Inferno #05
30 апреля 2004 |
Softinka - the benefits archiver Rar.
From what they eat Rar? Abstracts On Speccy has another archiver. Why does he need, what are its advantages? 1. This is the first archive on the ZX, which you can unzip files on the PC with respect to the standard set of programs; 2. It is most effective on the degree of compression Tia archiver ZX; 3. This is the only archive that supports Cache - by virtue of that of the corresponding on a computer, it is the fastest; 4. Archiver has the shortest SFX Module - 4 sectors; 5. This is the only archiver ZX, to tory is available in source code; 6. Archiver complete with dezarhivatorom (UnRar) record is small - only 51 sectors. In this UnRar has the opportunity to test an archive, view pictures 6912, text (any length), with the search in them. Plus support for details on the format Rar PC; 7. This is the only archiver ZX, which can be used as a wrapper individual files, with compression settings and compression mode without saving; 8. This is the only archiver ZX, which has a separate compression algorithms for texts and other files. Not just Separate algorithms, for some unknown reason intended (as in ZXZIP), a specially optimized for these purposes ... Benefits Rar format compared to Zip in the annex to the ZX as follows: 1. Rar archives in most cases shorter than the archives to Zip; 2. At no ZX archiver Zip; 3. Rar unpack faster acceleration pkUnZip to the same level would require a lot of time and effort ... Similar advantages compared with Hrip are as follows: 1. Rar archive files shorter Hrip; 2. RZXSFX shorter and faster SFXhrip; 3. When packing Rar puts the files in the ap hiv in order marks; 4. Rar can create subdirectories in the ar Khiva; 5. If the Rar file is packed, it is precisely unpack - unpack, unlike Hrip, going in separate buffers for input and output ... Rar files are already used to ZX consisting of: 1. 200 # W - Texts; 2. Inferno Guide # 5 - Lyrics and music; 3. fom'bush - texts. Using the archives instead of gluing with control the length of files provides a significant gain in time spent on assembly. You can win and length - ZXRar support package without information fields, with unloading coordinate files in the archive ... Buy our elephants! ;) A. Encoder
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