Welcome Press #01
31 декабря 1995

Guide - Game Academy (Academy).

<b>Guide</b> - Game Academy (Academy).

Genre: Simulator
Manufacturer: CRL Group PCL
Year: 1986

    There is already many descriptions of this
great game. Almost all the periodic
publications describing the game to give it to Speccy
Note: "500 games. 1 issue," 600 games. " (Publ
"Peter"), "The best game. 1 issue," etc. Even
computer magazine "spectrophone" did not pass this
game party, and published it Russified
version of (company Laks). We do not believe that the right
publish it in our magazine, as it
it would be unfair to "spectrophone.
Therefore, we all who are interested in this game
recommend that you purchase 14 Room spectrophone.

    First of all I want to note that the firm
"Laks" did a wonderful translation of "Academy" on
Russian language. A huge thank you to her for it,
as the game itself is just wonderful.
"Academy" requires play it good
reaction, the ability to navigate the changing
atmosphere and enough custom mad. Must
say that there are many options
passage levels of the game, so even after
reading this article you still have the possibility
play differently than described here.

    The game is present is very friendly and comfortable
menu, so you do not want to dwell on
order of admission to the cadets and to become acquainted with
Control keys and want to go directly to the
Commentaries levels. In the game there are only twenty.
After passing the regular chetereh you
go to the next line through the menu:
"The next block."

           TONKOSTI passing game.

    First level: "Kill them all." Not bad
beginning, is not it? It should be noted that the theme
this name runs through the whole
game with a few variations. So, for this
job recommended skimmer "Lenin" on it and
flight. When departing from the base you will see a number of
flashing beacons. Destroy them is not necessary, because
they show the direction of flight. Moving along
them, you'll find a lot of enemies, and which should
destroy (otherwise they will destroy you). After
military raids along the lighthouse you must fly
south of the base - there you will find the remaining
enemies are destroying you gain the necessary
number of points (for credit must be as
At least 90 per cent).

    During the flight, do not forget about the fuel and
moving the sun - the best day to fly (all shows)
a night to wait on the base. The last remark
applies to all levels, except those on which
permanent day or permanent night.

    Second level: "The Dawn". Somehow
incorrectly recommended skimmer Stalin change
to possessing nuclear bombs Yeltsin, as
plants, robots can only destroy them.

    Before the base and watch out for kamikaze
accidentally delete a platform for giperpryzhkov.

    After making the switch to giperpryzhka
the full power of engines and the maximum speed
move away from the points on the radar. For you rush in
pursuit of military flying saucers. Switch to
Rear view key "V" and shoot at him.
Note the direction of the compass by which you
'll be away from them, only to return.
Do not forget to switch on the front view.

    One fairly safe ways
destruction of plants robots is
following. Initially, you approach the plants
so that the screen is one of them covered themselves
another. Then the missiles that they will start
for you, simply destroyed by laser,
as flying at a slight angle. Then
to fly up to the plants in the range
atomic bomb (the blue square in the center of the radar)
destroying the path of the missile. After that, you
stop the skimmer in place and in the intervals
between missile launches from the plants turns on
90 degrees to the right, switching the screen to view
left. Destroy the next batch of missiles and re-
rotated 90 degrees to the right,
switching is already in the rear view. Then rise
key "H" to the maximum height not to
touch laser atom-bomb.
Destroying the missiles, the maximum speed dial
and fly away from plants.

    Explosion, and a factory-robot is gone, and you
earn your points. This is repeated three times
(Three pairs of plants). For refueling after
each return to the destruction of factories
base. Do not forget to go down to the average height
while approaching it, and it is not in flight.

   Third level: "Melting". At this level you have
limited time for the job - 15
minutes, but that is enough.

    After the departure from the base, destroying all the moving
objects to get to the faulty beacons
reactor, keeping the right side of them.
Beware, you may run into a minefield,
which is located immediately behind the last ridge
Mountains. Start light and shoot mines.

    Move at low speed down the
beacons. The reactor was surrounded by military fortifications.
Will fly around the reactor and destroy all of them.
Then carefully charge at the minimum
proximity to the reactor (not to clash with him), and
destroy its missiles.

    The fourth level: Quiet - quiet. " Minefield
surrounds you right and left, but still prevent
pesky flying saucers. Move on
radar at top speed. Once
notice the plate, stop your skimmer and
shoot them. Remember that the interest
are awarded for speed. Near the base plate
particularly aggressive.

    Fifth level: "code". It is rather
intellectual challenge than a problem of the reaction.
From the base into four depart the ranks of lighthouses
moving on it, you'll find three reactor
the end of each (a total of 12).

    By the way, you need to destroy several
enemies, who are concentrated mainly around
reactors. If you do not hurry, it is not
problematic (stop as soon as
see approaching the plate - if you
continue to move, then you will fly all
plates in the area and shoot your skimmer).

    Apparently, at this level in the reactor
You can fly into only if you have on board a
IR unit that is suitable for the job
Skimmers Stalin and Yeltsin.

