Inferno #07
31 мая 2005

Sound - Wild ideas for AY trackers.

<b>Sound</b> - Wild ideas for AY trackers.
  Wild ideas for AY trackers


             __ ________ ____ __ ___

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                    Alone Coder>

                       The magazine / game you need to edit the 

                      each Mouzon to be fully initialized.

                   Pawel / Real Software>

                      How ...?

                    Alone Coder>

                      Put a note (or at least pause) and 

                   Pawel / Real Software>

                      No worries about the user.

                    Alone Coder>

                      Missile tracker, however:)


  1. Necessary to make several regimes Write Data - in the sense
to be able to remember a lot of sequences of type: 1F0F,
AC00, 1F3B, etc., for example, filled in the window Write Data 
1F0F, then pressed SS +1 - 1F0F memorable sequence on the button

1, in short, not to puff yourself and your brain, I will 
explain more simple: need to do to the data Write Data 
remembered like binge Minani addresses in the STS (there it is 
hung on the A button) - for example, SS +1,2,3,4,5 - remember, 
CS +1,2,3,4,5 - to recover. 

  2. Addition to the interface: if the Write Data mode turned 
on and there exists the envelope, then on the button 'L' is 
removed not only value of the notes, but the envelope, if 
included in the Write data sample, then the 'L' is also removed 
and the sample, if the active pattern, and removed and 
ornament, and if the sound volume is removed thunder bone. If 
the Write Data is turned off, as usual - on the "L" is removed 
only note. 

  3. Introduce an additional option: Delete mode - if enabled,
on "L" to delete all the values ​​(note, the envelope, an 
ornament, sample, volume), if disabled, as usual.

  4. Make it possible to record in the Write data command (in 
the sense glissade, port, etc.).

  5. Enter the command Vibrate (fast glissade up and down).

  6. Would not hurt to patterns, positions and line numbers
copying was not only to wind young kursorchikami,
ie add another mode: Summing the arrow to the figure, pressure
eat fire, - instead of the number appears small cursor, enter 
your value. So it will be much faster to work with copy blocks


  7. Make a pad of noise for each channel separately (as in

  8. Transposition of the envelope.

                          Ivan Roshchin:

  1. To be able to install the new value of the period envelope
 without rewriting the envelope R13.

   (Alone Coder: Autoconversion command sequence established
ki envelope A/E/C/8 in command 9xxx, Axxx?)

  2. Just as there are commands for a smooth change of frequency
tone should be similar to the team for the frequency envelope
frequency noise and volume. Need a team to make sound
channel louder or quieter than the specified amount. "

  3. With the increase in the number of commands may be 
necessary divergence installed on the same note a few commands, 
and it should be provide.

  4. In Pro Tracker'e can adjust the global volume
melody, and would also control the volume separately for
each channel.

  5. To music analyzers were both in BestView;)

  6. Well if you could load into memory a few
music (as far as enough memory), and then switch on at
zhatiyu keys from editing one melody to another (eg
measures, SS +1 - 1 st edit a melody, pressed SS +2 - edit
2-nd, etc.). It's easy when you have to collect the melody from
multiple separately written pieces.

  7. In Pro Tracker'e have shortcuts SS + W, SS + E - memorize
nanie channel in the buffer / restoration of the buffer. You 
can also make and store / restore entire PATTERN, as well as

SAMPLE, ORNAMENT. This will be useful when editing multiple
simultaneously in memory of melodies (for example, took SAMPLE
from one tune to the clipboard, moved on to another melody, 
restored from the buffer).


  1. I would like to see the work with the blocks (especially 
in the sample and ornament editor'ah).

  2. It would be nice to do search and replace.

  3. Also nice would be to have such an option, as the save 
loop, then when there is no need to save a pattern and sequence

also preserving and tools. Well, that is, as a separate song.
You can also make and Copy loop (ie, walk into the positions
list, choosing a loop, you press the SS + E, move the cursor to
need and do SS + R. This implies that in addition to copying
You can make and transfer loop'a. And it follows that the same
can be done in sampleornament editor, and this, in turn,
again makes it necessary to do the job with the blocks, as 
globalization flax necessity, without which it becomes harder 
and harder and work it.

