Insanity #09
16 июня 2001 |
Scenergy and CCoo1 - Digital Reality and Progress left Spectrum, Random prepares regular Chaos Constructions, Raver continues to show off, and the magazine Scenergey into a site.
... Scene Scenergy and constructive chaos ... . . . (C) Surv! V0r (C) Raver ^ PHT (C) Random ^ CC Na scene tolko odin scenovoj zhurnal i mi (PHT) ego vipuskaem vmeste s PGS, DR i CC. Raver ^ PHT From the analysis of an epigraph, it follows that the above representatives the front rows stsenovoy rather a magazine ... and now time, their ranks poryadeli ... Is this true? Honestly, it's all so difficult. That Arty vparivaet all press release about the benefits of Virtual Scenergy, then UnBEL! EVER adjoins Scenergy Web and subordinate Spectrum platform kommodorskimi news lack of Spectrum ... So, as I have not sorted out at the Arty - what happened to the DR, more clear answer, rather than 'life all ate' get no possible, and indeed, DR - it was the backbone of Scenergy team and greater We are not interested. Yes, it works for Spectrum as DR demomaking crew ended as Membury Digital Reality scattered in different places nespektrumovskim - agreed. PGS - the progress has only one Rom, and even then, rather passive participation on stage was evident only in the first months begins operation Scenergy Web Resource. With PGS all too clear ... CC. Random, being heavily in its Australian bush (prototype chaos) occasionally, but it spoils the public next version rules of the first and last of the Third Millennium by Pati called Chaos Constructions'001. The result - the heroes scene at the crossroads waiting for asphalt Randoma'a who roll up Chaos Construction and all active scene in the new asphalt track in front of the Petersburg cinema 'Rising'. Interestingly, as the name of the theater did not specifically chosen? The result was a slogan - 'Chaos Constructions'001 from Dusk Till Dawn or Dawn to exhaustion and memory loss' ... From the above compote Phantasy - this is the most stable command of all the owners of floating iceberg called Scenergy. Raver'a statements that he throws to write for Scenegry can be viewed from several positions - first, he simply seeking justice because of his sincere beliefs not shared by all russkoyazychnyumi sceners, the scene should be english speaking only. Quite holds. For greater effect trampliruyu you to the content Subliminal Extacy # 3, where the position Raver'a expressed more specifically. Raver of his modesty will not die. Here's what he said about his assess themselves and their teams from other scenery (Style and spelling retained seed): Ja nikakoj zvezdnoj balezni ne baleju. Nu, ja znaju chto odin iz samih popularnih scenerov na speke na segonoshnij den. Tipa, prosto zamechaju, vse znaet moi nik, i esli ne "nazezha" ja na nih, to otnoshetsa k menja s uvazheniem. I eto vsjo. Huju mne bolet 'chem to, to chto ja patriot svojei grupi, eto zvezdnaja bolezn '? Ili tem chto ja ne sovsem skromnij i esli hochu mogu skazat 'paru veshei, chto mogu ili dostig? Bah! Ja prosto ne pretvjarajus skromnikim, kotorij vsjo vremja zhdet kogda kto to drugoj v ego vmeste skazhet - vot paren skromnij no krutoj! ; D A o srokah wyhoda Scenergy sprashivajte Arty i Randoma. Ja i tak bolshe nad SNG rabotat ne budu, pereidu pisat 'tolko na angliskom. Eto vsjo menja uzhe zajebalo ne mnogo. Mne nravetsa russkie ljudi, i nravetsa Rosija - vsegda ljubil tam priezhat ', no v scene russkie komandi dali ochen malo cennoe .. Vizhu chto im nravetsa, no eto ne to. Mozhet im podratsi, ili kak. Vsjo eto bolee ili menee ne-naturalno. Pritvaritsa bit 'krutim, eto samoe glavnoe viditsa. No ne vihodit zhe, potomu chto net TA krutost kotoruju hochet. Esho, srjot na zapad, a kopiruet ih. I debilno kopiruet. Smeshnie angliskiji teksti, sjuzheti primitvni .. Da fuck them, pust 'budet primitivni no ne nado zhe ih kak KAKUJU TO MAT' EGO NAVOROCHENUJU GENIALNOST NAM SUNUT! Koding - o da, na urovne. Dizain i ideji - v detskij sad luche, tak kak tam deti s neizporchenimi fishkami, a eto napominaet show podrostkov bez kakih to fishek. Eto vsjo LOSH. Ne zlaja, no ochen ne prijatnaja fishka v scene. Pritvarjaetsa, hotja eto edinstvenoe chto oni delaet naturalno. vidimo vse uzhe poverili chto kruto poluchaetsa, potmu chto vse takie zhe krichit chto kruto, a te kotorie svjo mnenie viskazivaet, kak ja, poluchaet dahuja obratno, i bez kakoj to prichini. PHT - cool. naezhaesh? Da kto ti takoj chto mozhesh naezhat? (A ja i ne naezhaju a govorju chto dumaju). PHT sucks .. a nashi produkciji? da pohuj. Posmotri, Pht tam nichego ne delaet. Bah! Vot i zaebalo. Bolshe ne nuzhno mne eto vse. Budu pisat 'dlja teh, kotorie hochet uslishat 'otkrovenuju i chestnuju rech o vsem ... i tak vse reviews, opinion stati i.t.d. subjektivni, no interesno zhe, chto ljudi dumaet. A vam vidimo net. Mi (PHT) medleno rabotaem na dahuja projektov. Po moemu, ih ne menee 20, iz kotorih 10 navernika budet zavesheni kogda to. I bolshie tozhe. No mi zdes