Spectrum Progress #01
30 сентября 1996 |
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Game room - the passage of the famous game Prince of Persia.

Probably no one will object to the fact that interesting games are simply doomed to conquer various platforms of computers. Our Spectrum also was not deprived of attention in the past hits. And today, both domestic programmers successfully engaged spektrumizatsiey known games. And now, another ...". (C) SV Murashov, 1996. Another great and is already popular u pa came to us from IBM. Complex, diverse nye and very graceful movements of the main character does not allow to call this game simply "Hodilkoy" or "labyrinth." Rather, it's Mighty cartoon, one character who has decided to accept your help in solving their problems. But enough problems. In the long Persia (now - The Islamic Republic of Iran) in the absence of Sultan all power has decided to to seize crafty vizier Jafar (as seen GKChPisty - not original). But his lawful authority can only make nuptial knot with Princess, daughter of the Sultan, so the choice of her, he leaves: a wedding, or death. To think - just one hour. AND assistance waiting nowhere: Sultan - far, and its lover, a legitimate contender for the title Prince of Persia, captured and thrown into a dungeon, and heavy door tightly shut his way to freedom. Actually this scene and begin our run-animated feature. It will last exactly one hour: or prince, was chosen as some of his prison, killed before that date Jafar, or an end in any response to Princess ... Office of the Prince carried out by five standard keys (the four directions and "fire"). Choice of control there, but Prince initially "responds" to the left (1 ... 5) and R (6 ... 0) by Sinclair joystick and on-set Q, A, O, P, Space. Key "T" displays the remaining time, and key "Extend mode" - a pause in the game (out of a pause: "fire"). So, obeying your will, The Prince is able to perform the following motion: - The "right", "left": turn around right, left, run right, left - "Up": jump - "Up" (hold down): to climb (by go) upstairs, if there is to - "Down": to sit down or get off, if Prince stands on the edge of the cliff back to him - "Down" and then "fire": hang above terminates PTO - "Fire": a hand grasping movements: for example, measures, to take a sword or a pitcher, grab ledge in the wall after jumping or falling - "Fire" + "right" or "left": a step - Both "up" + "right" or "left": standing jump - First the "right" or "left" and "up" (not releasing the "right" or "left"): much more most long running jump Periodically, the way the Prince will be keep out aggressive military guards. If Prince unarmed, he is either to retreat or die. Therefore, choosing a rotten floor of his cell, he must first arm. Sword lies in the the end of the left side of the maze the first level. Seeing the approaching guard, Prince himself would get a sword, after which several key functions change: - The "right", "left": an offensive or retreat face to the enemy - "Up": a sword upward parry - "Down": to remove the sword - "Fire": a blow with a sword Red arrows at the bottom of the screen (at the beginning of their three) - it is your "life", each successful hit guard in battle reduces their number by one. But if before the fight will not have time Prince drew his sword, the first blow would be fatal for him. Yellow arrows on the right - the "life" guard. "Life can be lost and dropped from a height. Jump down one "step" for the Prince painlessly, for two - a trauma that is the loss of a "life" of three or more - is deadly. But hold on in the fall for something and not Prince may even suffer a fall from any height. But the guards of Jafar - not the only obstacle to the Prince. Sultan's Palace - is a real castle, ideally suited for defense against the hordes of invaders who managed to break into the palace and exploding from the bottom up to the rooms of the Sultan and Princess. Firstly, the whole huge multistory labyrinth of the palace is divided into 12 isolated from each other levels, ending with a massive door, behind which hidden staircase to the next level. The door opens only when you on a secret slab, hidden somewhere in the floor, sometimes at a considerable distance from door. Corridors of the maze blocked many heavy grating, rising briefly, as if stepping on a hidden plate located in the most unexpected times place. Secondly, in the corridors full of obstacles: deep gaps, barriers of sharp stakes, automatic guillotine. All of them do not allow go jogging, but a step or jump overcome without difficulty. Play a role and age Castle: Part wooden flooring is rotten and falls under our feet as we move on him too slow. And only one palace may help the prince: to maintain the strength of the defenders in secret places hidden jugs with elixir, restoring the wound. Small pitcher recovers one lost "Life," a large pitcher and restores all adds yet another "life." Now a few helpful hints. 1. Move from screen to screen step, not the run: You do not know what was waiting for you. 2. Flying in a jump or falling down - hold "on gon. "Some places otherwise not pass. 3. "Decay" does not fall immediately, you can not only to run on it, but to jump on it. Just remember the "fire"! 4. You jumped from the top - all the "rot" on your floor bounce. 5. Jump up to get the ceiling - "Rot" on the ceiling shake, and if touch this "rot" - she collapses, You opened up a manhole. 6. From each of the stalemate is, you stroke, usually through the "rot". 7. The Prince, unlike you, are familiar with the arrangement Niemi traps, so when you move a step He did not come to "rot", not fall in precipice does not get into the guillotine, etc., ec Whether, of course, you'll be on this crust ivat. On the run in his memory otshibaet. 