    We must also note that if you inadvertently when
firing at the enemy plates were in the reactor,
then input into it closes! You have to get inside
can not, beware!

    In each of the reactors is waiting for you a code block.
Twelve such blocks you get
the base and engaged in assembling chetereh ciphers
(Two-digit numbers). How is it done? In
instructions for the game provides a detailed description
this process, but in my opinion it is not quite
understandable and I will try to complete it.

    Can propose the following method of assembly
cipher. Choose any block from the right screen and
transfer to the left (you can rotate it). Looking for
among a set of blocks from the right to screen such
the colored areas superimposed on it are empty
sections of the left block, that is to color
plots of both blocks do not overlap.

    The code consists of three such blocks. In
you will get the picture number - this is
compiled code. Repeat this procedure four
times and the task is executed at one hundred percent!

   Sixth level: "Lost Sheep." When departing
from the database you are immediately attacked by the plates. 
Destroy them at the recommended skimmer. Then fly to the

north of the base. Here you'll see a few lighthouses.
Moving along to the series, you'll soon notice
vybivshihsya from submission by robots. They
destroy only missiles.

    Robots move along the ground and begin to
bombard you with distance is not attainable
Your laser. Do not allow your
simultaneously fire several robots -
Power protection is rapidly decreasing.

    Seventh level: "Get out of here." Here you
will create a new skimmer. Features
it should be as follows: radar, compass, jump,
rockets 4 pc., laser, motor, board, management -

    When departing from the base at full speed and
Do hyperspace. Go away from their pursuers,
say, on the north-east, firing from them
with the rear screen.

    Near some giperplatform have repairs
site. Moor to him, dressed
Fuel and lick the wounds. "

    The eighth level: "Hide and Seek." Requires
a skimmer: radar, compass, bombs - 8, the laser -
bottom., engine, shield - higher., management - holes. On
this level of flying enemies not at all, but there
very harmful static "sun disks"
located at the ends of the series of lighthouses,
extending from the base.

    These discs are destroyed only atomic
bombs. To quietly sneak up on him, you need
use the two droids drillers. They look
in the form of inverted cones, moving under
infrequent action shots of your laser
skimmer in two perpendicular directions.

    Drillers are located right beside the base
north. They want to move to clusters
solar disk, keeping enough
short distance from them. Then the wheels for you
shoot will not. Then, dropping the bomb
somewhere in the center of the cluster disks on the full
velocity depart from its zone of action. So
properly destroyed most of the discs, and
left - drop a bomb on a full
go flying around them.

    Ninth Level: "Lazerium. At this level -
abundance of suicide bombers, have repair sites, and
so - simple letalka-shooter, which does not
need to hurry.

    Tenth Level: "Treason". You can select
Skimmer Yeltsin. When departing from the base to the east of
You will be mountains in the south - the structure, fracture
you do not get a single point, and the
West - giperplatforma surrounded by military
fortifications. They are easy to destroy, not zadente
Only the very giperplatformu.

    Here hyper consists of three transitions.
After the first move you will find yourself surrounded by
mines, shoot them, that they do not interfere. On
a short distance from the platform you will find
two plants. They can destroy the way
described in the commentary to the second level.
Unknown is here to stay the appointment of two
pointed cylinders, which move
under the action shots. When confronted with
plants do not explode. Maybe you'll understand in
What is it?

    Second hyperspace will take you to the game
space where your skimmer will be intensively
firing robots, which are destroyed only
missiles. Do not waste your time, shoot at him
these same missiles, or energy security can
not be enough. Exhausted his stock of missiles,
return to base. Then, moving along
Lighthouse, located on parts of the world, destroy
all robots. Third hyperspace will return you to
neighborhood base.

    Eleventh Level: "Sand time." Here
need to create your skimmer. Characteristics of its
are: radar, compass, rockets - 4 bombs - 4
laser engine, shield - higher., Management - holes.

    Initially move along the chain reactor
destroying the path of the flying saucer, and Martial
strengthening. In the end you will meet solar
discs from the eighth level. Passing by at full
speed, destroy their bomb.

    Destruction of reactor start with the most
remote from the base - the chain you will be easier
find another target. This last reactor
surrounded by four mines. Two of them can be
blown up (energy security is enough) and then
blow up his nuclear bomb. All reactors are
protection against missiles, so it is more convenient and safe
will detonate their bombs.

    Twelfth Level: "Incredible mission."
Title justifies itself, but nevertheless
passes this level, although I personally spent on
a day or two. First of all you need to create
new skimmer: radar, compass, jump, rocket - 4
shield, laser, motor control - higher. At this
level in the reactor can fly in without being on board

    When departing from the base to the east you will find two
Droid-drillers. They can adjust to
southwestern edge of the lighthouse, where solar
disks around giperploschadku, and under their cover
make the jump. But we can not waste time on
full speed, fly through the disks to

    Two giperpryzhka you need
destroy the robots rockets quickly turned around
in the right direction. On the third jump will be
discourage military fortifications repair sites,
where there is a refuel. At each of the twelve
reactors to take your code block and
mount them on the base after their return.