potomu chto nam nravetsa, dazhe vi vse nam nravetis, i nam nravetsa kodit i muziku delat i risovat 'i govorit '- i budim eto delat' poka budet nravetsa. Ne potomu chto mi hotim bit ohujenna kuritm, vipuskaja massu fishek - ne za eto mi ih delaem. I po etomu delo dvizhitsa medleno. Ja ne kogda ne sazhus za komp kodirovat ', potomu chto NUZHNO chto to bisteree zakonchit. Esli net zhelaenie to i tak gavno tolko nakozhu, smisla net. U nas vremeni mnogo, spek nikogda brosat 'ne sobiraemsa, au sceni i tak PHT komanda, kotoraja tolko govno relizit; D tak dlja sceni tozhe staratsa nichego ... Da ja hochu chtobi ljudi otnosilis tak k menja kak ja k nim. CHESTNO!. i esli kto to teper posle moego "naezda" nachinaet mne govorit 'chto PHT sama gavno, to 1) on nakonec chestnij, do togo skrival chto PHT gavno, tak kak peredal priveti i bil druzhnim 2) u nego logika - ah ti mne, tak ja tebe to zhe samoe ili "lizi moju zadnecu, i budu lizat 'tvoju ". VSJO! In order not to be unfounded with respect to the holder of the World Chaos, I suggest a short interview with Random / CC: (C) march, 2001 Survivor> Randy, this year was no dentro com. Will it be component at all in general? Random> Compo will be held until the beginning of CC1. Winners will be announced at the party. Survivor> What is it unusual? Random> Compo is to place the inscription "CC1" in the most populous and visible place. At the same time must have pictures (real, with a negative) or videotapes relieving the drawing process. Naturally to the parties will be accepted scan copy, but at the party, each work will be checked for authenticity. Survivor> For example ...? Random> An example of one of the applications for the contest can be CC1 inscription by car, by train, on a tower at TV on the template of a new Russian passport the new banknotes and so on. No limits. None less than the organizers do not bear liability for what you have in mind:) Survivor> Can we expect the same unusual things to cc001? Random> Absolutely! By itself, several party plans differently than its counterparts. Here is a small box: ... just on an individual basis should the works approach. good work should be seen by men. you know what I mean? Rules are good for implementation of the mandatory program, which is less mene and free. what is the point to come to the party See the work at the exact time and go learn winners? If all this happens in exactly scheduled time, you are no interesting adventures. because you can put videos and simply scroll cassette at the right time. where from this interesting? people sitting in a room which is very expensive, look on proektor which costs the same to the demos and intros and sounds that are more and more on each other similar. people really need to give revel, to feel the closeness sebepodobnyh, enjoy all the time they arrived, for many miles, money and nerves, it is nice conduct. Is it us to go into a rigid grid Competitions and hopeless routine? Is it we drive the creative-minded people in the chamber rigid framework and constraints? that, no matter how full freedom of creativity, can push these potentially talented individuals in the first step in toward the beginning of his creative career? we simply must inspire and motivate many people as possible, otherwise sense of such a party there. what path you think is better: you can go in the direction of tough competition, fix schedule, and fair approach, or do so at any time during the game people feel part of the relevant event and waits for the next moment with a sense of interest and the anticipation of something out of the ordinary leaving? it is natural that the feelings will be quite mixed, but one thing is for sure - sorry about spent time and money visitors can not will, but rather will look to the future with hope that more will be able to visit such a event. this was almost achieved in ss999 and ss000 but this year would be able to actually achieve of the peak when you can really skontsentirovatsya _interesnogo_ on holding a party, where the contests are one important part of demoparti. this is our main goal this year and I am sure that our hands are all tools that can we need to build this _parti_. ... Survivor> As organizers will still hold party - separate PCs and the spectrum or the non-stop? Random> everything will be non-stop, one big holiday, one big party! <...> p.s. Surv: recent to us in the eye and came NTV'shniki tried to make a report about a crank, which in literally shod flea. Breastfeeding can see her except that under a microscope. Meanwhile, the application was filed in the record books Guinness on this humble about it. So - purely for fun, Try to find this guy and dilute it to the fact that he versed even a flea, and the horseshoe was scrawled: 'Bloch tsetse'.... After all, there is the tsetse fly, will now be nominal flea - an extra page in the old ABC book of Guinness. Made in Glazov. Zirconium 4eva!
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