Spectrum Progress #01
30 сентября 1996

Toolkit - a program to work with the modem on the ZX Spectrum - Macro Modem (MMD).

<b>Toolkit</b> - a program to work with the modem on the ZX Spectrum - Macro Modem (MMD).
  Modem - a useful thing for any sinklerista.
And it is very important to use the modem was
comfortable and productive. But this depends not only
of hardware, but also on policy support.
We are pleased to present you today with a program

    MACRO MODEM (OMEGA GROUP, St. Petersburg).
We publish below a description of the author, and in the annex 
to the magazine, you'll find a trial version of the program 
operable in all modes, except for round-trip data. 

  Contact the authors, you can look in the
Advertising and Branding section and section
Zhelezyaki not too lazy to look a little

  (C), Alexander Mayorov (MAS), 1996.

                      Modem - like many in this

                      word for heart "user"

                      merged. How much in it

                      interwoven ...

                      (Pushkin, from



- Requires 128K (or better - 256K)
- Always on terminal mode and can be seen

  catalogs CDs
- Text size 6x8 pixels, which allows you to have to

  screen, 42 characters per line
- You can transfer:

   - Any number of files

   - Disc with any on any track

   - Directory of the drive

   - List of selected files to your adopted

     from the subscriber directory, and then take these

- The presence of the operator at the other end of the body
  fonnoy line necessarily, because PC

  tracking mode, in which there is a second



  After loading the screen will look like this:

          Window 1 Window 2 Window 3

         working infor-enacted

         mation directory catalog

              WINDOW 4 Tips

                    Window 5

                Terminal Window

In the first window displays a directory on your disk.
In the second - the information about the directory.
In the 3 rd window displays ACCEPTED directory.
4-e window - hint function keys.
5-e window - the window of the terminal.

  Over the output directory name and drive
Disk (A: Diskname), and in the catalog TAKEN
files before the name of the drive is the letter "X".
(Why is "X" - I do not know ...)

  The information window is displayed:

 State of the keyboard (LAT / RUS, CAPS)
 Which directory is active (Operating / Acceptance)
 The number of files in a directory (Files)
 Number of deleted files (Del.F.)
 Number of free sectors (Free)
 The number of selected files (MARK)
 The size of selected files in the sectors (SIZE)
 Current Number Setup


  Key "True Video" You can choose

  Key "Inv. Video" - switch catalog
mode all / only the marked files.
Move the catalog: the arrow keys.
Supply / uncheck file: GRAPHICS.

  Pressing the Symbol Shift and "I" do such a thing: if there 
are tagged files, they will disappear. And if no files are 
marked - Then select all.

  Symbol Shift key combination, and "Q" to change
Thumbnail size.

  There are three types of sizes:
1. directories in 16 files

   a terminal window - 3 lines;
2. Catalogues - 8 files

   terminal window - 11 lines;
3. terminal window is full screen.

  Pressing the Symbol Shift and "W" will clear

  Pressing other keys from the menu prompts
lead to the discovery of the corresponding window.

  If this box is not imposed on the window
Terminal, the reception from both lines. If
same terminal window, covertly, then when you receive a 
character from a line there (line) will get a message 
"SUBSCRIBER BUSY". And when you close all window, the line will 
receive a message "SUBSCRIBER Free ".

  By the way, to close the window, press BREAK.

  When you open the box to the left of the options will be
numbers (1 ... 9). This is a "hot" keys. You can
select the cursor and then press Enter,
or just click on the figure.

  Pressing the Symbol Shift and "E" opens a window for
with LOG'om.

  In this window, you can:
- Reset the log to disk
- Clear the log
- Move the log to a file
- Enter the name log'a
- Enter the name adopted by a text file

  Bottom of the window will be displayed the current length 
log'a and size of free memory for log'a.

  A few words about the names Log'a and text. When
Conservation log'a or text they will be saved
by entering names and then the name will be changed
as follows: if the last 2 characters not numbers, they
replaced by "00", and if they are numbers,
then this number will be increased by One unit
(08 => 09.)

