Inferno #05
30 апреля 2004 |
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Iron - We investigate the chip K561TL1. .

K561TL1 This 4-element 2, NOT with Schmitt triggers on the inputs. The latter distinguishes the work This mikruhi of all known logic AND-NOT same K155LA3. Schmitt trigger changes its state (And, consequently, the output signal) is sharply - with gradual change in the input signal within certain limits - to the border switch. Thus, the switch logic 0 will trigger when the input signal drops to a level equal to or below Ul0 - border switching low level, and switch to a logic 1 will, if the input signal rises to the level of equal to or greater than Ul1 - border switching high level. Level Ul1, of course, higher level Ul0, and if you draw a graph of the between input and output voltage of Schmitt trigger, it will loop - the so-called "hysteresis" (as opposed to simply element with the feature as a line). Loop is sometimes portrayed in the logic elements with a Schmitt trigger. When the signal level greater than Ul0, but less Ul1 trigger is not switches, while maintaining its previous state. Thanks to this single area of the interference gradual change in the signal are excluded. Ie on the negligible level of interference that usually act on any signal (at the tens of mV), they can not change trigger status (their amplitude is much smaller than the width of the blank areas). If only input signal is not too close to the boundary shift, and thus the probability of switching efficiency was high. And in the case of switching under the influence interference, it would be equally probable (with a useful point of view) and a single, because for another switching signal must overcome the entire width of blank areas - many greater level of interference. Since the range of food mikruhi of 3 to 15, the boundaries shift also depend on food (almost linearly), and it is believed that Ul0 approximately equal to one third of the Ucc (Supply voltage), t.e.nizhe half, and Ul1 approximately equal to two thirds of the Ucc - ie more than half the power. Although usually well denote the permissible limits of CMOS levels - Technology, not the border Schmitt trigger. Sources of information are not quite correct ... Personally, I'm interested in current consumption (When did amigovskuyu mouse Speccy). Clearly, it depends on the input voltage, and I spent several experiments for determine the maximum engorgement K561TL1. Data kept in mind, and after assembling the mouse just forgot. When going to write an article - repeated the experiment, but with the foreign analogs MC14093BCP, and suspected the difference (although the schema mouse irrelevant). When there was K561TL1, decided to completely razobratsya with this issue. As a result, screen appeared and the text. At the same time decided to write on the screen of the schedule Log RADIO 6 / 90, although suspected it is wrong (in low power boundary Ul1 dropped below half power). Still there unsavory information about inverting Schmitt trigger. It appeared that a 4 Schmitt trigger with the logic-2, NO, and would be expected to single switching, if applied to one input 0 (and the second did not react - according to the logic element). Although in itself trigger Schmitt is not associated with any logic - This simple device, with input and output. As a result, found out the following. Like all mikruhi 561 series, this does not consume the input current (of course, not counting leakage currents) and consumes negligible Supply Current (I did not to measure this shameful value) if the input signals are close to 0 or supply voltage. Of course, the outputs I does not load, and connect to them Digital multimeter M832 (input impedance 1 Mohm - close to the load currents leakage can be ignored). The same device I sometimes controlled food mikruhi (putting him on a laboratory unit equal to 3.5 V), but mostly I they took it for the input voltage, namely voltage supplied from the divider - the multi-resistor 10 k ohms, shunted capacitor from interference. This allowed us to get closer to the borders of trigger close enough to assert their value. If there was a divider, as I took it for electricity? A very simple: just 7 feet sockets through another device on the negative supply. This device has been TS20-05. When disadvantage of using (a set of jacks), he has a high sensitivity (collected on an operational amplifier) and almost no effect on the measured circuit. Where would all testers believe? I can only say that the maximum error was less stress 5%, and the currents are less than 8%. Nutrition mikruhi was 5 V + - 0.02 V. The temperature in komnote 22 degrees (possible slight drift parameters mikruhi temperature). At first, I decided to check one input. Gave him the voltage from the divider and the other, to eliminate the influence by connecting plus food. When approaching the limits switch (k Ul0, if the trigger was switched to 1, and Ul1, if 0) the current consumption increased (t.k.rosli switching currents), reaching a maximum on the boundary shift, and immediately after the switch drops sharply to a small value - t.k.vhodnoe stress significantly different from 0 and supply voltage. I spun the divider in the opposite direction, closer to the opposite boundary, the which the process was repeated: first, the current increased, then the trigger was switched, and the current drops sharply. Several times carefully selecting the borders, I wrote them down voltage and associated power consumption. Then put the import mikruhu and repeated the experiment. The result was very different to current (Had to change the range of the tester). Then I switched to the unused inputs plus to minus, the outputs of the permanently switched to the unit, and repeated the experiment with the same input and both mikruhami. According to the magazine, radio, the input should not was switched trigger (once the item is already switched the output to 1). Yes, of course, the output was always 1. But! All my measurements were repeated without change. Toggle flip-flop has been seen by a sharp decline in the current conventional boundaries. Maximum current consumption by a trigger Schmitt input element (one trigger / input, respectively), with appropriate switching threshold, measured at nutrition Ucc = 5V, outputs unloaded and other inputs are connected to plus or minus supply: Domestic chip K561TL1 Ul0 = 2.14V Icc = 0.3mA, Ul1 = 3.17V Icc = 0.41mA Import (MOTOROLA) analog MC14093BCP Ul0 = 1.98V Icc = 0.11mA, Ul1 = 3.21V