Born Dead #0B
31 июля 1999 |
Review - Overview of new magazine: Rush # 1, Adventure # 9, Scenergy # 1, ZX-Power # 3, Miracle # 3.
ЇЄ ЄєЇOBZOR SOFTWARE ЇєЄ ЄєЇ (C) UnBEL! EVER ^ SPEED CO. ^ XTM Soft in fatal massive quantities reached the limits of Samara, Recalling its volume of a cross between the two hurricanes, ravaged the city last month, and hordes of locusts, fun frolicking right outside the windows of my apartment. Download it at most of the literary magazine, but it can not prevent We surveyed him lightly. It is slightly ... RU (S) H # 1 Alternative Cyberscene Magazine (C) Rush 'Smash'99 Size: 1 CD Permanently entangled in the structure of all these RUSH, AMAZING, and Incidentally, I was surprised to find this hybrid of text, code and music. And first in my hands got Amiga version (log dual-platform), generously sent by the authors themselves, and Only a few weeks later, spektumovsky option. Do not even know how to treat this event ... It seems to have been any DEPTH, ZX-NEWS and other ... From the same region, practically the same people ... And here again, "a new magazine destined to become fit, frequency, readable "... In fact, the first half RUH'a (namely because the authors are asked to pronounce his name of publication) has left me more more or less acceptable impression, but after I stumbled on the first of the classical references - FAQ ehokonferentsii ZX.SPECTRUM - those very first impressions disappeared. Well, when I found several similar materials, then my opinion is formed completely. The magazine, of course, to be read, as well as any other edition, but ... Is it worth wasting time on creating very informative, not interesting, duplicative sources, the magazine? Maybe, instead, to do bringing up abandoned their mind on the back burner projects? Or sit down and write from scratch any toy, sistemku, demo?? Why produce publication-by-night, when their fate is practically foregone conclusion ... Well, from the good I can note the presence of all the texts of journal disk nepakovannom form, ready for printing to a printer or other sexual abuse. This, of course, drastically reducing the volumes of the publication (must not pack the text), but because of complete lack of application authors RU (S) H'a managed fit to drive a sufficient number of textual information. ADVENTURER # 9 (C) C.P.U. '99 Size:% 00000001 CD Oh! Ah! Yes! Another issue, rooted in the deepest past, does not hand over their positions, and at least once a year, but goes on spaces of our homeland ... But I remember not the words JOKER'a, not his brother IMPETUS LED'a: reader for FAULTLESS # 2 we had taken out if anyone else is not well-known magazine ADVENTURER! " So, in the battle for the title of second largest issues of the journal took several contenders. The first, of course, is SPECTROFON, and it seems to me that nobody has to "do" this monster, consisting of 23 rooms. Well, in second place, as I mentioned, is a tough fight: FAULTLESS - # 9 came out long ago, but # 10 seems never expected. And thank God! While the boys play fair, because number seven is almost no one was ... ADVENTURER - Review of the ninth number, you are now reading:) ZX-FORMAT - # 9 of which must be such as to leave one of these days, but Considering the circumstances, can hardly be considered that, once the second (after SPECTROFON'a) on moguchesti electronic journal, as a candidate for the highest number of rooms. DEJA VU - # 9 is expected by September and, in principle, the comrades have all the chances to pass the barrier in the # 10 rooms very soon ... Well, who among these 4 magazines will be the winner in this unprecedented compo? Make your bets:) What we digress from the topic! So, in ADVENTURER # 9, you as always learn a lot of old prikoletes of headings OTTYAG, propretes the beautiful picture by PARACLES / EI and to hear the mighty music of all sorts of different musicians. The magazine has its own, easily recognizable face and a unique flavor. So, no not run, nor to praise him I will not, but perhaps two RU (S) H'ey I would one ADVENTURER still gave:) Although if you ask me: "Swap you two regular electronic magazine on SCENERGY?" I will answer without fail: "Yes, if it is the same ... SCENERGY # 1 by DR + PGS + PHT (Scenergy team) Size: 1 CD itself journal 1 disc add-on application 2 disc bonus track - FA megademo (disked by Razzlers) >----/ \ / \ / \ / -> Here! Here it is, this SCENERGY ... It would seem have all, it's time to rest his comrades from Digital Reality. ARTY spawned a number of myths (DOOM, GOBLINS, MEGABALL), collected users with an amount of money (which by the way?) Well, actually, long and could easily topple with SPECCY, and not releasing the most powerful journal of all time, "purely stsenovoe Edition "- SCENERGY. Journal that tries to see the light as much from the far end of the 1997! Journal for publication of which was assembled a team under the same name, including