Echo #02
30 ноября 1996

book about the delicious food - Cold appetizers, hot appetizers and soups. (Cooking recipes). Advertising: watch commander.

<b>book about the delicious food</b> - Cold appetizers, hot appetizers and soups. (Cooking
 recipes). Advertising: watch commander.
   Again, interesting tekstik. At this time
from ADIA. Who and when it is all written, not aware of.

     Book of tasty and healthy food

       Appetizers ***** *****

Salo yak fat in Ukrainian (serves nadkusanymi slices).


"Salam" (Uzbek smoked sausage

Cheese, melted Cherepovets metallurgists.

Caviar grain (of corn last year


       ***** ***** Hot Snacks

Language of State.

Brains composting.

Eggs from door viewers.

            Soups ***** *****

Ear (nose and throat) in Tatar.

Soup of the package (plastic bag with a portrait of Pugacheva, 
almost new. I do not understand why he was thrown? And the soup 
he got such riches!). 

     Hot dishes ***** *****

(Note to the economical housewife: hot
dish - a particular dish, heated to impossibility. Typically, 
these and restricted. The most hospitable sometimes put a dish 
products. To taste. And expensive.). 

Pozharskie chops (the recipe Minin).

Mininskie chops (the recipe Pozharsky).

Yakut's own Sakha.

Pie. Unbuttoned? Now zastegay back!

Steak with donor blood (the first group, Rh negative).

Cutlets De will fool America! ".

Medical duck with apples.

Lamb saddle with stirrups.

     Hot fish dishes ***** *****

Skate Electric, portions 110 and 220

Latvian national dish: Halibut Raymond.

The king-bird Swan Princess (not spouse
former commander of the 14 th Army).

           ***** Extras *****

GKChiPsy amnesty.

Sapogetti (pasta a soldier).

Oatmeal (served with the appeal
"Sir!" straight to bed).

        ***** Desserts *****

Ice cream (and prosthetic) teeth.

Crimea brulee in crisp sovereign cup.

"Milky Way" (the best Milky country).

Prunes local boiler house.

Cake "consumer basket"

Cranberries, retted killers.

Cake with cream for normal to oily

Santa Barberry (Caramel Film about).

Candy "ASSArti (Georgians in chocolate).

Chocolate Tales of Yeltsin "(Presidential Decree declared 

Kiwi by Givi (and vice versa).

The fat in chocolate (nar. Ukrainian delicacy).

            ***** Drink *****

Mineral water: "Essentuki-17 and Arzamas-16.

Yogurt (from yoga, cooked in bulk).

"Mykola" ("Coca Cola" in Kiev).

Tangle-legs (a woman).

Koumiss of Good Hope.

The Love Potion, and then, turning from the gate.

Chifir "Pickwick" (in bags).

Vodka "The Beast", complete with "hunters".

"Rabindranath Cahors.

Shamplanskoe "And you, Brut!" (With a silencer and

       ***** ***** Dietary meals

Canned Breakfast communist "(formerly
"Day"), the export version available
under the motto: "You lie, in the mouth can not take."

Chewing gum studded (for safe chewing in the winter).

Bacon fat (especially for "Muscovites damned!").

           ***** ***** Relish

Horseradish (in a good sense of the word).

Mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise in one bottle!
A built-in conditioner will provide triple

Spices: Special Forces and Interior Ministry Airborne.

"Uncle Banks" to convict the young shoots.

Hot sauce chili with chunks of Pinochet.

            ***** ***** Bread

Baton rifle (45 caliber) and smooth.

In addition, for a celebratory feast will need:

Toastmaster quick response.

Tablecloth for rapid deployment.

Rapid insertion of the jaw.

Lips fast rolling.

Cookware loud fight.

      ***** ***** Recipes

   Bread: Baked bread is divided into two
part - you half and half to me. K
Bread can be fed hot water, nice having spread bread slices on 
the edge of cut glass.

   Corn tortillas: Feeding the cow
corn. After three hours the pellet will
ready. To see this, poke
their pitchforks.

