Inferno #05
30 апреля 2004

Softinka - Hrum 3.5i - the fastest LZ-extractor with the bit stream.

<b>Softinka</b> - Hrum 3.5i - the fastest LZ-extractor with the bit stream.
                Hrum 3.5i

   For unpacker Hrum author stated
particularly high rate: 33 k / sec. Unfortunately, I have no 
information, what types of data had in mind, but in general, 
and Overall the author is right - it is the fastest 
LZraspakovschik with the bit stream. Due to the simplified in 
connection with this format, it also and extremely short. 
Unfortunately, the author's package does not offer unpacker 
without throwing for him for several blocks.

   Throwing - a functional feature
Hrum obvious predecessors in the field
compression 48k igrushek.Ideologiya this process is as follows: 
code block MUST be immediately after the unpacker, unpacker 
startup throws its active part of a quiet place (as a rule, # 
5bxx), and packed block - at the end of the memory allocated 
for decompression, all addresses for this calculated in advance 
(packer) and lie in the body unpacker. 

   In Hrum introduced three original uhischre of:

  1. 5 bytes of the end of the file (this is an important part 
of file is created for the gap between the addresses, "where" 
and "to unpack") are copied along with the unpacker in the 
"quiet  place, "one team LDIR.

  2. Suggested even shorter way
implementing the standard tree of the 16 variants, with whom we 
shall meet again: 

                LD E, 1

        pair LD A, # 80

        pair0 <getbit>


                JR C, pair0; 2 passes

                CP 3; A = 0 .. 3

                JR C, treeend

                ADD A, E

                LD E, A

                XOR C; = # 10!

                JR NZ, pair

        treeend ADD A, E

   The trick in the team XOR C. Ie will be shorter than in 
PCD6.2 (there was a SUB 15) and even more so than in MS Pack 
(there was no cycle and had an extra XOR A). Konstanta C = # 10 
used elsewhere: in the treated TKE bitstream. 

  3. The same cycle of taking the 3.4-bit
(Closer to the end of the unpacker) is used for taking dispH 
(at putsЄ4), so and for taking dispL (for puts = 1), and for

the work of this cycle never spoils
flag Z! This flag and is an indication that
to do with the result ...

   Dictionary (the window) just 4k.

   There are two alternate data stream:
bit and byte. Bit stream is stored
chunks of 16 bits and is withdrawn in the register pair HL. 
While HL shifts, 16-bit counted in the register B team DJNZ.

When they come to an end, the flow is taken from the new value 
of HL. 

   Packed with unpacker unit contains:
Initialization unpacker.
Active part of the unpacker.
5 bytes of the end of the file.
2 bytes of the start of the bitstream.
 1 byte - the first byte of the file.

   And further, according to the bit stream:
% 1 - put a byte from the byte stream.
 % 000,-disp3 - copy 1 byte at address
 minus 1 .. 8.
 % 001 - copy 2 bytes:-disp8 taken
 from a byte stream.
% 010 - copy 3 bytes is similar.
 % 01,100 - to copy N bytes (N is taken from

  bitstream, N = 0 - end of file). Here

  and then after determining the length of produ
  didsya divination by bit from the bit stream:

  % 0 --dispL taken from the byte stream;

  % 1 - is similar, but not before-dispH in

  number of 4 bits taken from the bit of
  current. Notice the redundancy of the formula
  mat:-dispH = # FF is encoded in two ways, by

  saved 1 byte unpacker. Unintelligible

  Humor is also the author of the team RES 5, A, to Thoraya 
might look like LD A, # 1f. % 01101 - copy 4 bytes as above.

% 01110 - copy 5.
% 0111100 - copy 6.
% 0111101 - copy 7.
% 0111110 - Copy 8.
% 011111100 - © 9.
011111101% - copy 10.
011111110% - copy 11.
01111111100% - copy 12.
01111111101% - copy 13.
01111111110% - copy 14.
01111111111% - copy 15.