a such famous monsters of that (and this) era as the Digital Reality, Progress, Phantasy, and even one time STEP! Not the first spektrumistov generation, in an echo-conferences and irc channels, indoors and outdoors, on poyntovkah and retold to each party another epic about the great ancestor of all electronic journals. However, most SCENERGY, or # 0 or # 1 or prerelease and not was released. And now, when even the most notorious fighter for the cause of output / absenteeism in light SCENERGY (will not mention their names here) have completed their existence and completely forgotten about this project, finally, after about 2 years of waiting, we can see this miracle, Journal for the truth scenery, "" edition, done in the world level "," something that had never been in a domestic fake'ovyh magazines ".... "Well, so does it really?", You ask me ... Justified whether a two-year wait? Is there anything that interesting in this magazine?? "Rather than a no!" I will answer you. While understanding the whole promote and steepness SCENERGY given not to everyone, especially if in the minds of these people still live unhealthy prejudices communist times, when all were equal and Kazhdomi on inclinations, from each according to malignancy "... The first thing you caught my eye this huge amount all sorts of bells and whistles in the shell of the magazine. Rotating, psevdoobemny cursor, leaving the shelves with articles, all kinds pop-up menu, and intermittent and stuff, stuff, stuff ... Much, of course, too, but still nice! The second point that can impress even the advanced reader - it's SET UP. Such a large number of various settings You've never seen before, it definitely! Almost every change in the interface you can tweak to disable or enable, zoom in / out or simply ... In general SET UP makes its it's nice! Finally, the main component of the magazine - text, expressing ordinary language, or how it say literate, professional journalist - materials. In this journal enough! And I want to say: SCENERGY is the first magazine for the past 4 years that I really liked! The magazine, which is an interesting read, even someone who knows quite a lot about the past, present and future of this platform! For the first time after the famous SPECTROFON'a, I really enjoy reading interesting stuff. But if at the time flowering SPECTROFON'a we were all green Lammer and dragged to discuss glitches ELITE, now, when such a cheap material is not printed even in the most defended the electronic newspapers, to find that it is able to interest all (!) polls ... it's just RULEZ! And even if a simple man (Roughly speaking user) is not kerf in an interview with THE LORDS, then bazaar with the author, he just dragged ELITE .... That is, once again emphasize that despite the long-term publication SCENERGY, the material it not only outdated, but is on segodnyayushny day, perhaps, the strongest selection news / reviews / interviews / etc. Then, to what some electronic publications still go on and on! Astounded me the most journalistic talent RAVER'a of PHT, and the unique style izlozhenieya (especially news) as it from a third party. That is how news printed in large newspapers, completely detached, without the personal opinions of the writer. Journalistic move, which I would have wanted to learn, but not it turns out! Too much in my self-esteem:) Annex to SCENERGY not less phenomenal than the magazine: PUSSY: Love from Titanic (demo version), FATALITY'99 WORMS (demo version), RAZZLERS'99 CROSSWORD, RAZZLERS'99 FA_COPIER (disk utilz), RAZZLERS'99 SPRITE LAND v1.27 (gfx utilz), DR'99 some source texts from Flying / DR FOREVER (post party release), DR'98-99 ENERGY (trackmo), COSMIC'98 YES (trackmo), 7 GODS'97 That's just a shame one - part of an application already was not new to Since its launch in the composition SCENERGY. In particular, as can be to seep into the nation such an important strategic part of applications, such as post party release FOREVER? So mellow ARTY must understand the importance of the fact that the novelty of the annex to e-edition ... The rush, which often surrounds the final stage of work on how a large project, summed up the authors and SCENERGY. In the first common version of (a magazine, it should be noted freeware) is buggy almost everything that could. However, released soon fix to overcome most of these glitches, the Specifically, most probably, bad - skipping intro, which should be in the menu setup / scenergy / warez and splash (again same glyuchnost KEMPSTON all these rodents, gay sticks) ... By the way, creating fix'ov to the programs so well mastered by our people that now sometimes, and the new version you'll never get all fix, so fix! At ADVENTURER # 9 which I have described above, too left fix, after applying the log which gets even better :) However, in spite of everything, was conceived - SCENERGY set a new benchmark in the world ELEKTON publications. Magazine