Insanity #09
16 июня 2001

Spectrum Scene - Sinn talks about how and why on the Spectrum took demoscene and it generally is.

<b>Spectrum Scene</b> - Sinn talks about how and why on the Spectrum took demoscene and it generally is.
                  ... The scene on the Spectrum ZX ...

  $% Sinn / dtr / fdm '2 oo1

  Recently, in vserazlichnyh magazine, tabloid,
networks began to discuss the scene: it's all over handiwork
human and what it eats. I want to present in this file
some of my thoughts, for what I hope will not be crucified ...

  There is an assertion that the scene can only exist
thanks demam. I mean, if the platform is not written demos, then
She does not have its scenes of their culture. I do not know 
about you, but I think that is a delusion. Just next to this

delirium, cohabitation and the other - to survive the platform,
need to develop her demoscene scene or just because
starting from the first delirium (aka senility) concluded
the existence of the scene by demam.

  The scene is not in its vulgar interpretation (for which
latter-day sceners make me idiosyncrasy) for Speccy
There _only_ through the system program (Applied
on the platform for one reason or another did not get 
accustomed) and games. But in any case not because demam. Now, 
perhaps, Monitor fly mats and spitting. Well, xyz with you! 
Monitor what your - you and scour it. That I'm here Jewry.

  Subculture (perhaps it already has grown in culture) on Speccy
special and unique. It is found only on the Speccy, and neither
any other company - whether all the crap, but all
yuzayumy, PC, be that all the praise, but not all yuzaemaya, 
Amiga or mythical Atari (I never saw her, so mythical, although,

what the fuck a myth! ).

  But what about demos? - You ask. Almost all the cool demos
(Or rather to say - graphics, effects, some of the ideas) were
I am not afraid of the word, pi3danuty from the same pisyuka or 
with the same amygy. And what then is your demo scene and the 
scene in general. Or you want to say that the Spectrum - a 
parasite, it is convenient perched on the PC or Amma? If so, 
then I am today dump at Dendy!

  Why on Speccy leading and forming a scene (I repeat,
it's not shabby to vomit a word, is mentioned
Scenergy or other _GAZETENKE_) remains, ugh, remain
prog game and systemic? Because it is so
has developed over time - history, your mother, because it does 
not remake, not fixed a by itself. It is and it should

be considered as if it was not scary or pleasant. And the demos 
are written only where there are conditions for this.

  I would venture to put forward these conditions (me too - 

  - Nasyshennost stage specific software (compilers, all
myslemmye and myslemmye editors, several operatsionok, so
called "modern" games (although they make people stupid and
silly, but the animal world - he is such a)), which estetsvenno,
written clearly "sceners;

  - At least 60 percent of the people must sit in the networks, 
and, 35 percent of them should have access to so-called

cross-platform network (maybe they are "hakkerskom" language and
another is called, but I do not care for this slang) - Fido,
Internet. That is, all these 60 percent have to sit in ZXNet.
I want to send a gob to the person who said that the networks 
are ruining this platform! If it were not for Fido, I-net, and 
now ZXNet, then people would not see Burial Gfx Editor, Hrip 
Archivator, will not see FUNeral II and other senile aka me aka 
Delirium Tremens. 

  Why ZXNet? We're talking about a platform, stage,
Eventually, a scene in which Fido, I-Net? No, it's just
only link, so to speak, with the world, a window to Europe 
(Peter I, pancake).

  And what have the network to demam? So, take a look at
"Demo-scene" Speccy. What do we see? ALL demomeykery have access
a powerful platform, and hence to a more powerful information
technologies that make them and pi3dyat effects. Whether network
these technologies (I have in view of the information - who owns
information, that owns everything and the world) would dostpuny
that almost everyone.

  Take, for instance, would have the same echo in Fido - 
DemoDesign. On the Speccy is team that could do something 
extraordinary, something his own, but where do they gain 
experience, someone that they ask if they do not have direct 
access to the network! Respected reader might object to me - 
now all I have mentioned above software, the network will be 
among those 60 percent, and will not be a platform Speccy a bit 
too similar to other platforms? And if not zagnetsya it from 
all of these new operating systems, new sistemok, networks? 

  Here, for example, in one of your friends have a car. You
currently too after some time bought a some
inomarochku - Cossack. And what, you were absolutely similar to 
that man? You are "bent"? Yes you are welcome!