                Hrust 1.x

   Unpacker Hrust 1.x - the most cunning
unpacker for ZX. Despite the small
size, it is quite able to confuse anyone

   Unique format in that it directly
designed to compress kodov.Dlya he
equipped with a code to copy from the rupture, which are not 
present. Additionally applied to the expanding codes 
displacements, which beginning of the file are short and 
indicate the close, and closer to the end - long. 

   In the author's kit has two unpacker - with the input of the 
stack and input stream to IX. Another unpacker

in the form of BASIC-loader made in the first
Alone Coder. They are all equivalent.

   Unpacking begins with transfer
packed block at the end of the memory allocated for 
decompression. The transfer is only if the address of the end 
of the packed block initially less the end of the memory 
address to decompress. BASIC version of the fragment does not 
contain, there is need to control yourself, to pack the blocks 
during decompression portilsya.Tem not, however, there is a 
chance that he zaporetsya and copyright unpacker, after the 
transfer. For this end of the block must be bad packing.

   Bit stream is taken chunks of 16
bits. C contains the constant 16. D contains
thrown a bit, whose position relative to left edge of the byte 
determines the length of expandable options. Initially, D = # bf

(We call this state "2-bit expandable
links "), followed by sporadic RRC
D ("3 .. 8-bit expandable links").

   Packed blocks have a title:

+0 "HR".
2 unpacked length.
4 packed length.
6 the last six bytes of the block.
12 two bytes of the beginning of the bitstream.
13 the first byte of the block.
14 themselves packed data.

   Packed data processing is carried out according to the 
instructions of the bitstream: 

 % 1 - get a byte from the byte stream and
 place to unpack.
 % 000,-disp3 - copy 1 byte with shift of -1 .. 8
 % 001 - copy C = 2 bytes. disp encoded
  tsya as follows:

  00Ў%% 01:-dispH = # fdЎ # fe,-dispL in the bit


  % 10:-dispH = # ff, on the basis of the byte
   flux: number <# e0 understood as

  -DispL (reference plain), Є # e0 slyly:

   RLCA: XOR C, with A =- 1 extends the length of

   links, or SUB 15 and get-dispL =

   B2Ў = # # ee (link with plug-bytes: bytes

   of $-disp, bytes from a byte stream of bytes

   from $ +2- disp);

  % 11,-disp5: common link (through the% 10 is the
  Kie short disp is impossible to describe);
 % 010 - copy C = 3 bytes. Here and below

  disp coded as follows:

  % 00:-dispH = # fe,-dispL in the bit stream;

  % 01:-dispH = # ff, on the basis of the byte
   flux: number <# e0 understood as

  -DispL (reference plain), Є # e0 slyly:

   RLCA: XOR C, with A =- 1 extends the length of

   links (actually not used)

   otherwise, SUB 15 and get-dispL = # b1Ў # ef

   (With plug-byte: byte from $-disp, bytes

   from a byte stream of bytes from $ +2- disp);

  % 10,-disp5;

  % 11: widening reference. -DispH taken

   from the bitstream, the number of bits according to

   D (# bf .. # fe corresponds to 2 .. 8 bits).

   -DispL taken from the byte stream. In

  The other links as a reference.
 % 01100 - copy C = 4 bytes as above.

  Here and further codes of links with plug-ba ytom 
unprofitable, but there is. % 01110 - copy 5.

% 0111100 - copy 6.
% 0111101 - copy 7.
% 0111110 - Copy 8.
% 011111100 - © 9.
011111101% - copy 10.
011111110% - copy 11.
01111111100% - copy 12.
01111111101% - copy 13.
01111111110% - copy 14.
01111111111% - copy 15.

   And special cases:
01101000001111% - end of file.
 % 0110100, len7 - if len7> 15, len will be

  equal len7 * 256 + bayt_iz_baytovogo_potoka.

  In any case, the result will lie in BC, and
 see further cases with len = 3 .. 15.
 % 0110101xxxx - 12Ў42 (even number) of bytes
 from a byte stream.
 % 011011,-disp4: link with plug-byte:

  bytes from the $-disp, bytes from a byte stream

  bytes from $ +2- disp. Made from the fact that

  at 001% provided only-dispL = # b2 ..