   The second Russian-style: Poorly washed
a plate to put one or two of a handful of cold
garnish. Top, fingers, anything should put meat or fish. Be 
sure to pour the gravy. To file a fatty meal is well substrate 
(Deposits are 100 rubles.). Now the dish is ready, it can be 
poured into the bucket. 

   Dumplings in Chinese: Prepare any
way, but be sure to 1.5 billion

   Meat, in English: Get the meat and leave
without saying goodbye.


   If the food you primarily interested in energy value, try
make the usual high-voltage transformer.

   As good bones for soup recommend six to six and five-five. 
Pustopusto, empty-one, and the like do not take it - fat is not 

   If you do not have meat grinder, try
push the meat through a colander.

   Come in handy when cooking borscht would have been those few 
pieces of meat, you probably ate ten minutes


   Before you pour the finished dish
pans, make sure that no one under the windows.

            Attention! Advertise!

          Our company offers:

            WATCH COMMAND


      zuboneprokusaemym with strap

             and Johansen

   Hours are 8 arrows. Four of them show the time remaining - 
spare, to confuse potential enemy. 

   The arrows are covered with a special compound,
through which they glow in the dark
and serve to dazzle the enemy. The radiation dose is sufficient 
for radiation damage in a radius of 200 meters. 

   For simplicity, the angle between the hour and minute hands 
is always direct. 

   All gears are made from the most hours
modern transistors and circuits.

   In the manufacture of hours used
Best Western technology:

- Explosive welding;
- Riveting gas;
- Build sober.

   Gold-plated galvanized body with tungsten.

   Hours of commanding the factory with a half-turn, in the 
northern areas to be attached A special pen for the plant in 
the cold. 

   If swallowed, hours of sand
they will begin work as sand.

   In a combat situation automatically clockwork ticking, and 
the clock starts ticking. At the critical moment the commander 
can throw them in the the enemy. In this integrated

speaker beeps commanding voice: "For
me! In the attack! ".

   In the dark hours in a whisper said: "Do not
Fear not, I'm with you! ".

   Buy watch commander! This will
most pleasant hours of your life!

Other articles:

Introduction - A new interface in the newspaper.

Tricks - Elegant clear the screen. Quickly scan the keyboard. Setting interrupt (IM2).

HARDWARE - A few words about the drives 5'25 and 3'5. Refinement of the Baltic. Falcon SounDrive.

Presentation - Sprite Generator v4.5 by REAL SOFT.

Problems Byte - Why do not some programs on the Spectrum-compatible computer "byte".

Fantasy - A fantastic story of Ray Bradbury "Ice and Flame" (Part 1).

Tales of Uncle Gill'a - Short Stories: The Autobiography, an incubator period, incident on the street, Rehabilitation ...

tree death - A report on the work of service "Rescue 911".

Rich also cry - The problems that create SNG'shnye encoders for corporate users Spectrum (EXODUS from Poland).

Form - A survey amongst Spectrum in CIS countries.

Did you know ... - Dim SH-shku zero in the port # FF can not. Before recording a # 3D13 to a specific path, if a motor is turned on, and on her head sticking out. How to speed up the process of reading and downloading through # 3D13, If you want to download / burn a few small blocks in a row.

Muzobzor - Interview with "Too Late! Frozen".

book about the delicious food - Cold appetizers, hot appetizers and soups. (Cooking recipes). Advertising: watch commander.

Music - Formats compiled modules known musical editors. Pro Tracker v2.101 by GDC, A standard player.

Open Letter - An Open Letter OLDMAN'u about creating newspapers ...

AMIGA vs IBM - What are the opportunities for these computers.

Amiga - A little history of the Amiga.

Amiga - Short description of various models of the Amiga.

Amiga - Description of the AMIGA 500/2000 - Amiga from within: a keyboard, drives, I / O Connectors. What else can you connect?

Amiga - Description of the AMIGA 1200.

Besta - We offer a fold in the fresh programs for the Spectrum across Byelorussia and buy it wherever possible.

Nove - A list of new software, which appeared in Brest in December.

PENTIUM - Pentium Processor - Technical review.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Credits - the creators of the newspaper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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