City #34
06 ноября 1999

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 26).

<b>Likbez</b> - a full disassembler ROM (part 26).
    ************* **************** LIKBEZ

(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


Address 5803. Runs the command MOVE. Set
5803 CALL 7541; if there is a check on the syntactic
                    system, then return

      CALL 5743; reserve space in memory

      CALL 1029, setting the disk

      LD A, (24089); deleted files on the disk is?

      OR A

      JP Z, 993, and if not, the message OK

      LD HL, 0, 0 sectors until freed

      LD (23769), HL

      LD C, 255; start with file number 0
5827 INC C; next file

      CALL 5715, he erased?

      JR NZ, 5827, and if not, then the next file

      LD A, C; retention rates erase


      LD (23764), A

      LD HL, (23787) take the address of the file to erase


      LD (23765), HL; save it

      CALL 5783; increment the counter by releasing
                    shihsya sectors
5846 INC C; next file

      CALL 5715, he erased?

      JR Z, 5846, and if so, what next file

      CP 0; is the end of the catalog?

      JP NZ, 5904, and if not, then change the files Months

      LD A, (23764) take the number erases the

      LD C, A
5861 INC C; next file

      CALL 5715; is the end of the catalog?

      CP 0

      JR Z, 5996, and if so, the reorganization described
                    satel drive

      XOR A; the end of the catalog

      LD (23773), A

      CALL 7744; record of the file descriptor

      CALL 5783; increment the counter by releasing
                    shihsya sectors

      JR 5861; repeat
5904 LD A, (23786), we take the size of the roaming fi
                    la sectors

      LD (23763), A; save it

      LD (23761), A

      LD HL, (23787) take the address of the file to be moved


      LD (23765), HL; save it

      PUSH BC; retention rates moved


      CALL 6053; move the file

      POP BC; recovery rates moving
                    emogo file

      LD HL, (23796); movement will continue with this


      LD (23765), HL

      LD (23787), HL

      XOR A; size of deleted files - 0 sec

      LD (23786), A

      LD A, (23773), the preservation of the first character has
                    no file

      PUSH AF

      LD A, 1; file erased

      LD (23773), A

      CALL 7744; record descriptor erased files

      POP AF; restoration of the first symbol


      LD (23773), A

      LD A, (23764) take the number of erased files

      LD C, A

      LD HL, (23771), setting a new address displacements
                    generalized file

      LD (23787), HL; disk

      LD A, (23761); restoration size mixing
                    generalized file

      LD (23786), A; disk

      CALL 7744; entry descriptor of the displaced


      LD A, (23764) take the number of the file after the 
changes                     generalized

      INC A

      LD C, A

      CALL 5725; reading its descriptor

      LD HL, (23765), installation of his new address on


      LD (23787), HL

      CALL 7744; its record handle

      LD A, (23764) take the number of displaced file

      LD C, A

      JP 5827; repeat

Address 5996. Reorganization of the descriptor disk. Set 23759, 
23769 and 23765. 5996 LD HL, (23759) take the address of the 
working space                     properties

      LD BC, 4096; reducing it to 4096 bytes

      CALL 7726

      CALL 1021; boot sector of the buffer 8 to
                    Cones 0

      LD HL, (24074), an increase in the number of freely
                    th place on

      LD DE, (23769); drive

      ADD HL, DE

      LD (24074), HL

      LD A, (24073), reducing the number of files

                    drive on

      LD HL, 24089; the number of erased

      SUB (HL)

      LD (24073), A

      LD (HL), 0; on the disk is no longer erased


      LD HL, (23765), setting a new address freedoms
                    Nogo space

      LD (24070), HL; drive

      PUSH AF; preservation of the files on


      CALL 7747; track record sector 8 0

      POP AF; restoration of fi
                    fishing on the disk

      LD C, A

      CALL 5725; reading the file descriptor for the settlement

      XOR A; is the end of the catalog

      LD (23773), A

      JP 1385; record of the file descriptor, and assured

             to be continued ...

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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