  # Ee, and even, but in only 010% # b1 ..
 # Ef, odd.

                Hrust 2.x

   Format designed to compress tekstov.Nesmotrya that the 
author packer was inconvenient, and the format (1998) with the 
advent of RIP (2000) and ZXRar (2003) is outdated, he

also became the only truly STANDARD compressed data format for 
ZX. AND  not only for the texts.

   Some packers Hrust 2.x is now known to nine (!), They all 
grew out of code original wrapper. Number of same

programs supporting the format to unpack the UWC, I was not 

   Ideology adopted the opposite Hrum:
unloading of packed blocks only without unpacker, unpacker 
individual does not use the stack. Perhaps due to a combination 
these ideas, the format has won the rest? 

   In practice, there are two versions of the titles packaged 
units: v2.1 and v2.3. Standard is used pervaya.Vtoraya only in 
the archives Hrip. 

 shift length

   0 3 "hr2";

  3 1 "1". If bit7 = 1, then the file

                 was just "saved";

                  (And hence - w [+4] = w [+6])

   4 2 length of the source file;

   6 2 length of the packed file;

  +8 W [+6] compressed file.

   Before the packed unit stores the last 6 bytes of the file 
yourself these 6 bytes are not packed. 

   The maximum length of a repeating fragment encoded by a 
single reference: 4095 bytes (# Fff). Maximum back reference: 
-65535 bytes (in the author box packer: 16384

bytes, in other well-known packers reaches 32768, but decreases 
when approaching the packed piece of nepakovannomu - Packaging 
is in the same buffer) 

 011000nnnn - several nepakovannyh bytes

  or rather, 12 + nnnn * 2 (no more than 42, as the bottom of 
the form), in a byte stream - these bytes.  1 - just one 
nepakovanny bytes (in Hilbert buy flow - this byte). 000xxx - a 
repetition (xxx = disp3). 001 - 2 repeat (in the byte stream 
disp8). 010 ... - 3 replicates.

01101 ... - 4 repeat.
01110 ... - 5 repetitions.
0111100 ... - 6 reps.
0111101 ... - 7 repetitions.

01111111110 ... - 14 repetitions.
01111111111 ... - 15 repetitions.
 011001 ... - From 16 to 255 repetitions (in Hilbert buy flow - 
the number of repetitions).  011001 ... - From 256 to 4097 
repetitions (in the ba   ytovom flow: first byte, then

  low byte of the number of repeats. It is obvious that

  significant byte is always less than 16, which enables
  us to distinguish the sequence of the of the previous case).
 011001 - is also the end of the file, if the byte in

  byte stream is zero. From this,

  Specifically, it follows that the last byte of the UPA forged 
block is always zero. 

   Above under the ellipsis to understand the following 
statement disp'a (negative): 

1 - disp8 (# ff00-ffff) in a byte stream.
 011x - disp9 (# fd00-feff), where x - Senior

  discharge (0 corresponds to # fd), the remaining 8
 - A byte stream.
 010xx - disp10 (# f900-fcff), where xx - a hundred
  rshie level (00 matches # f9), the remainder would be 8 - in 
a byte stream.  001xxx - disp11 (# f100-# f8ff), where xxx -

  senior level (000 matches # f1),
 the other 8 - in a byte stream.
 000xxxx - disp12 (# e200-# f0ff), where xxxx -

  significant bits (0000 corresponds to # e2),
 the other 8 - in a byte stream.
 0000000 - disp16, stored in a byte on a stream, first byte, 
and then junior. 


   File is divided into blocks. Each
Block your zagolovok.Bloki may be of varying lengths. 
Preferably, however, that the length Block was a multiple of # 
100. Just packed file is longer than # a000 also splits

into blocks. Successively recorded units
form a compressed file, and the sequence of compressed files - 

              Header Block:

           -------------------+ 0 (5) - "Hrst2".
 5 (1) - byte flags:

  bit0 = 1: The block is saved without compression;

  bit1 = 1: block in the file was the last;
 bit5 = 1: a file is deleted.
6 (2) - the length of the original block.
 8 (2) - the length of the packaged unit (with no length 
header).  +10 (1) - the length of additional information:

                  ---- 11 (2) - CRC16 packaged unit (can be
 quickly verify the safety of the archive);
13 (2) - CRC16 original block;
 +15 (14) - file descriptor (as in TR-DOS).