  But back to our cormorants. If you will have access to
information, it will not be whether the demos on speccy like 
demos other platforms? Will! But even the most brilliant artist

not immediately started drawing something of my own - he first 
started make rubbings, copy something already finished, 
painted. All takes time, even inexorable to himself. The path to

bliss goes through hell.

  When I saw the demos DR - Binary Love, Forever, I, of course,
priXYel. But ... When he came to his boon companion, having 
your PC, and looking at his collection of screenshots, I found 
98 percent of "similar" screens of Binary Love 'n' Forever. And 
what is there originality? What is genius? What is originality? 
Where? I can not see! I blind! I see nothing! Time erodes me 
bit by bit, they eats my flesh, it tears me!

  That's why some of these "artists" (eg, DR) did not want
make something of themselves - they continue to copy, and the 
shell Scenergy no exception. They "can not" overcome this 

  And why? Because few realschikov saw "this
a collection of screenshots, "saw" the same shell. "

  Where? Where he could see her, even if it about Spectrum 
little that can learn. So it turns out - Hit him any

deme, or some magazine, he immediately exclaims:
"Brilliant!" This is what we need! ". And he does not even 
suspect that "what we need," no longer "what is needed," it has 
long been "What happened!". And if he were in the know about 
those "collections screenshots "and" the same span, he would 
just grin. 

  Do you want to destroy something that does not see something 
that is not tangible, something you are not available. Where, 
where it is, the devil truth? Where ...

  P.S. Text typed in 20 minutes, which may serve as a pretext
some illogical statements, koi, perhaps, there may
take place. That is, the text - this is the first attempt
sensing platform, the opening theme. All statements are not
random nature. All ideas, comments (which you
can not constrain their vocabulary censorship) send to our
Address (Delirium Tremens), Subj: scene. Or publish in
vserazlichnyh Esme, but please send a copy to us (we can
tiden'u fuck they are not needed, but I would be interested
read). Thank you for your attention.

  P.P.S. If someone insulted, then you can take offense at me.

Other articles:

Introduction - A few words of the copyright.

Stsenohronizm - O stsenovyh facts, announcements: a new strategy game, Jackals, a new literary magazine hodozhesvenny "Fantadrom," continued the game about Homer Sipson, the completion of the Crime Santa Claus: Deja Vu, new toy from Slip'a - Super Bomberman 2, Thimble.

Forever2e3 SE report - Report of Pol ^ Phantasy (in English).

ASCii'2001 party report - Report on De (pi) mopati in Izhevsk and official results.

ASCii'2001 gfx review - Overview of the graphics from Ice'Di ^ 3umf.

Nuotrauka'tm 2001 - As it was, and could be: a report about the virtual party.

Nuotrauka'tm 2001 results - The results of the component.

Complex Compo'99 West / East - Gasman argument about the Russian and Western demoscene sravninie results Complex Compo.

Cancer in Feces - Review of the new issue of the journal Barnaul Funeral # 2.

Scream # 1 e-zine - feedback about the new Stsenovom journal.

Scream Contributin - Kristoph talks about what to write in "The Scream".

Evolution of Gfx Compo - Diver ^ 4d graphics on the stage at the Spectrum.

About KrNews13 - "what's missing scene today?" pressing issues and solutions.

St.Petersburg ZX Net - "Spectrum ZX - Honor and conscience of our epoch" (petseshnika admiration of the progress on the Spectrum).

Find the Phuture - Blade and his view of the scene.

Architecture ZX - The Spectrum of the future.

Power of Sound Web Team - Himik talks about his most updated Spectrum resource throughout the Russian Internet!

Spectrum Scene - Gas13, LaZy Bones and Vivid talk about the scene, scenery, and about yourself.

Spectrum Scene - Sinn talks about how and why on the Spectrum took demoscene and it generally is.

Scream Crew and the Scene - "Creativity at the Spectrum - the art and ever understand this all "- considerations Screamer'a about demoscene on the Spectrum.

Scenergy and CCoo1 - Digital Reality and Progress left Spectrum, Random prepares regular Chaos Constructions, Raver continues to show off, and the magazine Scenergey into a site.

Spectrum Scene - Cyberjack, dEUS and key-jee - Perm sceners about demoscene: "All that we have the right to call the scene, died and rotted."

Phantasy my love - Raver ^ PHT in his style.

with the bat on the world - application note to help the beginners, the ministers of pen and ink (about what are the kinds of articles and how to write correctly).

Test yourself - Identification stsenovogo EGO.

Scene on the Web - Review stsenovyh portals.

Lost in the 3d - Final stsenovaya article.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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