Insanity #09
16 июня 2001

Test yourself - Identification stsenovogo EGO.

<b>Test yourself</b> - Identification stsenovogo EGO.
                   ... Express-analysis ...

     $% Screamer ^ Scream Crew


    Big request to the editor did not correct and
leave (even so) as it is. Full responsibility for
said, I take ...



    Damn, wanted to start writing this article after
completed yet Scream # 1. But my thoughts were scattered in 
different directions, and its so many-and-a ...

    I'm sitting right now and kill a Mouzon Mm 

Other articles:

Introduction - A few words of the copyright.

Stsenohronizm - O stsenovyh facts, announcements: a new strategy game, Jackals, a new literary magazine hodozhesvenny "Fantadrom," continued the game about Homer Sipson, the completion of the Crime Santa Claus: Deja Vu, new toy from Slip'a - Super Bomberman 2, Thimble.

Forever2e3 SE report - Report of Pol ^ Phantasy (in English).

ASCii'2001 party report - Report on De (pi) mopati in Izhevsk and official results.

ASCii'2001 gfx review - Overview of the graphics from Ice'Di ^ 3umf.

Nuotrauka'tm 2001 - As it was, and could be: a report about the virtual party.

Nuotrauka'tm 2001 results - The results of the component.

Complex Compo'99 West / East - Gasman argument about the Russian and Western demoscene sravninie results Complex Compo.

Cancer in Feces - Review of the new issue of the journal Barnaul Funeral # 2.

Scream # 1 e-zine - feedback about the new Stsenovom journal.

Scream Contributin - Kristoph talks about what to write in "The Scream".

Evolution of Gfx Compo - Diver ^ 4d graphics on the stage at the Spectrum.

About KrNews13 - "what's missing scene today?" pressing issues and solutions.

St.Petersburg ZX Net - "Spectrum ZX - Honor and conscience of our epoch" (petseshnika admiration of the progress on the Spectrum).

Find the Phuture - Blade and his view of the scene.

Architecture ZX - The Spectrum of the future.

Power of Sound Web Team - Himik talks about his most updated Spectrum resource throughout the Russian Internet!

Spectrum Scene - Gas13, LaZy Bones and Vivid talk about the scene, scenery, and about yourself.

Spectrum Scene - Sinn talks about how and why on the Spectrum took demoscene and it generally is.

Scream Crew and the Scene - "Creativity at the Spectrum - the art and ever understand this all "- considerations Screamer'a about demoscene on the Spectrum.

Scenergy and CCoo1 - Digital Reality and Progress left Spectrum, Random prepares regular Chaos Constructions, Raver continues to show off, and the magazine Scenergey into a site.

Spectrum Scene - Cyberjack, dEUS and key-jee - Perm sceners about demoscene: "All that we have the right to call the scene, died and rotted."

Phantasy my love - Raver ^ PHT in his style.

with the bat on the world - application note to help the beginners, the ministers of pen and ink (about what are the kinds of articles and how to write correctly).

Test yourself - Identification stsenovogo EGO.

Scene on the Web - Review stsenovyh portals.

Lost in the 3d - Final stsenovaya article.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
Foreword - On the extension of the newspaper.
Events - CAFe'2002 - Results ZX-contests.
Interview - An Interview with Tankard'om.
Scene - diffident newcomers: on the stage there was an incomprehensible situation "can not be old, the young do not want to."
Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

В этот день...   3 May