turned, and turned at once, and that's the spirit - "not bad for the first issue - is totally appropriate! Of course, some something in a magazine, without a doubt, not enough ... For example, if there had an interview with the RST # 7, because of which I now have store at home .... ZX-POWER # 3 (C) X-PROJECT ASSOCIATION'98 Whether because of good defense, or just like all Ukrainian, new issue ZX-POWER comes to Samara with an enviable constancy - nine months after the date of its publication. And this time he came to the copy-protected, then is, consider, did not come at all:). By reading these publications, not tired amazed authors, journal itself came only a half years after # 2, but not immediately after their popdaet potential readers (ie me:). There any material obsolete, no matter how steep it may be ... Interface in the ZX-POWER'e stayed on the second issue, although There have been some cosmetic changes. Materials components of the magazine, I will not enumerate, because full Compendium ZX-POWER # 3 was published long ago in BORN DEAD # 1 (long laugh until it re-read). Although, on something focus can be ... For example, I do not understand why reprinted let even slightly processed, but already published articles Alexander Desyatnikov "Recovery Programs" (ZX-REVIEW # 5-6, 1995) and "CHEAT POKES and in game programs" (ZX-REVIEW # 2-3, 1996)?? Do not try to find these items in these rooms ZX-REVIEW, because it "revyushka" not "Inforkomovskaya, and Ukrainian. Well, apparently, so he's the answer - the magazine obscure, why not reprint material from it! Yes For God's sake, reprint, but useful and interesting things ... The same article about the immortality of the still all there was - there is gather useful, although lame'a enough. But "Recovery" ... As I remember, long bouts of laughter rolled out to train with "SPB-Samara, when I and ALK read to this opus of the most ZX-REVYU/UKRAINA acquired in the firm SCORPION after E'97. That is only one, the most lethal quote: - [Cut ]---------------------------------------------- ----------- 7. Restoration programs using perevzloma. Dany method is based on the well-known popular saying "butter cereal will not spoil. "We have already had an example of how games repeatedly perevzlamyvalis, roaming from one system to another. Thus, if, having the drive, you will again click on the MAGIC in the very spot where once the button was pressed multifeysa, worse than you already do not do it, but his work is much lighten. -------------------------------------------------- - [end of cut] ... And this article about the restoration of games !!!!! Of course, the authors of the journal will judge first and foremost readers, well and I, as a noble criticism from the entire ZX-POWER'a # 3 interesting there were only three articles: two interviews (ROM / PGS and RST # 7/CBS) and Quick note about 3D graphics. The last, incidentally, can also be read and RUSH # 1. Apparently, the author tired of waiting and exit POWER'a he gave his child to another journal. Naturally, as always, cool intro to the magazine (cool movie with an interesting aspect ratio). From the application can be provide perhaps the only toys MISTICAL 'WACKY RACER, and even then ... well really hard once again to clear the screen before unpacking pictures?? In general, the diagnosis is unequivocal - to the morgue! Although, if ZX-POWER coming out (or at least income) more often it is possible that it would be One of the most popular magazines of today. "So, today the most advanced among the journals is SCENERGY? ", you ask me, dear readers. On yesterday, yes, but now appeared in the notorious SNG unexpected competitor ... MIRACLE # 3 (C) TRIUMPH'99 Honestly, I did not feel very optimistic, while copying MIRACLE svezheprislanny me the number on a blank disc and installed him protection. Maybe because if I did not know that I am one of the 4 official distributors of the magazine .... Although much hope about the MIRACLE I do not cherish the past, when sent to Chelyabinsk ProTracker 3.4 final + for article MMCM'a publication of this journal, rather than to include all this in the next BORN DEAD. But .... Many materials, even sometimes controversial, but more interesting, than most of the articles from today's magazines. 