8. The method described above is convenient approach the edge of the cliff before jumping. 9. Running jump requires two things: a) Distances in at least three bricks (more precisely, less). b) Training. Hone the technique to jump an even safer place. Note that Prince after pressing the "up" makes it even step before the jump. 10. Jump from the keyboard - a reliable, "with Joy tics "nice and comfortable. 11. The guard will not attack - between wa mi "rot." 12. Fight better on the counter: strike should be at the moment to Then stir the guard that would hit you with a sword. It's a my reliable way to win the battle. 13. Advancing in battle, you can change with v. nick sites. 14. Enter the door at the end of level: the "up". 15. If you do not jump down and climb down, then Prince it will be less painful. Of course, when translating "The Prince ..." with IBM on Spectrum is not without loss, but it just make your life easier. So on the Spectrum there are no (almost) plate-trapped trellis is not met me and jugs with the poison. Sharp knives, almost imperceptibly hidden under the floor and popping out only by careless approach to them, on the Spectrum rusted in the extended position. The guards were distinguished not only by the number "Life": among them met Asa Fencing (And not just himself Jafar). There are other minor differences, but for 95 percent of both versions are identical. But these concessions were not in vain: at IBM Princess to think given more time. Of course, Prince easily meet in the allotted hour, but you - not Prince, you have just learning. To this case in aybiemovskom "Prince of Persia" was the file "cheat.exe", allows you to quit at any level with any time and number of "lives". There is such a possibility and us. "" Prince of ..."? But why write about it, "password" all levels are already known ... "Comrade was wrong. Indeed, after the passage of each level program gives you a 7-character string, allowing future does not go over again through levels. But the password is difficult to call: after passing the same level again You will get a totally different "word". Why? Yes, because you've gone through it for another time. So, this is not the password, but rather a state file. Consider the structure of the letters: 1 - Code Level 2,3,4,5 - the time remaining until expiration: 5 - ten minutes 2 - units of minutes 3,4 - tens and units of seconds 6 - number of "lives" 7 - "checksum" Time and a checksum encrypted simply: 0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C, 3 = D, etc. Code level and the number of "lives" to decipher more complicated: 2 = E, 3 = M, 4 = C, 5 = K, 6 = G, 7 = O, 8 = B, 9 = J, 10 = F, 11 = N, 12 = D, 13 = L. Checksum need to complicate you life, but there's nothing complicated: the as decreased or increased number corresponding to the letter by you, for as same figure should be changed (and letter) checksum. For example: DADCECO - 12-th level, 40 minutes, 4 life. DADCEDP - the same, but life was already 12. By the way, you can control the amount of leave rest, and change the codes of seconds. Climb immediately to the 12-th level not advise it, but practice in the second level of fencing with 12-lives - a useful thing: EEEACDB. Those who like deceit is abhorrent, a bit of advice: go through each level twice, the second time - on time and further use "record" password. And now - bad advice. Why harmful? And here, for example: a "mirror can be broken but gami to jump from the takeoff. "Check on your furniture. Convinced? That's just the same. But if Seriously, it is this. Of course, you can detail to paint every step in all 12-and levels and thereby deprive you every kind of pleasure from overcoming "insurmountable" obstacles. So I advise at this point to finish reading and take up the game. So, out of the "deadlock" situations. - Screen Saver Games: tired - press "SPACE" - Enter password - the new game ": Run in Prince off-screen (left or right) - Level 1: Output from the camera - a "rotten" floor. Sword - left door - on the right. Invisible Plate - next to the door, on the visor. The path traversed by you - not only possible. - Third level: Are you sure that over a cliff on the right do not? Incidentally, the third level is one of the most difficult, but manage to reach the grating to closing it is still possible. For those who ran: skeleton is already dead, killed him not, but push - you can. - Escaped from the broken mirror reflection of the Prince ("Shadow"), and no sense of humor is not enough to evaluate his "jokes". But the ghost of Palace of us to anything, and when they met him in 12th level, remove the sword - it is "unmirrored" Your action, and then just embraced. Only does not behave the same way when meeting with Jafar! - One of the surprises you can not catch write down your password so SnakeBox least grasp wall in the fall. - We have already mentioned that the difficult jumps better to do with the keyboard rather than a joystick. A here is one of the levels you can not go without the help of Mouse ... - Elixir of the jug could ferment and ... So learn a rack on the ears. - 12-th level of the longest, is split into several parts, which means that by dying already After meeting with the "shadow" you do not have to go through this level from the beginning. Do not look for plate, which controls the door: it deep down and work, when it will drop fragments of rotten floor in front of Jafar. - Where is the door of the latter, 12-level? Of course, to the Prin process, the final credits, and ... However, little skill, community dramatically, and you will see it own eyes.
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