Welcome Press #01
31 декабря 1995

Turbo Assembler 3.0 - a full description.

<b>Turbo Assembler 3.0</b> - a full description.
    In this section we will talk about
all sorts of system programs - music and
graphic editors, programming languages,
disk utilities, etc.

    And now we bring you a full description
One of the best to date
assembler TASM 3.0.

                 Turbo Assembler

                    Version 3.0

Author: Dmitry Oparin (RST 7)
Year: 1994

            Command mode

    After loading the assembly, pressing any
key, you enter the command mode, where
can use the following command:

    Each team is selected by pressing the keys
corresponding to the selected letter.

Main name: Specify the file name to compile, if not specified, 
- compile the work file. 

Work name: Loading a new work-file.
May also receive a warning:
"Work file not saved. (Save Y / N)?"

Edit: The entrance to the editor. If no file name
defined previously, then asks
"Work name:", and if the file does not prove
on the disk, it creates a new file.

Save: Save work-file to disk. Team
removes the previous version of the file, if their names

Assemble: Compiling main-file. If the names
main-file work-file are different, then the work-file
written to disk, main-file is loaded,
compiled and written, and re-loaded
work-file. When the name of the main-file is not defined,
is simply a compilation of work-file. When
compile the program messages may appear
error, c output erroneous line. This
line is convenient to look at the text, using the command
Editor: Search (EXTEND + S).

New name: Change the name of work-file.

merGe file: Podgruzka file at the end of workfayla.

Object save: Burn to disc object

Catalog: Catalog drive.

load Font: Load a set of characters.

sYmbol list: Listing table tags
compiled program to a printer or

Print text: Printing a text file on

Run: Run the compiled program. If
work-file has been modified since the last time it
write to the disk, a warning:
"Work file not saved. (Save Y / N)?"

Quit: Exit the assembler in BASIC. If
work-file has been modified since the last time it
write to the disk, a warning:
"Work file not saved. (Save Y / N)?".

    Return to the assembler of BASIC:

        RANDOMIZE USR 23600


True video - page back
Inv. video - Page forward
Delete - delete the character to the left of the cursor.
Graph - delete character under the cursor
Caps lock - insert a space
Cursor - cursor movement

Extend + S - search string String.
Sym.Shift / I - searches for the next appearance in

                text String.
Extend + X - search and replace. In finding

                Text will be prompted:

                "REPLACE (Y / N / G /)?"

                Y - replaced by the text entered

                    on request "REPLACE TO:".

                N - not replace it.

                G - to replace all of the following without


Extend + B - in the beginning of the text
Extend + E - to end of text
Sym.Shift / Q - delete line
Sym.Shift / W - insert a row

Sym.Shift / E - copy a string into the buffer.
Extend + R - insert the contents of the buffer in

Extend + C - clear the buffer.
Extend + Q - a return to command mode.


    The text in the editor can be located as
everything - field absent. Requires only
to maintain consistency:
[Label] [command] [;] [comment]
The length of the line - up to 80 characters.
Label Size - 14 characters.
 Sample lines:

               ORG # 7530


               OUT (# FE), A; comment

               JP LOOP_METKA; comment

    Throughout the program, you can use
arithmetic operations: (+,-,*,/)

       LD A, 57 * 8


       LD DE, TEXT; beginning of the text

       LD BC, TEXT-END; number of characters

       CALL # 203C; call print


TEXT DEFM "Hello world!"

    Not supported actions: (%,!,?,',)

    Supported the directive:

ORG <expression> - Assign the value of the expression

                     address counter.
EQU <expression> - Assign the value of the expression

                     label, which denotes

                     this line.
DEFB <expression> - Consistently placed in the

                     memory 8-bit value

DEFW <expression> - Consistently placed in the

                     Memory 16-bit value

DEFS n, <expression> - Fill in the n-byte expression
DEFM "string" - Write a character string

                     string in memory.
PHASE  - All subsequent lines

                     program to the team

                     UNPHASE will kompilirovatsya

                     as if they are on

                     address addr.
INCLUDE name - command loads and

                     adds to the main pro
                     gram code of a program name
INCBIN name - The command to compile

                     adds to the object code

                     ready to code block

                     called name.


Other articles:

Turbo Assembler 3.0 - a full description.


Contest - a competition to "boot" of the year.

News - News from the firm WELCOME.

News - an overview of the computer press.

Ads - offer to lords programmers.


Guide - entry.

Guide - Game Academy (Academy).

Guide - Game Last Battle (The Last Stand)

Guide - Game Lords of Midnights (Lords of Midnight)

Guide - Game Stiflip & Company (Stifflip and company).

Guide - Game Where Time Stood Still (Where time stood still).

Spekutrum inside - logic elements.

Programmer's Reference - in search of eternal life.

Programmer's Reference - the entry point to the TR-DOS.

Directory - entry.

Big Brother - CD-ROM

photoscope - pictures of readers.

Humor - the fate of the resident, or a spider's web over the country.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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