                  ----+[+ 10] 11 (take a byte from [10], we add
 11) - packed block.

   The length of the additional information is:
= 0 for simply packed files;
= 2 + want to have a CRC16 packaged unit;
= 4 + also know CRC16 original block;
= 18 + know the file name.

   In Hrip maximum block size - 16k
without a title. Header occupies 29 bytes.
The header block contains the following additional information: 
CRC packaged, CRC Source, a copy of the title from the 

   Parameter in the header file corresponding to
for the real length of the block should be a multiple

             Header file:

           ------------------- IDARCH DB "HRi"
 IDALL DB 0; number of files in the archive

  ; (Used in Hrip'e with the addition of
 ; Archives that there was no more than 255 files)
SMESH DB 0; see later
LAST DW 0; see later
CAT DB 0, 1 - catalog is in the archive,

             ; 0 - Catalogue no.

   The following formula shows how you can
determine the end of the archive (in bytes from the beginning 
of the archive):  END_ARCH = [LAST] * 256 - (256 - [SMESH]) 

   Location of the directory, if present, can be determined by 
the formula: 

        START_CAT = [LAST] * 256 bytes


   Title directory:

FILES DB 0; files in archive = IDALL
SECLEN DB 0; length of directory sectors.

   Next comes a list of files in the archive in
the following format:

IDFILE DS 11; filename
SMSEC DW 0; on many sectors of

             ; Beginning of the archive file is located
SMBYTE DB 0; in which byte in the sector
LENPACK DB 0; length pack. file in the sectors
LENREAL DB 0; actual length of the file in sects.

   File offset from the beginning of the archive is calculated 
as follows: 

    SM_FILE = [SMSEC] * 256 + [SMBYTE] bytes

   Number of files specified in the variable
FILES (title catalog), but that's not necessary that a 0 after 
the last file descriptor.

                       Prepared by Coder

Other articles:

CacheVox - The code for import and subsequent playback of digital music from floppy disks.

For Coderz - RAYCASTING - make yourself a little DOOM'a. Tracing algorithm 3D maze in the game WOLF.

Inferno - O magazine.

DIY - Fits the mouse from the Amiga to the ZX Spectrum.

Softinka - an overview screen wrappers for ZX Spectrum.

Inferno - The authors and editorial contacts.

Gameland - description of the game Stronghold (Bastion).

Softinka - Package CacheVox v1.0 to import and play digital music from floppy disks.

Interview - an interview with Disabler'om - coder, artist and zhelezyachnikom from Rostov-on-Don.

Others - Bugs writing to floppy disks. Causes and methods of struggle.

Gameland - Short description of the problems the game Dune: Imperia 2.

Inferno - Errors in the previous numbers.

For Coderz - Small programmers' tricks.

Spectrum - compressed data format on the ZX Spectrum.

Gameland - the game Hexagonal Filler.

Softinka - Hrum 3.5i - the fastest LZ-extractor with the bit stream.

DIY - Production of the tail for the mouse.

Iron - We investigate the chip K561IE10A.

Iron - We investigate the chip KR1533IE7.

Iron - We investigate the chip K561TL1. .

Softinka - display compressor Laser Compact 4.0.

Inferno - Letters to the Editor.

Softinka - Compressor texts MS Pack 01.96.

Inferno - On the shell.

Softinka - the benefits archiver Rar.

Softinka - Packer RGB images Powerful Code Decreaser v6.2.

Likbez - What are the plus and minus voltage.

Likbez - How does the protection of the circuit elements.

For Coderz - Nuances Raycasting-a.

Softinka - Real Information Packer 0.2x - one of the most powerful compressor on the ZX.

For Coderz - autobuild program. Optimize the assembly process.

Inferno - Intro.

Others - The results of the survey.

Others - The Compo. On the survey.

About Spectrum - thinking about the future of the Spectrum.

Iron - Once again, the protection circuits KR1818VG93.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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