  When you press the BREAK you exit mode "Setup" and a window 
will appear: 

  1 Setup 1

  2 flags

  3 colors

  4 survived. setup

  Key "1" You can switch Setup'y
(1 / 2) Ie You can set flags in different ways and the press of 
a button to change the configuration. 

  When you press "4" program will save
All settings. Saving settings is
"In itself", and if it is not possible (no hard drive
file or the file is not the program), then you will receive the 
message "No File". 

  By pressing "2" takes you to the main window

  There will be two windows: the "modem" and "Flag". To go from 
window to window, click Space 

                 WINDOW "modem"

1. VICOMM on / off - to work in the regime

    Vicomm or in advanced mode. Also about
    comes to include all the other flags under

    this mode.
2. LENGTH 128/256 - files transfer

    in blocks of 128 or 256 bytes (128 = Vi
    comm). When working with a length of 256 bytes exchanged

    going a little faster. Receiving

    computer will determine the length of the block.
3. CONTROL on / off - in general, this function has been

    introduced for debugging. If it is turned off,

    You can store files on the drive to

    magnetic tape, ie, get something

    like streamer. Since the tape in 90 minutes.

    You can save the 2.3 disc. When you receive a

    tape in case of an error sound you hear KO
    Bells. In this case, simply rewind the flax
    that back a little. And the program will automatically find

    desired block. When the file is loaded,

    Click on "pause" while the computer is preserved
    data exists.
4. TEAMS on / off - pass / no pass

    code executes the command line (to

    a second computer it tracked). For Vicomm'a

    value of the flag: send / receive

    files one by one (off) or bulk (on).
5. OTZVUCHKA on / off - whether the program

    a little make some noise at the end of the exchange. In 
dependence     depending on how the exchange of information 
took place     tion will be played:

     - Music is a happy end exchange

     - Plaintive song about the untimely

       caller who left you

     - Russian folk song

       "In line noise were all standing ..."
6. ECHO on / off - remove or not to screen

     you type characters.
7. SPEED on / off - if this flag is "on",

    then at the reception of any character from the line of prog
    Ramm switch to the speed with which

    This symbol was transmitted. And if this flag

    "Off", then the information will still be adopted
    that, but you will pass on the velocity
    TI, who asked themselves.
8. TEXT 16K/64K - when receiving text

    files, the program will divide them into

    blocks of 16 or 64 kilobytes. Blocks of 16K

    can be processed by any text editors
    rum. Also, at the end of 16-tikilobaytnogo fi
    la, insert the code "new line" because

    without it, some editors do not find to
    Finally the file, and ...

                WINDOW SYSTEM

1. SOUND on / off - a strange feature ...
2. Comte. CD on / off - whether to move

     mode "Reading directory" when you change the disc.
3. Comte. DIR. on / off - whether you need to

    admission to reread files directory. This

    box needed to those who turned off the flag 1, mixed
    Neil disk, the directory is not read. In this

    event while receiving files directory of the drive

    will be destroyed ...
4. CR + LF on / off - in terminal mode

    whether you want to embed the 2-byte marker concentration
    sample line (# 0D, # 0A) (on) or insert

    Once the code # 0D (off). Code # 0A interfere in

    IS-DOS'e, but just need a ZX-WORD'u!
5. RESIDENT on / off-only SCORPION ZS 256.

    If - "on", after the start of any (almost)

    program from the modem you can go

    ago (in modem), or by pressing Magik Re
6. AVTOSOHR.LOG on / off - whether to store

    log when it is filled, or simply

    clean it.
7. REPETITION on / off - auto-repeat keys.
8. C. DELAY - the value of the delay between

                 auto-repeat keys.

  Another option available in Setup'e color change. They are 
called from the main menu SETUP button "3."

  There will be windows "COLOR" and "bar."
In the color appears as

    , Where

                "B" - brightness 0 / 1,

                "P" - paper color

                "I" - the color of ink.