    Thirteenth Level: "Again Tau Kita". Here
need to make twelve jump-jumping
skimmer Stalin. Every two jumps
joined to repair sites. Code blocks
reactors can be picked up in the secondary passage
hyper, after the destruction of all enemies. So
will not hurt if you accidentally "perish"
somewhere in the middle. Some robots are here
destroy only missiles from some
have to run away and then one by one to finish,
returning. Sometimes the task is simply to

    Fourteenth level: "From fire ...". Pass
this level we can try and the recommended
program Yeltsin, but better still create a more
convenient skimmer: radar, compass, jump, rocket-4
laser, motor, board, management - higher. On
southwest of the base is jump-pad,
Before you can use that, you need it
discourage enemies. By doing this move, as
always at low speed. After giperpryzhka on
go full speed from his pursuers. In
generally proceed under the old scenario,
characteristics allow the skimmer you that.

    Fifteenth Level: "Do not panic." Should
create a skimmer: radar, compass, bombs - 4
laser, motor, board, management - higher. Moving
along the lighthouse, first shoot flying
plates, so they will no longer be an obstacle, but
then dispose of bombs other objects. K
solar disk can be fitted
Droid-drillers, and can deal with them
the method described above full speed. Plants
also destroyed by the method described.

    Sixteenth level: "A needle in a haystack."
This job can really perform and to
Yeltsin. The entrance to the mined area to produce
south of it. You fly so that the point of mine on the radar
barely touching the square blue area. Soon you
meet fire fighting in the east tower,
destroy it with laser. The second tower will be slightly
further south. From her very close to the base. About
She maneuver very carefully. Remember that
this criterion - time!

    The seventeenth level: "Coal Mine".
A characteristic feature of this level is
movement in the pitch dark. This requires
a certain knack for destroying the attacking
You cymbals - to shoot on location,
where is the fire, and the dish itself is not
seen. Can proceed in another way - to create
skimmer with a large number of flares
(8). In any case it is best netoropyas
move along a number of lighthouses from the target to target.

    Eighteenth level: "Stroke". A new
Skimmer: radar, compass, jump, rocket-4, bomby4,
laser control - down., shield - holes., engine -
higher. When departing from the database once at full speed
head to the northwest. You will
chase the darkness plates. Shot from them
with the rear screen.

    Then slowly return to base and
came at the lowest speed to the tower (on the
east), stop immediately as soon as
will see that it starts to shoot. If you
barely hesitated, there will be issued
very unpleasant for you sverhrakety that
in no way destroyed. They are pretty potreplyut your
skimmer. Such towers is only 4 (two more - for the base
in the south).

    A number of beacons stretching from the base to the 
northeast and to the southwest. Their extremities are

Jump platform. And the south-western platform
throws in the north-east, and she has already
on the planet.

    The first transfer - and you find yourself in a dense
Places minefield. It is easily destroyed.
You must then accelerate and make
hyperspace. You find yourself in an environment of solar
discs. Drop bombs, and at full speed
return to base. So need to accelerate
before each jump.

    Nineteenth level: "The Defender." It's easy
task. Use a skimmer Lenin. Directly
in front of him after taking off from the base you will see on
distant horizon tracking systems. Note to them
can not come close - they are all the time from you
removed. They are destroyed as follows: type
low speed, aim for and will release a rocket
when flickered sight. You may get caught
Several suicide bombers or flying saucers, but they
easily destroyed.

   Twentieth Level: "Shepherd." When departing from the base
You will fire three plates. Destroy them,
netoropyas. To the east and west depart series
beacons, leading to the guard towers (they have
the form of small pointed cylinders)
surrounded by military guise.

    Towers need to drive by shots from
laser to outlying bases. This will prevent
minefields. They can be destroyed, one by one
eroding at each mine. With each explosion
half the energy will decrease your protection.
To refill it, return to base. In
Each of the two minefields of 4 mines. After their
destroy nothing will disturb you perform

    So you have passed all twenty-war levels.
You can now open a new star and name
her own name. Deserved reward for all

                              A. Smirnov, 1996


Other articles:

Turbo Assembler 3.0 - a full description.


Contest - a competition to "boot" of the year.

News - News from the firm WELCOME.

News - an overview of the computer press.

Ads - offer to lords programmers.


Guide - entry.

Guide - Game Academy (Academy).

Guide - Game Last Battle (The Last Stand)

Guide - Game Lords of Midnights (Lords of Midnight)

Guide - Game Stiflip & Company (Stifflip and company).

Guide - Game Where Time Stood Still (Where time stood still).

Spekutrum inside - logic elements.

Programmer's Reference - in search of eternal life.

Programmer's Reference - the entry point to the TR-DOS.

Directory - entry.

Big Brother - CD-ROM

photoscope - pictures of readers.

Humor - the fate of the resident, or a spider's web over the country.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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