Insanity #09
16 июня 2001

Phantasy my love - Raver ^ PHT in his style.

<b>Phantasy my love</b> - Raver ^ PHT in his style.
                    ... What the Scene is ...

    $% Raver ^ PHT

    As about my opinion - here we go (sorry, i'll write in
english since i am long since sick of people accusing me because
of my bwaaaaad russian; D)

    Strange question.

    Ofcourse there is a scene on speccy. Vasilyev Anton, Eugene
Koprov and Laptev were also the scene back then - after all they
were communicating each with other and they did show some
creativity too.

    Yes, I am glad things changed and situation nowadays is
kinda better. Not really better because of bad-ass demos, groups
and people using handles instead of their real names (though
still a lot of them can't resist to show their names to the

    What was really good to happen is fusion of the real speccy
scene (real because it existed before russians even knew what
spectrum is) with ex-USSR scene. At the moment it's more or less
global scene, though still there is a language barrier not
letting to the scene to be really exciting, scene just can't be
united if there is no communication within it ... or do you 
think it is enough to know some bad english words?

    Some good diskmags in english would help a lot and i am even
not saying scene diskzines because thats stupid, zines produced
by scene can't be non-scene no matter what crap editors are
writting about. Because of the very same reason and partly
because Russia's isolation it is hard to have united
demoparties. The rest are minor problems like incompatible disk
systems and computer-types, weak distribution network (more FTPs
and global BBSes needed, more snailmail swapping activities) and
partly integration between other scenes.

    Now speccy scene more looks like foolish imitation of what
happens on PC and amiga. If any worldwide scener would really
understand whats going on in speccy scene and seen all the
productions coming out, he would think speccy scene is nothing
but a bunch of lamers ... So come on people, be more original,
learn english and be yourself! That will make scene better and
much more exciting and interesting for you and everyone else!

    As about explaination of scene - I know a lot of scenes and
not only computer related and I've already told that just two
words are needed to describe it - EXCHANGE and COMMUNICATION.
Read about scene in Scenet - it perfectly express my thoughts
and i am glad somebody shares such an opinion with me. Stop this
fascistic talks of who's scener and who's not, scener is just an
another name of you and me and my cat when she's watching the

    Future of speccy scene. There is future ahead ofcourse as it
won't die in one day. Yet most of perspective teams have left
the scene already. I think it will always remain the same, maybe
quality of productions will raise a little bit and maybe
progressive sceners will bring some fresh things there like
boards and good diskzines, but all in all I doubt speccy scene
would be a place for world sceners, just few ones of them being
involved at the moment will leave it or stay - but no new ones
will come.

    On the other hand - I can understand why it is like this.
You, sceners, like it this way! The productions I think are lame
like Anamnesis seems cool for you and you still like diskzines
discussing stupid topics like Deja Vu and Miracle much better
than ones about scene. So that just means you like it this way
and I have no right to say you're wrong. You are just too
different, that's all.

    Therefore your scene is not for me, nor it is for any world
scener (yes, these from amiga and PC groups you admire and
imitate in fact).

    Just a small example, where I'll try to explain, why does
speccy scene suck. In my very humble opinion ofcourse, I just
say in what I believe in. So, there is a spectrum demo. To make
it cool first you do is to include some really lame english text
like the toxic waste is burning in your eyes, yes, the more
clever words in, the better it is; D Yet others, really not
understanding what it means (because it is in very lame english
and dont make any sense and because others dont understand
english as well) say: oh this is cool!

    Or, what's also popular, include in your demo lyrics from
some metal band (in fact, might be not bad if you manage to
create atmosphere based on these phrases). I nearly died of
laughting when I was reading Eternity Industry note to one of
their demos - they've got REAL english skillZ: D Okay, then, add
some bad-linked slow and blocky effects showing your coder
possibilities, add really cheesy or even more often - really
hard music.