  4. We have to do setup for a mouse, so you can change
 Cursor movement speed (pitch), and reverse buttons.

   (Alone Coder: oh no, not the reverse ...)


  1. If you enter a decompiler, it displays all the files that
available on disk. If you then go to the disk menu, then list 
the disk remains decreases from decompiler'a. It is necessary 
that the listing after each drive entrance to the disk options 
perefiltrovyvalsya (extensions 'm'), and  decompiler'e reread - 
to see all the files. 

   (Alone Coder: merge disk menu and decompiler, adding to the 
CCW installs to "all files"?)

  2. To be able to print the title track of all the characters,
it is sometimes necessary''and its hell to deliver.


  1. More than 1 channel in the memory buffer.

  2. Claudia hot to reset the counters up. (As in

  3. Memorization of the canal and unload at any position.

  4. Hot Claudia for the exchange of + / - transposition.

  5. Envelope of the editor of samples.

  6. Some analyzers in the blanks.

                          Alone Coder:

  1. PT3 can be 42-character:
1963 0100 g c-April 1234 .... c-April 1234 .... c-April 1234 
....  12 3456 7 890 12345678 901 23456789 012 34567890

   2p 2p 2p 2p 2p 2p 2p 2p

 40 * 6 = 240
 +2 P * 8 = 16

     = 256

  2. AY with no freq 50Hz, and 100Hz.

  3. AY with freq 1kHz - samples almost digital, but their
get it?

  4. Use the trick (for the turbo does not rent, more 
precisely, not quite fall) and make the volume in a quiet 
envelope waiting high-frequency envelope.

  5. Keep track for tools, which are grouped in
channels. Lanes contain the number of samples (for prescribing 
parties shock)! Increases the capacity of channels per identical

Boc easy editing, plus a few similar patterns / channel
crystals are oh how similar path to many tools! Plus
You can see the whole pattern, plus you can edit on the 
principle of drum machine, plus rubbing each other's channels 
can be selected any (set priorities).

  6. Normal tracker, but with an overlay track (superimposed on
any channel to taste).

  7. Envelope and its type to put in a sample, the 
initialization of the same direction. The gain in the amount of 
musical scores. 

  8. The command to "continue to play predpredyduschuyu note 
(for echo). 

  9. Alternative: vibrato with an old note in the "hole".

  10. Keep the melody in terms of stages of the chord and the 
chords in terms of scale steps. (Do this only in the 

  11. In the sampled mode autoenv any rate, with suspenders
sample frequency to the frequency of the envelope with spills 
on the + (-) 0 + (-) 1 ... to taste.

  12. Table volume is replaced by simple addition.

  13. Many lines on the screen, scrolling organizovavat both 
sets gozadachnyh systems: if the current cycle has not had time 
scrolling Islands remya, then communicate it to the end and the 
next time the shift is already at 2 line. Option: display on 
screen 32 rows pattern and ZAPU ramp cycle reprint after the 
transition to a new pattern (or 2 nd half of this).

  14. Parameters of the notes (sample, a form of vibrato and 
its depth, character volume changes, etc.) grouped in the 
firmware users Vatel (with 1-2 parameters) to a text they did 
not take long place. For each of the firmware to allow these 
concepts Noe the name, so you can easily find it in the list 
(sorting tsifrobukv when the cursor in the edit box). Possible

surface should be strong - remember predpredyduschy ornament
a note will automatically adjust to the volume used,
smoothly change the vibrato, adjust the priorities of
noise, and blending, adjust the envelope of a tone and a tone 
envelope envelope, etc. Most likely, it is easier to implement 
a change nye firmware (the domain of these variables must be 
shared All Firmware, playing in the channel - but also give 
access to the transition variables other channels?). The 
multiplication / division in the language does not Need (?), 
particularly the expression - the expression can be programmed 
sequence of microinstructions. 

  15. Command phasing tonalnika, at least without a parameter 
(to envelope with the tone was at least a half-predictable)!

; This program (which is also AYFIX.H in the appendix) shows
, How many different sounds can be found at the same
; Combination tone + env, varying the phase tonalnika
 ; Twist phase buttons O, P!

