Echo #02
30 ноября 1996 |
Amiga - Short description of various models of the Amiga.
Kratkoe opisanie razlichnyh models Amig A500 - samaya rasprostranennaya model kotoraya prishla nA A1000 replaced in 1987 and vypuskalas up to Oct. 1991 Year period. HOW asked one polzovatel PC, - "Klaviaturu see, a computer where sam?". Sam Computer HOW something will fit inside klaviatury own. In mashinke 512 Kbayt chip-memory is the processor M68000 nA 7 MHz. Hard drive, and most other Device pristykovyvaetsya side through SCSI-razem. Additional razem prednaznachen for ustanovki 512 Kbayt memory is. Built-in (880 Kbayt) 3.5''drive. Version of Kickstart 1.2 or 1.3. Dobavlenie The memory is still 512 Kbayt daet mashine so-called "Slow" (slow) memory is, you can add an More to 8 Mbayt "fast" (fast) memory is, with which the processor rabotaet with maksimalnoy speed. A2000 - prakticheski the same as the A500, but system unit separate from klaviatury. Prednaznachena primarily for those polzovateley Amig who would like to rasshirit their systems without going outside the system yaschika za, which ustanovleny razemy rasshireniya system. Version 2000C is not 512 Kbayt, a 1 Mbayt chip-memory is in standartnoy postavke. Postavlyaetsya with drive in standartnoy konfiguratsii. CDTV - kombinatsiya of the A500 and proigryvatelya lazernyh discs. Not poluchila wide rasprostraneniya despite nA pervonachalno svyazannye with this model, large nadezhdy. Preceded by playing varianta Amigi CD? ¤. A3000 - professionalny variant Amigi. Tsentralny processor - 68030/25Mgts. Pervaya mashina with Kickstart version 2. System unit - separate from klaviatury (HOW in A2000). Gorgeous, though dostatochno expensive computer with built-in flicker podavitelem (ie node podavleniya nezhelatelnogo mertsaniya ekrana in interlace mode razvertki). A500 + - Improved variant A500, vypuskavshiysya from October 1991 to June 1992. Postavlyalas with megabaytom The memory, improved variantom soprotsessornogo nabora (so-called Enhanced Chip Set, or ECS), built-in chasami and Kickstart 2.04 and 2.1. Very priyatnaya zamena for A500. A600 - vypuskalas Year period from June 1992, HOW model prishedshaya nA replace A500 +. Samaya malenkaya (by razmeram) from all Amig. Klaviatura urezana za klavish by the absence of additional (so-called "kalkulyatornoy" klaviatury - keypad). Instead of SCSI-razema rasshireniya system has a PCMCIA-razem, prednaznachenny to connect flat kartochek, soderzhaschih, HOW pravilo, 2 or 4 Mbayta operativnoy memory is. Soprotsessorny nabor and memory is - the same that the A500 +. Unlike the A500 and A500 +, predusmotrena ustanovka internal 2.5''IDE vinchestera (Only for variantov Kickstart, yfxbyfz c 37.200; after some alterations may be mehanicheskih ustanovit and 3.5''hard drive). Rezultat victory rukovodstva firm Commodore in the peretyagivanie kanata "towards cheaper mashin (toward powerful Version Amig pulled engineers razrabotchiki firms). All of the above mashiny by those or other reasons related to razryadu ustarevshih and removed from proizvodstva. Models today can schitat: A1200 - pervaya from "nastoyaschih" Amig. Has tak nazyvaemy AGA (Advanced Graphic Architecture - moschnaya graficheskaya arhitektura) soprotsessorny nabor with radikalno improved capabilities. 32-bit processor M68EC020 (14Mgts), many new ekrannyh regimes of high razresheniya (Maksimalnym is 1448 * 566), tsvetovaya palitra up to 262000 colors from 16 million, 4 tipa video outputs (analogovy RGB, TTL RGB, PAL and nizkochastotny radiochastotny PAL), velikolepnaya OS 3.0 and etc. Standartno postavlyaetsya with two megabaytami chip-memory is. Has an internal IDE-razem to connect 2.5''hard diska (available after minor alterations ustanovit and 3.5''). Nailuchshy variant domashnego kompyutera today for those who are not too brosaetsya dengami. A4000 - professionalny variant "nastoyaschey" Amigi. System unit separate from the klaviatury. 68030/25 processor (already removed with proizvodstva) or 68040/25. Kstati speaking, the firma-chip maker (Motorola razumeetsya) from the inherent modesty is not upominaet that the '040 rabotaet nA Doubler taktovoy chastote, ie fakticheski 50 MHz. Postavlyaetsya with memory is 2 Mbayta Chip + 4 Mbayta Fast. The memory can be easily rasshirena to 18 Mbayt (limit - 128 MBayt) using standartnyh SIMM-s (dazhe without paritetea - ie samyh cheap). Mashina in its original form, is worth about 3 raza more expensive than the A1200, although grafika and the sound of They odinakovye (razumeetsya unless obveshivat A4000 sorts of rasshireniyami). Rasshiryaetsya easy, because sistemnaya block has 8 free razemov, 4 of which PC-compatible. Nachinaya with avgusta 1995 Other period vypuskaetsya only model in the A4000T so-called "Tower" (bashnya) dizayne. From November 1995 Year period planiruetsya vypuskat chast A4000 with protsessorami 68060/50 that pyatikratno uvelichivaet its "pure CPU 'performance. Idealny computer for vladeltsev studios kabelnogo television, artists, composers, programmistov and just having a house in Parizhe. In the future nedalekom firma Amiga Technologies, the firm vykupivshaya Commodore all amigovskuyu platformu, planiruet release even more powerful models, osnovannye nA RISC-Architecture, although domashnego ispolzovaniya and the fact that there are already more than dostatochno. In addition, there is a wide choice akseleratorov sharply uvelichivayuschih performance of existing models in standartnyh konfiguratsiyah (naprimer, akselerator 1260 Blizzard allows prevratit A1200 just rabochuyu stations of!).
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