Echo #02
30 ноября 1996

Amiga - A little history of the Amiga.

<b>Amiga</b> - A little history of the Amiga.
          Amiga. A little history

   All nachalos an immeasurably dalekom 1982
year. It was a time, kogda proizoshla
pervaya vspyshka popularity of computer
games and a whole generation nA Zapade stalo enthusiasm 
srazhatsya in space-shooter tipa "Space Invaders". U nas fanaty 
sobirali "on lap" something KR580IK ... or 1801 ... The 
emergence and immediate success of 8-bit mashinok ZX Spectrum 
in the Anglii and C64 in Amerike dalo incentive for razrabotki 
more powerful and sophisticated domashnih computers.

Blagodatnaya pora, kogda new ideas immediately podhvatyvalis 
and went to work "... 

   And in three Kalifornii otchayannyh cheloveka decided to 
shake the world, sozdav something absolutely amazing, what 
daleko would surpass any suschestvovavshie nA that time 
computer systems, prednaznachennye primarily for

domashnego ispolzovaniya. Furthermore 7,000,000
dollarov, which has been decided potratit nA
samofinansirovanie have had razrabotchikov
znachitelny experience konstruirovanii HOW
apparatury, tak and programmnogo software: one of them - Jay 
Mayner - was razrabotchikom spetsializirovannyh chips

domashnih for computers, other - ErDzhi
Mikel - was known programmistom
kompanii Williams. Pervonachalno their project
nazyvalsya Hay Toro, before it was decided
Change nazvanie nA more lakonichnoe and
privlekatelnoe - Amiga (translated from
ispanskogo - podruzhka).

   In a possible basis was vybran nailuchshy
(For the vremenam) M68000 processor firm
Motorola. Odnako, Amiga would not byla Amigoy,
if nA that all ended. Razrabotchiki postavili aim sozdat 
personalny computer with powerful and grafikoy sound, so they 
decided to maksimalno razgruzit processor takim obrazom to

He was zanyat basic logic raboty
programm, a full input / output (ie the same
grafika and sound) was suspended nA spetsializirovannye chips 
that are capable of make all necessary operatsii

gorazdo faster than the CPU! Incidentally
zametim that prakticheski all modern personalkah, za except 
Amigi, bednyaga processor takes all rabotu nA yourself ... Here 
otkuda and taken sumasshedshie megagertsy required for the 
processors of other systems to malo-malski decently pokazat 
proigrat or something! Mashiny with such a strong Architecture 
napominayut some syurrealistichesky zavod, where the director 
personally worn by all of tseham stanka to stanku only inogda 
zabegaya in its rabochy kabinet with continuously ringing 
telephones. Ha attempts zaostrit vnimanie nA absurdnosti such 
situatsii should be the only answer - our father next

Director will begat even faster! Day
God to the life takoy he would not zabyl
More raz tablitsu multiplication ...

   Kstati speaking - for Amigi speed protsessora in view of the 
above is very chasto is not pokazatelem speed raboty

mashiny (unless ispolnyaemaya
programma enjoys spetsprotsessorami Amigi, a not clumsy 
perebroshena otkuda something with Makintosha). If somnevaetes, 
take a look that delaet with grafikoy and sound 
7-megagertsovaya staraya prestaraya-A500, no imeyuschaya 
reconcile graficheskih and sound kart!

   Ha etape pervonachalnoy razrabotki
reconcile special processor, rolled up in spetsializirovannye 
chips have razrabotchikov, razumeetsya was not, the original 
variant Amigi predstavlyal a nagromozhdenie interconnected 
pechatnyh plat, zanimavshih few tables. From the date every

special processor consisted of almost a thousand conventional 
chip average degree integratsii. And it's a monster on the sly 
ozhivalo ... 

   Soobrazheniya privacy razrabotki
igrali a role in the hard world
kapitalisticheskoy competition. To cover the ground zanyatiya 
had razrabotat several types of joysticks an incredible design. 
Acquaintances professionaly only pozhimali plechami. Znali 
would they know that all these hidden za

avangardistskimi izyskami!

   Computers can sozdavat in raznomu.
You can otsizhivat "from zvonka to zvonka"
razrabatyvaya kakoy a module, and almost
not vedat that delayut tens or dazhe
Hundreds takih same dull, HOW do you sam, intellektualnyh 
rabotyag, za neighboring stolami. The only thing that motivates 
you - to meet in time, ukazanny boss and vydat rabochy

product, which will be delat their wingless thing and nothing 
more. Distsiplina and diligence - before anything else. 
Muravinaya Psychology - kogda you ever seen

muraveynik chaynoy in the form of roses? Or four giperkuba?