        ORG # 6000
 , Zero out all the registers AY

         LD DE, # E00

         DEC D

         CALL OUTAY

        JR NZ, $ -4


         LD DE, # 7FF

         CALL OUTAY; prohibit tonalnik

         LD DE, # 800

        CALL OUTAY; prohibit the envelope
 ; Silence

         CALL 8020; BREAK

        RET NC
 ; Adjustable phase (see below)

         LD HL, WAIT

         LD A, # DF

         IN A, (-2)


         JR C, $ +3

         INC (HL)


         JR C, $ +3

        DEC (HL)
 ; Show the phase screen

         LD B, (HL)

         LD HL, # 5800

         LD (HL), 255

         INC L

         DJNZ $ -3

         JR Z, $ +7

         LD (HL), 0

         INC L

        JR NZ, $ -3

 ; Zero the frequency tonalnika

         LD DE, # 000

         CALL OUTAY

         LD DE, # 100

        CALL OUTAY
And now the counter tonalnika in a fixed position
 ; Tonalnika flag in one of two positions: "on" or "off"

         LD HL, # 3C * 8; period tonalnika

         LD D, # 0

         LD E, L

         CALL OUTAY; set (Jr.)

         LD D, # 1

         LD E, H

        CALL OUTAY; set (v.)
; Make the delay for the phase shift tonalnika
 WAIT = $ +1

       LD B, 1
 WAIT0 LD A, 8

        DEC A

        JR NZ, $ -1

       DJNZ WAIT0
And now tonalnik in our chosen phase F
 , But because of the unpredictability of the flag of this 
phase can be F +180 ° 

         LD DE, # 7FE

         CALL OUTAY; allow tonalnik

         LD DE, # 810

         CALL OUTAY; allow the envelope

         LD DE, # B1E

         CALL OUTAY; set the period of the envelope

         LD DE, # D0E

        CALL OUTAY; ust.tip envelope (E)
And now the envelope in the initial phase.
 ; Listen ...

         LD B, 3


         DJNZ $ -1

        JR LLL

         LD BC, # FFFD

         OUT (C), D

         LD B, # BF

         OUT (C), E


                         PT3 todo list:

  (All recommend that you have todo lists in their projects, 

   program develops, even when not being developed: you

  accumulate ideas and bugs, writing them one by one, ie 

    When invent or notice - and then seeding for the code

     implement several proposals from recorded)

Under Unreal Speccy + Gluk5.5 (not 6.0!), PT, running with the 
A: drive select the disk B (without prior. initialized in 
TR-DOS'e) - disk error

Is not fully loaded some. F? BASILMUS.F - already with v3.31!!!
+ Verify in writing (not to the Vistula and if the drive is not
* 3xxx a transition through 0 (on the first step), while 
maintaining automatically cut (Firestarter)

+ Otklyuchabelny Autorepeat when entering anything
+ Click for EXCHANGE
+ Box of files larger
+ Ptutil to kill extra tracks / samples / Ornaments
+ Ptutil to protect against discharges after the swap chn with 
the displaced. noise in B + In ptutil scrolling when player-and 
(and show interest) + In ptutil indicators yuzayutsya a 
different player chips, plus All SMP / Orne - maks.yuzannaya 
length, this button superfast player-I.

+ In ptutil Shows how much% was lost! And the Extended Features 
of floors scroll + Player ptutil on Bulba

+ Ptutil to translate a song into a table ST
+ Focusing on the table ST and the frequency of 1.77 MHz, 
pereobozvat notes on the operation before

+ Boot display all the volume samples and ornaments
notes? (Inconvenient then it will change Tsiferki ornament on 
the whole pattern ") (make a fever in the channel - show all 
figures remove extra digits?)

+ Avtorazvorachivalku samples (retracting the left toe-savings)
+ Does not blink when scrolling samples for PgUp / PgDn
+ Display a note in the envelope when it hit the note
+ Switching ed melody on / off do not jump on early. pattern
+ By changing the length of the pattern not to jump to the 
beginning + Player in the frq work with the 3xxx optional wisely

+ When you click a new note (without letting go of old) to play 
a new -Pattern of length <5 incorrectly scrolled to the next

Solution: When you enter smth. reproduce the entire pattern
+ Sound copy with the channel B
+ W sample
/ Kill the arrow on the main screen
+ When you enter to calculate the parameters of the music from 
the top pattern - the right sound