50 music tracks, most of them of excellent quality! Shell customizable to the bone, to the last attribute, and directly on the run, and not as a SNG - first setting, Then the magazine ... Finally, an interesting application! Although Recently, of course, an amateur - that I personally do not download Need these your WORMS'y, and even to the same demo. I would have them pleased to have changed in two parts on SECOND BREATH MD, who and lie on a disk with MIRACLE # 3. In short, the magazine struck me deystitelno! To the people of Province (Chelyabinsk, a city some further west from Samara:) yes zabombili "magazine, though not on the information so places on the interface, pereplevyvayuschy these "your new-fangled Crutes as boiled eggs SCENERGY ".... So it is possible and in Uryupinsk doing today that keeps pace with the time thing! Good could say a lot, but instead I'm just putting below the ad copy from the authors of the magazine. Well, bad ... Light glitches in the interface, the disk is not a # 3d13, several reprints of materials, particularly paper PSV / DT. And besides, Protection! And I can understand, but why should non-standard format the track at the end of the disc when it is known that there is worse to read! Well, if you put the defense, create similar Hemorrhoids somewhere at the beginning of the disc ... Well, now gave way to advertising in its pure form: -------------------------------------------------- ------------- -M-I-R-A-C-L-E -E-L-E-K-T-R-O-N-I-K--D-I-S-K-Z-I-N-E -N-U-M-B-E-R -03 T R I U M P H production Time to kommercial break! O U T N O W! Hulololeylou! Finally he came out (loud applause, and cheers)! Do you have the opportunity to see one of the most highly anticipated magazine! 1,5 years of hard work, and now we'r proudly present it for you! In this svezhachke awaits you 49 interesting articles and 50 soundtracks of various composers (Dj.Ironman, X-Raizor/NSDF/Triumph, Zhenya / 0, Mr.Z / HardWave, Mr.Key, Alos / Spark, SlackDen / Flash). A completely new hull will shake you with its brilliance and ease of administration, and many beautiful graphics (Ice'Di / Triumph, Blade / Triumph, Demiurge Ash, etc) perfectly complement this aura! No Scanned images (except for a few photos) No food and hearing music all the cutting of young amateurs all but the best! OUR MENU: 1. FROM THE EDITOR: 1.1 Introduction (Information about the authors of the journal, the coordinates and a small entry); 1.2 Management of the shell (Course for Young Amateurs); 1.3 Letters from readers (Publication of letters have come, as well as answers to them); 1.4 In this issue (Guess from three times); 2. PROJECT OF THE YEAR: 2.1 Robo-komix game (Some background to the levels); 2.2 Townships (Information on this long-known game); 2.3 1912 Mystery Books (Small infoshka and a bunch of screenshots); 2.4 Chip'n'Dale (A few words about the upcoming game); 2.5 Navigator (Amazing story); 2.6 World of Darkness (Description of a new real-time strategy); 3. Rattles: 3.1 Igrofiliya (Fresh and not very good, but savory beetles); 3.2. Crematorium: 3.21 Stalker (Description of all subjects); 3.22 Country myths (Tips & spices); 4. BASICS SWAP'A (Information for beginners as well as a few sly misrepresent, that can crank out a post); 5. Who's there KODIT? 5.1 Fast Graphics (Several recipes from Zetter'a); 5.2 Packer'y and Depacker'y (The whole truth about the packer or the ranting of Sir Kot'a); 5.3. WORK WITH MS-DOS: 5.31 All the mod files (Full description of the structure of mod-file, as well as a description of all effects); 5.32 Ms-Dos Floppy (Description of the structure of Ms-Dos disk); 5.4 Chanky flame (Description of the algorithm chankovogo fire); 5.5 Attribute bump mapping (Bump mapping for those who have not entered); 5.6 Guru meditation (Tips and Tricks in coding); 5.7 Approximate retrieval of data (Pretty smart data mining); 5.8 Fast 42 print (Fast how to print 42 characters per line); 6. PARTY ZONE: 6.1 KidSoft'98 (Report from Voronezh Festival); 6.2 EarthQuake'99 (Report from the Chelyabinsk Festival); 7. Myself: 1.7 128 colors at Spectrum'e (Revised scheme of up to 128 colors from the Donetsk group Spark); 7.2 Kettle (Connection to General Sound Profi through the system connector); 7.3 Uninterruptible power supplies (Information about UPS-technologies); 7.4 General Sound Filter (A story about the new gadgets to GS); 7.5. Mopeds: 7.51 Scheme, the scheme! (Schemes G. Shepeleva and M. Kondratiev); 7.52 Command (Description of the command terminal); 7.53 Total modemizatsiya (Call for connecting momedov); 8. System Software: 8.1 FastCopy 3.0 (Full description tricked out turbo copyist); 8.2 Pro Tracker bugs! (More glyuchkov in ProTracker'ah); 8.3 Pro Tracker 3.4 final (Presentation of a new remix from Samara); 9. NEWS: 9.1 Chelyabinsk (...) 9.2 Omsk (...) 9.3 Kaliningrad (...) 10. TECHNO-NATURE: 10.1 Electronic music (2 parts); (Dj.Ironman talks about the techno); 10.2 Internet music-sites (Heap address where you can learn new about electronic music); 3.10 Addiction XX (The bike from Dj.Ironman 'a); 11. A quarter to four (The story of everyday life from the X-Raizor'a); 12. LAUGHTER ROOM: 1.12 Odor in and around (Funny story from the magazine PTUCH); 2.12 Perdmen (Damning story of all of the same PTYuCh'a); 3.12 Wick (Nekolko scenarios from newsreel WICK); 12.4 Halo (End of the story published in the second room); 13. Proclamation (in two parts) (Advertising - motor trade ...). SUPPLEMENT: √ FASTCOPY v3.0 (by NSG) (New turbo copier with lots of opportunities!) √ PRO TRACKER v3.4_final release (by Sage group) (Fully