   Kaliforniyskaya natura sozdateley proyavlyalas in all their 
razrabotkah without exception. One of them znamenityh 
joysticks, whose sozdanie prikryvalo razrabotku Amigi had

view boards serfinga, balansiruya nA which could perform the 
necessary action.

   So what-what, a plenty of discipline
komandu sozdateley Amigi blame was
impossible to reconcile. HOW just anyone of them
prihodila head kakaya something ocherednaya
idea and immediately perelopachivalos down nA
head harnesses prinimali more
wild shape, make new tables
ordinary placer pechatnyh plat and
nachinalas still odna series of experiments and
neispravnostey searches. Kogda occurred
another failure in rabote narozhdayuschegosya detischa, 
sozdateli rassazhivalis-legged nA its surfing and dzhoystikah 
ustraivali "Brain ataku" strongly napominavshuyu meditatsiyu 
have kakogo some Indian gurus. In Wantz end it was decided 
dazhe system error message kompyutera made into a 

   Here takoe was the work - is similar to
pisaniyu nastoyaschey music or nastoyaschih
poems. Nikogda and anywhere from the time computers are not in 
such sozdavalis atmosfere absolyutnoy freedom raskovannosti and 
professionalizma. Rezultat takogo relations irrelevant zastavil 
a long zhdat. Amiga porazhaet its produmannostyu; kazhetsya,

razrabotchiki managed zaranee
predstavit all the possible future neudobstva in rabote and 
ustranit them nA samom nachalnom etape. A much about the idea 
mnogozadachnosti, nA the basis of which the whole vozvodilas 
arhitektura Amigi not talk have! Zhivaya illyustratsiya to the 
fact that krasivo "posadit" mnogozadachnost nA "odnozadachno 
sdelanny" computer - beznadezhnaya zateya. Out, HOW say

anglichanie, "a skeleton in shkafu" having a habit of crashing 
vypadat ottuda in samye inopportune moments. Those 
"professionalam" which schitayut Amigu something pristavki game 
to the TV, nA samom really nado mechtat only to their

naisovremenneyshie "professionalnye"
Computers rabotali tak same krasivo, HOW
Amiga obraztsa 1987 Year period. Pravda, of unforgettable
computers to sozhaleniyu, not everyone can
chuvstvovat. Perhaps HOW raz in this and
zaklyuchaetsya professionalizm. Indeed, the degree of
sovershenstva (or nesovershenstva) computer system, HOW would 
no ona byla skryta under odeyalami every interfaces and shells, 
felt prakticheski everywhere kakim would maloiskushennym 
polzovatelem you would not have - another thing if not just to

than sravnit, a therefore - like tak and
nado ...

   Odnako, as time went on. In the end they were exhausted 
samye seven million dollarov, which kogda something raspolagali 
razrabotchiki and it was decided to produce their offspring

akulam computer industry. Had
upryatat navayannoe in all appropriate for
razmeram box and pokazat what this box
can delat za zakrytymi doors vystavki
Consumer Electronics Show 1984 Year period. The interest was 
immediate. Srazu was also obtained dollarov million as a 
possible finansirovaniya okonchatelnogo etapa razrabotki, but 
before it zaversheniya kompaniya Commodore vmeshalas

vykupila and the whole project as a whole.

   On a case of takomu was immediately
organizovano subsidiary branch
Commodore-Amiga and secured dalneyshee
finansirovanie mnogoobeschayuschey razrabotki.
Za sozdanie decent apparatury Amigi
operatsionnoy system vzyalas firma
Metacomco goroda of Bristol.
Programmistskaya firma Electronic Arts immediately razrabotala 
standarty for faylov, soderzhaschih staticheskie kartinki and


   Rezultatom yavilas model A1000 with
The memory and the processor 256 Kbayt 68000
first prodemonstrirovannaya nA vystavke
Consumer Electronics Show in June 1985
Year period. It was the world's first Multimedia-PC, ie mashina 
with stunning for those vremenam grafikoy and sound, yes to

Moreover, with mnogozadachnoy operatsionnoy system, ie Several 
programm could rabotat simultaneously. Many well-known and

znamenitye muzykanty and artists (naprimer, Andy Warhol and 
Debora Harri) after vystavki "nabrosilis" on the A1000 and stali

constantly ispolzovat it in their daily rabote.