* Editor names first set Caps = off
+ Save without compilation, in expanded form
+ Spetsnota - Repeat the previous note (worth up to one that
just played) - for the echo and the interlaced tracks
+ It would be good and spetsornament this?
+ Undo a single note (U field notes)
+ Comparison of tracks - the same or not
+ Click / shift pushing all channels simultaneously (for a 
change rastempovki Mouzon)

+ Copy of all channels
+ Transposition volume

Compilation and memory savings:
* If you kill the sample 0, then pg4 # 1200 (not # 1000) bytes 
free (Under windows? Or reprint the entire screen after closing 
the window?) / Kill the scrollbar on the disc menu

* All the code (player throw) to drive into nizh.pamyat, tables
+ ROM ver (already possible 66 sectors)
+ Calculate DIGITS (short and sinus?)
* Compiler assume pacifiers after pass?
and at the end of the pattern?
* M2hrust # 1200 byte (128k for compiling)

                    Complex Tracker AY + Covox:

# # TF Teee + n n-1aov n-2aov n-3aov | c-1iefv c-2iefv c-3iefv 

                        6x6 (sharps narrow)?

 # # T








t - tempo
F - some filter? noiselevel / distortionform / echo?
T - ay env type
eee - ay env frq (note?)
+ N - ay noise disp
a - ay sample
o - ay ornament (?)
v - volume
s - sample
e - effect type
f - effect parameter

slide / portamento, offset, ...

tools are based on samples, one sample can be
 be several tools.

                  (Begin), (len), (loop), # sample
begin - linestart point in sample (sample before starting to 
play lines on which his note! so you can realize more

real game on the instruments, which before the peak sound
what else should sound).

schedule volume changes and a graph of the exact bias
frequency (for vibrato).

 box: "sample stored in memory in interpolated form? (Y / N)".

                             + T-1 +%%

                            ^ ^ ^ ^ Shift in semitones (a note)
defaults: begin, len, loop.

                           AY samples:

         l (T) (f) (+) t-1 +%% (N) (h) (+) n (E) (u) (+) ee (+) 
v %% - A very precise disp in fractions of a semitone.

l - transparency (previous note ALWAYS counted against
f - the value of tone (not offset) - for the quiet of the 
envelope and a drummer over the pitch (like in pt3'shnom 
ornament "-96"). h - the value of noise (no bias) - for plates, 
on any global bias noise.

u - value of env (not offset) - for the striker on the envelope 
and use the envelope 0.

Other articles:

Classics - Almanashnik. Alexander Pushkin.

For Coderz - Recognition and computation of arithmetic expressions on their character record.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

For Coderz - the discipline to create large projects.

Interview - Questions Konstantin Sviridov (Conan) on the site

Likbez - The principles of converting graphics PC-ZX.

For Coderz - Programming disc changer / drive in Scorpio.

Softinka - DNA_OS v0.431 - package of utilities for working with hard drives, RAM-drives and floppy disks.

For Coderz - Programming under DNA_OS ZET-9, a package of tools to work with storage devices.

Softinka - The problems and shortcomings package of tools to work with storage devices DNA_OS.

Likbez - details about disk formats that are FAT.

Inferno - Entered from the editor.

Inferno - Errors in the previous numbers.

For Coderz - Small programmers' tricks.

Gameland - On the new games: Oneyroid, Dizzy forever, Dridlock.

For Coderz - Writing archive. Practical principles LZ packaging.

Gameland - Passage of new shipments for the game "Black Crow".

For Coderz - Programming for the video mode 384x304.

Inferno - Letters to the Editor.

Sound - Eden Megus'a about the tracker for the AY / YM.

Inferno - On the shell.

For Coderz - Fundamentals of optimization for the processor Z80.

Likbez - The location of partitions on your hard drive.

Gamedev - 3D projection of the floor / road in the games.

Sound - Wild ideas for AY trackers.

Advertising - Ads by Roman Chuunin.

Advertising - Ads by V. Bogdanovich

For Coderz - How a large Flexible Program.

Repair - Faults Pentagon 128 + and their repair.

Inferno - Content.

Miscellaneous - Thoughts on the contest for the best software.

Others - Transfer software on ZX Spectrum with a PC.

Video - On packaging for a video ZX Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   18 February