pofiksenny PRO TRACKER!) √ 3D-collection_Second Breath part (by Dream Team) (Realtime 3D-utility - 80 different 3D solids!) √ Morphing_Second Breath part (by Dream Team) (Realtime 3D-morph - this you have not seen!) √ Lissague (by Crite / Triumph) (A little prog that builds Lissajous figures) --------------------------------------- -------- --- - --- - So, how much is this miracle? Look down ... > Miracle # 03 (with protection) - 15 rubles; > Miracle # 03 official distributive - 60 rubles. (All rates are given transfer) Since the magazine is distributed with the brand jars, then If desired, the buyer can send us a distribution 3'5 " diskette, which will be recorded PACKET.JPEG (MS-DOS). Address for letters, parcels and postal money orders: 454021 Russia Chelyabinsk ul.40 Pobedy 10-588 Desyatkina Denis Yurevich (Ice'Di / Triumph) Phone: 8 (3512) 1-518-35 (ask Denis) FidoNet: 2:5010 / 143.3 To: Max Dudnikov Subj: Miracle # 03 Or catch us on irc: # z80 or # triumph + Do this and you'll understand why we are known all over Russia! Get your own Miracle! P.S. We invite all active-peoples! - --- ---------------------------------------------- ------ --- - MIRACLE # 03 is TRIUMPH trademark, all copys prohibited!!! - --- ---------------------------------------------- ------ --- - So that's what he's like - MIRACLE! And even I, a man more close to piracy, rather than buying software copyright, it remains understand only one thing. What can stop the user from a simple purchase of electronic journal, really high-quality and useful, and even on such a ridiculous price?? Yes, if desired Here you can find in the city six users, gather with them for 10 rubles and even order a copy, but a distribution, the thus make life easier for both himself and the authors. Be of good cheer, my young, fair nick:) -------------------------------------------------- ------------- Generally, I could overlook a lot more! For example, virtually at the same time there were two demos on MARIO, one from the old experienced mariostroiteley - OHG, and another from FACEOFF ASSOCIATION. As if they are both funny and worthy of attention. Personally, I delighted version of the game TURTLES 2 (disked by MIS) with this cover picture and original music, not decelerating very game. The most interesting in the newspaper can be called out already second Rooms from HeresY D. Ash 'and, now not so much spektumista, how steep pc'shnogo artist:) (see results CC'999). Apparently on the advice of the author of numerous sharply reduced the number of foul language on the pages of newspapers, which, despite it continues ostavatsya interesting and unique! It turns out, has long been a TR-DOS adaptation of the musical Editor's SQ-TRACKER, which are often written Western musicians. True, this adaptation is sufficient curve, but You can write music, as well as save it to disk, read and compile. Rumor has it that someone makes a sharp 128K only remix of the editor and compiler. In light of this rising question - who are interested in any instruction in SQ-TRACKER, translated into Russian? If yes, then we could have it publish in the next issue or transfer concerned persons. Another very interesting information came through fidoshnoy ekhi ZX.SPECTRUM, which were sent to seven screen shoot'ov from the supposedly Developed from bourgeois PRINCE of PERSIA. Material truly unique, as to lay down all right, we would could not see PoP'a version NIKODIM'a, and most that neither a proprietary version by Entropy, Domark 'Broderbund (c) 1993. The game was already at the final stages of development, when the firm Broderbund own the copyright to "The Prince", has requested very large sum for the right to convert their creations on the Speccy. Naturally, for, 1993, when the consumer slowdown ability was already evident, this fact was enough to complete freezing of the project. In general, judging from the available pictures Our otechestenny "Prince" was much better quality of its western brother, but who knows ... The appearance of branded versions of this Games can not speak, but if the source / authors still alive, everything is possible! Not excluded that the screen themselves shoot'y fake - it was too suspicious of them are inverted familiarity. But still, nice to know that have not yet figured out all the riddles of the Spectrum!
Other articles:
Coding - As kodit optimally. |
Hints - Hidden part in the Lazarus demo. Cheat in Net Walk. Disabling the mouse in Polesie. The secret POPS Megademo. |
Entry - Ochepyatki - must die. |
Anger Day 2 - New tracker: Master Tracker. |
Spite of the day - A new disk system MB-O2 + from Germany. |
News - Chaos Construction'99, ZX-Format 9 |
Review - Overview of new magazine: Rush # 1, Adventure # 9, Scenergy # 1, ZX-Power # 3, Miracle # 3. |
Party Zone - Official results of the Complex Compo & Ddoxycon. |
Advertising - Advertising and announcements. |
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