ZX News #02
30 ноября 1996 |
Saga of Congress - Big Tolkinovsky Seminar 1995 in St. Petersburg.
(C) Tolkinovskoe Gen. St. Petersburg (C) P. Parfentiev, A. Semenov Newspaper "Magpie", "Another The reality of "No.5 Published with permission author. SAGA WORKSHOP I Readers lived in St. Petersburg. Among They were as readers of Tolkien's books. They say that many of them remember April 30, 1995. At the Sunday was a great Tolkinovsky Seminar. Morning in the club Polytechnic Institute have come listeners and speakers. All they going to say and hear something new. And some of them, in fact, heard and told. It was also gathered about three hundred and listening to pronouncing reports. II As has been opened a seminar? It is easy say. In the beginning there was an opening word. His holding Eykinskyaldi. And when it was hard. help arrived in time Erandio and together they presented the prizes Winners are were everywhere - in newspapers, "Magpie" and "Five Corners" on the radio SPB. The winners were mostly sorokomany. A particularly distinguished sorokomanki. III Now we need to say about the reports. First on the wall (sorry, on stage) Mary rose Kamenkovich (she, as well as Carrick, Valery and Sergey Stepanov were honored guests of the seminar). Report interpreter was devoted to some hitherto not translated the works of Tolkien, and talked about the "Elves and Men, Death and Immortality. "After that, were the guests of Tikhvin Hobby T-Club 'Come with me '. Their approach to the reports was very creative. It is unlikely that even the Professor knew about the existence Raenora - Duchy the north-eastern borders of Mordor, the which says E. Utemova. The ensuing report B. Katorgin "Image 'snake' in the application Art Númenor was built on Data on archeology and mythology. Then T. Shishova read a poem called "Guardians and Lords "written on behalf of Smeagorla. Completed chredu Tikhvin presentations report, "History of Costume Middle-earth. "Its author, N. Ravnikova, showed a rich imagination and artistic talent. IV Now let's say that as a guest of Moscow Semenov read an article Moscow translator Prokhorova "Virtues of the world Tolkien: debt and humility. "She read it well. For experienced listeners report was very interesting. And then made Ilya Coachmen with a report on the flora of Middle Earth. He pointed out the possible match between mentioned in "The Lord of the Rings" and the currently existing plants, drawing listeners' attention on the amazing accuracy and richness of detail, given Tolkien in the descriptions of flora Middle-earth. Then followed a break. V After the break, made a report Meriadoc Brendiskoka that argued that throughout most TE Entov wife lived in Drevlepusche. After followed by A. Fedorov read your message "Middle-earth - and the fate of the Elves," in which insisted on the lack of choice of the Elves between the Valar and Morgoth. Elves were always have to fight the enemy, and in After all - to leave, claimed Rapporteur. The next stage were Speech Erandio of geographical system Middle-earth. He strongly subjected to analysis of the relationship between geography European myths and Arda. Report Elimehtara negatively responded to question is whether a novel N. Perumova "Ring of Darkness" continuation "The Lord Rings. "And then the guest from the Gatchina considered the color symbolism of "VC" with in terms of poetry, symbolism. Valar Orome, released on the podium next, dismantled the "military-political situation in Middle-earth during the War of the Ring "with viewpoint of modern tactics and strategy. Further, T. Figlin talked about possible interpretations of Tolkien's images from the perspective of psychological theories of Eric Berne and K. Jung. Again, there was a break. VI What was the last part of the workshop? It is easy to say. It is, oddly enough, consisted of reports. Zoltan Barding told the participants about okolotolkinovskoy literature in computer networks. After swatch sort of "Applied tolkinizma "made with S. Konashkov the story of various representatives army of Darkness, Tolkien described. Then I. Guruleva traced the roots of themes the afterlife and paradise for Professors in myths of various peoples. Urticaria developed already affected by the same rapporteurs of the topic of death, fetuses relations with her men and elves, using the ideas and principles of Japanese culture. Over the hives came to the stage Sagitta, which held some (in mainly linguistic) parallels between the Celtic myths and The Silmarillion. For sim icicle tried to prove his hypothesis the origin of the Hobbits from the people Halef. It was followed by Kirdan Korabel Summary information about navigation in the world Tolkien. Amandeyl expressed his opinion on Basically the choice sredizemskogo name which, he said, "is important part of your sredizemskoy personality. "A stream of reports completed message E. Perry, who called "Good and evil, fairy tale and reality in 'Lord of the Rings' "(That says it all itself). VII Finally, the joint efforts Organizing Committee failed to close. In concluding remarks Eykinskyaldi suggested that the matter does not end. The most patient listeners, overcome them All eight hours of seminar left the room tired but happy. People learned about the incident, and many said that this was to be expected. So ended the seminar. The news of this spread far and wide and caused large disturbance. In this saga ends. Organizing Committee of the Greater Tolkinovskogo Seminara'95 P.S. The text uses quotes from Irish and Icelandic sagas. All rights (Possibly) saved.
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