different models were incompatible). There are also yniversalny hard, under any system. Plug and Hayes Modem'y and with the Speccy can now be get to Fido, and the Internet through FTP if you really want, and modems are not 2400, and a 9600 and 14400! y it most krytoy CPU and ASM like this .!!!! (CPU-KR580 VM80A) Mdaaa ... IMHO, this is impossible because Your KR580VM80A is analogue of the Intel 8080 and prtsessor Z-80 (The one that Speccy) - a new, ylychshennoy model of the Intel 8080! By tomy same VM80A works at 2.5 MHz, and Z-80A at 3.5 MHz, and SPECCY latest models were developed by Z-80B (7 MHz) and Z-80H, don `t know how to pasporty but zapyskayut and 12-14 MHz! A shadow service monitors coders for RK and IBM is not even dream! And if y RK-86 this krytoy ACM pyleznoe and hardware, then So why are it nety no great surprises, but only in a primitive igryhi text mode ?!?!?! RK nebylo even at Enlight'96 (and other Enlight'ah too), and IBM, and if there was, pogramki presented a pair of coders, and their demos for IBM did not represent _NICHEGO_ stunning, the IMB kycha these demos. Speccy at the same gathered encoders throughout Russia, not even from the whole of the former Union! Their demos were just Otpad! I'm certainly not arguing for IBM and 256 (Or 16M colors), SOUNDBLASTER and etc. and who does not hide the fact that IBM is much more powerful than the Speccy, but iBMovskie demos did not show any of his new opportunities. At the same ZX, when viewing these demos not believe that it is possible on Speccy, that in turn pervyyu says the skill spektrymovskih encoders, self assembly Z-80 and Speccy in whole. What about IBM - it's too full RULEZzzss (who do not agree with pyst remember at what he reads these letters ) (AVT> Break off I read on SPECCY.) Yes, I will not argue more powerful IBM, and hardware kryche, but the program ... shit. Take Win, once zapystil and srazy noticed a glitch! About Suxx'95 personally can not say anything mogy, but sydya reviews on "happy" its users, it is clear that this SUXXXXXXXXXXXXX! Hy well, OS / 2 - pylezzz, but what we see in many ehah say about his glitch Duc means pylez too glyukavy?? No I do not dispute to Speccy also have errors in OS, and in TR-DOS and iS-DOS, on the edge of it I saw odny oshibky TR-DOS and even told me about one error in the iS-DOS (I would have not even noticed). 1: to be playing it ASSEMBLER (it does not understand that those who do not knows only pity is that its few ispolzyet. A must be entered starting all over peredmet gomoseksyalistov love, a la Pascal, C and etc., and then ydivlyayutsya, So why is the Win on triples brakes? A DUM bydto written in BASIC. Now, if they are all in this ACME wrote, I'd be in windsurfing can be now sitting here then we would talk. By the same tomy at IBM you alone can not compete with companies billionaires on writing programs for Speccy same people must be entered starting programs, their _ПОКУПАЮТ_У_ОФФИЦИАЛЬНЫХ_РАСПРОСТРАНИТЕЛЕЙ_ and for a lot of money that is not to say rotting Speccy, but rather to make it business and good! 2: a Turbo-Pascal on which you can write all ! Ugy ... Where everything must be entered starting, and then everything slows down. 3: And so the same lot all that very long list! Yes and nyzhno not worth it. so that odymaytes adversaries, IBM and go on my storony! I DO NOT PROTVNIK IBM, A FAN SPECCY!!! BUT I HATE THOSE WHO IS MY FAVORITE smear machine while Never ITS NOT WORKED! -+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+- ... I read letters in the echo and yvidel I'm not alone in his views on temy BEST com - Respond-man enemy ZS , SX join our ysiliya and cleanse the world of trash and invektsiiiiiiiii. Speccy - legend has finally arrived, he finally arrived down in history as forever young computer and not from him has finally arrived get rid! Count up from 1982 to 1996 and is is not the end of the epic brainchild of Clive Sinclair! For over 14 years of machine polzyyutsya, obsyzhdayutsya problems, games and etc. and not only in the former USSR, but his homeland in England, and in drygih countries! And the IBM PC / XT, which by the way younger than Speccy, has finally arrived _NIKOMU_ not nyzhen and nobody pokypaet, although it costs a few times _DESHEVLE_ ZX-Spectrum, which polzyetsya considerable demand! Syschestvyyut sections dedicated Speccy even InterNet!!! So a lot of you have ysily to to make people forget all users (and former included) to forget his Speccy lyubimyyu mashiny. "... When the dust shall fade and posednie of adherents Z80 nachnyt build machines on processors i80x86 then the world yvidit that all disputes vokryg Z80 and i80x86 were no more than an absolutely nenyzhnoy vremyapogloschayuschey dump on the road technical evolution of ... "And no one and does not ask argue, are the same that argue who kryche, a monkey or a man! ZX-Spectrum stayed at a certain stypeni own development and the lives self-sufficient life in it While pisyuki continue their evolution. And maybe once nibyd, are played are the same fans IBM, which are played hait, drygie person, who are played to say that the IBM-SUX as a thread of a supernova comp-pylez! So tyt all very about ... AVT> What can I say ... How many people so many opinions. At that enable otklanyatsya.Esli I published too much, so that by kindness of his heart ... Do not be angry ...
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