                 WINDOW PANELS "

1. LH SP - color bar of your catalog.
2. L.Otm.F. - Color of selected files

               the left panel.
3. RIGHT AP - color panel adopted

4. P.Otm.F. - Color otmechennyh files

              In the right pane.
5. SIST.P. - The color of the dashboard.
6. Inf.P. - The color of the panel with a clue.

                 WINDOW "COLOR"

1. USER - the color of the terminal window, and

             color you type characters
2. LINE - the color adopted by the characters
3. SYSTEM - the color of system messages
4. ERROR - the color of error messages
5. BORDER - Border color
6. BORDER2 - the color of the curb in exchange.

   Ie transmission / reception on the curb (the colors

    BORDER) "flee" the band tsveta BORDER2.

  In my opinion, the best signal on the exchange
Border color than sound like Vicomm'a. Attention! On the 
computer SCORPION 256 is better to remove jumper, through which 
sound going on the tape goes to the speaker, in this case

You will not be "happy" dial-up sounds!

  If you want to change any color,
then select the option from the window. A window will appear
Dyed color, which is specified in the option. In
This window allows you to enter a color (ARKOST / Paper /

      MODE "VIEW" (Symbol Shift + Space)

1. Download and view the file as text

   (Zagruzayutsya either the current file, or

   first marked, then mark

   with it removed)
2. Image of the downloaded file as a text
3. Image of the downloaded file as a screen
4. Image Text TERMINAL

  Below displays the name of the downloaded file.

           Viewing the display FILE

  The first 6912 bytes of the file will be displayed on
screen. Working keys for viewing:
SPACE / BREAK - exit
2 - all tsveta/mono1/mono2
3 - change the color border

               View Text

  Control keys:

Color black - "1"
Color of the paper - "2"
Border color - "3"
Forward to the screen - Enter, True Video, "A", "6"
BACK to the screen - Inv. Video, "Q", "7"
Forward to a string - "cursor down"
Back on line - the "cursor up"

       MODE "DISK" (Caps Shift + Enter)

  Disk commands.

1. CHANGE CD - ...
2. Run the file - if the cursor is on the left panel

    indicates a BASIC-file, it starts up.

    It was then resident in handy.
3. Upload File - Download the file to which

    the cursor left panel.
4. Rename the file - ...
5. Delete Files - Delete selected files.
6. Save - save the file in

    in memory. Necessary in case of disk failure

    for admission, ie, when the file is accepted, but not


         MODE "MACROS" (Extend mode)

  Macros - these are small tekstiki that can be sent by 
pressing two keys. 

  When you press the keys of "A" through "Z" will
transferred to the corresponding macro.

  Clicking on the Caps Shift and A. .. Z will take you
in the macro editor.

  SPACE key allows you to save / load / delete macros.

  Pressing "0" you send in a line symbol, taking
that is, the computer time "bumknet.

  Use the "2" You can clear your screen caller ...

  Keys "2" / 3 "You can send messages
SUBSCRIBER BUSY / release (this just in
in case ...)

  When you press "4" line will have several times sent to the 
code 24 (interrupt). This code should be sent to the BBS if you 
want to stop reception / transmission.

               Macro editor

  There will be two windows:

  - In the bottom will display the text of a macro

  - At the top:

EDITOR:? - Enter the text of a macro with the name? "

    (A. .. Z) Break - end of input.
NEXT - Go to next. macro
LENGTH 31/63 - generally the maximum length of a macro

    31 bytes, but if you do it a little, then turning

    "LENGTH 63" can gain more macro,

    but by the next one! Ie if you type

    63-byte macro "A", the macro "B"

    use will be. Because it will

    ending the "long" macro "A".

  Also, macros have one more little thing: if the
the end of a macro to put the UP ARROW
(Press the corresponding button), then after the transfer
macro program goes into transfer mode

  And if you put a down arrow, then go into
mode receive the file.

  This case has been introduced for the convenience of working 
with BBS. Ie if you need to take, say, e-mail, then

write a macro:

bcnq yx

  When transmission of the macro Eldorado BBS
begins to transfer mail, and the program, passing
macro, move to the reception. Ie receive mail
reduced to pressing two keys!

