30 ноября 1996

            Доработка BALTICA.

   Настраивая  как-то раз компьютер модели
BALTIC и загрузив ZX-BENCHMARK, был непри-
ятно  поражен. В компьютере, процессор ко-
торого  разогнан  до 4 Mhz, тест показывал
быстродействие  в  ПЗУ  всего 91%, (в ОЗУ,
тем не менее, 99%!). За отсутствием време-
ни  и  желания не стал разрабатывать схему
турбирования  всего  компьютера, а простым
способом  разогнал  Z80 в ПЗУ до 119%. Для
этого необходим всего 1 логический элемент
микросхемы 555(1533)ЛЛ1.

┌─────┐1   разорвать ° связь   24┌─────┐
│ D26 │─────────┬──x────┬────────│ D48 │
│ РЕЗ │         │       │        │ Z80 │
│ (M) │         │       │        │     │
│     │         │       │        │     │
│     │         │┌─────┐│        │     │
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└─────┘          │ ЛЛ1 ├┘3       └─────┘
 ┌───────────────┤     │
 │             2 └─────┘
 │ ┌─────┐
 │1│ D38 │2
─┴─│ ЛН1 │───
   │     │

Other articles:

Introduction - A new interface in the newspaper.

Tricks - Elegant clear the screen. Quickly scan the keyboard. Setting interrupt (IM2).

HARDWARE - A few words about the drives 5'25 and 3'5. Refinement of the Baltic. Falcon SounDrive.

Presentation - Sprite Generator v4.5 by REAL SOFT.

Problems Byte - Why do not some programs on the Spectrum-compatible computer "byte".

Fantasy - A fantastic story of Ray Bradbury "Ice and Flame" (Part 1).

Tales of Uncle Gill'a - Short Stories: The Autobiography, an incubator period, incident on the street, Rehabilitation ...

tree death - A report on the work of service "Rescue 911".

Rich also cry - The problems that create SNG'shnye encoders for corporate users Spectrum (EXODUS from Poland).

Form - A survey amongst Spectrum in CIS countries.

Did you know ... - Dim SH-shku zero in the port # FF can not. Before recording a # 3D13 to a specific path, if a motor is turned on, and on her head sticking out. How to speed up the process of reading and downloading through # 3D13, If you want to download / burn a few small blocks in a row.

Muzobzor - Interview with "Too Late! Frozen".

book about the delicious food - Cold appetizers, hot appetizers and soups. (Cooking recipes). Advertising: watch commander.

Music - Formats compiled modules known musical editors. Pro Tracker v2.101 by GDC, A standard player.

Open Letter - An Open Letter OLDMAN'u about creating newspapers ...

AMIGA vs IBM - What are the opportunities for these computers.

Amiga - A little history of the Amiga.

Amiga - Short description of various models of the Amiga.

Amiga - Description of the AMIGA 500/2000 - Amiga from within: a keyboard, drives, I / O Connectors. What else can you connect?

Amiga - Description of the AMIGA 1200.

Besta - We offer a fold in the fresh programs for the Spectrum across Byelorussia and buy it wherever possible.

Nove - A list of new software, which appeared in Brest in December.

PENTIUM - Pentium Processor - Technical review.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Credits - the creators of the newspaper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   1 May