   Vypuskalas A1000 since mid-1985 to
1987 nA Despite the fact that the superiority
nad other personalnymi kompyuterami was podavlyayuschim, volume 
prodazh A1000 was not tak great, HOW should have been in force

lack of support programmnogo
napisannogo spetsialno for A1000. Available programmy simply 
transferred from other models and a samo razumeetsya not 
ispolzovali Amigi new features (well Who would byla nuzhna 
Amiga, rabotayuschaya to example, HOW TO PC?). But time passed 
and eventually the market programm, napisannyh spetsialno for 
Amig, stal rasshiryatsya exponentially and things have gone, 
despite nA vesma high price kompyutera (■ 1500 Velikobritanii, 
naprimer). Polzovateli quietly stali osoznavat,

that may Amiga and, accordingly, which is not
may be other computers. A in 1987, arrived new, cheaper and 
more advanced Model - A500 and A2000, which vypuskalis

until October 1991

   A growing number of people stalo pokupat
Amigi and, accordingly, more and more firms
sozdavavshih programmnoe software, stalo
create for Amig. Number prodazh Amig in
1989-1990 godah grew with takoy rate
that exceeded the number prodazh any other
personalnyh computers, despite nA is
that the so-called "Professionalnye" programmistiy
accused Amigu that it's just a gaming computer. Beda with these 
"professionalami" lies in the fact that their ponimaniyu 
nedostupna absolyutno ochevidnaya thing - a namely, that the 
power nastoyaschego mnogozadachnogo kompyutera, neobhodimaya 
for play good grafiki and stereozvuka dolzhna daleko prevyshat 
power of their "Professionalnyh" computers, which

essentially dela are not inache HOW
raspuhshimi writing mashinkami. And in kogda
solid and raspuhshem from samodovolstva
Computer zhurnale obraztsa 1995 Year period
Suddenly chitaesh in reklame latest operatsionnoy system, it is 
the supreme achievement of its schitaetsya ease of switching 
between parallelno rabotayuschimi protsessami,

multimedia-features, plug 'play and
etc., and want to tak skazat: Rebyata,
all this exists nA Amige more than ten years !!!". Sadly, kogda 
world pravit mediocrity ...

Other articles:

Introduction - A new interface in the newspaper.

Tricks - Elegant clear the screen. Quickly scan the keyboard. Setting interrupt (IM2).

HARDWARE - A few words about the drives 5'25 and 3'5. Refinement of the Baltic. Falcon SounDrive.

Presentation - Sprite Generator v4.5 by REAL SOFT.

Problems Byte - Why do not some programs on the Spectrum-compatible computer "byte".

Fantasy - A fantastic story of Ray Bradbury "Ice and Flame" (Part 1).

Tales of Uncle Gill'a - Short Stories: The Autobiography, an incubator period, incident on the street, Rehabilitation ...

tree death - A report on the work of service "Rescue 911".

Rich also cry - The problems that create SNG'shnye encoders for corporate users Spectrum (EXODUS from Poland).

Form - A survey amongst Spectrum in CIS countries.

Did you know ... - Dim SH-shku zero in the port # FF can not. Before recording a # 3D13 to a specific path, if a motor is turned on, and on her head sticking out. How to speed up the process of reading and downloading through # 3D13, If you want to download / burn a few small blocks in a row.

Muzobzor - Interview with "Too Late! Frozen".

book about the delicious food - Cold appetizers, hot appetizers and soups. (Cooking recipes). Advertising: watch commander.

Music - Formats compiled modules known musical editors. Pro Tracker v2.101 by GDC, A standard player.

Open Letter - An Open Letter OLDMAN'u about creating newspapers ...

AMIGA vs IBM - What are the opportunities for these computers.

Amiga - A little history of the Amiga.

Amiga - Short description of various models of the Amiga.

Amiga - Description of the AMIGA 500/2000 - Amiga from within: a keyboard, drives, I / O Connectors. What else can you connect?

Amiga - Description of the AMIGA 1200.

Besta - We offer a fold in the fresh programs for the Spectrum across Byelorussia and buy it wherever possible.

Nove - A list of new software, which appeared in Brest in December.

PENTIUM - Pentium Processor - Technical review.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Credits - the creators of the newspaper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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