      MODE "LINE" (Symbol Shift + Enter)

  A window will appear:

1. SPEED 600/1800/2400 - ...
2. QUERIES:?? - The number of attempts

                     reception / transmission
3. Reception / Transmission - ...

                        (Only for Vicomm)
5. FILES - take files or transfer marked
6. CATALOGUE - send your catalog / adopt

             subscriber directory (XA. .. XD)
7. CD - take / pass the disc

             with any on any track
8. Autoexchange - pass list of selected

             Your files on an incoming directory

             and switch to "Receiving files".

  And now some things that are not included in

  While working with the program often occur breakup ... In 
this case, will be displayed string "WARNING!! ERROR!", and 
under it will come out line with the explanation of the 
breakup. Because my laziness describe the error messages, they 
are displayed in Russian. 

  If you're too lazy to click on the button, then use KEMPSTON 

  To select an item from the window hints indicate
on it with mouse and press any button.

  If the mouse is in a window with a directory, then
buttons work as follows:
 RIGHT - note file
 LEFT - the cursor on the file
 AVERAGE - switching directory

    mode all / only the marked files.

  When you press any button on the mouse itself
the top of the window with the directory holds PAGE UP, at the 
very bottom line of the window - PAGE DOWN. 

  If the mouse is at the bottom of the screen, the buttons do 
such a thing:  RIGHT - change size of windows

 LEFT - clear terminal window
 AVERAGE - to exit the Setup

  In all other cases, clicking on the button
mouse causes:
 Right Button - disc options
 LEFT - data exchange
 AVERAGE - Image

  While viewing the text:
 Right button - forward
 LEFT - Back

  When you select from a menu:
 Right, Middle button - Select
 LEFT - Cancel

  If your mouse is no middle button, then press both the left 
and right. 

  A few words about the RESIDENT. When the program starts with 
a resident of the modem keeps himself in Skorpionovskih memory 
pages (pages 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). And it hooks over the RST # 
08 and Reset.

  Speaking of memory:

  For a text terminal allocated 16384 (to
Scorpion: 24488) bytes.

  For the 64K file is given, ie either the entire file will fit 
into memory. 

  When you start MODEM test computer.

  The test results you can see when you call
option VIEWING TERMINAL "or when you run
program (if you press the space bar).

  The most important indicator of the test - it's the CPU or, 
in other words, the speed of his work. If you have included 
BRAKE or turbo mode, then they should be shut down, otherwise

communication would be impossible! Although not eliminated the 
possibility of connection of two turbocharged engines. 

  This program was tested on the following

 - PENTIUM-133 ... br-rr! Pentagon-128
 - KAY-256

  And as no surprise, everything worked.

Other articles:

From the Editor - We invite you, dear readers, in a world of creativity to the world of the Spectrum.

From the Editor - a description of the shell magazine.

Game room - the passage of the famous game Prince of Persia.

Game room - description of a unique non-deterministic game Soldiers of the Future.

Game room - description of the game about the mafia and the FBI - The Movie.

Notes programmer - Extended opertivnost memory for ZX Spectrum.

Notes programmer - univkrsalnaya library for working with graphics from Vyacheslav Mednonogova - Graphic Library v1.1

Notes programmer - a program of Russification (Russian translation).

Notes programmer - bug monitor debugger ZS Scorpion 256.

Toolkit - We offer to meet with the new operating system Domen OS!

Toolkit - description of a new editor-font FONT EDITOR.

Toolkit - a program to work with the modem on the ZX Spectrum - Macro Modem (MMD).

piece of iron - The company "Peters presents his new development of a home computer, "Sprinter".

piece of iron - the story of creation and development firm Peters. "

piece of iron - The scheme modem for c program Macro Modem.

Contest - a better name for a new home computer for the modern user!

News - for new projects on the Spectrum: The Legend of Kirandii, Dune 2, Modem Chess, Sprtnter, Domain OS, new graphical editor for sprinters.

News - a brief report and results from Enlight'96.

Aquarius - open the last secret of the legendary game ELITE!

Forum - Dear readers - write letters!

Advertising - free advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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