Icc = 0.11mA I am sure that this is the current trigger Schmitt, instead of an AND gate, NOT, etc. since an element of the trigger ready to come logic levels are equal to 0 or voltage nutrition, and, as always in such cases, through current is absent. Of course, when switching element uses a certain current, but only a very short time - a time switching, it does not even measure a simple way. In the rest of the time (and the majority) can be assumed that the element does not take energy (in the absence of stress, of course). I measured the current consumption of a trigger (and them as inputs, 8), and one can simply multiplying by 8 to calculate the maximum current consumed by a chip with no load, at 5V. But the possible spread of parameters of different inputs, and I decided it vyyasnit.Dlya by connecting all the inputs together, to the divisor, and repeated the experiment for both chips. By switching threshold approached very carefully, t.k.u some inputs are could be known to me earlier values. I watched as the value of current increases and near the boundary drops sharply back. I write this voltage switching and carefully turn the border - another sharp decline, off the record. Further movement abroad leads to a gradual decrease current consumption. Consequently, all the triggers already switched. Move back to the other border. All repeats, triggers switch 2 - 3 sharp current fall in a narrow range of input voltage. Theory multiplication by 8 is essentially confirmed. And imported chips was so large (about our) scatter Ul0 inputs, I (arrow tester - ammeter) watched all 8 downturns - Switching triggers on the inputs. Repeated the experiment several times and adjusted the measured values. Maximum current consumption without the chip load for Ucc = 5V and the voltage on all inputs is equal to: Domestic chip K561TL1 Ul0 = 2.16V Icc = 2.5mA, Ul1 = 3.17V Icc = 3.4mA Specified limits at which triggers another pereklyuchilis.A not completely switched (All) at: Ul0 = 2.13V, Ul1 = 3.19V. Import (MOTOROLA) analog MC14093BCP Ul0 = 2.04V Icc = 0.83mA, Ul1 = 3.21V Icc = 0.88mA Specified limits at which triggers another pereklyuchilis.A not completely switched (All) at: Ul0 = 1.91V, Ul1 = 3.25V. According to the results of experiments we can say that Each input circuit is provided with an independent Schmitt trigger, the most consuming energy on the boundary shift (in our mikruh border Ul1, in this foreign analogues in any border), and not counting load on the output circuit, this current consumption is fundamental. It's a little denied information from the magazine radio, incorrectly describes the elements mikruhi. Analyzing the switching boundaries can be say that they (at Ucc = 5V) lie on both side of half the supply voltage, and Ul0 little more than a third supply, and Ul1 slightly less than two-thirds power. This indicates an inaccuracy in the schedule of the journal (Low value Ul1). Likely edited by simply copied the information sent to them from one of the readers are not checked. The man could not take into account the error measurement introduced by the device into a voltage divider (if devices were more simple and less sensitive). However, it is likely that produced when mikruhi differ from the present, which I doubt. However, the difference between reduced chips - is obvious. Despite the similar values Ul1, they have markedly different Ul0, and the asymmetry of power on the borders of our mikruhi to the symmetry of the current import indicates a different scheme Schmitt trigger. The large difference in current may indicate the difference in chip manufacturing technology (as well as letters of BCP in the name of analogue). But perhaps the reason the block, the standard the structure of our mikruhi. Her flip-flops (they output stage) are calculated on a standard CMOS load, rather than one entry inside the chip. Therefore, these voracious and import trigger recalculated taking into account the follow-unit load. Despite the relative engorgement, it is impossible to say that our chip huzhe.Ona even more sensitive to the signal (voltage Ul0 Ul1 and closer to each other than imports), and a small plus to use a mouse. Incidentally, the maximum current consumption chipset slightly more than that (since the border operation consistent with the very sensitive input, the rest were not at the limit, and their power values were below the limit), but indeed the maximum currents, probably not max: 2.6mA (at Ul0), 3.5mA (at Ul1) - K561TL1; 0.9mA (Ul0 or Ul1) - MC14093BCP. And with the spread of performance, no more 3 - 4 mA at 1 mA, and our imports have mikruhi. In the calculation of universal schemes, without reliable information (not a specific, proven mikruhu) I usually double the known (measured) value of consumption current. I believe that the current import mikruhi on boundaries are almost equal (this follows from the measured values). Despite the difference in 0.05 mA, the threshold for triggers Ul0 was with a spread of nearly 0.13 V, which explains the difference between the current at Ul0 and Ul1. Disorder, clearly permissible, t.k.nebolshoy about 5V, but it's a little minus.A here more symmetry currents and voltage limits - A small plus. Mikruhu characterizes our little spread on the borders - a sign of high-precision performance (but maybe technology is not so tiny and so easy to repeat). It remains to mention the multiplicity of current. She almost equal to 8 - proving the number and independence of the triggers. But the import of chips really Ul1 8: 0.11mA * 8 = = 0.88mA. And Ul0, taking into account the scatter, it so, too. Our mikruhi currents slightly higher than calculated ,8-fold, znacheniya.Vozmozhno, it is only because of the spread of triggers for the current and, possibly, on the border switching output voltage triggers significantly different from 0 and supply voltage, provoking a low current leakage through the gate. The latter circumstance is a small drawback (maybe a little reduces the load current gate on the verge of switching), and on every case should take this into account. The result of the comparison. Both mikruhi worthy of his appointment and can be successfully used in the mouse. Our chip is slightly more sensitive to input levels and more accurate on the Limits response, but voracious current. Import chip economical and more symmetrical the levels and current consumption, but with a noticeable spread in the level of switching logic 0. By KSA-7G 11.2003
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