    With it you are trying to create evil atmosphere - yes, 90%
of russian demos can boast very hard music, perhaps to show, how
major and rough group made it, yet when you meet them at some
party you see some pale geeks scared of so many people around'em
; D Hahaha, dudes, keep in mind that it is barely possible to
create evil and hard soundtrack on AY, it is rather funny than
evil and shows no innovation and no musical knowledge nor it
mostly is atmospheric. Anyway, that's not always and I still
understand others like it - because they are so ruff and evil as

    Then, some graphics comes in, usually shitty or converted (I
even won't talk about converted PC fonts - hall of lame!) barely
linked to atmosphere or storyline (if there is any!) of the
demo ... well girls faces fits anywhere but pictures of cars?!
Ahh storyline - the new trend - if there is a storyline its so
damn kewl, isn't it? Storyline, whatever crap it is, makes up a
good demo. Like some primitive and senseless shit in Anamnesis
based on some ugly animations and effects which don't have
anything to do with storyline at all, authors just artificially
tried to link'em to the subject.

    Besides that, design. Everybody talks about it and teach the
others yet in 99% of demos there is no design at all. Usually
even not a try.

    Now, see, I don't like all this and I think it is lame. You
don't, you like it. It's all right then! Continue this way,
while I am better off for the scenes where TPOLM, Fairlight,
Haujobb, Sunflower, CNCD, The Black Lotus, Skarla, Radio, Crest,
Byterapers, Plush and others made so many exciting demos ... I 
am not rival of speccy scene though:)

    There are people on speccy I still believe in and who did a
lot of beautiful stuff. You know who you are. For the rest -
thanks for your attention and buy! buy! speCcY is ruleZ 4rever!

    raver / phantasy / dual crew shining

Other articles:

Introduction - A few words of the copyright.

Stsenohronizm - O stsenovyh facts, announcements: a new strategy game, Jackals, a new literary magazine hodozhesvenny "Fantadrom," continued the game about Homer Sipson, the completion of the Crime Santa Claus: Deja Vu, new toy from Slip'a - Super Bomberman 2, Thimble.

Forever2e3 SE report - Report of Pol ^ Phantasy (in English).

ASCii'2001 party report - Report on De (pi) mopati in Izhevsk and official results.

ASCii'2001 gfx review - Overview of the graphics from Ice'Di ^ 3umf.

Nuotrauka'tm 2001 - As it was, and could be: a report about the virtual party.

Nuotrauka'tm 2001 results - The results of the component.

Complex Compo'99 West / East - Gasman argument about the Russian and Western demoscene sravninie results Complex Compo.

Cancer in Feces - Review of the new issue of the journal Barnaul Funeral # 2.

Scream # 1 e-zine - feedback about the new Stsenovom journal.

Scream Contributin - Kristoph talks about what to write in "The Scream".

Evolution of Gfx Compo - Diver ^ 4d graphics on the stage at the Spectrum.

About KrNews13 - "what's missing scene today?" pressing issues and solutions.

St.Petersburg ZX Net - "Spectrum ZX - Honor and conscience of our epoch" (petseshnika admiration of the progress on the Spectrum).

Find the Phuture - Blade and his view of the scene.

Architecture ZX - The Spectrum of the future.

Power of Sound Web Team - Himik talks about his most updated Spectrum resource throughout the Russian Internet!

Spectrum Scene - Gas13, LaZy Bones and Vivid talk about the scene, scenery, and about yourself.

Spectrum Scene - Sinn talks about how and why on the Spectrum took demoscene and it generally is.

Scream Crew and the Scene - "Creativity at the Spectrum - the art and ever understand this all "- considerations Screamer'a about demoscene on the Spectrum.

Scenergy and CCoo1 - Digital Reality and Progress left Spectrum, Random prepares regular Chaos Constructions, Raver continues to show off, and the magazine Scenergey into a site.

Spectrum Scene - Cyberjack, dEUS and key-jee - Perm sceners about demoscene: "All that we have the right to call the scene, died and rotted."

Phantasy my love - Raver ^ PHT in his style.

with the bat on the world - application note to help the beginners, the ministers of pen and ink (about what are the kinds of articles and how to write correctly).

Test yourself - Identification stsenovogo EGO.

Scene on the Web - Review stsenovyh portals.

Lost in the 3d - Final stsenovaya article.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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